They call us mutts. They incite infighting. They hate. They lie

Western Euroshits, Chinks, and Russians have done a damn good job at manipulating the public, and most importantly the American public, into believing the CIA is a force for evil when the agency has been one of the most instrumental factors in maintaining U.S. cultural, military, and economic dominance.

Quick rundown:
>CIA toppled commie dictatorships and liberated the people
>Empowered patriotic companies domestically and abroad through grants and other funding
>Pushed American ideals through the media
>Prevented foreign nations and companies from undermining U.S. sovereignty
>Funded English teachers in moving abroad to make English the lingua franca of the world
>Brought terrorists to justice

They are jealous of American success and virtue.
They tremble before the proud American.
The proud mutt.

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ok retard

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ok cia you're such a good boy

Ok Ivan.

Lol doesn’t it make you laugh seeing all those crispy German corpses?

Americans would be a lot more prosperous if each and every one of them weren't paying large checks to the state and military contractors every year, and a lot safer if the rest of the world weren't constantly being given reasons to hate the American government for supporting mass violence and death in their homelands

Cope harder fed

like clockwork


I reckon we fuck Germany again, we’re already occupying them with our military so it wouldn’t be much effort to do so.

>CIA toppled commie dictatorships and liberated the people

Is this what you were brainwashed into thinking about Gadaffi?

>CIA toppled commie dictatorships and liberated the people
We got the same treatment much earlier, trust me it didn't turn out to be very liberating, mostly just very kiked.

>Empowered patriotic companies domestically and abroad through grants and other funding
>patriotic companies
They don't exist in countries that aren't patriotic, which your media has been discouraging all over the world for decades. Impressive job though, we all speak English now and know American pop culture.

>Pushed American ideals through the media
Modern American ideals are SJW poison, so true.

>Prevented foreign nations and companies from undermining U.S. sovereignty
Except China and central America.

>Funded English teachers in moving abroad to make English the lingua franca of the world
Pure kikery, the Anglos and the kikes are almost indistinguishable.

>Brought terrorists to justice
Took 10 years to capture Osama Bin Laden, if that even happened at all, at the behest of the military industrial complex. Attacking Iraq while you are at it like the opportunistic rats you are. All in response to 9/11 which was more than likely a false flag attack. Meanwhile you literally funded and created those very same terrorists you later "brought to justice".

47% white. This includes all the mutts that count themselves as white despite obviously not being. I'm guessing America is more like 37% white. You're not even a white country anymore. Get over it mutt. You're literally on par with Brazil.

The CIA is the descendent of the OSS. The OSS were government-sponsored nazi hunters, by their own description.

What? Americans have essentially pioneered precision warfare that reduces civilian casualties and we shouldn't seek to be bystanders. We should help countries struggling with oppressive dictatorships because it betters the world as a whole.

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Hello Eglin AFB.

Reported for hatespeech expect a knock. If i were you id waste no time in hiding that flatscreen

Imagine being such a retard you think the U.S. is toppling dictatorships out of moral reasons. Literally kill yourself you fucking mutt.

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>oppressive dictatorships

sort out the jews that run your country first, then you can play with your toys.

PS. thanks for killing gadafi, he only gave 75% of the country running water infrastructure. he was the best thing to happen to africa.


>muh joos
>muh conspiracies
>muh radical right-wing ideals
Did you ever bother to stop and think that the reason you hate the CIA is because you harbor an ideology within you that calls for the destruction of innocent lives and is on par with other terrorist ideologies?

Nice comeback. You know I'm right faggot.

it turns them into hellscapes
Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Syria, Vietnam, etc etc etc etc we all better off without the mass murder campaigns - you should take a moment and think about the fact that even most "enemy combatants" in every war the United States has ever been in have been CONSCRIPTS, which are people are are FORCED to fight (read: slaves)

>precision warfare
>have 9/11
>Saudi perpetrators
>attack Iraq and Afghanistan
>remain buddies with Saudi Arabia
>10 years later
>finally catch one guy, he was in fucking Pakistan
>terrorism now much worse, Europe flooded with refugees
>precision warfare
Thanks, burgers.

Hahahah! IMAGINE BEING THIS DELUSIONAL. What the fuck are you doing here glowie? Fuck off back to your fed bootlicker Facebool groups.

>flooded with refugees
You retards deserve it for using that word to describe them.

God I love American ideals

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Maybe if mutts like you weren’t such bootlicking spineless faggots, you wouldn’t be dying in for the McInterests(tm) of your masters in countries you can’t even point out on the map, leaving the rest of us to deal with the consequences of your ”””””nation building projects””””” you filthy disgusting mutt rodent.

Just shop an obese nig, Fast food and a to depressants and opiates and we've got America perfectly encapsulated.

kys agent Glowmann

No wonder they toppled USA.

It's difficult to argue this because you have a fundamentally different view of the world. You imply that these wars have been for nothing and have done more bad than good which just isn't the case.

>Projection and attempts at witty zinger trademarks.
You weren't left to deal with anything. You pussies simply rolled over for an invading army because you are weak and decadent. Go do some pushups. Europe burned the middle east to the ground in the crusades and never had a nigger horde float over on rubber boats. Because they weren't complete vaginal cavities at the time. You. Are. Weak.

Russians are for more nefarious than the CIA


I dont care if you ruin your gene pool desu. What I dont like is you being jew slaves and their lap dog.

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The CIA was created by British military intelligence in the Rockefeller Center during WWII as the OSS. It has been since its inception a nest of British Empire treason against the USA.

One small sample; 97% of Americans believe the CIA played an active role in the assassination of President Kennedy. The CIA is evil, anti American, they're drug smugglers, child traffickers, and all around troublemakers who have even fucked Eisenhower around.

I don't hate the CIA, and I don't wish for for the destruction of any innocent lives at all. But the fact is that Europe is in shambles, and it is because we are in the American sphere of influence. The degree to which the US is in turn in the Jewish or Israeli sphere of influence is debatable, but to simply dismiss it as a conspiracy theory is laughably dishonest. Regardless, the fact remains that we have been severely undermined culturally since 1945.

The reason I don't hate the CIA, or the Anglo, or even the kike, is because I don't want to be a whiny bitch who says the opponent cheated when I lose. We let this happen to ourselves, as did the rest of the world, and the good guys simply never win, because they are good guys. That doesn't mean I shouldn't call out kikery when I see it, because if you are under the illusion that this is all just a result of America being so righteous and liberating, you are probably missing something.

Israel is a key ally in the middle-east. The kooky Jew NWO conspiracies are mind-numbing if you ever bothered to look into the 'evidence'. Besides, coming from a nation that committed numerous war crimes, it makes sense why you hate the CIA.

Amerimutts will never break free.

Big Agree

What i hate about shitty takes like this is the fact you can only criticize the outcome.
If the US did nothing you'd still criticize the outcome.
It doesnt take brains to go "this thing bad".

All that conspiratorial mumbo-jumbo is completely irrational and hasn't a sliver of evidence to back it up.

USS Liberty fucker.

Nuke Israel in revenge.

if only he said fsb

>US is in turn in the Jewish or Israeli sphere of influence is debatable
Dual citizen jews in us government
Jew overrepresentation in US media
Jew overrepresentation in US corporations
Jew overrepresentation in US finance

Its not debatable


>All that conspiratorial mumbo-jumbo is completely irrational and hasn't a sliver of evidence to back it up

Get fucked in the ass. Die shitting blood, dog.

>which just isn't the case
What the fuck? How? Look at Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Afghanistan, Syria, Egypt. Your involvement in these nations somehow was good for them? Explain.

Im not talking about Israel im talking about jews in US, who run you and you happily comply. Dont make me go on my computer and redpill you.

>the good guys never win
America was founded on good beliefs and has been winning since inception. Maybe you have a skewed view as to what constitutes 'good'.

ok mutt

Lmao, whatever you say mutt. Get the fuck out of the rest of the world you disgusting leech, go fix our crumbling third world shithole country. Take your looting, your nauseating spinelessness, your stupidity and your degeneracy with you, mutt filth.
t. the rest of the world

You're a faggot. Go faggot somewhere else.

Glow damage control? How many levels of gay are you on, nobody likes the CIA

>patriotic companies

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I just want that guy to stop watching me jerk off and shit post. It's making me uncomfortable

>thinking the KGB no longer exists
>"ex"-KGB "President"
user I-

>the reason you hate the CIA
is because it's a drug-dealing, sovereign-infringing, pedophilia-promoting, Israel-helping rogue organization that should have been crushed and reformed decades ago.

And we're the ones calling for the destruction of innocent lives?

do you think there's no disconnect between the ostensible reasons the government offers for why they've engaged in these wars and why they actually engage in those wars?

>no argument

Nice glow agent hernandez.
pic related is built for bbc

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Holy shit imagine trying to shill this idea.

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You’re one to talk, mutt. Where is this argument of yours, you toothless faggot? Some fucking Amerimutt psychobabble about crusades? Are you joking you fucking retard?

I am just saying that you can't call it precision warfare and pretend like they killed the minimum amount of people possible, when they used 9/11 (either Saudi or false flag attack) as an excuse to get involved militarily in like 10 different countries. As for me criticizing them if they had done nothing, that is true. What they should have done is attack Saudi Arabia and possibly Israel.

>Nazis who would otherwise have been charged with war crimes, signing on with American intelligence enabled them to avoid a prison term.

>“The real winners of the cold war were Nazi war criminals, many of whom were able to escape justice because the East and West became so rapidly focused after the war on challenging each other,” says Eli Rosenbaum, director of the Justice Department’s Office of Special Investigations and America’s chief Nazi hunter. Rosenbaum serves on a Clinton-appointed Interagency Working Group (IWG) committee of U.S. scholars, public officials, and former intelligence officers who helped prepare the CIA records for declassification.

Also, look up how the Bush family (Prescott Bush) funded the Nazis. His grandson George H.W. Bush became the director of the CIA and later President of the US.

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>Q+ id
Well I’ll be darned sir, sorry Special Agent Q-sama. It won’t happen again sir.


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Define moral

That's not true. Notice in 2016 white Americans were like we are only 80% of the population and suddenly in 2020 it's 37% where I live some children have never seen a brown person in real life

Yes, but completely tossed those beliefs out of the window in the 20th century. America before that was amazing, one of the most admirable civilizations to ever exist.

>the real winners of the war were nazi war criminals

how retarded can a person be

>America was founded on good beliefs
Oh sweet summer know nothing.

Nice bait, glowingger

Your current feckless nature is not Americas fault. You've been comfortable for too long. You're ancestors would have killed them all already. Not that they would have even allowed them to land. You're a pussy. Accept it.

Many of them are, but our response to them has created an incentive for everyone else to claim they are refugees too, and flood our continent.

Et tu, Brute

Because you live in the North in some of the least populated states in America. America hasn't been 80% white since the 90s keep coping retard.