Aus/pol- saturday night edition

Gday lads, what ya drinkking what ya smoking?

Post ya choons

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Praise him


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Just praised him. Reckon I should do it again?
Fuck it.
Praise him.

Anyone else enjoying the irony of mid-wit redditors finally getting the police state they've been begging for for the past couple of weeks?

>tfw the crazy chip shop lady was smarter than all our politicians

Though that's not that difficult really.

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Holy based

I’m enjoying the irony of us getting socialism except it’s the rich fags and not them that it’s for

Im smokin' ya mum's cock ya fucken faggot

meine ehre heißt treue

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Pauline is a brainlet

Get one up ya's faggots

spotted the aussie

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Good policy isn’t rocket science really, winning elections is, kind of

can't spot the aussie

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Polk Salad Annie

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it's completely disgusting what they've done to this country

Where’s Wally should be Where’s Aussie

Ice break triple shot and a Q of dank I call, "playdoh" (smells like it)

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Isn't English our national language? How is this acceptable? Oh right...

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fuck cunt I wish they'd pull the finger out on my scomobux ay

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Fucking chink filth

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Absolutely fucking based & praisedpilled!

Fucking kikes

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Don't drink, don't smoke.
Might go to bed soon.

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Like the fella once said....
Ain't that a kick in the head

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>what ya drinkking what ya smoking?

Nothing. I've gone from drinking 4 times a week to 0 after switching to working from home.

It must be the stress of working in an office that makes me want to drink. I have not had any urge to drink this whole weekend.

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Heads should literally roll for the people who made the decision to just let the cruise ships dock and trusted everyone just to ‘self-isolate’


This country will be very beat up after a 6 month lockdown.
I really hope too that we fucking decouple from China as much as possible. Though so much of our economy in mineral exports depends on them. There's no fucking way an effort by our government would be initiated, it would have to be spearheaded by the USA.

At this rate we're headed into being diet mainland China, and not even a cool multiculti asian country like Singapore or Hong Kong, but just mainland bullshit and corruption.
The only wildcard would be if this virus fucked up China so much that the CCP collapsed. Then we'd be in for a wild ride indeed.

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You mean the white Aussie private land lords and owners who choose to sell/rent property to foreigners?

It's what white people have chosen to do.

In Thailand they made it illegal for foreigners to own land. The West should do the same, it needs government intervention to stop it.

Fucking disgusting. We are a nation of cucks.

Gidday cunts, bought some fuckin' Coronas for a laugh


It never existed in the first place, it was all a ruse.

don't think they even told them to isolate

I predicted this the day they let them out. idk if anyone remembers but i was the user that kept saying
>yess yessss i’m sure they’re at home self isolating after just getting home from holidays, having no food in their house. Lucky they jumped straight in the uber and cab, straight off the boat

Gee wow how original, buying shitty Mexican beer.

$10,000 from the super lads. What ya gonna spend it on?

5th of April?


Don't even have that much super due to years of unemployment. I got about 8k at most.

It's not bad cunt. Better than that VB shit you guys export to us.

Praise it

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Oy fucking vey! Don't wear a mask, we need them and you'll get itchy!

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Coming. 7million aussies being paid first 1.5 were paid last week, and the same qill be paid this week coming. The remaing 4 million will get it over the next 3 weeks.

Fyi we had >2 million claims to be processed as of Friday arvo.

What’s the point I’m still earning over 100k

Put it in stocks
(not right now of course, later)

>auto next track is blue moon

based and fnv-pilled

Smoking is degenerate but I wholeheartedly encourage baccy fags to choof on because we need the tax to pay for all these Melbourne and Sydney phonies that now need the dole

If i put 2 claims in, do I get it twice?


not based. how the fuck are you unemployed

motorcycle finally gonna buy a brand new cunt, been off the road for a few years now and public transport sucks cocks

Fuck the police. Goddamn gook lovers.

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>What’s the point I’m still earning over 100k
Reclaiming it from your superfund. Irrelevant if you have a smsf

Probably use it to escape from this shit hole country and start again somewhere else, that's if they ever let us leave again.

it's just shown up on my upcoming payments last night, getting it on tuesday
not good enough tbf

>If i put 2 claims in, do I get it twice?
No. Please dont.

I never applied to centerlink before, I got a notice from my boss about not working anymore because virus but it wasn't an "employment separation certificate" (instead attached later on that letter).

Also, do I need to do that "job seeker diary"?

Finally, I was on centrelink years and years ago and don't have my login just my old CRN and made a new account with that. Ok thanks for reading my cool story.

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YES, at 3:00pm.

strawberry motherfucker


Aren't we only allowed to access our super if we've experienced financial hardship due to COVID? Or has that changed now

“Now get the fuck out ... and stay out”

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Too late

Oh I should of added, I've been employed for 2 years and a few months now at my current min wage job but before that I had gaps of employment.

>Fairstar the fuck ship.....
MFW that fucking business will NEVER recover.

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whats stocks? index fund?

Feels bad man. $24,450 of your hard earned money in refugees’ wallets

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>employment separation certificate
We dont care. Officially its not required, unofficially the more documents provided the more complicated your claim is to process, the only exception being your partners Id, and even then thats just so we get everyones names right.
Also temp visas holders/444 get nothing
>Also, do I need to do that "job seeker diary"?
Maybe after may, not for the next 6 qeeks at least.
>Finally, I was on centrelink years and years ago and don't have my login just my old CRN and made a new account with that.
If it linked your sweet.

Can you believe people fell for the meme spread by the media about masks not doing anything to prevent you from getting it?

they suspended mutual obligation. I didn’t need employer cert or to sign up to any jobs

Who we praisin’ lads?

Oh centrelink wagie of justice, have the centrelink chairs been upgraded yet to be more uncomfortable for the unemployed masses? Got a contract here for putting spikes on the seat to whip those unemployed bums into shape!

The commander of course

Go back to Nipland next year. Japan was fucking amazing.

Why are Ausfags so up in arms about immigration from China and SE Asia?

I got mine
It's bretty good
Also getting a $5k severance package from work next week

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Because the Chinese run around like stunned mullets

Glenfidich with 3 mates online because I'm stuck at home because some Chyna fucker ate a bat

Because they are bug people

Why are britfags so up in arms about immigration from Pakistan and the rest of the middle east?

Well we are doong our best to avoid letting people into the building so the chair downgrades arent essential.


I fucking hate this state, fuck vicpol and fuck that pathetic cuck andrews

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it is indeed good. Are you going alone? I've spent so much time in red light district Kabukicho it's not funny. Fucked and been sucked by anything from 20 yr old hot japs to 45 yr old oldies in karaoke

mostly our economy is selling houses to each other and to anyone else who shows up with money

that could hit a wall real hard and fast in a few months (when nobody is buying or selling or can even afford to do so) which is why government is going full communist wet dream with all these handouts to try and prevent the whole thing falling off a cliff

the task of every australian now is to try and prevent the useless cunts in our capital cities and canberra from selling off everything to the chinks who've spent months printing money while we're all busy hiding indoors letting our economies die

Reef Blue Lagoon

Hello cenno user, when does the $750 coronabux come?