If God exists why did he let Hitler lose?

Why did God abandon us? ZOG rules over the planet now with no end in sight, its so disheartening bros

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God does exist. Judaism is the correct religion.

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Yeah no

What other explanation could there be?

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The bible has been proven wrong, why would that be God? Why would the truth of its existence be told?

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all i know is jews are pure evil

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Nazis were pagans who rejected god. Everything that has happened to the Catholic church has been rightful.

because his troops burned churches and practiced neo-paganism

6You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. These things must happen, but the end is still to come. 7Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. 8All these are the beginning of birth pains.
if hitler would have won we wouldnt see all these things, not see where godlesness leads to and as a result render the whole civilizational cycle as useless since we didnt learn about good and evil. We are currently learning about the evil, so that we hopefully rebuke it and choose good/God over it

>Nazis were pagans who rejected god
They were cosmotheists/ racialist pantheists

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I don’t think God interferes in human affairs
If it does that would mean that free will doesn’t exist

>no end in sight
You're not paying attention
Jews are less than a decade away from being gassed for real
You're probably a kike looking to push atheism
Fun fact: Before jews get killed they scream and squeal. If jews were really atheist they wouldn't fear death.

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what a bunch of ugly dirty rat kikes trying to imitate whites

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>Jews are less than a decade away from being gassed for real
kill yourself siegenigger

The Book of Revelations can’t happen if the good guys always win.

God exists and he sent hitler to save us

god exists but so does satan. hitler was outnumbered what more could he have done?

oh good I triggered a paid kike shill
didn't fool me with the meme flag you dumb fucking rat kike

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Because God loves white people
Maybe Hitler shouldn't have killed 50 million whites?

>If God exists why did he let Hitler lose?
if god exists, why did jesus die?

To get Krauts, Wops, and Japs back into to praying and valuing important things like brotherliness.

>Being a constant liar, breaking your promises before the war
>Putting christians and Jehovas witness in concentration camps.
>Practicing neo-paganism.
>Allying with muslims.
>"Love thy neighbor" - Attacks all his neighbors.
>Forces elementary schools to teach "natural law" and Darwinism.
It wasnt supposed to end this way :( God has abandoned me

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Its true. The 1000 years reich lasted 12 years. Judaism 5000 years.

>oh good I triggered a paid kike shill
>didn't fool me with the meme flag you dumb fucking rat kike
you're the paid shill, talking about killing people, either that or you're a child.
i'm a real national socialist, connected to legitimate organizations and chapters.
people like you give our movement a bad reputation, we're supposed to be the beacons of light, but then fuckboys or operatives like you fuck shit up.

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Because Satan exists.

Many times more Whites were killed by the Allies.

ww2 or great war part 2 was a huge shitshow and a mistake

thanks for the answers lads it brings some peace of mind. apologies if the OP sounded demoralizing

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Nice cope larp kike faggot
4850 of those years jews were getting bitched around by everybody/
All the original jews from 2000 years ago have been killed off.
Now there are southern Russians who converted to judaism about 900 AD and just use their kikery as an excuse to subvert and exploit

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I don't remember the Bible saying anything about German master race and putting people in concentration camps.

Hitler was a lying faggot.

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He lost the war in 2 years but managed to drag it out for a couple of more years to ensure more destruction of Europe. I'm still wondering if this was some Austrian plot to destroy Germany

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Only because your people were gated-in by Thoth, right? You potato pancakes always had the home field advantage, no?

He asked for peace numerous times and was refused by the allies on all occasions

Because he isn't real

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>kike hiding behind meme
Wow look at this an enlightened kike shill
show flag Israeli kike faggot
Look at how you waste time attacking me when there are other obvious kikes on this thread.
Of course its a bigger threat if a goyim says kikes need to be gassed for real

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i'm starting to think you're the christcuck who posts on NSG generals all the times saying that judaism came after christianity, am i right?

To unify the white race? There wasn't a globally obvious unifying threat in his time.

But why apologize for God since it doesn't exist?

The national alliance was way after ww2...

>posting on nsg general
what is that?
don't derail the thread kike faggot and show your flag

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i know that, i just used it because its the only modern organization for a racialist religion.

lol. I love how you pathetic dumbfucks love to portray jesus as a white european man.

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because he was occupying other nations.
After putting the final knife in the back of his own population by attacking the Soviets there was no hope for peace at all. He pretty much gave half of Europe to the commies

>Kike is ignoring the fact jesus pissed off kikes and is nitpicking about him being white
this has nothing to do with christianity
Everyone observe how these kikes try to misdirect instead of answering the question how white jews are not even real jews

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God is very real

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sturmboi, why don't you look at my post on cosmotheism.
i posted an american organization /:
>show your flag
everytime i talk with faggots like yourself calling for literal genocide and using antagonistic racialism you all say the same things, it really makes me think...

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what am i shilling user?
what am i derailing?
you're the one calling for murder.

He said that to get the christian votes.

pretty much, hitler was a racialist pantheist.

97% of the reich was Christian and Hitler attended mass every Sunday up until 1941

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Not based in fact at all

Your first mistake is idea that God is good and love you. Second mistake is idea that God control everything and care about everything.

ok you're a paid kike shill on the clock refusing to show flag
It's not hard to do, why can't you do a simple thing like that?
Even Israeli JIDF kikes should have vpns to show a flag other than shithole Israel

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i already told you that i was associated with racially interested organizations, even going as far to share pictures of


>calling for murder of kikes
That's why you are responding to me like a triggered kike shill
>I attract pissed off kikes like jews giving out loans to 75 iq brown people

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“God” as you call him, more correctly known as Yahweh, was a Middle Eastern war god along with a slew of other gods.
Around 3000 years ago there was a splinter sect of sheep herders that began to abandon the rest of their gods in favor of Yahweh. That sect is now know as the Jews. “God” as you call him has no interest in the well-being of the white race, does however have a vested interest in the Jews. Our gods are the Æsir and Vanir of Germania, Scandinavia, and Britiania.


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