Why is varg so narcissistic...

why is varg so narcissistic? Can't he realize that just admitting he is a normal guy with normal human failings and that he made mistakes in his past would make him a lot more honest, and thus likable and relatable?

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Sucks for him I got dumb and drunk alone and went got lkng wall with my Walkman in the rain and cold

what a gigantic meme of a man, to think tards here took him seriously once

Did you see his teen son?
A literal tranny looking edgelord lmao

I got drunk and fucked a lot, AND also would walk for miles and miles by myself.

You walked for miles but never reached a destination

Even Tumblr isnt as cringe as this guy

Lol what an antisocial retard

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my god cunt is such an insufferable faggot

He was a big edgy fish in a tiny gay pond. He never had anyone check him on being a little bitch.

it's funny because he also wrote about how he used to go to nightclubs and chase girls there

Cringe. He made shit music with all the musicality of a plane crash. And he got drunk and stabbed a fellow white person. Fag.

He basically wants to genocide meds.

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He's one of if not possibly the most based person on the planet.

how can a man this cringe make music so good?

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I, too, was an edgelord once. Now I'm an SS Nazi Commando.

Post pics

He just admitted he was a low I.Q. retard in this post.
>Carry an object practically the exact size and shape of two AA batteries to manually rewind cassette to save batteries

Sometimes it was about the JOURNEY.

I’d hit Wendy’s.

You can’t rewind a cassette with an AA battery zoomer.

Didn't he also set a church on fire like an angsty edgelord?

the dude's a musical genius. he invented the black metal genre. plus he kills his enemies with no mercy.

He is not to be liked. Go back to the safe space with plush toys. He is hates by fags exactly because of his message and his beautiful family. He is everything anti-european fags want to destroy.

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it feels good to be an eastern yurofag zoomer because despite being born in the late 90s i still had everything from a walkman to a ps1 to VCR tapes to a rotary telephone

i have noticed though, that eastern europe isn't perpetually 15 years behind anymore

>didnt participate in the fall of man
>is now a homeless scruff who lives out of his jeep making shit YouTube videos and claiming benefits for a living

Ironic, because Varg is the one living in a safe space away from society because the modern world hurts his feelings.

tapes where like 30 minutes long at most and it was faster to fast forward on the b side then rewind anyway. gen x really are the most disapointing generation. you even suck at using your own tech.

Why is this old man still being an edgy teen after all these decades!

He was saving the earth, greta grool style

I get what you're saying it would be easier to just carry a 2nd pair of batteries incase you ran out. I used to just record the same song on the same part of the tape but on the other side, so i never had to rewind if i wanted to listen to the same song repeatedly, it was a life hack i developed myself and explaining it to people I wanted to tape me shit often was difficult, that was the first sign I realised most people were dumbasses. It means i only got 45 minutes of music on a tape, but I didnt have to waste batteries rewinding
Blank tapes were 60 or 90 minutes generally.

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varg is living the dream and an example for all white men

youre faggots who jack off to anime

hail odin

How is varg in anyway a normal human? Why cant you just accept some people are better than you, and have accomplished more than you? once you come to grips with that maybe you can do something yourself, instead of posting shitty threads, trying to make yourself feel better.

Varg is one of the best musicians. His black metal is unique and so good. His dungeon synth is just a good and sometimes better.
He also murdered a guy

How many people in the world are famous musicians AND convicted murderers? Probably not many. His perspective is certainly unique from a lot of humanity. He probably wouldnt have gotten to the point he is at today if he wasnt a different thinking person from the beginning.

>and went got lkng wall

His main following is low IQ American neets who can't into history or genetics

try to fucking rewind a cassette with batteries

I miss vargposting.

I like to walk in nature alone too, but posting it on social media like that is litteraly teenager attention whore tier.

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zoomer moment

You don't rewind a fucking cassette. You flip it around and play the other side.
The pencil pencil would be used to wind the loose slack out of it.
Varg is full of shit and probably never owned a walkman.

>The pencil pencil


If you put it on its side, like diagonal it'll work. I'm literally doing right now.

It's just another one of those

Whoever this guy is he sounds like an autistic retard with no friends.

What does the picture of a trap have to do with anything?

my older brother looped a pearl jam song by unscrewing the cassette and splicing the tape with scotch tape so it played dissident on repeat. he was a lot older then me and i remember this as being one of the first times i realised he was a big brain autist.

kys 18 faggot

just your average wholesome convicted murderer. At least he killed for a legitimate reason: to get his name in the news and promote his music career.


Long walk see I’ve already am dumb and drunk

He is extremely arrogant and annoying. He always used to call people retards for getting banned on jew tube and how it was so easy to avoid. Then it happened to him. He has some excuse and rationalisation for everything.

He was too busy spending all his money of Ravenloft source books to afford batteries

Pretty pathetic that the old, burned out boomer satanist and hedonist now pretends to have been a Christian like wholesome teen. It's well known in Bergen that Varg was a raging homosexual, degenerate drug addict, that got drugs for "free" from old men at Bystasjonen, Bergen's main bus station. Just as flaming homosexual Gaahl, pic, Varg is a satanist sexual pervert pretending to be a pagan and his rage against Christianity solely stems from Christianity's ban on his rampant sexual perversions, lies, drug abuse, narcissism, vices and low life crimes etc.

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If Trump doesn't have to do it, why should Varg?

Same here, but I did socialize, but long walks alone have some merit in them selfs as well.

Hah thats dedication, my method was perfect if you had a walkman you could switch sides electronically, a lot of cheaper walkmans you had to physically flip the tape. Also rewinding and stopping all the time would stretch the tape so you preserved the audio "quality" longer as tapes would degrade over time from use. You would see this in rental VCR movies with sex/titty scenes. That part of the tape always got tracking distortion quickly as people would constantly rewind while they jerked it.
My mates uncle even had a tape purely of r-rated movie scene to fap to we found haha goof times.. you kids have it too easy with your interweb porn, you had to go to lengths to fap back in my day haha

This motherfucker banned me from twitter

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My destination after walking miles, and miles alone was normally my pals house. Because he had weed.

yep, our copy of undersiege would flicker when Erika Eleniak popped out of the cake.

"I wear a chainmail whenever I have the opportunity, because it among other things grants me magical protection and strength. It weakens magical influence that is received through the places the chainmail covers,
for example the heart, but it also weakens the magic both ways so it's not always wise to wear it. If I wear a t-shirt on top of the chainmail, it is not easily noticeable either, so I don't have to deal with being stared at
in our "modern society" because I wear a chainmail."

actual varg quote from his younger days.

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Varg has never been walking around a lot, if he did, he would have been used to being in our mountains. He does not. He even ran away from conscription. To weak, hedonistic and spoiled to protect his nation through mandatory military service. Every mountaineer, after being cold, wet, hungry and exposed to the barren land elements for a long period of time, really appreciate civilization with enough food, dry and warm bed, easy access to hot water etc. While Varg, the spoiled satanist teenager with his immature rage against Christianity and Christian civilization, rambling on about how much an old boomer like him hates civilization, clearly has never ever been more than 200 meters away from nearest super market and never been more than 50 meters away from his favourite kebab shop. Take his beloved video games away from him and he will instantly have a mental breakdown. Him being a "survivalist" is a total joke. In Norway he was always either in jail or a welfare bum. All paid for by the state, creating a safe and secure environment for little satanist Varg, pretending to be a man.

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he is a nordicist, what else did you expect? Although he is based on the Kosovo question.