.....So how did they do it?
.....So how did they do it?
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The usual response (other than REEEEEEE NAZI) is that modern cremations are done to a higher standard whereas in the camps they could get away with a less perfect burn as the remains would go into a crusher/grinder after which they would be magically made to disappear by SS wizards
They didnt, but we are meant to think they did
Don't forget that the masturbation machines made the corpses nice and tender and perfect for cremation thus speeding up the process.
Preaching to the choir, go post this to your twitter or something. Seems sterile enough.
Theyre such a disgusting group
Apparently with wooden doors
well you have to arrange the coffins, cremation authorisation p/work, medical/doctor certificates, crush the remains into fine ash, arrange the ashes to be placed in non biodegradable urns, etc.
I don't think they had to arrange all of that at the camps back then
So where are the pictures of the crushers/grinders? Surely some holocaust museum has one or two.
They also did it with like 3 ovens, which would have to be rebuild over and over, as they eventually break down from all the burning. If only their fighting soldiers were as determined as that!
They were not all cremated and the ones who were cremated were not put in individual wooden caskets.
So where are the rest of the bodies? Why won't Jews allow us to investigate alleged mass graves, over fear of "disturbing the dead"?
This is supposed to be one. There only seems to be one specimen of it, starring in multiple photographs
they didn't cremate them respectably like they do in normal 21st century society, many bodies were also just dumped in mass graves
That's just a cop out though. The difference between the number of bodies being cremated in Italy, and the number supposedly cremated in Auschwitz, differ by an order of magnitude.
In Auschwitz something like 400,000+ Hungarian Jews were supposedly killed and their remains completely eradicated in an 8 week period, using only fifty something crematorium. Aerial shots of the camp taken during that period do not show any open air pyres either.
whats there to even investigate, there isn't really much in history that is more of a historical fact than the holocaust, you might as well not believe hiroshima got nuked
yes it seems like the national socialists could do a better job if their intention was to do that. wooden door is as if this was a spur of the moment thing, but then again it was supposed to be this wicked calculated plot that had been in the works for years
I don't know, man. I'm not here to defend the Holocaust teachers or the numbers the spew.
I'm just pointing out that comparing the camps to modern cremation, which they try to keep somewhat dignified, leaves you open to really easy dismissal.
That's also why I always correct deniers who mention the six million. The official number is 11 million, so you'll want to use that if you want people to think you have any credibility at all.
The problem is that the numbers have been scaled up.
its 30 Million you monster!!!
Really interesting.
>~6 years
>~6000000 bodies
>~1000000 per year assuming even distribution
>~8640 hours per year
>~3 hours per body in a real, modern cremator
>~347 ovens working 24-7 for 6 years to bake the 6000000 cookies
Except if they also claimed that Hiroshima citizens were systemically tortured for days before with super secret brainwashing flying loudspeakers and had their babies stolen by German Shepards with poisoned teeth.
Imagine my shock. Let me guess, it's a lot more than we think, because "survivors" said so, right? Funny how only Jews have perfect memory and can recollect all of the people's names at the camps!
I love that trick where you assure people that the evidence exists somewhere but never actually post any.
nazis used bone crushers you dumb fucks.
>pose un-malnurished, clean shaven "survivors" next to the bone crusher
>"confession" made in complete honesty, as nobody got tortured during the show trials after the War.
Hey am all for holocaust denial, but this meme is retarded, they are burning one corpse at a time.
>slaps roof of crematorium
You could fit so many starved jews in these bad boys, even if you didnt check them into more manageable peices.
>, as nobody got tortured during the show trials after the War.
Bullshit meme. They admitted everything by themselves during the trials.
Also it's incredibly funny, that the very first source on that page is a a Jew that used be a Soviet partisan. A guy like that would never lie
A deputy of Adolf Eichmann, SS-Hauptsturmführer Dieter Wisliceny gave the testimony.. idiot.
>they could get away with a less perfect burn as the remains would go into a crusher/grinder
It has nothing to do with that. Modern cremation has strict regulations regarding cross contamination, so you have to bring each individual oven up to temperature without cycling heat between them, something which demonstrably makes incinerating a corpse orders of magnitude faster.
Literally the first I am hearing of it.
>Literally the first I am hearing of it.
Gee, no shit? It's almost like you get spoonfed cherry picked information in an echo chamber or something.
>.....So how did they do it?
Why not use that infamous Nazi tech used to burn 3,000 Juden a day at Awwshitz?
I am sure that Adolf Eichmann was under 0 duress when he was all alone in Israel, surrounded by people that wanted him skinned alive.
Even mainstream media outlets admit this. Ex Intelligent agents have admitted this. And what they have admitted is obviously far from th worst they did.
Yes, under duress, numbnut
Germans are very efficient
The same way Aussie SAS admitted to war crimes after being caught on video? Oh wait no they didn't.
Whoevef "wins" writes the history books, after all.
"testicles kicked in beyond repair"
Normies in every other aspect of life would assume the most simplistic answer to be correct. when asked why a supposed sophisticated regime of intelligent Germans could be working on international ballistic weapons, radar absorbing paint and jets before anybody else couldn’t figure out that wooden doors weren’t ideal for a gas chamber?
Ah yes the theory of the sonderkommandos. Transporting a whole army of jews (with trucks and fuel the army wasn't even getting) to dig up thousands of your pervious war crimes, grind them up, and then send them back to camp. Yeah sounds waterproof as hell.
Or because holohaxers aren't usually questioned about that. Notice how the image of the bonecrusher didn't even exist anywhere on the web until like 2006, just for that Wiki article. Makes you think.
The SS wizards took the grinders, gas chamber doors, and unburned bodies back to their secret moon base
You think we couldn't figure out a way?
Italians were absolute shit at turning in their jews, small wonder they're also shit at cremating bodies.
Who ever did this anyway? When else in history was a government doing so much work to hide their crimes, instead of focusing on winning the fucking war? Were the Brits grinding pajeets and niggers in to dust, just in case the Germans won?
You're a pretty based poster for a meme flag. Are you a leaf?
Don't be daft. Cremation is very different from incineration. They are different processes. Cremation takes longer and is intended to leave behind bones that are then crushed to be handed over to the family. Also you can't cremate more than one body in one go otherwise how would you distinguish who's ashes belongs to what family?
What happened during the genocide was very different because bodies would be piled up and set on fire all at once. How stupid can you be.
Can a restaurant bake 50 pizzas at once? No.
Can I set 50 pizzas on fire at once in my backyard and leave them there to turn to ashes? Absolutely!.
I hate the rich just as much as the next guy, but these asinine comparisons only discredit your position. Argue with facts and evidence, not memes and oversimplification.
Is my math right?
black magic
Yeah, funny how Germany somehow couldn't force fucking Bulgaria of all countries to give their Jews away.
>~6 years
Stopped reading the uneducated.
Heh..yep. The real kicker is that they are trying to scrub the story about them, or at least hide the fact that a bunch of different "killings of a whole town's jews with guns and burying them" instances are tied with them for not being able to find bodies. Now its just "oh they were camp workers".
Are you retarded? Just burning bodies out in the open won't turn them in to ash and dust. You would need ovens and bonecrushers. Apparently, not only did the Nazi manage to burn millions of bodies with like 3 ovens working 24/7, they also used that one bonecrusher, which was also running 24/7 and I guess never broke, lmao
It's made up lol.
Le evil Nazis deconstructed all the bone crushers and took metal doors off of the chambers while the allies were closing in on Germany, duh!!
6 gorrilion is gematria related
But alot of jews did die
The simple fact is we should never repeat war, it doesnt matter what happened before.
^ I have never seen a more blatant shill post on Yas Forums
Cremation and inceneration are diffrent methods of corpse disposal. But they're acting on the same process e.g. heat oxidation of remains. A fully oxidized corpse only leaves a couple of kilo of inorganic matter behind, primarly from the bones. The rest is oxidised into gasses vented into the atmosphere. For a corpse to start oxidizing it needs to be heated to +800C, and kept at that temperature until complete oxiditaion (about an hour). Since bodies don't burn that well fuel has to be burn to maintain the temperature. When cremating in an insulated closed oven fuel is minimized since less heat is allowed to escape. Compared to an open pyre where the majority of heat radiates away requiring alot more fuel to maintain high enough temperature, practically resulting in mostly charred remains still easily identified as a corpse.
source: bonesdontlie.wordpress.com
Throwing more bodies in a crematorie wont reduce cooking time since the same energy per body is required for complete oxidation. And stacking more bodies on top will have an adverse effect on time because they insulate each other from the heat source.
Here is a practical experiment of incineration of a lamb leg which illustrate what im trying to say quite well:
TIME: 3:02:55