All countries have wet markets!

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hi chang

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The street-side stuff or just a supermarket? Also
>selling cut fruit
What heresy is this?

Isn’t there half a million chinks in Melbourne?

Someone post webms of dogs being burned alive in busy streets during broad daylight in Chinese wet markets.


fuck off chink

More like a million mate
Cunts literally fucked

Wet markets aren’t the problem, its the weird shit like bats and pangolins that the Chinese salivate over.

das rite

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No we don’t retard

Hello Chang
I don't see different brands of sausages in cages stacked on top of, and shitting on each other

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These people are fucking nuts. Absolute mental gymnastics. If the CCP isn't paying them, then I dont understand why they do it.

I thought that the Chinks actually slaughtered the animals in the marketplace when they were sold and that blood and filth was everywhere and that the term "wet market" was just a euphemism.

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I've been to Queen Vic and I don't think I've ever seen the stall owners skinning dogs alive. Although Melbourne is pretty chinked now so it wouldn't surprise me if that was going on now.

That's not what it looks like in China, in China even in the supermarket you schlog through ankle deep water from tanks holding various reptiles and aquatic life with chinese reaching in and touching everything with their bare hands, including the rice. In the markets is concrete gutters and blood from butchered things running along the floor, everything is touching everything else.

I have been to Vic market heaps of times, never seen dog, cat, rat, monkey or bat meat. I've never seen meats for sale and livestock for fresh slaughter kept together and have never seen raw meats left laying around all day without being in a fridge. Incomparable to this:

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I lived in China for a year. This is a regular market, not a wet market. Tbf though, markets in hong kong shouldnt really be called wet anymore either. If they slaughter on site, they cant just do it out in the open anymore and there are much stricter regulations around storage.

What species is that? Belgian blue?

What should the punishment be for making China out to be the bad guy.

Cool theory opie.

I guess that's why shit hole China keeps spawning these fucking plagues.

> purely a coincidence

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Having hanging meat doesn't make it a wet market. Ur suppose to have guts n blood all over the floor.

For the record, few wetmarkets mix streetfood type places with the rest. That is horrid even by mainland Chibese standards.

>that meme flag
Sure you are from Catalonia, honey.

Melbournian here: We are swimming with Yellow Jew, my nephew migrated here and we were in the city and he said "wow am I in Australia or China"

Meant for

Negro on steroids.

preserves and fruit is hardly a wet market, meat/poultry/fish that is fresh and not kept refrigerated and cooked dogs on tables is more like a wet market

I bet she thought she was so fucking clever posting this.

Pic related:
>"Don't mind me, just carving up this DOG on a filthy table, in filthy conditions with no chillers, surrounded by flies and absolutely zero regulation or oversight. Licence? What's that? I just pay Change to look the other way while I burn alive this dog and pour his guts over the floor without cleaning it or even washing my fucking hands."


>Chilled cheese and carved watermelons next to clean fruits in packaging in a clean regulated environment that takes inspections and has required licencing..

What an absolutely stupid cunt to compare the two. She clearly doesn't mena what she's saying. She's a cynical liberal piece of shit putting out her nuanced 'hot take' that others can 'like' and feel virtuous and special to overcome their primal fear that maybe Chinese aren't the same as them. God forbid the have 'low-status' thoughts that oppose Establishment thinking. "God no, I'm not like 'those' people. I'm a worldly person who understands that we're all jut as bad eachother, but im more special because i'm aware of it."

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Share a video of it

The rape of a Canadian for each instance.

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Dogs getting the blow torch around me 5 dolla

Wtf is a wet market?

Having to pay for spics to live in your country


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The Queen Victoria market is in the middle of Melbourne and is visited by wealthy white libcucks. It also doesn't sell live, wild animals. Hard to compare to the markets in the backwoods of CHYNA selling bats and armadillos.

Where are the plastic buckets full of baby cthulhus being dumped onto the sidewalk? That ain't no wet market.

Best image I’ve ever seen

Sending the spics over there would be an improvement. They know that if you run a burrito place and it gives gringos the shits they don't come back.

So in that respect the Mexicans have mastered the Chinese in the art of selling overpriced food to gringos.

We all buy there bat fruits and pangolin vegetables

I lived there from 2011-2015, I don't have any videos. It's common to see old ladies sitting on the pavement with a bucket of frogs, put a frog in a plastic bag, slam against the ground, cut into 4 pieces with 2 chops, throw into different bucket & repeat.
You should see pet stores - wish I still had videos, they dye fish and amphibians pink and yellow and green, fuck knows how. You can also get squirrels.

Its almost as if australia is a chinese colony. amazing. simply amazing

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Damn you chanks are taking this shit global, homo

So you think that cut watermelons are the same thing as stading pools of animal blood. Okay. You're an idiot ad your opinion doesn't matter.

superior genes

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hes got a fucking Hoover nose as well, he could floss those panties up around his sinuses if he wanted

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In america don't sell cut fruit?

this is a chang wet market, there are chopped up bats. around it there are live turtles, dogs, cat, pangolins, everything

OP has an australian market. with CURED meats in packaging, cheese, and fruits.

you are a faggot chang

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That cunt is being pedantic

No, american white

Usually only melons due to the size.

Yes we do. That user doesn’t go out shopping enough.

What does wet market even mean? Is everything wet?

How do chinks look at that and think yumm

>A wet market (also called a public market)[1][2][2] is a marketplace selling fresh meat, fish, produce, and other perishable goods as distinguished from "dry markets" that sell durable goods such as fabric and electronics.[3][4] Wet markets are common throughout the world.[5][6][7] Wet markets include a wide variety of markets, such as farmers' markets, fish markets, and wildlife markets.[1]

>Wet markets containing live animals, both domesticated and wild, as well as wildlife products have been linked to outbreaks of zoonotic diseases including coronavirus disease 2019.[7][1][8] However, not all wet markets carry living animals or wildlife.[7][1] Wet markets were banned from holding wildlife in China in 2003, including after the 2002–2004 SARS outbreak, which was directly tied to such practices.[8] Such regulations were lifted before being put into place again in 2020,[8] with other countries following suit.[9]

We sell cut fruit sometimes, but it's fucking repackaged in plastic, not out in the open air for the millions of flies that constantly swarm our slit eyes to land on and transfer shit onto them like disgusting animals

I love how all of these retards are crying at OP when all he did was post a tweet. Boomer brainlet scum.


That's a deli, not a live animal market. The animals in those sausages have been dead for decades in some instances.

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This is fucking sad specially knowing every single one of those gooks are there with the only intention to race mix with a white person, that's literally their only intent in life

i mean i hate australians as much as the next guy but i doubt they eat fucking bats for fun.

This is exactly the same as torturing random animals, butchering them on the ground, then washing away the blood and guts with a hose at the end of the day, and never using any disinfectant or washing your own hands. That counter of deli cheeses is just as likely to start a pandemic as a virology lab a mile from where they boil and sell their infected bats as 'soup'.

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Wheres the running blood that the “wet” part of phrase is describing

Because they’re subhumans, and anyone who says otherwise hasn’t seen the webm’s or hasn’t lived and interacted with them.

Hong Kong isnt China

I'll have one pound of tricep tips please.

All gooks are subhuman cusing

Even the wealthy ones who reach the universities here do things like shitting in plant pots. Hong Kongers, Japanese, Koreans, Taiwanese, etc. aren't like this. Something is very wrong with the Mainland Chinese.

Go figure it's a commie blaming capitalism and equating factory farming and shipping of butchered meat to the conditions the animals are killed in in those Chinese markes.

good old WWF says
>Shawn is a FAG sign in the background displayed on regular TV


They're all peasants aren't they? Mao killed the intellectuals and encouraged peasants to multiply. They are foul smelling peasant people, who live like peasants and no amount of money will ever change that.

Listen up shill. China has a new deadly virus every second year now. It's worse than Africa at this point. The issue is not the wet markets, but the unsanitary conditions and the slaughter of badly kept animals ( as in animals exposed to human feces, cadavers and poisoned water). It is the lack of food safety that makes the issue worse than even the simplest of societies.

Wet markets have live slaughter. Wet implying wet work (as in killing live things causing a lot of blood and guts to spill everywhere).

Usually the floor of wet markets are coated in blood and feces (animals that don't fast need to have their intestines removed and the feces pushed out) from slaughtering animals and they just squeegee it all into a sewer drain occasionally throughout the day.