At what point will the average American realise what the rest of the world has known for four years?

At what point will the average American realise what the rest of the world has known for four years?

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Don’t care, we’re the best country in the world nigger

What makes you think that?

You sure about that?

I wish every nigger that complained about trump got transported to nov 9, 2015 of the hillary timeline

No we're not. Not even top 10.

You ever lived here motherfucker? It’s fucking amazing, we literally got it all.

Mindless patriotic indoctrination

"He offends my sensibilities. Make him go away!"

How stupid do you have to be not to understand by now that this is part of why we elected him?

Have you ever lived in every other country?
You have diabetes and niggers.

Why do leftists only consider other white western countries the rest of the world?

lol you’re gay

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I have been to the US, it's ok in some places and fucken scary in others, definitely overrated.

Don't throw stones when in a glass house. Jacinda Ardern is a fucking laughing stock

M8, easy with those words or I’ll report you to the police, you’re pushing hate speech boundaries nigger

We don’t care blow it out you chink owned ass

This is creepy, New Zealanders can’t really be this obsessed. I bet you even call our presidents “the President” instead of “U.S. President”

Why would I wanna live anywhere else? Y’all have integrated niggers which is worse. Our niggers stay in the hood. Our fatties stay in the south.

Stay mad and jelly though Ahmed.


Why should I care what this fag says. Fuck Jacinda, kill her, eat her

back to redddit faggit

Wtf I love trump now

at what point, will the rest of the world understand that we give literally zero fucks what they think about how we handle our business?

You mean “a liberal Jacinda-loving urbanite faggot New Zealander’s view on Donald Trump”

>drumpf is sthupid
Envy only hurts yourself, and those around you.
Stay mad, kiwi with a female leader.

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Rent free you faggot ass kangaroo fucker.

saved your bong asses twice

that's what happens when you get school kids pray to a fucking flag each morning

NZer here, just want to say sorry bout all the other NZers that think the rest of the world gives a fuck about our opinions

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New Zealand empty brain dead cunts. Not cuz DT. but because they totally lock down now cuz one old dead of the breathing issues.... So yeah there you go. They claim it is from the border that then say no border control. YEEESSSS.

He's from New Zealand, not Australia. American education.

no the rest of the world just mostly uses their name, clinton, bush, obama, the current tosser

Founded your fucking country

Fuck off loser.

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When did kiwis become so cucked?

As a member of the rest of the world. Fuck of you new zealand cunt.
No one likes new zealand. It's such a nothing people generally leave it of the map. Your just leaving the 70s socially.

Trump is the greatest world leader to every exist. Or probably will exist. He's more popular now than ever.

fuck off and take your sanctimonious leftist dribble with you.

pencil necked jafa cunt.

Lol who gives a cares I cant even find NZ on the fuckin map. Fuck off NIGGER

How are you enjoying your time in London during this pandemic, you yankee cunt?

>we’re the best country in the world nigger

t. lived in the US and a few other countries

>Don’t care, we’re the best country in the world for niggers

Paul Thompson is a fucking faggot and so are you

>Trump personifies the stereotypical American
>"wtf why did Americans vote for him"

Imagine being so logically devoid you're incapable of connecting the dots within your own paragraph...

>a new zealanders view on something he only knows about from MSM propaganda and internet echo chambers

there are to many delusional people here.

to arrogant to realise they are being shafted in the arse year on year from government. small man mentality really.

Be Kind and obey your police state little precious Kiwi

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hilarious how the government puts in tons of restrictions on society and no one questions it.

i'd like to see what restrictions remain after this is over.

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tell me where you live. I will personally come over and fuck your wife

your nobal representatives had the time to make sure that late term abortion was passed into law. HUGE comfort!

Did any of you pieces of shit give a shit - lat term abortion?

We don't cuck on guns like New Zealand did after one whole mass shooting.

You do not give a shite all good use a condom p,ease and do not ever kill a baby.

Why do all my countrymen think their opinions are important?


oh look, once again kiwis and their shit tier pollies larp like anything he says is more than petty envy at being the most insignificant insect of a nation in the west.
Trump is smarter than you, yanks are smarter and more hard working than you. You are little more than Grand Pitcairn, get over it.

why do people care so much about a journalists opinion?

Didn't read past the lie of "casual racism" and this is what left wingers fail to learn. When you propagate half truths, rely on spin, hyperbole and outright dishonesty people stop taking anything you say seriously. They roll their eyes and say "Yeah, sure, whatever man" and get on with their lives.

You could come out with 99 poignant facts but if the first thing you say is a lie, nobody trusts them. You flush your own credibility down the toilet then ask "Why is everyone OK with this?" The answer is, maybe we aren't but we'll never know because we just don't believe you anymore

>a new zealanders view on literally anything
who fucking cares, everyone here is a retarded fuckwit

>American president embodies American values.

Where's the problem? Mind your own business, you failed Aussie.

Lol fair point