Why do white males always think violence is a one-way street?

white men always think they can act violently and then are shocked when their enemies fight back. For example, the Hong Kong Protests were 100% a CIA operation. And China responded by unleashing the Shanghai Shivers against America.

...Now America is in utter shambles. In six months you'll have 40% unemployment, the DOW will be at 12,000, and asian and the Jews will buy up American companies, assets, and property for pennies on the dollar. White Americans will be minimum wage slaves for eternity as a result.

I'm curious, do white males every consider the consequences of their actions when they decide to interfere in other countries, or are their IQs too low?

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best b8 i've seen all day

The main social consequence of coronavirus is increased hate toward Asians. Chinese women are already notoriously disloyal so it's highly doubtful they'll "stick by" Asian men through any extended anti-Asian cultural shift. Expect even more WMAF couplings by the end of the year.

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More like, the CIA escalated to a biological attack against China when their glownigger HKG operation and Muslim terror plots failed miserably

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I encourage this.

Gonna make America wake up.

They are fine being lead around by jews but if the chinks take over, there's gonna be insurrection.

>Shanghai shivers
Top kek

>white men always think they can act violently and then are shocked when their enemies fight back. For example, the Hong Kong Protests were 100% a CIA operation. And China responded by unleashing the Shanghai Shivers against America.

You're a moron. Do you have any life experience or talk to literally **anyone**?

thank god white women are more loyal and chaste

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jews are not white
Americans are enslaved to jews because their politicians are blackmailed pedophiles, and jewish bankers hold the blackmail

You will bleed for this.

Christians give power to jews because:

Believing in retarded fairytales is what christianity is all about.

If I keep replying, will this one keep entertaining me with sophistry of this variety?

It's almost the level of retardation as the Deputy Secretary of State fucking handing out sandwiches on the Maidan during that movement.

I mean, they are being open about it which is fine but it's just so obtuse to how something like that is going to be presented and perceived.

> Both cases were women.
> It's almost as if

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>100% a CIA operation.
What does that have to do with white males?

Oh boy Schizo shills absolutely off the leash tonight baby

Your constitution turns spanish in 2050 anyways cause you listened to the chinese. OP kileld himself.

Sex isn't a high level brain function. Seeing white women with blacks is triggering to whites because blacks are often stronger and bigger dicked than whites, so the cope is via social shaming of their crime and poverty rates. That's not the case with Asian bois who are all petite and small dicked. Given that females being whores is no secret, seeing a white woman with an Asian guy just means she's with him for non-sexual reasons, hence why the guy in your pic is trying to dress in a way that shows he has money.

Attached: What Worries Japanese Girls about Dating Western Guys (Interview).mp4_snapshot_04.43_[2020.03.25_14.54.42].jpg (1280x720, 131.7K)

lol, cool story Ping

>Expect even more WMAF couplings

incredible COPE. White males won't be able to afford the dollar menu at their local tendy palace, let alone a GF. Not after China gets done fucking America's ass raw.

>More like, the CIA escalated to a biological attack against China when their glownigger HKG operation and Muslim terror plots failed miserably

extremely likely scenario

>You're a moron. Do you have any life experience or talk to literally **anyone**?

you sound incredibly upset and very emotional right now

>You will bleed for this.

there's nothing less terrifying than the modern white male. Off the internet, you're a cowardly nobody and every else realizes it.

Its funny how commies always deny free human will. Yes, everyone who does not want to live in authoritarian communist shithole is brainwashed by CIA.

chinas trolls got on to some ussr propaganda manuals apparently.

>If I keep replying, will this one keep entertaining me with sophistry of this variety?


Even less so terrifying is an Asian

Sex isn't related to money you effeminate ladyboy. Women seek diverse genes to be dominated by. That's why inbred Asian ricedicks use wet markets for find ingredients to make animal potions for their impotence.

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>stupid enough to summon the abyss

>Even less so terrifying is an Asian

white males don't control a single country on earth or a single nuclear weapon. Your jewish masters run everything. Literally everything.

Asia has multiple countries, its own banks, and enough nuclear weapons to erase the white race in a weekend. It must be incredibly painful to realize these undeniable facts.

And that's why I'm dangerous buddy.

The Hong Kongers won that battle tho.

Ok Zhang, but shouldn't you be making bat soup?

Fpbp and checked

This is just your threadly reminder that all chinks are racially self-serving insects that will do everything in their power to subvert your country and loot it for the chink motherland:


>Chinese corporate espionage costs the US hundreds of billions of dollars a year.


>Chinese immigrant and Naval officer was arrested for spying on the US for China.


>Chinese immigrants are systematically spying on western companies that employ them.




>Chinese are buying up massive amounts of US real estate and subtly colonizing the US.


>Chinese Born New Zealand Minister found to have studied and trained Chinese spies at Chinese spy school.
Kill them all or drive them out of your countries before it's too late, all Chinese immigrants are the vanguard of further Chinese colonization. The only good chink is a dead one.

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Gay niggers to gue my anus sage

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When was the last time white men, as a collective group were even mildly violent?

Name one instance that is not 30 year old.

>Jewish men always think they can act violently and then are shocked when their enemies fight back

Gay niggers tongue my anus sage jannies are faggots

China doesn't have shit. China is a parasite that totally relies on the West in order to have an economy that be satisfied domestically. The country only owns anything because they lie cheat and steal while having totally brainwashed populace on able of any form of creativity. The only reason you're a world power is because you exploit your own people and our greedy elites decided to ship our jobs to your country. You have no environmental standards, no quality control of significance, and zero innovation. You only get away with the shit you pull because of the good will of the western men who've been lulled into a deep slumber. You mistake though is that you confuse our good neature and hesistance with weakness and don't see signs of the anger thats bubbling beneath the surface.

you don't fight back when we drop 50 ton nuclear warheads on your penis.

What White males in America?
>asians and the Jews will buy up American companies
Are you somehow under the impression jews don't already own the vast majority of American companies? Are you being deliberately disingenuous?

The more I learn the worse it gets with chinks

>When was the last time white men, as a collective group were even mildly violent?
>Name one instance that is not 30 year old.

On their own? Probably the American Civil War. after that it was their Jewish masters pulling all the strings.

Holy based WMAF is pure hate but AMWF is nothing but true love

>China doesn't have shit.

wow are you super upset right now. Literally SEETHING. China has a nuclear arsenal on par with the USA, and they actually control it. In contrast, white males control absolutely nothing. You are nothing but the slaves, serfs, and peasants for the Jewish race. The only time white males are allowed to fight is when Israel tells you to.

Everything you said is massive COPE

If we go down we'll take you down with us. You better believe it.

what the fuck are you even talking about faggot?
the collective of white males in the contemporary 21st century are the most docile, sedentary, pacified and placid collective of males that have EVER existed in all recorded human history EVER.
in all sincerity what in the fuck are you talking about? where are white men acting violently?
what nigger

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I would say whites are silly, as the real reason white women dating blacks is more common nowadays is not because they "look stronger and have bigger dicks" but rather because society is pushing the idea of diversity.

Women are indeed prone to be attracted to stronger looking men, but they are also prone to follow whatever is the status quo in society as that is their defense mechanism.
Women naturally lack the tools to protect themselves, which is why they are instinctively agreeable in order to avoid conflict, which is why they follow whatever society is telling them it's the right thing to do.
Society says "right", but the real reason they obey is because right means safe, not because it's objectively right.

Lastly, at least here in Brazil, it's rare to see a white woman with a black guy. I mean, there are mutts who look white here, but I'm talking about real white people.
The south end of the country is mostly white even though there always a large influx of nothern immigrants there, and the reason for that is because whites don't actually date too much outside their own race.

this angry ricecel with the commie meme flag has been seetheposting pro-china propaganda for hours in dozens of threads.

calm down chang.

>white men always think they can act violently

>there's nothing less terrifying than the modern white male.
>you're a cowardly nobody
>white males don't control a single country
>the American Civil War.
>You are nothing but the slaves

okay, you schizophrenic faggot. I've read enough to demonstrate that you're delusional and detached from reality you mental gymnastics retard. sage

>the Hong Kong Protests were 100% a CIA operation
Are you suggesting that the CIA is a tool of the white race you moronic bugboy? The CIA were doing King Niggers bidding just a few years ago. In fact, they still are. The glowniggers aren't a branch of a white ethnostate you stupid cunt.

> white males

Nice strawman.

People in general tend to think that they will win whatever fights they want to get into and the other side fighting back is somehow deeply unfair, immoral and shouldnt be happening. And its also unfair if the other side is winning. Its human nature to look at the world that way.

Besides america is mostly ran by jews and militiant nonwhite activists. Which you can tell by the fact that bashing whites gives you a grant and tenure and bashing jews or poc gives you unemployment and possibly jail

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>If we go down we'll take you down with us. You better believe it.

you don't control anything. Remember? That's the entire point. You're a paper tiger.

And you make passive aggressive comments when my back is turned and think that makes you tough. You came scurrying up here to my country like a fucking rat looking for food. Nothing in the world is more pathetic and pitiable than a fucking immigrant. A scavenger, picking up the scraps under the dinner table. Weren't even good enough for your homeland. Couldn't even find a job and a wife, the most basic expectations of a man.

Then in what way is "society pushing" black men and white women if that isn't present in Brazil of all places? Look, women aren't complicated. All that's physically needed to be attractive enough to be in the possible pool of mates to most women:
>taller than her
>big enough dick (usually over 14 cm minimum, over 16 cm ideal)
>some level of muscular development for a V shape
>some testosterone development indicators on the face

There's certain quirks of bone structure that make black faces look masculine. The sloping forehead and prognathism protruding jaw basically make a face look more strongly male. For Asians, the flat faces and high cheekbones make it so their faces give the impression of a pointed jawline and a flat forehead, both youthful and thus feminine features.
>blacks look the most masculine
>asian women look the most feminine
The limiting factor for blacks is that their combined masculine traits are usually too masculine and thus they look ugly. Recall the golden ratio in regards to beauty. A guy who is 60% as masculine as the most extreme masculine male will probably be consider more aesthetic than the "brute." For women, there' literally no such thing as too feminine, hence why Asian women are universally attractive.

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It's worse than that. The poor chinese don't get to study abroad or migrate. They're their equivalent of fucking trust fund kids who fled to better countries thinking they're hot shit because daddy paid for their trip. They even manage to be fucking abroad patriots who praise communism while enjoying the spoils of a free country. If china is so great just go back cunt.

Where are you bitch?

>hence why Asian women are universally attractive.
Ah huh

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The Asian's face is still recognizably feminine on sensory perception. Look at pic related black woman. Her forward pushed jaw makes it so she look like she has a male chin and her cheeks have masculine angles.

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>full house
Checked. These digits demand answers, OP. Where are you bitch?

Get with the program incel

asian women are ugly as sin

Based & redpilled

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