You’ve been evicted, you’re out of money, you have no phone

How long would it take you without food or shelter to resort to crime? Not society, you personally. Also, there’s a virus spreading killing people

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Id probably just go to friends house or one of my cousins and crash for a bit, then pay them back once its all over

I own my own home free and clear, I can’t be evicted.

This is a silly question. A reasonable person would never reach this points.

Fairly long. Maybe 2-3 months.

Depends on the first opportunity.
In my head I'm already committing it.

I'd simply have no reasonable way of surviving otherwise.


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When the landlord has me physically removed from the property & I have nowhere else to go.

I will go find a bridge somewhere carrying what things I can take from my home and then go to the nearest intersection and beg for enough money for a small bottle of vodka then drink myself to sleep every day

What if they’re all in the same circumstances as you? Everyone you know has no money and no way of making money, and can’t provide you food or shelter

Oh, I guess I never thought that this dumb hypothetical could be applied to situations prior to our current one, but yeah I guess that does make sense. I was thinking more about what are the millions of unemployed people in this country going to do if this quarantine goes on for as long as it’s projected to

It's basically impossible to die in modern society from starvation, you can pretty much walk into any store and just take what you want and they can't arrest you if it's under a certain price, plus if you got to jail you get 2 hots and a cot so that's an even better option.


If crime has ticked up in the community I'd probably get with the times. "When in Rome" and all. But honestly, if I ran out of money I'd fall back on family and try to stay legit. I have no criminal record and I have decent credit, so I'm somewhat vested in my community, but if things got bad I'd do what I have to do in order to survive. I have a nice, large gun collection and lots of ammo.

I'd just take out a loan lol

If things are that bad, it isn't really a crime at that point. It's survival. Crime is a social construct.

From who? Using what?

I break the law every day and I don't have any reason to. Give me a reason and I'll murder for an apple.

Well that’s a point of contention

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Live in car
Have guns
Shoot deer in the area

Ok Chang

Literally straight away. I would immediately seek to form a gang with others in the same situation.

glownigger fishing thread lol

Do I have my bugout kit? I can survive indefinitely with my kit but without it I'm dead.

Unless you're eating them raw, you're going to get caught cooking them.
You could use a park that has grills, but you'd be way more noticeable that way.

It would happen before eviction
The landlord can suck my nuts

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I'd probably die immediately.

Don't you understand the glowniggers are about to be actually overwhelmed, unlike the hospitals?
10 million new unemployed last week...

We are at the point where the law will be stretched to the breaking point very shortly.

Just got evicted due to semi-bogus restraining order. Police said they are doing a lot of them tonight. No money, food, phone anything. I had 5 minutes to grab anything I could and leave. No evictions due to corona my ass. I like how it was all based on hearsay too

A group of police officers/army dragging you off to a fema camp prove otherwise.

DW brah I've still got my coronabux

>death or Sovngarde

I'm firing up the SHTF car and leaving for the wasteland.

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gang up nigga

Nah they'll always have a job, since someone has to put down and monitor the world's biggest threat to planet Earth: a group of autistic virgins on the internet watching funny pictures with swatiskas and japanese cartoon women.

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Ok, keep self-censoring then like a good white coward cuckboi

Yeah right as if glowniggers weren’t going to just try to blend in with normalfags
Mr. President find us the names on their rolls and post that shit unclassified
Their heads will be moistening pikes by sundown

I'll try going to a relative's tomorrow. They claim they are sick asf though. If all else fails I can just jump off a bridge or something. Now I'm seeing why they estimated like 1 million suicides.

1-2 weeks because i'm fasting.

it's spring, food is growing everywhere and you can make a shelter by piling up a load of crap and leaving a hole

How long would it take me to literally walk in to the woods, make shelter, find water, gather edible plants/nuts/berries?

Probably a day. Why would I resort to crime? Nature has everything you need.

in English please, I can tell this is choice Qtard babble by someone who will never ever take things into his own hands, but I'd prefer to be able to actually read it in the form of coherent sentences

Post the names on the star wall then faggot

I commit crime already. I don’t obey laws I don’t consent to. I don’t need a parental figure telling me what I can and can’t do. If I’m not infringing on someone’s rights, then I will do what I want with no moral qualms. If I make money while doing it, that’s a perk

Hey Pepik maybe you live under a rock but our gubbie passed a bill that they gonna track your phone down during corona-chan's rampage, which heavily implies yours will do (or it already does just unannounced). But hey at least they promised they won't do that when this is over, haha...

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Just find others like yourself man. You're not alone, and your new life has just begun.
Go link up with another vagrant and start boosting.
Work your way up to getting a weapon so you can rob.

I do crime already, imagine not being a shoplifter lmao

I survived college by dumpster diving. I'll get by.

Half an hour

They won't do shit, and I have no fear of dying and taking them with me.
You can stay cucked and scared though, it's probably in your bloodline or something

This has happened to me. I was fine. One little problem at a time. Step be step til I'm back indoors with a job and money. I didn't do crimes because I didn't want to go to jail.

Isn't this how raider bands start

Who the fuck said I'm scared you sperg dog eater? This is heaven for me, normalfags get the treatment I lived under 20+ years.

I have knives and fishing poles an shiiieeet

I'd get a job on a golf course at $18 an hour or more. If it's a municipal course with union I could start at $23 an hour. It's simple hard outdoor work doing manual labor. There's a huge shortage of labor since few want to work nowadays.

lol you're talking about NEETdom?

Hey for all you white kids.
I said the same thing. I am 31.
Lost my job when my kid was born at 21. I was straight edge my entire life. I couldn't feed him and the state wouldn't help, so I stole groceries.
I couldn't afford rent so I stole car parts and sold them.
Till I found another job.
Now I'm straight again with a new understanding of why crime happens.

The difference is whether you break in to the grocery store or the goods from the grocery store had been pushed outside by the flooding

As a landscaper for the last 10 or shy years, this is bullshit and a lie, even more so during a pandemic.
I still have a shit ton of work, but you ain't gonna be drawing 18-23$ unless you like love in Cali.
Enjoy your 11-15$ after sucking my dick for a job.

I can barely walk my dude. I have a fucked up leg that hurts 24/7. It's pins and needles half numb as I type on my friend's couch. I think I'm screwed frens

If nothing else just commit some petty crime and go sit in county jail for a bit and try to figure something out. Been there and done it man. Shits rough.

ah yes tell us more how all niggers rape and steal to feed their firstborn after they lost their good paying job