Why do AmeriMutta do this?

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They aspire to be us.

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To mark themselves as goy chattel and make offering to YAHWEH the great eater of foreskins.

Source on the claim that they occur in 30% of circumcisions?

interesting how these circumcision complications align almost perfectly with the percentages of american male sexlessness

amerimutts be like
>looks better
>girls prefer it

How come every dick drawing is circumcised? I never see anyone drawing anteater dicks. I always thought that circumcised dicks were the default.

american here, uncut, feels good.
thanks dad!

i have no foreskin and i must coom

because cut dicks are funny as fuck.
they look weird.
uncut dick is natural and thus uninspiring.

it's good for you goy

I don’t, I’m a master at drawing cocks and I always include some foreskin.

I don't think so uncut dicks would look like markers.

>like markers.

>taking a piss
>once in a while it shoots out of two spots and makes a mess
fuck kikes

America exists to humiliate men.

im uncut and that happens to me too sometimes.

That's an awful lot of dick pics you hunted down there OP... faggot lol


To all you cutfags not full of cope and denyal, i feel for you bro's.
Do better for your children.

Watch eric clopper

No idea. Thank God my parents are both Hungarians.

>tfw unmutilated American bad goy masterrace

his name was eric clopper

I thank God every day that my father left me uncut so I could make the decision myself. I hated him growing up when I was the odd one out, but as a man, I discovered not only that he did something truly great for me, he went against my mother, society and doctor pressuring too.

>the girls prefer it this way,mohammed.
> you don't have infections this way europoor.

Attached: murican.png (496x694, 499.48K)

the foreskin is a natural lubricant

Wait, he’s not dead is he?!

Now imagine you're part of a religion that involves biting and sucking the cocks of every male born into it

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Not defending "The chosen" or the atrocities that are committed via circumcision (the practice as a whole), but the Urethra is a soft tissue canal that sometimes doesn't dialate properly, consider nocturnal emissions and you have a recipe for forking during urination. The aforementioned applies to midday events as well.

by what you're saying american society puts lots of pressure in pushing genital mutilation.
This is a concept so foreign too me that I really don't know if I mock you guys or I just feel bad for you.

They are slaves to jew. Imagine how easy they are to manipulate when they can make them mutilate their own kids on jew command.

Americans are slave of jews. They must be nuked.
No I am not a commie. I am a capitalist. But jews and their slaves must be destroyed.

Because they are cattle for the jews

Most curcumcised penises don’t have a fully developed urethra at all.
Removing the foreskin exposes the gland to the fecal matter inside nappies/diapers. Usually causes multiple infections before proper toilet training is undergone and it forces the pisshole to restrict and never fully grow to its potential.

no, just got lots of shit and i think he lost his job

It was done to us.
We won't do it in the future.
Why does every self-righteous European ignore the fact that their nations also do it?

The irony of this is that urethral infections were cited as a reason to GET a circumcision.

I have some questions.
Do you have to pull the skin back to pee?
Does your dick feel slimey?
Have you ever had smegma?

You won't do shit, nigger mutt! Your wives will be brainwashed to do it to your kids. If you oppose you will be divorced and have to pay the child support of your mutilated son for 18 years.

Around 8.5% of people in the UK are circumcised, same as the percentage of pakis and Jews we have roughly.
Over 50% of Americans do it irrelevant of their religious ideals.

Shocker right. And yeah, i heard he got lots of flack, which he should’ve been immune to being a tribal and being overwhelmingly correct on everything he talked about.
He should pull a chaad haag and just self publish stuff

Thank you for enlightening me, this makes me even more saddened. I've not suffered from what you mentioned, but I know it's true and know I could be partially affected by impaired growth.

It has zero benefits and causes nothing but problems.

Yeah... my small dick is because I'm circumcised

No, you stupid communist chink.
It's already becoming unpopular in the US to mutilate your kid.
It's sad nobody in Europe had the balls to ban it.

Because they're faggots.

Ok, you faggots listen when you get older and need a circumcision to stop your dick from getting infected and falling off remember this day because the recovery is a bitch. My grandfather said it was one of the worst if not the worst experiences of his life.

Yes when I was a dirty teenager.

Let's see if you have balls to do it sooner than them.
Jews rule over you quite literally. You won't be able to do anything against their interest for a very long time. Get fucked!

This lol

The scar tissue alone is guaranteed to have played it’s part.

Iceland almost banned it until uncle sam said he’d put sanctions on them on behalf of the kikes.

Yeah but when an uncut dick is hard it looks the same as one that's circumcised


This, unfortunately.

>Ok, you faggots listen when you get older and need a circumcision to stop your dick from getting infected and falling off

American anatomy every one.

>threatened sanctions over circumcision
Never happened.
You're a communist.

Circumcision was literally a commandment from God
so either your a bunch of neckbeards or paganfags.

We don’t need to ban it.
I mean, we should, but people really don’t see it as an option. It just doesn’t happen unless you are a Muslim or Jew.

Because when the Jew world order takes over since we are circumcised we get first class citizen privileges. The Jews decided we would be the house niggers and get to boss the rest of you around and we get to go to their war god Yahweh's heaven too. Enjoy your immediate reincarnation


Snip off that smegma hoarding skin, lads