How can you deny the holocaust you low IQ miserable faggots

photographs of victims

list of published documents from the nazis about the holocaust

Bonus: all the times Eisenhower mentioned the holocaust

Heres Eisenhower and Patton inspection Camp Ohrdruf

Locals brought in to witness what happened at Dachau

Bodies of inmates left inside the railroad carts at Dachau

Liberated inmates from Camp Ebensee

Footage from Mauthausen after being liberated

Bergen-Belsen after being liberated

Attached: Selection_on_the_ramp_at_Auschwitz-Birkenau,_1944.jpg (4205x2814, 2.97M)

Other urls found in this thread:


WOW there must be six gazzillion bodies there!

Attached: cap.png (1705x1080, 1.38M)

Its almost like OP sucks so many cocks hes never seen a POW camp before.

Attached: 2.jpg (637x354, 165.53K)

it. never. happened.
110 110 110 110 110

Some skinny dudes means 6 million absolutely CONFIRMED. what is typhus? don't worry about it goy.

Attached: 1.jpg (300x195, 10.94K)

Q predicted this

Clearly there is so much evidence , they only needed to doctor photos as a laugh!

Attached: doctored22.png (340x507, 227.97K)

The truth needs no explanation OK, don't ask why we needed to fake these photos, there's evidence everywhere!!

Attached: doctored photos.png (3023x1128, 2.94M)

Look at all the bodies goys! look what naughty Hitler did!

Attached: typhus phot.png (779x482, 450.84K)

The entertainment was just to trick the jews before their EXTERMINATION!

Attached: concen.png (662x872, 472.07K)

What? no no, stop asking about typhus.

Attached: typhus.png (600x600, 693.78K)

Ovey remember the 6 million times the 6 million died!

Attached: magic 6 guzzilion.png (1271x1279, 1.39M)

do you not get sick of reposting shitty stormfront propaganda?

The rabbits were filled with GAS!!!!

Attached: 1545600162700.jpg (1024x659, 144.58K)

Do you not get sick of sucking cocks?

Attached: KHARKOV.png (900x1044, 1.14M)

OVEY goy stop asking questions

Attached: weisel2.png (672x480, 602.28K)

Coronachan has exposed lie of corpse disposal.

The papers are lies , trust me goy

Attached: little evidence.png (612x1428, 1.03M)


Attached: holocaust revisionism.png (1280x2952, 3.32M)

Ovey so what if the original image was edited!

Attached: 1546513950394.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

There is 6 million jews in any nation at any given time goy

Attached: jewish population statistics.png (1373x712, 567.91K)

The holdemcoast really happenened. Both my grand parents only survived by sheer luck. They were 201 and 202 on the list but the rollercoaster only had place for 200 people

Ovey ! your a bad white goy for existing! feel the guilt!

Attached: Propagandist.png (1024x739, 455.84K)

>Here we go again

I'm not reading through your essays or watching any of your videos. If you have physical evidence that (i) the Germans ran an extermination program during the war; (ii) that there are homicidal gas chambers disguised as shower rooms somewhere or (iii) six million Jews died during the war, then post it.

Hard mode: You're not allowed to post wartime german documents that make no mention whatever off killing and then claim, without evidence, that the germans were using "codewords".

Fact is OP, while there were SOME amount of jews killed directly by nazis, most of the deaths were not due to some SUPER DEATH GAS but to things like typhus and lack of supplies. There are large amounts of evidence faked and lied about by "survivors" so they can fatten their wallets more and get good boy points with the population. also everything bad that jews have done is now invalid because
Not to mention the soviets killed many more religious people and yet people treat stalin like he was a prophet of the past against capitalism

Whats that? no no this book was just a joke goys

Attached: germans must perish.jpg (1200x800, 257.74K)

were you there?
so all your evidence is secondary, tertiary or propganda that can be debunked
piss off

It did happen. Not one actual Jew died though.

My grangrampa was masturbated to death in one of these homicidal masturbation machines. Everytime somebody denies the holocaust, it's like he is jerked to death again. You deniers just disgust me.

Synagogue of satan cannibal nigger

Ovey, we arent lying goys, The death coasters were real!

Attached: 1580769110749.jpg (750x750, 445.71K)

All of those people and only three soldiers.....

If it was me being admitted to a "Death camp" I would run like hell.

wikipedia isnt a source kike bitch

Attached: LMAOOOO.webm (854x470, 2.9M)

>How can you deny the holocaust
and I'll do it again faggot

Ovey the wooden doors kept the gas in nice and tight to kill us poor innocent jews.

Attached: 1446099738470.jpg (1312x2248, 920.52K)

Not even gonna look at your pictures because I know it's the same old fucking typhoid fever victims you're going to foist off as "victims of the gas chamber".

AHHHHHH isnt that much better now the naughty Germans are gone goys

Attached: fuckthis.jpg (832x1280, 280.59K)

UUUHHH where did ya get that letter goy eerrr... sheesh is it hot in here or?

Attached: cefc2800ed462e1137e3928eef2c15728b9e2742aa955e48184257037c2696d0.jpg (400x640, 72.31K)

Deny the greatest event in human history?

Ah thats better lets just forget about it, and accept what happened.

Attached: weisel.png (1024x554, 935.26K)

I don't deny it, just the number 6000000

>defending jews
I see a nose

Thanks for your thread Shlomo

Anons provided me with enough documentation to redpill my surroundings

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What I don't understand is why the Germans went through all the steps. we are told, to gas Jews, shaved heads, showers, little ovens, etc. When they could have put them on trains and gassed them by the train car load, then roll the train car to a remote location and dispose of the bodies. (pic related)

Attached: FumigationHouse.jpg (497x359, 19.37K)

Anne Frank was time traveler goy!

Attached: anne frank.png (500x750, 446.1K)

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The jews were zapped straight into hel... i mean heaven goys

Attached: treblinka bods.png (650x578, 887.99K)

Attached: BudapestGasChamberwopendoor.jpg (1000x809, 212.18K)

Those naughty Yugoslavian NAZIS

Attached: yugoslavia.png (1570x1355, 2.88M)

Explain this.

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That's because Theresin was collating camp not extermination camp

Only some of the camps were mean ones goys

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Ovey we just had to settle on a number first goys

Attached: weisel3.png (939x334, 307.95K)

You have it mixed up. Johnny Reb is the time traveler, not her.

Attached: Knights in Grey.jpg (3500x2400, 830.16K)

Ovey remember the 40 million too!

Attached: talmud 40 million jews holohax.png (569x729, 442.3K)

Why didn't the German's build some of these, it would be much more efficient than all of the stuff they went through to exterminate the Jews.

Attached: BudapestGasChamberinterior.jpg (800x1153, 633.5K)

Thank lufici... i mean G-D that he was able to rescue her!

Attached: magic 6 million.png (1000x5000, 1.95M)

this "source" details about a bigass building with a shitton of furnaces in them to cremate bodies, and that tere were FIVE of them, but of course only one remains, why?

>germans bombed them to hide evidence >about half a year before the end of the war

Wow, so you mean to tell me not only did the germans have enough resources to build 5 SUPER GAS DEATH BURNERS but they also had enough resources to blow them to the ground while they had few resources and were struggling to survive due to supply cuts?
oh but i forgot to mention where all this came from, can you guess?
clearly the most RELIABLE source ever created on the green planet

>A fucking war movie based off of an "eyewitness account"

Holy shit my sides

OVEY stop it goy! how dare you deny the poor jewish suffering.

Attached: aushwitz tm.png (1275x1277, 1.55M)

Denial is awful.

Celebration, on the other hand. Truly patrician.

Attached: JacindaBad.jpg (1280x731, 187.37K)

no make since to grug

this whole thread is getting btfo by a single shitposter

Attached: b8d.gif (900x900, 416.95K)

Take off the vpn jew

Long nose tribe say star is god... but grug no think baby go in fire, me think long nose lie to Grug

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Why can't you women do simple math? Shut up and make me a sandwich.

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But its all they have

Ovey! i dropped my documents goy, Dont look!

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