/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #2912 - China Edition

► Detected (Global): 1,117,787 (+1,144) ► Deaths (Total): 59,197 (+36) ► Day: 86 (-21:22:25)
► Total Recovered (Global): 228,975
— 4.2 billion people put under lockdown —
— 208 countries and territories infected —
— 6.4x more confirmed deaths than swine flu pandemic —
— 3,220 different strains have been sequenced —

Italy warns cats, ferrets and dogs can get infected

WHO says disease no longer affects only old people

US urges citizens to return or stay abroad for "indefinite" time

Survival rate if you need a ventilator is very low

Normalcy bias is the tendency to believe things will always be the same

21 year old without previous conditions dies in Britain

12% of deaths in Italy had no previous conditions

Testicular damage

COVID-associated acute bleeding necrotizing brain damage

H1N1 only had 18,500 confirmed deaths, rest is estimated

Wuhan doesn't report new cases because they are not testing

CDC declares outbreak endemic, says tests too risky

Thailand hiding cases as "viral pneumonia"



Pink says she tested positive for coronavirus and is now negative, pledges $1M to crisis
04:00: Friday’s coronavirus summary:
– USA: 277,475 cases, 7,402 deaths
– Spain: 119,199 cases, 11,198 deaths
– Germany: 91,159 cases, 1,275 deaths
– France: 82,165 cases, 6,507 deaths


Previous: youtube.com/watch?v=V2AI2wpVwlA

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Other urls found in this thread:

archive.nothingburger.today/Videos/Force_Used/USA FL - 20200323 - dwzQRPrVPmQ.webm

>it's slowing down already

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Haha benis

Fake news


So Yas Forums, what are some underrated/interesting prep tips for the coming happening?

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Dont wear a mask. Join the heard.

witness report from largest hospital in south germany, city of mannheim:
21 corooners, 7 in ICU of whom 2 are from imported from France.
ward physician of ER infected.

>witness report from largest hospital in south >germany, city of mannheim:
>21 corooners, 7 in ICU of whom 2 are from >imported from France.
>ward physician of ER infected.

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Where's argie bro?

You are already dead. Let me repeat: You are already dead.

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haooenign cancdekkef. noghinf butrger

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Inshallah Netherlands

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Buy alcoholic beverages. A lot of it.

>go back home you're not supposed to gather in large numbers
>mup da doo didda po mo gub bidda be dat tum muhfugen bix nood cof bin dub ho muhfugga
>archive.nothingburger.today/Videos/Force_Used/USA FL - 20200323 - dwzQRPrVPmQ.webm

Niggers gonna nig.

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It'll be neat seeing nature roaming the cities while everyone is inside this summer, trying to hide from COVID-carrying mosquitos.

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threadly reminder, dont argue with nothingburger fags, they have made up there minds so let them live with it.
instead of convincing them of there fully, tell them to live there convictions.
tell them to go back to work, eat at a chinese restaurant, hug a chink, fuck a chink hooker, things like that.
for every one of there retards that kills himself, our future will become a little but brighter.

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What's that on his dikk?

Kek, if corona-chan doesn't destroy them, those muslim hordes will.

Think that's a decent gesture

wtf France???

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My symptoms seem to be going up and down, worse at night when I am awake
Beginning to feel like I'm about to collapse but more slowly
Still only breathing though, with some sweating

Poke some holes in the top of a water bottle and shoot it at your butt to save toilet paper. Mess free and it's luxurious when you use warm water. Do real bidets even have a warm water feature?

How are my fellow ameribros coping during this shelter at home shit? I haven't had fast food in weeks. Ameicans weren't meant to live like this, man. This is bullshit.

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There won't any future left. All is futile. We all are doomed, wether they die or not.

When this is all over, how will the global community make Ch*na pay?

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What is that milky white substance being milked from his catheter?

if your symptoms get any worse you should really consider checking in to a hospital bro.

Strong incense can be used to cover up the smell of cooking food. Never let anyone know what you have.

Spain yesterday went up to 100k infected and 10k dead, thats when NY governor started looking like a corpse

Austria! Well, then. G'day mate! Let's put another shrimp on the barbie!

couldn't happen in the us because of separation of church and state. if anyone pushed it, it would be taken down eventually, but at least it wouldn't be the religion of the sand people.

threadly reminder that death rate is between .2% and .4% for anyone under 60 and if your under 30 it’s basically .1% or less. once you factor in unreported recovered cases death rate plummets to .05% .
reminder that everyone in cvg are loser queer’s and faggot doom shills. they are hopeless r9k losers and not polacks. they have miserable live with no meaning so they hope that the virus will destroy everyone else’s life. they also feel special for posting on Yas Forums (any monkey can do that) and think they are “hip and ahead of the curve”.
in reality they are a bunch of brainless useless losers that should kill themselves because nobody loves them.
also reminder that the cvg narrative now matches the msm narrative. so no need to really go on cvg just watch msm faggots.

cvg is cancer death rate is .2% kys

all you guys just want something to cling onto because your life is so empty..

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cuomo said the same shit.


but where is the accomplishment in that?

Does /cvg/ wants this to stop or go full 1919 Spanish flu

As the good Lord said, "Love thy neighbour as thyself", unless he's Turkish, in which case, kill the bastard!

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corona antibodies. you do know corona used to also mean orgasm? right? why does nobody know this. you reach the corona (crown/climax).

Austria invading Australia huh

Fritz bringing the game. F aussies.

it's a new treatment for corona-chan

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Ideally, this will last just long enough for me to get my trump bux and build a new pc.

yeah .05% death rate for anyone under 30 real terrified

they could use a kaiser to be honest.

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/cvg/ is not a person, it's a fucking thread. This is like asking if your shitter wants to go to McDonald's.

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Florida here. Went to town today for a vital trip. Was prepared to be stopped for being out and about, first day of shut down and all.

>tons of cars
>all food places open
>stores open where possible
>people out everywhere

Jesus fucking christ we have 80 cases in my county alone so far. What the fuck are people thinking?????

anons, i am on day 2 of a 14 day free paid vacay. if shit gets back up and running the week of the 16th of april, that would be so cash

I've always wondered, who makes these threads? They are always so neatly organized and on time. Is it a few mods or same person always online? Do randoms anons take over courteously?

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reminder death rate is .1% or less if your under 30 lmao kys cucked faggot. you had no life before and you have none now.

1919 ain't enough. Black death is the only acceptable outcomes.

Hello, watch to ~38 minutes
Corona-Chan is exosomes, part of the bodies natural immune system.


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Why would you think it's slowing down? Apr 3 had 100k+ cases and 6k+ deaths, that's a new record

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>overwhelmed hospitals in all fist world nations
>people being cremated on the streets in third world shitholes like Ecuador
>hurr durr fluuu
Threadly reminder to go kys

It's a privately paid for ad retard, State has little to do with it

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very true, why dont you give your chinese neighbor a big old hug of burger love, if its a girl maybe even a kiss, im sure they would appreciate that.

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The minimal amount of suffering required to cause a total reset of the status quo and set us on a different path. Mind you, this "minimal amount" is still likely in the hundreds of millions unfortunately.

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Meeting with his glowbosses

I've made a few.

I want 50% of the world population reduced in the next year.

I have not had a burger since February 14th/ I've lost 10 pounds and done absolutely nothing. I'm starting to get back into shape simply by rationing food and eating healthier.

This is totally unamerican.

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Hey dumb corooners, one of the links under """"Research""""" is a blatant lie.
>12% of deaths in Italy had no previous conditions
NOWHERE in the article does it say anything even remotely close to what the schitzo doomer who made this is claiming. The only time 12% is mentioned is when they talk about the percentage of deaths directly caused by corona, ergo viral pneumonia. The rest just died of a heart attack or stroke while the virus was in their body.

Spanish flu x10

yeah you dumb faggot when nobody has any immunity or antibodies then the elderly population suffers as it spreads. that’s why you see major hospital runs. it’s like a flu that nobody has any immunity for being unleashed at one time.

except your poor flu only has a .1% deathrate or less for anyone under thirty but you stupid faggots still keep screeching about it.

Why do you keep spamming this you mouth breather? You think you're the first to check the official stats? Spend at least as much time thinking about what those figures really imply before posting, rather than lazily fishing for others to do it for you, instead of shitting up every thread you lazy cumbrained fuck.

I will settle for nothing less than a billion dead and 50% of governments collapsed

>WHO recap update
WHO recap update
>WHO recap update
WHO recap update

Day off, writing the recap now
sorry for the huge delay i was exhausted

nothingburgers are their own worst enemies not only from themselves but to their countrymen

Don't forget the arsonists.

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You're the one who glows seething bongistani/roofucker


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Very nice of you thanks I find them very informative.

God damn, I've never seen a more inspirational photo.

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i'm in my 30s. 1 out of every 500 could die. that could be me, except i'm not obese and have no underlying conditions, except that god hates me, and that seems like reason enough.

I would be alas, my family wants me to stay home or never come back home
Even telling me I have a bigger chance of dying if I go to the ER
But my doc does recommend I go to the ER if my symptom is shortness of breath

>Do randoms anons take over courteously?
Been making a few the past few days. Just wait till no one makes one if you want to help, it's annoying when there's 4 threads, ruins discussion.

Why hasn't someone called out all the NYC stats that keep rolling out? It's far too obvious of a ploy.

you should have seen the argiefag throw a fit over the false shit in OP, it's hilarious

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It's beautiful. God Bless the United States of America.

enough to forever ruin global relations the current ventilator war is already great for my agenda i just want everyone to fuck of again and not live in this global homo gayplex

funny how noone answers these reports because it goes against their confirmation bias. kek.
Yas Forums has turned into a cesspool of normies since we memed trumped into office. guess that's the price we payed.

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>Live in Louisiana.
>Need to get to Colorado.
>Governor has state police guarding borders, can't get out.
>Only have snubnose .38.
How the fuck do I get out of here.

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you guys are screeching fucking idiots shitting up the entire board and internet. fuck cvg. your Op had a ton of exaggerated garbage in it.

i’m simply telling the truth from all available sources death rate is under .4% for anyone under 60 aka same as the flu dumb faggot!

i have no respect for your trash general fuck you cancerous idiots.

also deathrate for anyone under thirty is literally zero

I want this never to stop with the least loss of human life possible.
The air is breathable, I can see stars at night and the plebs keeps its distance without me looking like I'd tear them apart on the spot

Picked up a stray dog yesterday

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Where a bandana over your masks; helps with the seal and gives a little boost in protection when in the plague lands.

>cutting food is the easiest and fastest way to lose weight

how do i compare per day numbers for every single day in the calendar >.

>weather is gonna be great this weekend
>know people are gonna go out since they are only advised to stay inside instead of enforced
Huge spike next week probably.

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did you take a 39 year old wine aunt with caked on makeup on a date? women in their 30s are so fucking easy.

You're suck at cum slurping tard its painful. The reason the death rate has been kept low is because countries aren't going muh nothing burger approach and letting their hospitals collapse. Once the hospitals go to shit and there's a shorter supply of docs you're looking at explosive death rate and more of the young dying. Sorry you're too brain dead to comprehend consequences.

I'm honestly starting to get sick of oatmeal and ramen, but I dug myself into this hole anyways so I can't complain

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i baked before it’s not hard and you just take over when the prev op stops most information about current stats is easy to find on worldometers wouldn’t it be nice if pol had more high effort ops instead of endless racebait crap

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we have already established that black people are incapable of practicing social distancing

same chance you have from the yearly flu. have you ever met anyone your age that died of the flu or even heard of that? it happens but it’s very rare. same deal
here except it didn’t used to be national news.

now when some anomaly dies young from corona cvg fucking jerks off over it like a bunch of raging idiots.

hey man, I just copy paste what's already there and update the thread #, idk what you guys want posted in that section, and idk what all those archive links are. The only thing I changed was the messed up total global numbers and I added the fixed numbers to countries listed below.

If you see anything false, tell me and I'll delete it for the next one.

bro, ignore your family and care about your own health. The symptoms can escalate quickly, so be careful.

So, you made a new friend out of all this. Is he a keeper?

So while I don't expect a vaccine for awhile, not for half a year at least, there is still a chance for one, right? If we can't get rid of it, we'll just have to learn to live with it, and radically change our lifestyles to adapt.

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Is that Christina Hendricks? Damn

personally, im supposed to be starting a badass new job in 2 months and the longer this drags on the less likely that becomes.
that said, fuck this gay earth

>witness report
>No source
>Broken engrish
>Meaningless data
>Haha Trump gaiz
What are you even trying to say, dumdum?

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The recovered statistic is such a meme. Look at our ones. We have like a 90 percent plus death rate when looking at closed cases only. It's because no one care about the recovered people with mild symptoms, or that the people don't report that they are better.

It was many times more rare
Shut up

I don't blame you user, it's just that this spreading of lies doesn't help anybody.

hey now, that was rude. i'm used to seeing state paid advertisements on public transport from europe. it didn't occur to me it was a private ad.

>Literally zero
Factually false. Children, teenagers and young adults has died. You could say it's low, but literally zero? You are either a moron or alphabets.

Weather was great last week too and no spike yet. Think it doesn't infect all that well outside.
But if you live in the south or east, get out while you can.

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i legit think you're the best baker, newbakerburguerbro

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>boomers pushing the "young people die too" narrative
>every case of someone under 40 is relayed by every media worldwide
>/cvg/ fell for it

lmao you literally got tricked by old jews

yeah I'll take my chances

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I'm really tired of this blown up nothingburger, the flu kills billion of people every year and yet no one ever talks about it

very true, you should get back to work, your boss would appreciate that.
also, remember that chinese girl you used to knbow, with all the anti chink hate going on she would definatly be happy to see a friendy face right now.

that's because it's a witness report you dribbling fool.
i can't doxx the nurse.

Save us Cure-chan!

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we closed beaches and some parks here just to be sure boomers with a second home at our beaches are seething

If they start closing off the parks and nature trails because people go full retard on sunday I'm going to be pissed.

Try to remember the basics of CQC.

But seriously, do a detour through Arkansas, forge a paper saying that you're an essential worker, and pray for the best.

Also, don't come to Texas. We're still mad from all the refugees you left us after Katrina.

What baffles me is how fast some nations lost hold of accurate statistics. Italy, Spain, the US - all shit at reporting and communication.

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Take it then English Teacher.

Cure-Chan is a fucking whore

listen here retard 99 percent of young people don’t require advanced medical care. that’s why the death rate for people under 30 is literally zero. you fucking retard.

>young deaths will skyrocket

the young person that is a rare .005% case that critically ill from corona will actually be prioritized in a situation of hospital overflow since they have the most potential to survive it.

so you are wrong again. as usual

ignore salty nothingburger shills

Let's just take your numbers, user that talked to a nurse. What are those supposed to show?

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What? You don't have an outbreak yet so it's a nothingwurst? Didn't that Webastos agent give Bavaria the inoculating strain?

Fuck cure chan

He is a good boy. I think he was abused and dumped, I tried to throw a stick for him and he bolted as soon as my arm went up and if I move while he is eating he runs away.
Yeah Im a sucker for outcast, he can stay with me for as long as he likes

>austria invades australia
Wait, there's a difference?
