Is there an exact reason why men are disgusted by high body counts?

Hey mates, question is in the subject, got into an argument with a co-worker about promiscuity in women and how it's a turn off. I know this sounds dumb but she started challenging me on it and I legit couldn't give her an answer other than "it's disgusting", I know every guy has that same gut reaction but is there anything scientific based around it, I tried to do my own cursory research but all I get is faggy reddit blog posts and BuzzFeed articles desperately pleeding me to look past a girl's gross ass behavior.

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Because men want to be the sole owner. The same reason you dont let randoms off the street sleep in your house or drive your car, you claim ownership of your possessions and any attempt to take ownership of that possession away causes anger, upset, etc or in this case digust.

Because a man has no reason to boast, when all he possesses is toasted roast.

Actually a better comparison would be the same reason people don't like to wear used clothes even if theyre washed, just knowing another person has previously used it causes digust

So, a man can never be 100% certain if a baby is his, while a woman can. This means that the more a woman sleeps around the lesser the odds of her being loyal.
This is also compounded by divorce rates, marriage happiness, household violence and other stats that depend on the number of people the women has slept with.
Furthermore, i don't know if women find it ok to put their vagina where other vaginas have been, but I find it gross to put my penis where other penises have been.
There are also esoteric theories like women absorbing semen into their brains and what not, but usually evolutionary psychology is enough to explain most of human behavior.

More than one? The whore is done.

Would you rather eat a fresh sandwich or a sandwich that has had several penises in it?

Trips of wise.

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What, i almost only wear used clothes. Washed of course.

divorce rates go up with n count. it's like getting a car. a new car is more reliable than a used car. also microchimerism.

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the 'disgust' response you felt is scientific. That's an evolutionary response, that response kept your ancestor's line alive. If your ancestors didn't have it, they'd have been cucked out of existence or caught a nasty dose of whatever.

However there's a whole moral aspect too.
But short answer, if any man can have her - why would you want her? How can you invest in someone like that?

This is the answer you're looking for, OP. At the same time, you should also acknowledge that this sort of innate aversion will manifest itself as a gut feeling of disgust.
I'm not sure why you'd even bother bringing up such a topic with a colleague though. HR will be in touch with you shortly.

Multiple sexual partners degrades pair bonding in women, basically she will literally love you less if she has a high body count.

disgust is an instinct we evolved to avoid disease
high body count = infection. even in the modern sense where that might not be the case anymore our brains evolved to think that way

This. It takes 8 months + a few years to raise an independent child. Woman want it to come from a chad, men want to know it's theirs.

For the same price, would you buy a used rental car, or a new/one owner vehicle?

Various reasons, not least because a good man (or woman) doesn't want their child to be formed in a womb basted in the jizz of 1000 different men. How would you feel if you knew you were born from a cumdump. Also there is always a man hornier than a woman is ugly, women should find zero validation in sex and see it as something purely for intimacy with someone that matters.

great post. Sad but true.
Had one girl like 3 weeks into dating her screech 'I'M NOT GOING TO PUT UP WITH THIS!' over some trivial minor shit. I looked at her all fucking emotional and was at first confused as fck until it hit me, it was something to do with her ex and the cunt was using me for her catharsis. She wasn't seeing me at all.

Okay the relationship went on a little longer but truth is that was the moment that ended it for me.
Damaged goods is real.

as a former beta male turned alpha that has banged two chicks, i can speak from experience as i used to be a retarded KHV weeb in my teen years and lusted after impossible waifus of yore, complete with virginity and faithfulness and blah blah blah blah

when i finally broke out of my autism shell and got my first gf and bang session when i was 18, i quickly began to learn, discover and ultimately realize how limited my point of view was and how selfish and narcissistic i had to be in order to expect as much as i did

With most modern men that still want muh vurgen wammens, it's a similar issue of lack of wisdom and too much self-serving egomania, the latter of which is a massive problem with modern women these days. They have such an overblown self image and are ravaged by estrogen and narcissism. You know how many broads will admit to watching nothing but lesbian porn or solo female? Can you imagine fapping to those countless dick rate threads on Yas Forums or some homo on pornhub splooging on himself? The fuck? That shit is mad fucking gay, problem is nobody is alpha enough to check women on this shit and tell them how fucking gay and gross they are for doing it

if you're straight and want to watch someone fap (because believe me, the vanilla shit gets old, i can understand wanting to branch out), make sure it's someone of the opposite gender. If you watch your own gender play with themselves you're a fucking faggot, period

anyway i know i went off topic and autistically ranted but i'm rolling so suck a vag

hardest part is lerning to care about yourself more than the person you like
bitches are lucky they are born basicly incapable of loving someone


Nah, she's a homie and we were just bantering really, a mutual friend that works at the restaurant found out his gf was in a gang bang and he felt hella uncomfortable about it, I defended him, she said get over it. I normally get curious when I feel a certain way but can't explain it, solid answers lads, I went through the archives and some previous anons were talking about an inability to pair bond, I kinda wanna look into that.

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I just say that person doesn't value deep and meaningful connections and is more concerned with instant self gratification. You'd be surprised how much I straight up don't get a counter argument from that. It's a win/win here, women want sensitive men, make the criticism neutral and it's to argue against. Stress the importance of a deep connection over a shallow one

Women literally emulate emotions and reactions from soap operas, they really don't feel it on the level men do. Top male vs female actors, songwriters, musicians and artists prove this. The only woman capable of being on a mans level of thinking is unfortunately a broken one

Same, and i would never fuck a thot.

So I used to fuck this negress that I met on seeking arrangement. Lasted over four years. This slut had been prostituting herself in one way or another since she was 19, and was well over 100 partners by the time we were done and she was 25. Now I’m an oldfag and didn’t really give a shit because it was never serious, but this motherfucker right here is going to marry her. 39 year old I nterventional radiologist making 400k a year. Mind blown.

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Promiscuity can fuck up a woman's ability to form emotional connections by eroding meaning and impact of sex the more often and casually she does it. This is replaced by straight addiction to plain casual sex, much like you would to porn, so whenever she starts becoming boring of fucking her partner guess what's gonna happen

Why is she sad? Does she want me to take her out to eat after corona is over?

STDs. Lower capacity to pair bond. Lower assurance of paternity. Also it's an indicator of time on the market and poor choices.

>buy pack of cheetos
>have 40 men dip their tip in it and bust both nuts
>wow why do you care that 40 men ejaculated in my cheetos bro just try em

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Is there a reason why you're not you dumb slut

This is the correct answer:

Also, divorce rates and paternity.




>not just beating her to death
I'm disappointed user


Based Hans knows his shit.

why is "it's disgusting" an unsatisfactory answer to an aesthetic question

Always found it funny how obsessed women are with men being clean and smell nice but are offended if someone calls them whores or sluts

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I've made this argument before (started as good key vs bad lock and then had to elaborate) and gotten called misogynistic for it. As if calling me names changes nature or how any of this works. Being mad won't change the fact that if I was a peak Chad, I go get 100 girls pregnant and have only contributed my coom, then left and forgot they existed. Meanwhile, those 100 women (if they keep the kid) have to eat for 2 for 9 months and then are potentially shackled to the kid forever. If you were in that situation, wouldn't and shouldn't you be a little more picky about who you have sex with?

remember, women are like children- they have no understanding of consequence
more partners mean: stds, potential for offspring that isn't yours, increased chance that she will cheat (considering that she already has *her bodycount* times)

>A man ain't got no reason to boast the most
>when all that he possesses is toasted roast


This is an easy one:
Because sexual preferences are not debatable!

Because despite all the propaganda and bullshit, we are still just animals. Most male mammals are territorial and have the innate desire to be the sole leader/owner/overseer of a territory and all what's in it. Including pussy.
A man who takes in a woman after she has fucked countless others is one who goes against his very genetic core.

Don’t argue with a woman just look at her and laugh and just walk away

men instinctively want to protect their woman. A used woman is used. Additionally nobody wants to walk trough the city and meet someone who fucked your girl because she is yours.
Biologically speaking look up microchimerism

also check pic related

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Yep, the first love sticks even if the guy is a complete loser. My first and only attempt at romance taught me this lesson and crushed my soul in the process. I was not prepared for that. My terrified of what I will find when I re-enter the dating pool.

wrong pic. This one should help

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But we aren't animals though. An animal wouldn't care about that. They would just bang her and hope their sperm wins. There are a lot of different reasons for being repulsed by whores, the male territorial ego is just one of many.

This would make sense if women didn't have a menstrual cycle in which the blood that lines the uterus is shed, therefore taking everything with it. Like having sex with multiple females and then getting the last one pregnant means all those other girls dna are in her forever. Kinda quack but I'm not that big on science so idk.

A key that opens many locks is a master key. A lock that can be opened by many keys is a shitty lock. It shows a lack of commitment and self-respect when a woman has been around the bend. For a man who wants to invest in a trusting pair bonded relationship it is a very bad look.

This is indeed the reason. In addition, Since egg cells, childbirth and care are insanely expensive while sperm is dead cheap, women are naturally supposed to be picky, allowing only a suitable male to impregnate her. They are the gatekeepers, but if they sleep around all the time, it is primally and inherently unnattractive to men, since she is forgoing her job as a female. Ie, the "she is easy" remark hits closer to the fundamental truth than people think. Also, the key and lock analogy is still very accurate as well since a locks function is to safeguard a valuable thing.

Men secretly want children one day even if they are Chad Studly. This is what seperates men from women who secretly want abortions.

She's not yours though. It's just some Christian psyop created by Jews that you fell for.

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Clothes cucks

This is definitely the most simple reason but for some reason women just don't get it. I guess it's because they feel the opposite about men, so they can't relate. I've seen 3/10 girls be handed business cards from admirers across the bar and rack up multiple bodies in a single week. The amount of propositions these girls get is ridiculous. A girl who has no moral issue with casual sex/partner count? I don't even want to imagine how high that count is.

If that and the rest of the answers in this thread aren't enough, there is always the inferences you can make about their personality. Thrill seeking, irresponsible, non-committal, self-esteem issues, the list goes on. People aren't that hard to figure out. They follow the same patterns.

This is why I only fuck anime girls

Impulsiveness isn't attractive to males that have to rule the roost. It's more effort for less reward. She is probably repulsed by shit in her mouth but tastes aren't objective because some people like it, tell her that means she should just shut up and like it.

Whenever a woman calls me misogynistic I tell them that they're misogynistic because they hate women so much they want to LARP as a man.

All the greater is the shock when they hit the wall and the seemingly endless ego inflating supply of suitors dries up. Being an attractive female who lacks self-awareness must be a total mind fuck. This thread is pretty based by the way lots of good insights.

lock and key

France slapping down le knowledge