The case against billionaires

why does ANYONE need $1000,000,000,000?

why do billionaires need to exist when millions of people are struggling to even find enough food to survive?

why does anyone need a 30,000 sq ft mansion?

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Nigger shill

do you have an argument why bezos needs like 180 BILLION?

Why does anyone NEED an abortion or tranny surgery?

There are roughly 550 billionaires in the United States with a combined net worth of roughly 2.5 trillion dollars.

If we took everything they have and divided it up among all Americans each one would get about 6000 dollars. When that runs out you can't do it again because it's all gone.

Your ideas are rooted in irrational hatred.

>bezos has 180 billion in cash hidden away in vaults
every time

I'd imagine a lot is tied up in assets and other shit.. But yes they still have so much money even 1/10th of it would an insane amount..

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Because he worked for it?

But it's not like he has all that cash in a big silo like Scrooge McDuck. A lot of it's probably in real estate and stocks and stuff.

I know these idiots think they actually have that in cash. Typical commie with no concept of what wealth is

No billionaire has a billion dollars in liquid assets just sitting around being "hoarded".

Nobody needs too much of anything, but that doesn't mean they can't or shouldn't be entitled to it either.

They dont have their billions in a huge vault like Scrooge McDuck, they put their money in stocks and bonds. That investment goes to people who need it to start businesses, buy equipment and hire employees or let cities borrow money to fund pensions or schools or repair roads. Obviously it doesn't work that perfectly but I hate this dumb conversation for people who've never taken a economics class.

we need another red revolution

In both cases, it's theft.

and slaughter them all

don't give it to everyone what if they used that money to improve your country's failing infrastructure, that level of investment would actually make everyone's lives easier

By that logic, hoarders worked for their masks too so why cry about them.

>why do billionaires need to exist when millions of people are struggling to even find enough food to survive?
You can't eat money.
If there's not enough food for everyone before you hand out the billionaires' money, they won't be any more food after.


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We already have more than enough excess money in taxes that could be used to improve and maintain infrastructure. Sadly, people like you keep voting for giving that money to refugees, bankers and banks, the EU, the MIC, foreign aid, Israel, etc.

Except not a single dollar spent or made by these people who totally worked for it bruh will be put towards making your life better. Just because your sis and mum can order their 100 dollar rabbit cunt tickler off of amazon doesn’t make that person inherently good or have good intentions with your infrastructure and school deteriorating rapidly and they become richer. Stupid poor yurodumb.

>hoarding money
Why do faggots like you think muh billionaires and diving into a pile of gold coins like Scrooge mcduck?
You understand what assets are?

low quality bait retard

Because I ordered something from amazon and got it the same day
What has your lazy ass done to deserve anything

Why is op always a faggot

so we did 2 weeks of landlord hate, next 2 weeks of rich guy hate.

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Name 1 billionair with a billion in cash, lol.

Thou shall not steal

Because he created a company that offers a service that everyone i know uses regularly

this is the biggest brainwashed reddit dumbfuck sleeper argument that exists


you sound like the special type of retard that says “millionaires don’t actually own their mansion, electronics, furniture and nice cars! it’s all just from loans!”

the fact is they have it, have always had it and will continue to have it for the rest of their lives. an option that is completely unavailable to everyone else.

To pay for their personal and family healthcare when some jews in government have doled out all your people’s commonweal resources to foreigners, immigrants, criminals, media jewry, envirocultists and lgbt*id activism.
Like here.
>food to survive
With african birthrates you’ll just keep uppimg the ante. ”Why milionaires.”, ”Why personal ownership.”
Because your pet niglets made general society increasingly unsafe.

With a subject like that I thought you were going to make a case against billionaires and not flap your cunt lips about things you don't understand.

You don't need a computer, but you would find it immoral for someone to steal your computer from you.

>equating money with a commodity
Why are communists so retarded?

Alien playing stupid when it knows only the proper souls are entitled to wealth. The stupid alien comes from a society of INFINITE WEALTH, and it wants to interrogate us about what we do IN ITS SYSTEM. All alien question is irrelevant and retarded.

Most billionaires don't just have massive hoards of cash bra, they usually just re-invest their profits to keep growing their organisation - Bezos is a perfect example of this.
So then, in their view, it become less about acquiring money and more about building organisations which provide for customers and employ workers - they probably see themselves as upstanding citizens bringing order to the world.

Just so you know.

they purchased masks thats not "working on it",

What do you do for work?

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What do you do for work?

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Bezos is better than Che or whoever lefty fucknut.

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>Buying shit from jewazon

Fucking plebs I swear

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If the people in charge write bills that completely misappropeiate your tax dollars instead of using it for things like infrastructure what makes you think theyre not going to do the same thing with their money?

Checked, but ideally businesses are in the mindset of trying to make more wealth, and in a basic open market with limited restrictions they have to compete with other billionaires for workers and customers. Whereas government can blow 2 million on anti fat kid signs for schools that accomplish nothing and just increase taxes.

Given how much the Fed is printing right now, hoarding money would be fucking stupid.

lol you are such a stupid faggot

I worked 10 year straight, didn't buy $4 coffe two times a day and made small holidays
now I'm in a position not only to ride this crisis for multiple years
but still have remote office job in infrastructure
kids will probably ruin my chance of early retirement
BUT what I have, a one year survivial slush fund, is something 50% in the whole west don't have
people are shitting on people like Bezos while holding way to expensive phones in their hand and drinking $4 coffe in a way to expensive city >I can't any more

How did you think we're going to pay off all this debt? Its all part of the plan.

I know rich kids got their corp from their days (chain of car repair shops)
they have 60h weeks and never see their kids
I asked them how much they needed to give up to have a 40h week and just live off parts of the money they have
they said 50% of it
so the top 20h a week are bringing in 50% of the money that is a harsh life to afford 150k cars and first class flights

Bezos is literally one of the only billionnaires that deserves a large share of his current wealth.
Billionnaires from usury are the most disgusting ones.

My argument is
>2 posts by this id
you can't argue against that

>all bootlickers itt
kys retards

>-bbut they earned it
okay shlomo

yeah so what?
do you not realize that when they buy stuff, it is a form of wealth redistribution?


>people working at the shipyard that build 500 million yachts need to feed their kids too

Why does anyone need communists?

why does anyone need a life? kill yourself nigger, it's good for the environment, and the rest of us will have more shit.

who are you quoting?

>making falseflag pro-billionaire threads

delightfully subversive, rabbi

Don't even bother. These retards think that hard work actually exists, when wealth is regularly gained is being born out of the right snatch, or being in the right place at the right time. There are very few genuinely lazy people in this world, and they're all at the top getting maids to do house cleaning and getting lawyers to handwave business regulations away with legalese. If people on Yas Forums want to be bootlickers who live their entire lives believing in a rigged game, that's their problem. They will only see how fucked it all is once misfortune befalls them and their ideology of slavery gets them used and taken advantage of.

Why do niggers need to exist?



Get a job

Everything must be horizontal

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>why do billionaires need to exist
They don't. They want to, like the rest of the trash species.
>when millions of people are struggling to even find enough food to survive?
Lower classes aren't people.

For the last fucking time STOP BEING Antisemitic you fucking piece of shit

>do you have an argument why bezos needs like 180 BILLION?
Yes, as a matter of fact I do, you low IQ subhuman moron

>they literally own PRIVATE JETS, MANSIONS
The last time Bezos wanted to buy a Mansion retards at the market thought that amazon was folding and devalued the stock price

Bootstraps mf

>the fact is they have it, have always had it and will continue to have it for the rest of their lives.
That's not a problem. Being a democracy/oligarchy is.