>stands up to feminists
>becomes famous
>makes money on being famous selling self-help book
>tells you to clean your room
>gets depressed
>goes to Russian scam clinic
>fries his brain
>becomes vegetable
>attention whore daughter now uses him for clicks
Stands up to feminists
Other urls found in this thread:
>get out of clinic
>conquers the world again
reminder that this fucking mole was created to erode rightwing movement
How is going to do that while being a vegetable?
Show flag bucko
already out
He should never have opened a twitter account. That said, I still have a lot of respect for the man
This. I watched some of his le ebil hitler presentations. He's a melancholic rat who managed to gather a following of confused faggots with no father figure.
This was an attempt to marshall "us" (like Heimbach) and he failed (like Heimbach).
my boy kermit lookin good
Literally who? Who the fuck gives a shit about this? Stop looking for a person to justify your movement. They are all faggots
what a parasite
Ahhh yes, the elusive Juden Peterstein
Yes, and the treatment has turned him into a vegetable.
Okay, so Burger King; that name is so bloody complicated, it- it took me like three months of non-stop thought to figure this out. Well, you look at it and you can say pretty confidently. "King." That's actually an instantiation of a patriarchal motive being, isn't it? It's like, That's the typification of a fatherly figure that exists at the top of all possible dominance hierarchies. I guess that'd be a good way to describe it. But, it's not A king, per se, when you go to Burger King, it's the instantiation! Of an individual! As necessarily being the embodiment of the transcendent ideal of the king. It's a king as such. The typified aspect of kinship as such is inexorably tied up! With the word! And what does a typified father figure do? Well, he provides! Doesn't he? He provides food! And shelter! And burgers! Well yeah, that's bloody well right it's a king who provides burgers. Exactly.
You know, when Alexander Solzhenitsyn was in the Gulags, he thought about food a lot. And there, they were given ten ounces of bread a day, and that's like your food, for the day, and that's it. And one of the things he tried to puzzle out is in what ways life up until that point he'd been complicit in producing the Soviet state, and that's a question that if you really tried to answer it, *whew*. Man, i- it's-, that's* roug*h, man. It takes you to a dark place. So I think well, um...
Well, no I'd better not, I don't have enough information to answer that competently. All I can say right now is the degree to which we decide to patronise fast food restaurants that aren't instantiations of a sovereign ideal, it may have a bigger effect than we think. You know, the world's a funny place, and it is a lot more connected than we understand, and well... yeah that's all I can say about that right now.
best Jordan Petersen impression
his whole purpose was to tell young white men to never band together and clean each others rooms to get the job done more quickly and efficiently but instead be a whiney individual fagget and wash your own penis
Nicely done.
Topkek. Thank you mate.
fug wrong pic
remember when kids from Yas Forums without father figures in their lives idolized this retard?
He has always been depressed retard
No, but I do remember pol people digging up all sorts of dirt on this quack back in 2016.
>teddy spaghetti book
I wanna fuck his daughter
why do you keep saying this?
>gets depressed
>goes to Russian scam clinic
>fries his brain
>becomes vegetable>>attention whore daughter now uses him for clicks
Did he get a lobotomy?
Reminder that given the amount of information/data access compared to previous generations - zoomers are by far the most gullible and retarded flock of retards to ever waste oxygen on this planet.
The amount of scams they fell for is downright flabbergasting. At least boomers had one television with 2 channels, 3 newspapers and 4 radio stations to get info from.
What treatment lol?
They probably gave him phenobarb and tapered him down so he could avoid withdrawal from benzos.
I don't think they did anything particularly extreme.
I think he finally accepted the truth about the Jew that why he got depressed
1 post by this ID
You can drop your retard edgy chan jokes all you want, 95% of zoomers suck his cock and their retard clay mind will be molded by a jewish stooge doing what all american celebs do - eroding the European spirit, whatever's left of it, in the jewish #1 vassal state, jewish #1 cannon fodder tax farm colony of Jewmerica.
Doesn't matter tho, as long as you have Trump to piss off da libs over Twitter and your cheap tier 9 entertainment! BASED!
No he hasn't. He will only come back better and stronger from his ordeal.
The emotional and psychological trauma will help him expand his thought process and he'll draw on his own personal experience and integrate it into his work. Personal hardship is always beneficial for your own self-knowledge.
>world is trash and shit
>conquers trash and shit
I was thinking same thing.
He realized the error of his ways and felt a deep regret, turning to drugs to manage the feelings.
Him practicing what he preached being his own individual with no real friends or community to call his own he turned to his jewden handlers and learned that he is not one of them, he will never be one of them.
He learned that he was nothing but a tool to be used by them to destroy his people and his followers.
One, one single jew offered him hope. Go to this special specific treatment center to get off the drugs. Then he was chemically lobotomized because he is not only no longer useful in destroying white cohesion he may one day tell the tail of how he was cohearced. Can't have that now can (((they)))?
He made a deal with the demons and the devils, now he is paying the price.
Image, long red but explains it.
Proof with links, he states he is afraid of what whites can do when whites band together with cultural cohesion, he is afraid of the strength. He 100% believes(d) the jew lies of Hitler and evil nazi germany.
He got a meme Russian scam treatment that fried his brain. He's a vegetable now.
He has some serious health issues. Get an autoimmune disease and try to do better. He’s a fucking multi millionaire
This will be just another story of someone that makes a deal with the devils demons for short term gains and got fucked by the devils demons in the end.
>He’s a fucking multi millionaire
we'd need some proofs of that, and even if he is it wouldn't matter. He can't enjoy his riches if he's lobotomized.
His crimes against Gods people are high.
He's actually back writing his new book.
Straighten yourself out bucko, stop peddling fake news shit on my board.
Do you have fucking autism or something?
Whats the treatment? How does it fry your brain? Where's your proof?
He's a vegetable and his mega slut daughter is now his caretaker. They have to strap him into a chair when they feed him because he gets confused and attacks them because thinks they're trying to choke him.
you are clearly on illusion inducing meds yourself
Wash your penis.
fucking hell, why are women such whores? why would she paparazzi her own dad for clicks in a moment like that? dumb fucking bitch, i won't be surprised if she does porn a few years from now
i'm so fucking angry right now, fuck
Damn, he looks rough. And I doubt that he has even half the mental capacity he used to have. Sad shit. And his attention whore daughter posting him for likes is even worse.
>never band together and clean each others rooms
"Clean your room" is sound advice, your opinion of the world probably means jack shit if you can't even maintain one room.
This ugly sneering Jewish nigger shows how dumb you fucking retards are. You sucked his dick for years and then boom it turns our he's a fucking degenerate too just a much more Jewish one than most people so he could make money with it. It all comes down to money not fucking cleaning your room. If you're a jewboy with millions then life is good and all the dumb goyim will line up and throw their savings at you to teach them how to be Jewish.
He is fine, the issue is rather, that he shot all the bullets he had
he has one message only, he can write another book, he makes a million a year and has thirst single mother boys sucking his metaphysical cock, but thats it
he has no range, nothing else to go on
It's not my fault that I don't fit in any peer group.
He namedropped Solzhenitsyn multiple of times, a well known author of kike bashing books. You can't expect Jordan to outright scream KIKES BAD. For celebrities of his calibre, it's public suicide. You need to do it subtly, like namedropping Solzhenitsyn which precisely is what he is doing.
It's fun going through the comments and looking up the people.
All racing mixing cunts, cucks and soyboys.
How did Jordan Peterson hurt you?
I'm so sorry.
I bet your room is unkempt and dirty.
i respect him, he genuinely helped a lot of people. he did more for others than most of us on this board will ever do. it's sad to see him this way
everybody knows that you don't cold turky withdraw. You slowly decrease the ammount of meds.
This is just proof of his stupidity.
You'd get herpes if you did.
It's not about fitting in it's about contributing.
It's part of Jewden Peterwashers teachings that you think you don't fit in. It's done intentionally to make you think you don't. everyone has individual traits that they contribute that make the group stronger. That was one of the foundations of Germany before WW2. The dollar was based on hours worked, labor and products created. Usefulness to the community as a whole, when Juden Peterwasher makes his followers think they "don't fit in" he ensures that type of white cultural community cohesion can never be achieved.
Jewden Peterwasher biggest fear is (was?) white people banding together to make a better life for all white people.
I say was(?) because if he was not lobotomized by his demonic jew handlers he may wake up.
Too bad most poltards will not even bother to read this.
It's over for Petercels.