Post countries that are conquering the virus

I start: Austria

Measures taken:
- lockdown since March 16
- very paranoid population
- massive testing
- public mask wearing now mandatory
- good hospital system
- generally good hygiene
- strict quarantine in districts with most cases
- 65% of country is mountains
- flexible mindset
- closed all borders

Any other good examples?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Sure, America........

Oh wait

you forgot to mention that our politicians also coverd up the first dozens of cases cause of muh tourism, this way we managed to spread it to scandinavia and half of europe

Other one: Australia

- spaced out country
- hot temperatures
- large Asian, obedient population share
- people obey social distancing
- fiscally sound
- wind from the ocean blows virus away all day

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The virus would have spread regardless of skiing in Tyrol

>Cases begin going down
>Government relaxes and opens things back up
>Infection rate explodes again

99 boomers just got off a cruise ship while infected and decided not to quarantine themselves so I’d say we’re a tad fucked.

Poland looked like it was going to drop two days ago, then there was a sharp rise April 2nd and 3rd.

So this could change rapidly for anyone.

Literally South Africa. Imagine an African country doing better than the USA lol

Attached: Screenshot 2020-04-04 10.09.30.png (675x895, 377.72K)

They have been quarantained

Next one: Iceland

- testing world champion
- small country, an island
- Nordic calm country
- virus isolated in one city
- Government on top of things
- Public engagement to solve this thing

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Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-04 Russia Coronavirus 4,149 Cases and 34 Deaths - Worldometer.png (782x455, 21.13K)

already peaked

Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-04 Brazil Coronavirus 9,216 Cases and 365 Deaths - Worldometer.png (734x451, 20.59K)

You can’t be serious

herd immunity due to poo
numbers are receding

Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-04 India Coronavirus 3,082 Cases and 86 Deaths - Worldometer.png (748x463, 20.91K)

Next one: South Korea

- obedient culture
- public mask wearing compliance
- high testing
- contact tracing perfected
- had a plan in place
- but still got ongoing cases for some reason

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Hans, stop posting countries that have 0 under control

Imagine beliveing a news article, when you niggers are starving from killing off the boer

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curve confirmed for being flattened
exponential growth has stopped

Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-04 Iran Coronavirus 53,183 Cases and 3,294 Deaths - Worldometer.png (769x458, 22.48K)

>there’s a decrease in two days, therefore it’s a downward trend
I’m sure you’re also smooth-brained enough to believe China’s numbers as well. First lesson anyone learns about plagues and new diseases is that it comes in waves. This isn’t Plague Inc faggot, nothing’s consistently linear in the real world, especially not with a virus we can’t detect with 100% certainty.

>Imagine believing /Pol that South Africa is starving

imagine believing Yas Forums instead lmao. I'm black and literally dating a boer girl. You have no fucking idea what you're talking about

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Next one: Taiwan

- Obedient population
- have plan in place
- closed borders
- high testing
- public mask wearing
- no quarantine
- contact tracing

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what website are you getting these from

- was literally ruled from the shadows by a secret cabal of feminists like shit from a saturday morning cartoon
- only country besides USA way into circumcision, thus kiked beyond belief
I hesitate to believe everything they say


>believe me over piles of evidence demonstrating consistent governmental failures, i’m black
Stop killing your fucking farmers nigger

I’m willing to bet at least over 100 million people have been infected, poor countries cannot test enough and for that matter neither can rich countries. By the time we’re catching up with the tests it’s gonna explode to over a billion cases. Why won’t you faggots realize we are literally watching the human race go extinct in front of our very eyes


Rand/Dollar exchange rate isn’t the same as Zimbabwe or Venezuela tier starvation.

Next one: Hungary

- strong gov
- strict closed borders
- public compliance
- looks to Austria for clues
- quarantine

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Just look at fucking Taiwan m8, that's not control, they fucking OWNING this.

-strong personal ties to China
-people regularly flying in from mainland
-still basically NOTHING

That is fooking TIGHT

Also, they are not in WHO, because WHO sucks CCP dick and muh one China policy.

Taiwan does MASKS like no other.

And who doesn't endorse masks?

W - H - O

Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-04 Taiwan Coronavirus 355 Cases and 5 Deaths - Worldometer.png (752x483, 21.1K)

>the exchange rate goes down when most of the population is under lockdown to stop the spread of a deadly virus. You compare this country to one where the government is barely doing anything, economy is still running and infection and death rates are among the highest in the world

Imagine my shock.

Next one: Vietnam

- 0 deaths
- hot country
- commie gov
- otherwise ???

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Even if this virus was to kill 70% of the human population (what it doesn't even do) the human race wouldn't "go extinct".
I don't think there would ever be a "natural" occuring virus that could cause the human race to go extinct.

We are doing pretty good
>Extremely low death toll compared to Denmark and Sweden
>Governmentbux for everyone
>Solid health care system

Glad I’m here desu

The virus will might claim 70% of the human population, the rest will be die due to the economic fallout. It’s over.

Sorry for typing like a retard

>W - H - O
They are reviewing their mask policy


If I'm wearing a mask and someone sneezes on me, would the mask offer some protection?

Yes. But only if you use the mask properly and don't touch it with your hands afterward.

Those droplets from a cough or sneeze would hit your mask instead of your mouth and nose — good news. But the next step is to take the mask off by the ear bands and either wash or discard it – without touching the front of it.

"That's what I see all the time," says Griffin. "That's why in the studies masks fail — people don't use them [correctly]. They touch the front of it. They adjust it. They push it down somehow to get their nose stuck out."

If 70% of the human race in a short space of time (like, less than a decade) almost undoubtedly the human race would be on the brink of extinction. Firstly, bodies would pile the streets causing further disease. There would be no more skilled labour, no more hospitals, police or essential services. No farmers and no economy. Money would be damn near useless. A good portion of human knowledge would go down the drain once there's no longer electricity generators to turn on electrical devices. You think you could raise a child in these circumstances?

>but muh early hominid surviving multiple extinction events

The average human being is domesticated and incapable of surviving in a post apocalypse situation. 70% death rate would be the end of civilization and almost definitely the human race.

>0 deaths here

How do you wash the mask?


Next one: Norway

- very high testing ratio
- good healthcare
- wind from ocean
- social distancing

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You cook it on the stove or at high temps in the washing machine with soap/washing detergent.

Better yet, put it in the oven at 250 F for 20min to kill the virus and dry it out.

What are your thoughts on Bernie’s healthcare plans?

Hear me out Mehmet! Those numbers are fucking WORTHLESS. Those second rate countries can't do enough tests and how would you know how many people actually died from this? They are completely in the dark and can't effectively contain anything. The virus will become endemic and flare up occasionally for months to come. Only when we look at cumulative death statistics in one year we will see if there is an unusual rise there.
Unrestricted travel to and from these countries is over.

hey krautbro where do you get the graphs?

Damn I’ve been throwing mine out after like a use or two, how many more uses can I get out of them this way? Does this also work for N95 masks? Aren’t the designed in a specific way and you can’t alter the shape of it or whatever


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Experts say you can get up to 10 uses out of good masks (surgical, home made or N95s) in the oven and 3-4 from washing.

Luckily for us, this isn’t a natural virus. It’s a hybrid chimera of SARS and Bat SARS, with a bit of HIV proteins mixed in for better attachment.

>Aren’t the designed in a specific way and you can’t alter the shape of it or whatever
Effectiveness goes down with reuse, yes. But apparently according to lab testing on reuse, not by that much unless you tear the masks.

Slovakia was good in the start but then we got a government of incompetent bafoons led by a literal psycho who fucked some of it up

Go back to your research station, penguin fucker

Nah cunt the government is just restricting testing so much we have no real idea how it’s spreading..

>- massive testing
No need for testing, we are on level 3.
>- public mask wearing now mandatory
Masks don't works. You need a training to properly use them and it's only for medical personal.
>- good hospital system
We have the best medical care in the world !
>- generally good hygiene
No need to shower when you have parfum !
>- closed all borders
The virus doesn't have a passport, no need to close borders, it would be racist.

Attached: obese nigress wearing pyjama.jpg (630x415, 39.03K)

Slovakia still looks good

- only 1 death
- generally low cases
- peaked already
- public mask mandate ??

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ITT: countries that don’t matter

Australian testing is good. 260k tests performed.

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Next case: China

- commie gov
- airtight quarantines
- contact tracing
- mask wearing
- testing
- closed borders

Attached: 8CA8488A-9B4A-4AB6-B65F-1EF1539FB664.jpg (1307x1004, 102.71K)

they flat out deny you testing if you haven't gone overseas, work in aged care or have "close" contact with an actual confirmed case of it.

Based and redpilled, let them all coof their lungs out. They don't deserve to live for letting us down back then anyway.

>- wind from the ocean blows virus away all day

now youre just cluthing at straws user

yeah, admitted

They locked down early as fuck

Our PM anounced that it was a pandemic before WHO. Then we started isolating flights. You can add that. Oh and 11,000$ fine or 2 years jail if youre not self isolating


Next one: Slovenia

- good lockdown
- borders closed
- lots of mountains
- other ???

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