>not taking the mormon pill
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They are a Jewish cult.
The bishops are almost all pedophiles or rapists
you sure you not just projecting fucking faggot. Don't you ever push that shilling faggot shit again. My religion never does that.
You can literally google it and find unlimited pedos associated with the church
Like honestly
meh i'd bet per capita the mormon church has fewer sex criminals than the general population as well as other religions.
its a dumb cult
you dont need to join a cult to create a family
IDK how, Jews want you to drink/smoke/fuck yourself to death. Prophet Joseph Smith, who said he received a revelation from God forbidding Mormons to consume hot drinks, alcohol, tobacco or too much meat. Over the years, the meaning of hot drinks has come to mean tea and coffee. So these faggots are the only pure-bodied Americans left. Pristine everything, every organ in tip top shape. So perfect health, virgin wife that won't fuck someone behind your back, trad lifestyle, community to help you when you need it, I'm not seeing too much wrong with it. I'm not very religious but those Mormons got health/family/community right.
Only 2.... Trad Catholics for the win
don't you have a disease to spread you rat
Women need to feel like they're accountable for their shitty choices. If govt isn't there for that, then it's society's job to do so. If society isn't there for that, then it's religion. If religion isn't there for that, you end up with the complete mess that is today, that is, women selecting for psychopaths/con men and ending raising their children all alone.
Mormons know the least about their own church.
Met several mormon families while travelling in the west. A metric fuckton of white children. All dressed modestly. If they are jewish we could use a lot more Judaism. Which is not something I ever thought I'd say.
Every Mormon I know is black. Some of them are freemasons. Why is that a pill I need to swallow?
>not taking the Christian Fanfiction pill
Special underwear, no coffee, no alcohol, they believe Jesus came to America.
“Had I anything to do with the negro, I would confine them by strict law to their own species...”
- Prophet Joseph Smith, Jr., January 2, 1845, History of the Church, v. 5, pp. 21-218
“Shall I tell you the law of God in regard to the African race? If the white man who belongs to the chosen seed mixes his blood with the seed of Cain, the penalty, under the law of God, is death on the spot. This will always be so. The nations of the earth have transgressed every law that God has given, they have changed the ordinances and broken every covenant made with the fathers, and they are like a hungry man that dreameth that he eateth, and he awaketh and behold he is empty.”
- Prophet Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses, v. 10, p. 110
Well then, maybe it does merit some attention. Thanks lad.
society does do that, most women get married and have 2/3 in their late 20s early 30s. if you want people to make good choices show them good role models and just have them live around people making said choices and seeing the outcome, either way the solution isnt 'lets join a fucking cult'.
not that everything the cult does is bad but than you can just do those things without the cult stuff
mormons are weird cultists
I'm seriously considering joining. 25, White (pending DNA results). Not obese, tall, decent-looking. Not chad though. I feel like the only way I'm going to get a decent white woman is by joining a church, and Morman seems to be the top pick. I really like their prepper side of the culture. How condemned will I be to join the church just to breed, without actually ever convincing myself to believe the Posh Posh?
For all the harping on that the the lefty atheists do about the Catholic church, the rate of incidence of peadophilia among Catholic priests is approximately half that of the general public.
If we say that the average member of the public is now atheist, this means you are twice as likely to be the victim at the hands of an atheist than from a Catholic priest.
Again, emphasizing that I only want to breed with white women to create white children. Only reason I'm interested in joining. The prepper standards are just a plus.
Yeah they really are rejecting degeneration, except for the most important part, they're run by pedos.
Mormons are cucks today, they support refugee invasion and most their members are south Americans and Africans
t. ExMoron
How is supporting the refugee invasion and converting millions of Africans and South Americans "rejecting degeneration"?
god white babies/toddlers are so ugly
Why do Catholics always dress like such emasculate manner?
You can only get married if you are a tithe-paying member who has been deemed "worthy to enter the temple". This is determined by regular attendance, participation, and interviews with church leaders.
Don't let your children ever go to the summer camps or to do any of the weird rituals in the temple. Your not even allowed in
You mean the guy who lied about everything, managed to get a whole lot of people murdered and still somehow acquired a following which turned into even more of a cult than it already was.
Not to mention hot badly it meshes with Yas Forums's traditional family structure.
But it is White, so it's got that Yas Forums goodness going for it, doesn't it?
Seriously, fuck everything about this religion and all organized religions in general.
Especially this one and it's awkward half-cousin the Jehovah's Witnesses. Yeah, I know they're not really related, but it's pretty obvious that CT Russel got jelly over Joseph Smith's success.
I bet the soles of her feet are delicious
Why does that spic have blond kids? Is she the Mexican nanny?
Yeah, as if Black people ever cared about how they were treated within their precious religions.
No Black person should ever be proud to be a Christian.
But... muh church and muh bible.
Being a Black atheist is so fucking hard.
I dont want to give the mormon church 10% of my income, thats what they require.
Mormonism USED to be fairly based with bans on niggers and a military style structure. Now they couldn't be anything more different.
See here for e.g newsroom.churchofjesuschrist.org
I couldn't marry someone who is going to hell
How does it feel to have your freedoms stripped away faggot
jews always try to slander mormons because the world jewish population is equal to the supposedly recluse mormons. jews don't like it when people find out they are over represented in the world
Mormon bishops are all pedos. They ask 12 year old kids if they masturbate in temple recommend interviews. Literally a requirement.
easily reversible
Mormons believe they can "become chosen" by God, like the Jews are Chosen by God in the Old Testament?
Star of David is on Temple windows.
No Booze, Doomsday Preppers, No Vices, etc.
Marriage, Family and Children Oriented, events constantly.
we get it exmo, you're an edgy atheist now
>joining an idiotic energy draining cult
> mid 1960s
> mormons come to door to proselytize
> dad invites them in to talk
> mormons tell dad he would need to give up coffee
> bye mormons
>you're an edgy atheist now
Nope. I just didn't appreciate being asked by some 65 year old pedo whether I wanked or not. Guess you think asking kids about masturbation is completely cool though.
>if you want people to make good choices show them good role models and just have them live around people making said choices and seeing the outcome
Explains my failed relationships before, her “friends” or ones in particular she spent the most time with were shitty people. Normal on the outside but when seeing through the facade they pulled the crabs in a bucket to benefit them and screw the others so they’d be “first” to engagement/marriage
They're hypocrites. They allow Koreans to drink green tea, but don't allow the British to drink black or green Tea.
what do you mean?
This was required dress at all churches pre 1990
Caffeine is bad for your health. Alcohol is also banned which is awesome.
Caffeine isn't good no, but Mormons are allowed to drink coke and red bull to their hearts content lol
Mormons are so fucking fake they creep me out.
They are like bad liars, but with every emotion they put out. Everything from their kindness to concern is overdone and corny in the attempt, their facial expressions are the human equivalent of fake wood paneling and their kindness is bitter like saccharine.
Every mormon I have spoken with felt like talking to some alien creature attempting to emulate human behavior. Their book reads like some kind of biblical fanfiction, it's so insane it reminds me of those chuuni anime plots that use religious symbolism to add foreign mystique.
All of them shit out kids like crazy and play jewish money games, too.
Fuck mormons.
It's difficult to keep even 1 gf happy with enough attention and appreciation. How am I supposed to manage 3+ wives?
Mormons were going to ban coke from their members, until coca cola threatened to sue... then all of a sudden god gave the prophet new revelation not a to ban it LMAOOOO
they do not represent the truth of Christ.
Only Catholicism do
I lament nothing more than the christcuck invasion of Yas Forums. Before the trump era everybody on Yas Forums was atheist, then your reactionaries came along and infested the internet with lame bible shit. Get fucked, biblecuck. Your desert trash has done nothing but hold back European society since its very inception.
inb4 incel, neckbeard, euphoric, etc. Pretty much every developed country outside of burgerland is completely irreligious. Suck your kike saviour's dick.
Public school has the most pedophiles of any type.
exmormon bro redpill me on the IRS revelation and the muttification of mormons, I only read a little about these subjects but you seem like someone why knows more.
He sure is cool with it
Take the mormon pill, retard.
user, your mother told me you might be.....exploring your body when alone in your room. Tell me, young man, how wet does your knob get when you touch yourself?
Burgerland isn't religious either, it's mostly southern inbreds. And even then half of them are just boomers that pretend to care about their religion just so they can look down on others and tell them how to live their lives. I'm okay if people want to practice their religion but they should keep it to themselves in the same manner one would keep their sex lives to themselves.
Never seen a mormon vlad before. I guess slavs are not immune to amerifat superstitions either
>redpill me on the IRS revelation and the muttification of mormons
Not sure about this. I do know Mormons are recruiting south Americans and Africans en masse whereas Europeans are barely converting at all now.
Kek even the mormon shills are fake as fuck.
It's their goal to destroy religions to fuck your stupid goyim asses.
Cuz Jesus is the best
How come Mormons have the hottest chicks? Have you guys noticed this?
This, unironically. I know a mormon, he literally told me Jews are their masters, they see themselves as the goyim meant to serve Jews. He says since Jews rule the world serving them is the best thing a non-Jew can do. Weird but I guess it makes sense
>I do know Mormons are recruiting south Americans and Africans en masse
That's because only a retard or shitskin can get through more than 10 pages of the book of mormon without realizing they're being taken for a ruse cruise.
Mormonism missionaries are banned in Russia no?
Just as any other universalistic (therefore hellbent on conversion, subversion and conquest) desert cult, at the core they deny race, tribalism, classical archetypes that make an individual whole, and therefore deny philia and corrupt the very concept of a nation.
And no, religious brainwashing does not overwrite the hardwired preferences of human beings. Not even selective social eugenics did.
I do hope so. Everything I see from your country is bible bashing vs purple-haired hamgalaxies with nothing in between
Alcohol and caffeine are forbidden. They have good genes and don't ruin them with bad living.
>caffeine are forbidden
Incorrect. Coke is a staple in the mormon diet. Many of them are fat as fuck.
I just like some features. And this thing
But maybe they are judaizers. I heard about that thing from E. Michael Jones. So not based then.
I didn't realize they'd reformed. They give ground just like every other religious sect. The Mormons I grew up with drank Sprite bc it didn't have caffeine.