We just became 1st world. How much does this make you seethe?
Macedonian flag raised in NATO
You got to join your fellow 1st world country of Albania. Good for you.
I am proud of you sons of alexander
Enjoy joining the most dysfunctional group since the warsaw pact
Literally who
Still a meme coutry with a fake name
Alexander never spoke a Bulgarian dialect
Oh the guys from Eurovision, congrats
I thought Greece was already in NATO.
Just in time for WWIII.
Yay...more coat riders...
Bow down to macedonia and pay debts.
Macedonia is a shithole which will be annexed by Serbia and all non Slavs deported to the Mediterranean Sea
>ketchup and mustard flag
There are no slavs on the Balkans.
Memeflag 3rd worlder angry at NATO/EU Chads
Cool and as soon as the USA leaves Nato your back where you belong.. In a circle of shit.
fake name bleibt fake , language still Bulgarian
I fucked a macedonian chick once.
Was pretty good.
Its a real country? I always thought it was one of those fake countries Hollywood uses in Marvel movies to stage a dictatorship/war to be PC about not offending a real country.
Bulgarian and macedonian are not the same language.
literally fuck off. this entire shithole can fall into a black hole and the world will be better for it
Of course they are not and this is a known historical fact.
Good puppet. Now open your gates for millions of muslims as a real 1st tier world.
Aren't you guise a legume?
You meant north macedonia didn't you?
so swarthy.
Wrong. It symbolizes your country has officially been recognized as cucked beyond hope.
why is this paki man wearing eyelashes?
don't tell me hes serbshit lol
Did you just get internet? You joined NATO in 2004
It's serbian """woman"""
Welcome neighbors
Get out of my country b*lkanoid
Literally for what? So Germany can boss you around?
>being proud of becoming a dog of Israel
You are basically retarded OP
How does it feel claiming history from literally all four countries that border you? It must not feel really good huh?
It's okay though Nikola, it's not your fault.
Keep dreaming McDonaldonians.
Hiromoot change this.
Im rather smug about you getting in EU before Ukraine.
now smrdistan is fully encircled and will be forever forced to LARP their """""glory""""" and never be able to chimp out again
failed ex communist countries joining nato to be globalist servants and leech off american taxpayer money
seethe some more sweaty
there goes your last shot at expanding your micronation
I guess you'll just have to live with the fact you have small penises, can't even go to war to overcompensate anymore top kek
Ajde smiri se pederu, kojim govnima vas hrane u toj tvojoj kifli od drzave ako mislis da je ikome ovde do nekog sirenja. Bolje misli koliko cete para puci jer mozete da se jebete sa turizmom ove godine a treba placati penzije armiji kojekavih branitelja. Jos vas ima duplo manje nego nas pedercicu feminizirani.
I would literally prefer Serbia to your meme stolen-everything country
Bojan Stojkovic and Tanja Savic are both from the South. I guess that swarthiness is more common there, I live in Novi Sad and I've very rarely seen people who are noticeably swarthy. And who the fuck takes pride in paleness anyway, only poltard NEET faggots who leech off their parents like the parasites they are.
When talking about Serbia, at least we can even imagine expansion, to Croatia that is beyond even wildest power fantasies. Except if you decide to suck our dick so you can get that Croat part of Bosnia.
While your existence in the world serves nothing more but to drag us down, we deal in world geopolitical affairs and make business with your masters, and powerhouses around the globe, while you wait for crumbs of your slave owners to fall from the table.
We had to have coup and after that a prime minister assassinated to even become a fraction of a puppet that Croatia has been throughout the history, and even then it worked for 9 years, while you still hope your masters like you and they dont decide "Ooops todays is the day to create Dalmatian idenity!", only thing guaranteeing that wont be happening your desperate hope.
Whole world lands in Belgrade, while nobody cares about Zagreb, and best of all, you like your position of a dog and vermin, while we pride ourselves with out position of independent nation, taking responsibility for both victories and defeats, something a slave like Croat cannot get ( mostly the reason why you turned on us).
We dont want to be in you fucking terrorist organisation. On the referendum only like 30% of the population voted for this shit. Most of them are Albanians. Those pureblooded Macedonians who want to join NATO are idiots and few. The problem is our pooliticinas are treasonous dogs of the west and so only very few parties are against the EU and NATO.
Some of my countrymen are idiots.
Thanks you big daddy, but we dont want it.
Proud? Those who are proud are mostly Albanian savages and treasonous politicians.
Our treasonous dogs of politicians will probably be for this. They listen to their overlords in Washingotn and Brussels.
These Macedonian flags always sting into my eyes. When there's a Macedonian flag you forget about all other flags.
While I don't personally like it, I think it's better for, god forbid me for uttering this, """"Macedonian state"""". It protects you from Bulgaro-Greeko-Serbo expansionism depending if you see national identity of Macedonia as ethnic one.
Haven’t thought Serbs were such gyppos
>Yeayyyu the new colony of USA . Enjoy fucking u with migrants.
I like the Macedonian flag
greeks btfo
Better? Fuck no! Bulgaria and Greece are both NATO members, they wont do shit. As for Serbia, we always enjoyed good relations, and we like each other except SOME people on the internet.
isnt the japanese flag white and red, not piss and red
After the war some emmigrated here to silently prepeare to rise up again. Changed the colours to not make it too obvious and to confuse their enemies.
>rising sun
>forever sun
pick one
Macedonia forever stronk!
those tears, delicious.