Serious question: Trump is the only President to not have any pets while in office. Why?

Serious question: Trump is the only President to not have any pets while in office. Why?

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Serious answer: he's a germophobe.

One imagines that this particular period of history is rather trying! LOL

Stay strong Donald. We need you!

Too busy fucking his supermodel wife.

The fuck

Jews don't like animals. The dog is the white man's best friend.

>The fuck

What? He is!

It's well known. Fastest way to end a press conference with Trump is to sneeze.

He's been grabbing pussies
Sex crazed feminist assumed he was talking about vaginas

He doesn't need love from pets when he has his family.

Heterosexual men don't give a fuck about pets.

He's got a JAP

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Doesn’t have a dog.
Doesn’t drink alcohol.
Doesn’t go to Camp David.
Doesn’t know how to ride a horse.
Has he ever even fired a gun?

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Who the fuck cares? Left looking for a meme?

He doesn't need props to make him look like a real person.

If you don't have a dog before becoming president, why would you get one just so you can pay some guy to take care of it for you?

Also this.

Fucking dog haters.

My question is why didn't he have a dog? Or fuck, even a cat.

Here's mine:
Who gives a shit?

I do. Why do you think I created the thread?

He should get s a German Shepard just to g force the CNN hitler comparisons

You see, that's what Barack and Mike said at first. But being the smart, business savvy couple they were, not only did they choose to get Malia, they actually used her to earn multiple favors from Harvey Weinstein. That's the art of the deal.

and she's the only one in the white house that's gonna do it doggy style

Maybe he doesn't like them I dunno.
But I'll say this much. If I became president I wouldn't have a dog or cat either I'd have to give my dog to a family member.
I'm not having my dog run around the inside of that building sometimes it shits on the floor when it feels like it. The white house belongs to America not me. So I wouldn't bring my animal into the oval office.

>having animals inside
That’s gross and only sick faggots let animals come indoors.

Pets are filthy little things. I grew up with pets and I had plenty fond memories of fleas, poop land mines, stepping on pee circles with socks at night, vet bills, dog fur everywhere, that dog smell, and having to feed the dog all the fucking time.
after a few decades of that you never want to own a pet again

White girls let their dogs come in them

>Heterosexual men don't give a fuck about pets.

t. homo

what do you mean he has melania

Inshallah, Mohammed! XD

too busy

Because he's professional.

Too selfish and without love in his heart, only greed and narcissism.

Lying Muslim detected! Many such cases!

t. cruel brown soulless faggot

Honestly, why would you have a dog if you are in the whitehouse? So you can charge the taxpayers 150k or more to have handlers for it? It's like having a dog when you rent an apt, except when presidents do it it's much worse.

Having pets helps modulate the immune system of growing children

I don't have the image anymore but something about dogs licking their assholes and spreading cancer. No, I don't hate dogs, but I don't have them living in my home or sleeping in my bed either.

He was a new york democrat for decades. What do you think?

Are you suggesting i make your mother sleep outside after she tongues my anus?

Seems rude.

Niggers tongue my anus while your mom sucks the salty sweat off my balls.

Because he already has CNN

Jews don't allow animals inside their homes.

Because he raises his own children and grand children instead you cuck faggot

His kids are dogs now?

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because The Donald doesn't need another distraction. if he had a pet PETA would be up his ass 24/7 about it and it would be headlines. Baron Trump has a pet dog named Bulger, though, I've heard.

>raise lassies pups or raise your own human child

I'm going to choose option b matie

So retarded why the fuck

animals suck your energy

His kids are all adults, but I'm more concerned that you think training a dog is equal in skill and difficulty as rearing a child.

I reckon he has something cool like a big shark in a aquarium.

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Mate if I'm going to feed something and clean up it's shit, it's going to be of my own DNA.
Trumpchad probably feels the same.

Cos he has no empathy for other living creatures, he's only concerned with getting more money.

>first president without a pet

>First non-white/female/faggot/pedophile/degenerate president

Take me off of this ride please

because he hates puppies.
wants to kill them in fact.

probably because he is a based rational human being with a low tolerance for bullshit and he has the capability to see that enslaving and caging an animal to your will is sadistic and evil and he refuses to pretend like it isnt

they are a waste of time unless they are serving a purpose

he knows they would be poisoned by disgusting shitlibs

What do you think the Secret Service are for?

you a fag. that's why

yes, this is no good, there has to a be a first doggo.

he treats women like dogs
so your statement is incorrect

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