What drove him to do it?
What drove him to do it?
Why is Florida so based?
How can you be a doctor and mutilate the genitals of babies? Any doctors doing this should he named and shamed. Make them known. Make it socially and morally unacceptable.
Man Ian really let himself go
Did he find the doctor who circumcised him as a baby or did he get circumcised later in life and wasn't pleased with the results?
Florida Man strikes again. This time, it was 100% justified. Never forget what they did to you.
As an intactivist myself, all I can say is FUCK 'EM
what a good man, he took the life of the man that stole his.
Also, this has happened before:
People obsessed with their foreskin are mentally ill.
Millennials did all those things, though. That generation was like a locust swarm on culture.
Id say the kike obsessed with mine was worse
fucking based
Do you have yours?
Did someone shoop Zim Zam to be Asian?
When I have a son, I don’t think I’ll allow him to have that done to him. They apparently scream in pain yo. Fuck that.... And what if it goes wrong and he’s permanently mutilated and disabled for the rest of his life?
Looks like an asian version of george Zimmerman
Fucking based.
when was his circumcision?
>And what if it goes wrong and he’s permanently mutilated and disabled for the rest of his life?
then he will have become a proud american
"when in Rome..."
Man arrested after revenge-homicide of the cultist doctor who comitted acts of genital mutilation against him when he was a defenseless child
Alternative headline
if you prevent the doctor from mutilating your baby boy you're also preventing your baby from being brain damaged for life
People who skin baby dicks are mentally ill.
pro tip : It wasn't a doctor.
Probably a jew doctor who was a butcher and had it coming. If someone mutilated your pee pee you would want to kill them too, right?
Some people can handle Yas Forums, some people can't. If you've ever felt the urge to act because of a thread or post, you probably shouldn't be here.
El goblino.
based. every circumcised man has the right to slaughter their foreskinner
m-mexican andy??
La creatura de Florida
>What drove him to do it?
schizophrenia caused by circumcision
His based levels were at odds with his cock
>What drove him to do it?
The answer you are looking for is in the headline.
Yeah, but I actually have been thinking about finding out who did mine and ambush him in public and shame the fuck out of him and poor sour milk on his head.
If every guy who got cut started doing that we'd make circumsiers pariahs.
You know, after integrating and healing much of this wound psychologically, I don't even blame the Jews, really. I blame their ancestors and the ideas/emotions that perpetuate this cycle of trauma. The Jews are in the same position us American males are in. The Jews need to turn on their ancestors and rise above this historical narrative once and for all.
This collective trauma is associated with the fall of Rome and the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. This trauma is responsible for the exile of the Jews time and time again and it's responsible for their self hating, sociopathic behavior. It's the cause of so much malevolence that has covered the planet since the inception of the practice.
Yeah dude you want a real mindfuck Google Baal'berith. Jews are fucking demon worshipers.
Why was he arrested?
Im glad i spared convinced my ex to spare our son the curse.
you're a good man, i'd say find a better woman and keep making boys and protect them from the circumfetishists
he thought the doctor crippled his dicks potential which it did, but being asian didn't do him any favors KEK
I know they are. To what extent, I'm unaware, but they need to be pulled out of it for the sake of humanity. There's polarity to everything, so there's a positive pole that balances out and neutralizes those demons. I'm going to work on that since I'm one of the circumcised.
The circumcised have been forced into hell since infancy. Most of us choose to remain unconscious for obvious reasons, but that strategy won't work forever because were all forced to face the truth at some point, even if it's while we die. I think neutralizing demons with the spirit of Christ is my way out of this.
doing God's work. I bless them.
Vile Shlomo
Your country is a literal SHIT HOLE, of course MUTTS like this happen
In CANADA, our men are bred with HONOR and DIGNITY.
And look over at our disgusting FAT fuck neighbors in the URCCSSA (UNITED RUINOUS CORPORATE COCK SUCKING STATES OF AMERICA).
Most of you couldn't even fulfill the basic requirements of personal fucking hygiene. AHAHAHAHA.
You people are a NATION IN DECLINE. It shows it in how horribly lamed you all are.
Hell, if any of you came up to Canada?
Hahhaaa, it would be FUCKING OVER. All of our women (who are hotter and much less sluttier) would laugh and spit in your fat wobbling faces.
Me and the dudes would fucking beat the fuck out of you and hold you all down, each of us taking turns SHITTING on your crying disgusting AMERICAN faces
Lol, and you disgusting people have the fucking GALL to say that Canada is "irrelevant"?
Must be that infamous American """"""""education"""""""", stupid fat fucks.
Fuck America, and fuck all of the Americans reading this comment.
If I could line all of you up in a football field and punch you really fucking hard in the face, I would in a heartbeat. TWICE.
That's right fat fucks, in Canada, we can actually run the distances of football fields because we have actual fitness.
What do you fucks have, eh?
Fuck off.
Fuck you for mass killings of innocents in the wars of Iraq
Fuck you for creating ISIS
Fuck you for causing the European migrant crisis
Fuck you for the killings of blacks at the hands of police
Fuck you for duck dynasty
Fuck you for Trump
Fuck you for spreading your shitty cancerous culture all over the world
Fuck you for creating atomic weapons
Fuck you for creating a situation that could literally end the world in atomic fire
based mutt
Asking the right fucking questions Baltic bro
generational blaming is truly the dumbest shit ever, im not even going to expound on why, figure it out yourself moron
So, Elder god tier ?
Keep your antisemitism on check, pal
Yes, trannies doctors too, they deserved the rope.
There should be an anonymous system with tor or beechat network of target list and crowdfunding bounty hunters in minecraft.
it's the Australia of the united states
>broke into jail to hang out with friends
>*makes a religion out sucking baby dicks*
>wheres my heckin chopped skinerino
>He will thank me later... and whoever takes his virginity
Written in that way seems he should be thankful he will ever be able to find someone to have sex with...
Shouldn't have she a "will too" after "virginity"?
>My child is in a coma! LOL!
Haha you know nothing, you are like a little baby.
That's racism against the goys though, and god knows they can't let one insult go on.
This is America. This is the mind of the people who weren't traumatized at birth. Imagine the mind of those who were.