/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #2913 - Florida Edition

► Detected (Global): 1,118,603 (+1,960) ► Deaths (Total): 59,226 (+68)
► Total Recovered (Global): 229,280 ►Serious, Critical: 39,407
— 4.2 billion people put under lockdown —
— 208 countries and territories infected —
— 6.4x more confirmed deaths than swine flu pandemic —
— 3,220 different strains have been sequenced —

Italy warns cats, ferrets and dogs can get infected

WHO says disease no longer affects only old people

US urges citizens to return or stay abroad for "indefinite" time

Survival rate if you need a ventilator is very low

Normalcy bias is the tendency to believe things will always be the same

21 year old without previous conditions dies in Britain

12% of deaths in Italy had no previous conditions

Testicular damage

COVID-associated acute bleeding necrotizing brain damage


Corona FAQ

Loss of smell & Taste:


>Cases by Country
(Last updated 1:18 AM PST):
– USA: 277,522 cases, 7,403 deaths
– Italy: 119,827 cases, 14,681 deaths
– Spain: 119,199 cases, 11,198 deaths
– Germany: 91,159 cases, 1,275 deaths
– France: 82,165 cases, 6,507 deaths
– UK: 38,168 cases, 3,605 deaths



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Other urls found in this thread:


WHO recap: darkest hour

starring IMF shill
rip economy
find,test,isolate,trace every contact
2nd wave if you don't do it
remove financial barriers to healthcare
compensate providers,give out money to ppl
polio on the rise thanks to corona
domestic violence on the rise thanks to corona
in 3 months WHO barely scraped together 300/600kk
shoutout to tencent and kuwait
>IMF goblin
3 points:
crisis like NO OTHER,saving lives and economy go hand in hand
developing countries fucked m8
IMF working with world bank,war-chest is ready

age,undelying conditions to blame
overloaded systems kill ppl-WB
missing mild cases due to overload
can't compare CFR yet-G
IMF worried about Africa
2 ways
more emergency gibs(double it)
debt is issue,IMF supporting cntries with debt
support africa-IMF
>SEA economic impact?
Indonesia built strong buffers
well prepared
thanks FEDs
support go brrrr-IMF
trying to find the size of iceberg rn
studies across yrop
thanks china for being transparent-G
antibody tests have to be used carefully-WB
>younglings in ICU?
rise in numbers
we don't know why
still many more boomers
studies to take MONTHS-G
1/6 under 60
WHO warned you for months about this-WB
thanks central banks
banks attacc but also protecc
IMF focus developing countries
"banks in rich countries,pls go brrr"-IMF
>2nd wave?
lockdowns will come back to slow if needed
we need the tracking in place before opening the lockdowns
use the time won by lockdowns for improving your systems-WB
China loves the IMF
China "buying" debt from poorer countries(probably only those with military use)-IMF
HIV platform for testing reused to track COVID-WB
pls gib m95s to medical staff
consider masks to slow the spread by infected who can't be isolated

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>Dead: 59,226
lol, still only 59,226.
How many days has it been stuck at 59,226? Four days? Five days?

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thanks for baking fren


Did we got to 6k deaths yesterday?

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Post your virus-tan idea.

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> tfw this might not be credible at all


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Who here in CS and guaranteed a comfy job security in the coming big brother state?

5,970. Close but not quite

Boys, I have a feeling we can't even begin to imagine the scope of what's about to
unfold. In the future people will look at all the corona memes and think we were
insane, completely out of touch with reality, oblivious to the profound changes
lurking just around the corner.

There was a time when I was obsessed with reading archived newspaper issues
from WW2, especially the American ones. They read almost like entertainment,
overrun with cartoons and lipstick ads, right next to death counts and
reports from the front. Not much different from what we see today.

Thing is, it's only after the dust settles that people can see what actually
happened, get the complete picture, or something close to it. But it's still
every bit as hard to wrap your head around the numbers as for the people who
battled with it. The dead are mourned, monuments are built, stories are told,
becoming the founding myth for the new reality. Life goes on, until the next
catastrophic event.

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Thank you Gary! Love you!

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Do you break quarantine for pussy?

threadly reminder, dont argue with nothingburger fags, they have made up there minds so let them live with it.
instead of convincing them of there fully, tell them to live there convictions.
tell them to go back to work, eat at a chinese restaurant, hug a chink, fuck a chink hooker, things like that.
for every one of there retards that kills himself, our future will become a little but brighter.

Hey Nurgle's Chosen, how is vienna doing right now?

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I don't speak weeb beyond the most basic of basics. What does the -tan part mean?

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based burguerbaker

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3D Printed door handle that you can use without touching it.

Start making it in your country. You are gonna make some fat stacks.

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Sucking the AI dong soon friend

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Homeless WA user here
Things starting to get real. Sirens frequent. Car horns. Homeless screaming more than normal
Stay safe frens

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no word from vienna rn
last I've heard is that they are busy scrambling for masks
here in Salzburg we are pretty overloaded for now but zivis are about to be sent back in which will help a lot


>not prepping a poosy supply for quarantine
if she is same risk as you and takes same precautions, say you have both been iso for 2 weeks and are only going to be seeing each other then maybe why not, get a coom happen inb4 ronpaul

Shut the FUCK up nerd.

Look up japanese honorifics. -tan, -san-, -kun, -chan.. They're like putting "mr." or "ms" before a name


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Yas Forums will never be in the history books, since the jews will still be the global overlords after all

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Just like Roman or Persian ancient street art. It's normal for current events to influence culture. As you already noted this has been our MO for as long as we can look back. Just sit back, relax and enjoy the show. You're part of something you'll be able to tell your neighbors grandkids one day.

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You can already open a door like this without it by useing your elbow

My obese, autistic sister lives with me and is eating all my food. If any of you virgins want to take her in, feel fucking free.

cam /cvg/ please explain this video?


/GBG/ - Greek Borders General


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That's a guy isn't it?

Ii mean if you have lots of visitors and some of them are elderly I think this would help many of them.

Hey, best wishes. Stay safe out there. Bless.

impossibru to not have CS work if keep learning new relevant skills when everyone working remote

>Testicular damage

I hope you're doing alright homeless fren. Here in Grays we got our 3rd confirmed case today


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The critical and serious statistic is bullshit FYI, some countries don't report it while others like Germany blatantly lied, when they had 10k cases they said they had only like 50 in ICUs

>the czech jew fears the pole hussar

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reminder to report spammers


Over 9000 deaths in USA before the weekend is over?

cant u go and forage at a national park?
goodluck bro

Why did you suck off a nigger?

I am so sick and tired of seeing tweets or news articles in the "RESEARCH" heading. Research section should link to science only.

Bruh, why?

Pierce county hit 422 last I looked. But I think WA in general is lying. So many coofers

worse then spammers, that brasilien is some of the worst filth, everytime he talkes about himself the only thing comming to mind is the picture definitin if mutt untermensch.

I will provide you with a dowry of 30 cans of corned beef hash, 100 cans of DEENZ, 20 cans of French cut green beans, 14 litres of vodka, and 8 gallons of milk. Take her.

How are things over there Mario?

are you announcing a report user?

Why did you suck off an Irishman?

Did they lock all the public bathrooms like they did in Oregon?


RESEARCH: Here is a tweet from Gaylord McFucksticks about how HCQ + Zinc is going to stop this pandemic even though this was proposed like two weeks ago and hasn't stopped shit.


I've lost a friend because he became a nothingburgerfag. Had to quit, as talking/chatting with him gave me headaches. He's either utterly ignorant, or got the maximum cope.

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I moved location to a more realistic forest, but it's hard to keep lurking /cvg/ now with our shit weather. I have considered Olympia park but that seems so brutal
Stay safe fren

We're not reporting cases or bairly. Shit's fucked

Is it really worth it to destroy the economy just to try and stop the spread of a pandemic? Don't you think lockdowns are just an overreaction?

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The reaction to Corona-chan made me understand the midwit concept.
>low IQ listens to the talking head on TV and thinks "OH FUCK WERE ALL GONNA DIE" and goes to prepare
>average IQ sees the front page numbers and thinks "doesn't the flu kill way more people? lmao" and does not prepare
>the slightly above average IQ is smart enough to distrust information from media and governments, but does not understand how and why the information is not valuable, assumes its all hype for clicks, and does not prepare
>the high IQ studies the virus, the science behind it, looks to history, observes trends in the numbers, and concludes the virus is indeed highly dangerous and will have great societal consequences, and prepares
>low and high IQ individuals are better off than the midwits

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>for every one of there retards that kills himself, our future will become a little but brighter.
That's a pleasant way of looking at it.

Still not worth sheltering a ham planet, though I can't deny I considered it briefly considering the 100 cans of deenz and 14 liters of vodka.

Couldn’t that be caused by all kinds of deaths that would normally happen being reported as corona to scare people to extreme levels. Everyone probably has a corona virus present in their body right now because it’s always been like that. It would be easy to call any death a covid death people are sat in their homes not having a clue. I still don’t know anybody who knows anybody who has the virus. The hospitals are all empty. But they’re saying how many hundreds have died everyday. Am I being optimistic here?

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Love work from home

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I've been comfy for 7 weeks in my house now, I am in a small town of 1000 inhabitants. 1 dead and 15 infected.

>Here is a tweet from Gaylord McFucksticks about how HCQ + Zinc is going to stop this pandemic even though this was proposed like two weeks ago and hasn't stopped shit.
I thought that the prevailing consensus was that HCQ was most effective when administered early in the virus' lifecycle.

If they're only throwing HCQ at people when they're on their deathbeds and their lungs are already FUBAR, I don't know why they would expect markedly more positive outcomes.

ok it was a joke, i'm not actually going to do that.

Ya man there's no way we have just 6.6k with Seattle being chink central of america. I'm starting to notice more people in masks at least

first, fix your youtube link [youtu.be/-jGb7O7qnwo]
also your UK police are absolute shitbags so of course they'll remove anyone they like, but are you one of those dumbasses that still believe that the virus itself doesn't exists?

Revert to don't test don't tell, they were overwhelmed and liberal so gave up; media praising Washington state and California, big ducking mistake

We need to slow the spread of the virus and we do that by going into quarantine. A negligible number of people are sick and as of now only about 100,000 are expected to die. The number of infections is not troubling because only around 250,000 have it total. The trouble is that the death to recovery ratio is roughly 2:5. You’re almost guaranteed to avoid it if you avoid crowds, or else you run the risk of flipping a coin for your life. Two weeks ago we had 10,000 cases, and a week ago we had 100,000, and now we have 250,000. The infection rate is slowing down because people are isolating. If we don’t isolate, then the spread becomes exponential. If we do isolate, then the sick either die or recover and we don’t have to worry about it as much. If – hypothetically – growth became exponential, then ~40% of all of us would die. It isn’t a risk worth taking.

It isn’t a big deal, and it doesn’t have to become a big deal as long as we isolate. People who say, “look at these numbers, it isn’t a big deal!” are retards because the big deal is what we’re trying to avoid. You don’t swerve to avoid a crash after you hit another car, you swerve before you hit it and after you notice the potential for it. The 2:5 death ratio and the potential for exponential growth are the problems. We can't do anything about the death ratio at the moment, so we're focusing on reducing the rate of growth. I don't get what you fucking meticulously indifferent idiots don't understand about all of this.

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I can DOUBLE the vodka.


>Is coffee good for you?






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Make her a Tinder profile

You know the rules and so do I
Shoe on head

That's why they called it COVID-19. There were 18 others.

Of course the economy should be destroyed. What's a coronavirus?


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What kidna conspiracy kool-aid have you been drinking? I have friends working in those hospitals.

>582 new cases and 9 new deaths in Russia

Russia is moving up the past few days

Hang tight curd nerd.
Idk man that was a tempting dowery.

Is it true about the pollution? Is the world getting a breather?

irl its cope, normies and npc's cant handle the thought of massive change.
stupid shits would rather keep going as they are used to and fucking die then even think about doing things differently.
the shit i hear every time im outside getting supplys is mindboggling, also the fact that normies have become so ancous that they openly vent to strangers less then a month in also shows things.
eather way ive lost all sympathy for them a long time ago.
fuck em.

Jesus lad just go join the amish they need good people. Just dont have tattoos. Get a bus to Ohio and find an Amish group and work from there. Beg them to let you in bring a bible.

work from home is such bullshit for me. Since our project relies on field activities for reporting and data management. Now they asked us to work from home but we have nothing to work on so they give us this stupid fucking communication tasks. Fucking autistic assholes have gone full mental and abusing us with stupid shits.


The fap breaks are pretty sweet.

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>someone with cancer has a car crash
>cause of death: cancer

No. And no, not anybody has a coronavirus present in their body. This virus is extremely similar to SARS, and can bind to ACE2 even better than SARS did. Its SARS-Cov-2 not just any coronavirus

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I'm not sure I haven't looked at them in months. I hope so. My source of bathroom before chink aids was the YMCA
Luxury TP


Yes, it is Pentti Linkola's fantasy come to fruition. The useless eaters are dying out.

there's some chill communities over there hope u find something nice



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I'm sure it's spreading here all around Aberdeen/Hoq. I'm sure the whole place has it

I haven't had face to face interaction with another human in 45 days and I have just developed a scratchy throat and cough

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Not if it has greater than 5%fatality rate and is highly infectious within cure. You cantbring back 5% of a skilled workforce that's died overnight

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you made my day


slowly changing it user, give me time, i have to read articles to put what's helpful and updated. Like the imperial college model will be put up there. and i also need to read up on homemade masks since its being recommend in the staterinos.

if your country is making big announcements, it will be put up there, im looking for regularly updated sourced.

It's true. Traffic and production are greatly reduced

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Fuck the economy, the bear will leave its cave forever

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I want a moustache dammit


Thank you fren, you too.
I don't have updated pic but this was my old "home"

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You're very welcome. Keep in mind that if you have any problems, talk to me and I will help you.
You're welcome. Now how about something you can really get into with a fork, like cheesecake?
I love you too, as a person, as a human being, as a friend. If a lot of people love each other, the world will be a better place to live. You are part of our family and we love you very much, as a friend. But you are sort of like our son too, and we will help you anytime.
Human behavior and betrayal applies to all of us. It exists within ourselves. You love somebody. Do you? What is love? You have to have hope and spirit. Be an optimist. But can you handle all your human behavior or other's behavior? You don't want to be good, but great.

he has a point

Fuck of biz queer

yeh, venice italy. their river or lakes, whatever they're called are clearer.

Why do you think that the homeless people were freaking out? No access to good drugs?

I'll throw in a box of Little Debbie oatmeal cream pies,

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Did that 1 artist ever update the breast expansion gif?

>having an economy

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When will the tipping point come in USA?

Come to Ballard if you're worried. People literally deliver food to the homeless here.

They sure are my Dutch fren

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Normalfags are truly going insane staying indoors this long. It's pretty fun to watch the shitposts. It's like theyre slowly turning deranged or something.

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If you want people to die for your economy, start with yourself.

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If you don't massively overreact to a pandemic in its early stages, you'll find that in later stages no reaction seems like enough.

How do you fix this?

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