Extremely bored arab here, ask me anything, history of my country, the region, political situation etc...
Extremely bored arab here, ask me anything, history of my country, the region, political situation etc
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do you feel close to meds
Saudi arabian ?
Do people care that your king lost Jerusalem or has he shifted blame to the Jews?
How come some Arabs have blonde hair/blue eyes and others are literally black. Why are they both considered the same race?
In what way? genetically we may be close i am not sure, however culturally we are different.
No, jordanian as pointed out by my flag.
Opinions on Israel?
rome had a lot of provinces in the middle east and north africa
How do you guys regard T.E Lawrence?
how come Jordanians are known to be extremely friendly and hospitable while theyre just another breed or rude sandniggers?
>t.visited Jordan in december
How do you plan of getting rid of Islam?
has the virus affected your village/city?
Well, the king which lost jerusalem is dead now, and no we do not care about jerusalem, we don't think about it that much, you may notice that we like talking about it but we really don't gave a huge shit.
Not sure, but arabs from different regions may look different, someone from morocco is distinct from someone in iraq and someone from yemen is distinct from someone in syria, not always the case though.
Personal opinion: Israeli's do commit crimes against palestinians but they are always blown out of proportions and palestinians are the aggressors most of the time, palestinians proved that they don't deserve the land, but the israeli's also shouldn't have total control, especially the ones from europe, overall i want some kind of 2 state solution.
overall opinion: kill the israelis
They did
Personally i think he was a a homosexual british intelligence officer, nothing more, average arab only knows him by name probably.
What experience led you to this conclusion? jordanians can be very nice, some are scum though.
Why are Arab girls so hairy? I have a Jordanian girlfriend and she has a huge bush.
Yes, we are under lockdown, only allowed outside to buy necessary items from 10 in the morning to 6 at night.
Final one, are you guys proud of your Bedu origins?
Why are Gulf Arabs the worst and some of the most subhuman people on this planet, yet Levant Arabs like yourself are pretty based?
I am bedu, very proud of my origin, sadly most of the country is palestinian rats and syrian rapefugees, or urban scum.
med colonization
Because they are too rich and spoiled, disgrace of the arab world, it all became terrible when the saud family rats took over most of the arabian peninsula, and gained enough power to influence the rest of the peninsula, the sauds are a cancer.
I was in Jordan with my gf. Every single man in the street stared us down the moment we appeared, some tried to sell us shit we didnt want, others looked at use angrily etc. She was dressed modestly, just showed a bit of her hair.
Also people tried to rip us off multiple times
I was just asking, i didnt recognize your flag.
Of topic question is why does the middle east have so many jinns haunted places ?
Thoughts on Baathism? Pan-Arabism?
Do you support the Hashemites?
Palestine, Israel or two-state solution?
I feel like the Bedu are the based ones. Free people of the Desert, they went were they wished for, they'd fight for what they wanted. Brave, autonomous, sturdy and free people. I like the Cossacks for the same reasons.
You ever tried khat? My uncle loved that shit.
Sale bougnoule
How religious are people? How religious are you?
Is social undesirability such as progressivism filling your nations or are you still okay?
Wow, third worlders are opportunistic rats who hate Europeans they can’t exploit, who would’ve thought????
I know some are pretty med looking.
Thanks for the reply. Yeah I have heard Saudis are basically crypto-Jews the way that they are. Guess wealth really does get to people's heads. It's their arrogance that I despise the most. Just because they have all this money and wealth, they now think they are superior to you, yet 30 year back they were living in a barren desert. I've met some Lebanese and they seem pretty chill.
do people smoke hashish openly in public in jordan?
why are you fucking with the oil? we're busy over here.
Aren't they that pastorial group of farmers who roam around the desert? Correct me if I am wrong.
When last did America bomb you?
*Checks list*
no one cares.
you stupid motherfucker. Read ANY guide about Jordan and they will start with how friendly and hospitable Jordanians are. This is why I asked the question you fucking cunt
>history of my country
when will the mahdi smite the kikes?
he's so dreamy
An Arab calling another Arabs rapefugees , kek
How would you feel if you saw an arab man with a belgian GF walking in brussels? as for street vendors they are everywhere
>Of topic question is why does the middle east have so many jinns haunted places ?
because we believe in them
>Thoughts on Baathism? Pan-Arabism?
>Do you support the Hashemites?
neutral, wouldn't die for them.
two state solution
No, but i tried really cheap cocaine.
young people moderately religious, i would say 70+% are moderately or more than moderately religious, personally i am religious, sadly progressive poison is taking hold, a lot are against though.
when he appears i guess
try coming to jordan without your whore race mixing GF and it will be a different experience.
Why do you suck in war
How much is 2+2, Sandnigger?
Your king is pretty badass. I was in UAE when he found out the Taliban had burned his pilot, told our nigger president during a meeting that he had to go back, and then your king came back and started bombing the fuck out of them personally. It was awesome.
post your goat
Good to hear. Make sure they stay btfo. I don't want you guys to end up like us. If only I could bring myself to believe in your religion I would probably be pretty set.
bedu are not farmers at all, nomadic people.
Arabs are bad in modern warfare due to terrible command structure and favoring loyalty over experience and skill when appointing high ranking officers.
>Genetically close
Dream on Sand Monkeys.
Arabs are Afro Semites. Half Black and Half Jewish.
no, it was media stunt.
wrong again, isis not taliban.
if you are interested in islam you can do your own research on the internet, if you have any questions i will try to answer, not an expert though.
based German
Make the Reich real
>nomadic people
Sorry wrong choice of words. I meant animal herders.
lmao my gf is WHITE EUROPEAN dumbass, as am I. Aint no racemixing going on
>Arabs are Afro Semites. Half Black and Half Jewish.
Those are Gulf Arabs I think. Maybe that is why they are so subhuman. People from the Levant such as Lebanese aren't as bad as they have med blood.
>burger confusing Syria based ISIS with Afghanistan/pakistan based taliban hahahaha fucking DUMBASS
do you enjoy being a cuckold?
Sorry i misread your post, sorry the bad experience you had visiting my country.
What do you think of us Ameicans personally and what do your countrymen think of us generally?
post your goat with timestamp sandcoon!
It wasnt a bad experience overall. Nature and food was great, and not every Jordanian was annoying. I wouldnt advice people against visiting your country, it was interesting overall
How come the people who guard your king all look white. Is he partial to white people or something? And why do the guardsmen dress like they're getting ready for a winter blizzard
they look like Brits. Brits are anglos. Anglos are not white. They are mix if arabs and ashkenazi jews.
>Europoor talking trash while his entire country is tinier than than the smallest US state and has less world influence than some cities in the US.
Also, taliban, isis, jew, who gives a fuck? They're all sandniggers that need to die.
Mine are issues such as not finding archaeological evidence to support the existence of Makkah prior to around the 7th century, and variations in early manuscripts such as Topkapi and Sana'a vs the modern Qur'an and minor variations found between modern Qur'anic versions found in and throughout the MENA region vs the Qur'an as an eternal book, plus claims of corruption of other texts not really matching the archaeological or manuscript evidence.
So basically, I like Islam, but what Sunnis and Shia etc teach does not match what I currently know from my studies. Perhaps in time. I have brought these up with a few people, including some of those "Ask a Muslim" groups, and they always call me a liar and kick me out whenever I ask something.
>how do you imagine jordan is perceived by the greater west
>how do you and your countrymen regard the people (not government) in the greater west
If we go by this Turks, Iranians, Caucasians and Ashkenazis are closer to Europe.
Personally i do not think about americans, but for the sake of the question i think the majority are soulless consumer machines, my countrymen hate america in general but wouldn't treat an american badly in jordan.
they are some sort of special caucasus guard, i think circassian.
That are Circassians or another ethnicity from the Caucasus who slave away since they were forcefully converted to Islam.
Why do you fuck goats?
Thoughts on Kurds?
We don't care about you sand nigger.
I had a very pleasant stay in Jordan two years ago. Apart from some beduins and taxi drivers people were extremely friendly, and extremely patient with tourists.
Much nicer than French people would be towards shitty behaving tourists.
For OP :
What is your view on Beduins? Gypsies or the ideal arab way of life?
What is the security situation at the time? Is the country safe including north and east? Is there much resent against king and government?
Are the Jordanian medical skills still as good as advertised in Europe?
Kurds are nasty little jew culture shit instigators. Death to them.
>>how do you imagine jordan is perceived by the greater west
Buffer state for israel/puppet state of the west or cheap vacation spot
>>how do you and your countrymen regard the people (not government) in the greater west
people here think the west is literally perfect and keep saying shit like "why cant we be like europe", very very stupid overall view of the west, basically hate them for shit like world domination yet wish they were like them.
Seems like you are very well versed in this and have spent a lot of time studying, good for you friend, sadly i can't say the same, i guess i just have faith, but i will tell you this, keep searching for some muslims to answer your questions and hopefully you will find someone.
I do?
i hate the chimping out ones who think they deserve a country of their own.
>I like Islam
Not a single reason to like that ideology unless you are a maniac or a cuckold.
This Jordanian bedouin rat is just a house nigger for the CIA and Zionists. The reason they don't like Palestinians is because it exposes their inner faggotry and willingness to suck imperial cock on their knees rather than fight back. Bedouin culture is the most backwards, illiterate, and unsophisticated in the world and is shared among bedouins throughout the region be it in the Gulf or Jordan, which is why the region is in such a sorry state. It pretty much only values fake attempts at masculinity due to internalized insecurity regarding everything from their small dicks, and poverty, to their lack of intelligence or significance. Even today in Jordan it is not uncommon for a small dispute between two men of different clans to escalate to an all out skirmish in the streets... Like dumb niggers on a Philadelphia street corner they are preoccupied with meaningless hatreds with their countrymen rather than trying to regain their sovereignty, dignity, and actually develop their civilization.
Arab NPC nigger detected, thinks Arabs should have like 27 countries and muh Falistin, but it's not okay for Kurds to get their own country, fuck off Arab nigger.
>What is your view on Beduins? Gypsies or the ideal arab way of life?
i am beduin, gypsies are not though, we hate them, and the ideal arab way of life is almost dead.
>What is the security situation at the time? Is the country safe including north and east? Is there much resent against king and government?
safest country in the middle east, resentment exists, how much though i do not know since you can't publicly resent the king and government.
>Are the Jordanian medical skills still as good as advertised in Europe?
Yes actually, the medical field in jordan is very advanced, we also produce a lot of drugs.
Not sure about that one. Except for the Northern ones, rest just look brown. I'm not saying all Levant Arabs have med blood, but some do. A lot better compared to Gulf Arabs who have half niggers.
hello there little kurdy, remember to say OCALAN three times in bed, otherwise chemical ali will get you.
Good thread, OP. It's been long since we had one of those. Monitoring it. also is it true that the saudis are at the brink of a civil war?
How do you feel about circassians building your entire country?
If I convert to Islam, which countries, apart from Sweden and Canada would give me an instant citizenship and 4 hot wives?
i thought palestinians built my entire country lol, stop with your delusions! minority scum.
>also is it true that the saudis are at the brink of a civil war?
i hope so, citizens of the kingdom of known as saudia arabia people have the potential to be good, they just need to slaughter the saud family.
What's your opinion of Hindu nationalism and Modi supporters like myself?
t. Pajeet from Alberta
You don't really want a country of your own when it comes down to it, you just like fucking people around. The USA has shat on you 8 times and you keep crawling back, that tells you all you need to know about the perfidious Kurd.
>muh country bigger then urs HAHA
Imagine basing your worth on how influential your country is in world politics. You as a human being are still worthless trash that cant differentiate between two of the largest terror organisations in the world
Funny that so many newfags have fallen for this larpbait.
Stupid niggers
Listen here we are both Nashama, I respect you but you gotta face the truth, there's a reason why the King has Circassian guards in his Royal palace
Glass houses my little Aztek friend, be nice to the desert brown
Do Christians in your country also generally hate the West.
lol ok
Also #FuckIrbidfags
Ok see you my friend
You've never earned anything other than being genocided by legitimate rulers. What you brag about, you were given.
If the 2003 Gulf War would never have happened and Saddam Hussein remained in power, what do you think the political situation in the Middle East would look like today? Do you think that removing a strongman from Iraq made everything worse in the region, or is chaos the nominal condition there and some other series of events (local national Arab influence, foreign and\or Israeli influence) would have lead to roughly the same present condition, or something else.