who else biden 2020?
Who else biden 2020?
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"Biden is a vassal"
Biden called the Jan 31 travel ban “a reactionary policy that will only make things worse.”
Fuck off.
Biden has always been a ventriloquist's puppet, he just can't remember his lines any more.
And this is the best they can do. lulz
A deranged, drooling, babbling kiddy diddler in The White House? I'd make popcorn for that!
so he's admitting they're just weekending at Bernies?
As much as I don't support Bernie's agenda, to nominate Biden is simplta mistake.
Can't keep using the term "gaffes" in place of a larger constellation of symptoms known as dementia.
Can you imagine a doctor referring to his neurocognitive decline and functional impairment as "gaffes"?
Imagine having this vegetable try to get us out of a global recession.
“Joe Biden treats all women equally no matter what age”
He doesn’t even deny his pedophilia, rather embraces it as “progressive”.
>Look, listen, what you gotta do is, come on now, you know the things
Trump derailed maga, like a zionist would. Riding with biden, he's a Zionist too but at least healthcare will be paid for by migatards thru high taxes on them while I get paid under the table and collect neetbux at the same time
You want big govt to take care of you then?
Not even kidding smartest thing he’s said so far. A legit move. People may be interested in some secret mob bent on nothing but ousting Cheeto Hitler. Spreads his personal garbage around and diminishes its impact.
Will there really be an election this year?
>as mentally fit as when his campaign began
So not fit at all.
Who’s making them do this?? Seriously. How does anyone with any fucking shred of pr related thinking or training send this asshole out there? Shit is fake too I swear.
>calling overwhelming evidence of him being a demented old has-been a "conspiracy theory"
>Biden falls asleep during first debate with Trump
>Awakens abruptly when called out and shits his pants on live national television
Classic gaffe!
>Has a stroke from stress of embarrassment
Oh, good old Joe!
>Starts seizing and dies
Haha, classic!
yea im ridin with biden
His family needs to take this guy out the race. Its straight up elder abuse.
This is literally the argument Republicans made about Reagan when people started noticing how senile he was.
I'm, can't wait for Joe to make up with China and we can all live in prospect and peace time.
source? that's actually pretty interesting. wonder how well it flies in internet age.
like the Joker?
Except this was noticeable at the end of his second term as president, not while actively running for an initial election.
Biden won't even be verbal in 8 years, and likely won't control his bowels within 4 years
>healthcare will be paid for
>collect neetbux
no. do you know anything about Biden?
we all are, m8
Biden is just a puppet of the DNC corporate donors and elites. They'd rather have 4 more years of Trump than let Bernie gain any power since they can't control him as easily.
Listen here Jack, I'm gonna set you straight. I'll only say this once so listen up, Fat. This virus isn't going anywhere. Let me repeat myself, this virus isn't going anywhere. Back in my day we didn't call it the COVID whatever, we called it the Shanghai Shivers. Look, here's the deal kiddo, things weren't so easy back then like they are today, where nowadays you can just pay a guy to put the little cameras in over the toilets. You readin' me, Slick? Yeah, 's what I thought. Anyway the point is, I used to know this guy, went by the name Cornflake Jackson. Ol' Cornflake used to play guitar down at the pool hall, sorta by the pay phone, no joke. Well, seems he caught the Shanghai Shivers one year and I'm here to tell ya, if Cornflake Jackson says, "It ain't no thang", well, you can take that to the bank, Bucko. And that's how I know you're full of crap, tough guy.
this is great
Why y’all deriden Biden? He ain’t hiden!
Though seriously someone convince the niggers to vote for Bernie, why do they not realize he’s the only candidate who gives a fuck about them?
>not realizing niggers already have everything bernie is offering
bernie is about expanding niggertopia to whites and niggers dgaf about whites. how could you possibly make it this far without realizing this?
I dunno the guy knows daps I thought niggers would appreciate that, do they really only like Biden because of Obama?
>only like Biden because of Obama?
PLUS bernie is literally offering nothing new in terms of what niggers already get. this is why young white liberals are so shocked. they wrongly think that bernie will improve the lives of ALL people but it's really only the young poor whites that would see an improvement under bernie. stupid fucking bernouts.
so it takes a crew of cgi and audio technicians to create the digital puppet biden. once elected you will be ruled by the deep state as usual at least for the very short period of time that is the transition from a sovereign nation to being subjects of the global technocratic tyranny
Isn’t he offering day one federal legalization of marijuana? Though that’s all I can think of, I don’t really have a dog in this race I hated warren but she was the best candidate the Democrats had in paper, to bad she postulated herself to the woke crowd then attacked their messiah in the most limp wrists fashion. That and she also has a shit personality
I hope he dies soon so we can get someone new for the election. I dont even like Bernie, I just want someone competent and normal that will listen to advisors and not make up policies on the spot during press conferences like orange man does.
>I don't support Bernie as his dastardly agenda of giving murifats healthcare
Sounds quite similar to the plot of metal gear solid sons of liberty.
>“a reactionary policy
>antifa son
>constantly shills for censorship, white replacement, socialism, and the faggot group
He's really a commie, isn't he?
>redditor with a snek flag
Disgusting. And as the other guy said, reagan had no issues during his second campaign.
You're retarded, commie. All your gibs programs are paid for by white men.
Join the Collective.
>Listen here Jack, I'm gonna set you straight. I'll only say this once so listen up, Fat. This virus isn't going anywhere. Let me repeat myself, this virus isn't going anywhere. Back in my day we didn't call it the COVID whatever, we called it the Shanghai Shivers. Look, here's the deal kiddo, things weren't so easy back then like they are today, where nowadays you can just pay a guy to put the little cameras in over the toilets. You readin' me, Slick? Yeah, 's what I thought. Anyway the point is, I used to know this guy, went by the name Cornflake Jackson. Ol' Cornflake used to play guitar down at the pool hall, sorta by the pay phone, no joke. Well, seems he caught the Shanghai Shivers one year and I'm here to tell ya, if Cornflake Jackson says, "It ain't no thang", well, you can take that to the bank, Bucko. And that's how I know you're full of crap, tough guy.
Good copypasta
Whats all this flu malarkey about? I already done told you guys on my podstation radiocast that the best remedy for a cold is a hot peach and bobbin apples before bed. You call it what now? C..co..covid what? Listen pal, back in my days we didnt have these fancy names for the flu. When cornbob jeb got ol cotton fever, his grannie warned him not to touch that haunted fiddle. Thats the problem with you youngsters, you dont god damn listen. Ive called donald over 40 times now from my house phone but he wont answer my calls. Listen, jack, i know how to handle a crisis and i know how to use the internet. You can bet your silver sunfish on that, buck. It appears ive run out of time...soo...ok..y..yeah
>muh white men
She pays more taxes than a thousands of you dumbass sissy white male
Who's ready for Biden v. Trump debates. Imagine the memes...
biden going to make trump look like a fool. hahahahaha. too easy
>Biden called the Jan 31 travel ban “a reactionary policy that will only make things worse
Go candy a yam you drug store Indian
Joe 'Bad Touch" Biden
*sniff* *sniff* is that perfume you're wearing??
It really does take a village
Even their candidate is a faceless useless communist cloud of brown malcontents and gibssmedats. Liberals are proof war is necessary for the survival of a people. They must be cleansed.
So Biden is the weak link on his own team?