Are women aware of how easy do they have it in the dating game and how annoying this shit (see pic related) is for all around nice guys like me who can't catch a break because they are all chasing Chads? I seriously wish I could snap her neck.
Are women aware of how easy do they have it in the dating game and how annoying this shit (see pic related) is for all...
>all around nice guys like me
enjoy your extinction, you deserve it
Women have it as easy in the dating game as men allow them to.
>More than one kid already
surely there must be women out there that are introvert loners like so many dudes and do have their head screwed on right, right?
Men are the worst.
Cry more incel women rule this world
99% of women chase 1% of men. Get used to it. But if you are a sane man, you won't pursue women, anyway.
Is that pic real? Holy fuck how entitled you gotta be to write all that bullshit unironically
The Church was right all along
They call those Femcels
Of course they are.
Why do you think they're so giddy all day every day?
Jesus fucking Christ.
She's ugly as fuck with a completely inflated idea of her own self-worth.
There are.
They're typically visually described as 4-6 out of 10.
>surely there must be women out there that are introvert loners like so many dudes and do have their head screwed on right, right?
You're simpin' hard.
>nice guy like me
>I wish I could snap her neck
there lies ur problem
this can't be real?
roasty will hit the wall of reality so hard
Why is it always a below average women who want the 12/10 millionare chad? The good looking ones never do this kind of shit. I'm not even trying to defend Stacy, she settles with Chad, but its always the Becky who has unrealistic standards and tries to go after guys way out of their league.
pretty much like every single woman now a days. The thing is that if you have goals as a man you won't even be focused on woman's and at the time you achieve those goals woman's would follow. Who cares anyway, we are all going to die
>nice guys like me
>I seriously wish I could snap her neck
Found your problem
>Is that pic real? Holy fuck how entitled you gotta be to write all that bullshit unironically
Yeah, that's exactly the dialogue that I had in my brain when I read that. You have women that are 5s demanding men that are 9s. And she has a kid. So she's cucking you from the start.
No, humans are the worst
>this can't be real?
>roasty will hit the wall of reality so hard
Women are a fuckin' disaster. The era in which we live.
the answer is simple. ignore woman and concentrate on improving your life. get your own place and live a stress free life
the good looking woman already have a chad. The average roasty looks at the good looking woman thinking that they have everything the good looking woman have and the build that in their tiny brains and later on they end up hitting the wall of reality
She’s a hard 4, of course it isn’t real.
even them have attention and orbiters.
"Wanted. Hard working man to take care of me and my two kids."
She has nothing to offer.
You can do better.
Fuck women, they only rule men's dicks. Once a man cooms she is entirely irrelevant
These is the only valid response's in this entire thread
But user she has a vagine :D
Imagine being so fucking hung up on pleasing the inferior gender that you devote every second of your valuable life to it. It's like devoting your whole life to get thirst attention from this special kid with down's syndrome in the mongclass at school and then getting mad over the fact that the retard doesn't notice you or gives you attention for all your effort. If you do this, you are per automation an inferior subhuman.
women are the ultimate npc characters, they arent aware of anything. except maybe some autists.
Like I said I'm not defending the obviously more attractive women, but I have never seen this kind of behavior by them. Its always these "I would after a few shots" types, where its not even the looks, but that heavily obnoxious behavior whats repulsive. They choose to settle with betabux providers after they realize the man they want don't even exist. Its fucking impossible to please these, if a 10/10 Chad wants them, they'll want a 11/10 one. The dating sites are filled with really good looking males, like I'm actually admiring them, they are fit, have good facial structures, good life, rich, they are a fuckload more attractive at their worst, than I'm at my best, but still single and they are always declined. This puts me into the position that its not even I never had a chance in the game, I can't even enter the game for starters.
>i am a single mom
stopped reading there
Americans already mutilate themselves in order to please aesthetically to women. Fucking subhumans cucks.
here's the thing
i'd suck a straight lads cock for a slap in the face
so would the girl in op
it aint cause u aint 6'3 or rich it's because you;re a faggot
>nice guys like me
>I seriously wish I could snap her neck.
Yeah you probably aren't as nice as you think.
and probably a half nigger kid
She’ll never get what she’s looking for. It’s like trying to sell a relatively new 2015 Mustang with 200k miles that’s been in a rollover for 50k.
God dammit another waste
Fuck you user
That's ironic coming from a german. You will be extinct in 100 years, and you deserve it.
Going out in the real world has shown me that your perspective is very skewed. There most certainly are good women out there, also good looking ones who are fun to be around and good people.
So I dont know where you are pulling this from, maybe I am just lucky to know them...
Yeah and the number of news stories about “where have all the good men gone” is skyrocketing.
Why are you all so bad with women? Just listen to them and tell them they’re pretty. Dress nice and act like a normie.
>single mom
>not even that hot
>must be over 6'3"
Goddamn, I know lots of ~6 ft people even 6'2" people, but damn. The only 6'3" person I know is literally autistic.
If it's any consolation, she will never be happy.
>all around nice guys like me
>I wish I could snap her neck
Nice Guy confirmed. Enjoy your Reddit fame.
She isn't even good looking. Eeeek.
Fuck off glownigger, this isn't 2007.
Entitled white whore.
>nice guys
>Why are you all so bad with women? Just listen to them and tell them they’re pretty. Dress nice and act like a normie
Good luck in divorce court.
From what I learned while on tinder was the "no exceptions" that girls used was total bullshit. If you're attractive, have good pics, and nice game then you can fuck any broad on the site no matter the race. This coming from a Black dude
If they're White, it's fine. If not, sterilize them all.
Brown eyes.. disgusting
That's hilarious.
This is actually the most Chad approach, too. Since nothing makes a woman more interested in a man than being denied his attention.
>The only 6'3" person I know is literally autistic.
olympic brapper
Am 6'3" but wouldn't fuck that nasty beast if you paid me to.
Lol get over yourself mate, there are so many whores walking this earth why do you pick the one that dislikes you? Everyone is replaceable.
>The good looking ones never do this kind of shit.
They know they can get it. Its a default for them. They have no need to verbalize nor put in writing.
Imagine you are starving and there were a bunch of cakes on the table. You can only have one, and the cake must consent to being picked. You end up with an unappealing cake with its icing all smeared, it has bite marks and pieces missing. But you had no choice so you accept that cake is for you and are grateful for what you have.
Imagine now that you can have any cake on the table but you only have a short time. You start eating one but another one looks good and is just as easy to have, so you swap. But now another cake might offer you more. How do you ever know which cake will be best and most fulfillin(. What if you are missing out on something?
You can discard this as bullshit if you want, but I've literally had pussy on tap since a truly stopped caring about femoids. The trick is not pretending to not care, but to honestly stop worrying about them period. None of what they say or do matters.