In a war between the US and China the #1 target will be the US forces in S.Korea and Okinawa as well as a general target in Taiwan. If China is on the offensive they'll want to take over Hawaii. What else?
Lets wargame this shit
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Firstly, fuck off.
bases in Guam and Japan
They will destroy our small base in Singapore also
Geez the government is really pushing for war with China
The don’t have to do that when they paid off most of our politicians who are pushing laws that are destroying us as a country.
Eradicating chinks would receive more popular support worldwide than anything in history.
I don't think war will be the same was it was in the past, with all the world-spanning supersonic missiles and shit. What's the value of holding territory (Hawaii)?
Aircraft carriers and shit are more obsolete than battleships, they've never been tested in a real war. Our whole military is mostly just a jobs program.
Just go down this list, nuking all of them via an overwhelming simultaneous missile barrage
>aircraft carriers are obsolete
You’re a fucking embarrassment lmao
>If China is on the offensive they'll want to take over Hawaii.
lol no. That is so far outside of chink capabilities that it would be more realistic to plan against an actual dragon attack.
Sorry for hurting your feelings sweety
>Aircraft carriers and shit are more obsolete than battleships, they've never been tested in a real war.
Jesus fucking christ.
Wouldn't be shocked if Canada sided with the Chinese. Include Australia to that list too. Suddenly U.S.A doesn't seem so formidable
Most Americans are diabetics that can’t even get out of bed. So you guys are fucked
Ok faggot, when have they been tested in the last 70 years? Blowing up sand niggers doesn't count.
>china forges into the Pacific
>the us cuts the oil and gas lines from Russia via air strike
>the us cuts the oil lanes from the indian ocean
>game over
>perhaps a nice game of chess
get on my level retards
Take your insulin and settle down!!!
They will want to take you mom and use her carcass as a mobile supercarrier.
Wow I'm learning mandarin now
You must be seriously mentally ill to imagine large scale Chinese forces in the Pacific. America would murder so many Chinese that even I would cringe at the sheer depopulation that even conventional warfare would wreak. The major Chinese cities are within the range of carrier groups. The Chinese Navy is brown water. People really take America for granted and understand nothing, huh
LOL. Australia hates Chyna now.
The chink navy is greenwater but your point is valid
It's like there's been a decades-long information war pushing the idea that the US has a weak military, and some faggot might get froggy.
This is to set the Death of a Thousand Cuts upon the US because the shilling fags know a single major war is hopeless against the US.
Get ready because we’ve been gearing up for years, we just needed a patriotic catalyst. Coof.
This kid. Oddly enough you’ll be one of the first ones drafted
Oh wow another boomer war thread.
There will be no fucking WWII carriers war with gay pride uniforms, instead you and everything you love will die from starvation and disease after the initial nuclear exchange instead. Your end will be slow and painful.
>Wouldn’t be shocked
>Canada turning on daddy
Lol, leaf.
The States of New York and Washington can defeat Canada in 2 weeks.
California can subdue Australia in 3.
That leaves 47 States to take on the planet, plus the resources of Australia and Canada
seems like a big win for the burgers to me.
Who is going solo on some slants when this kicks off?
What the globohomo larps fail to realize is that production using cheap labor and materials reaps a shitty product. I can only imagine what bullshit “advanced tech” they’ve managed to manufacture. In terms we can all understand. It’s prime rib v. Big Mac in conventional warfare if the US v. China ever happens.
With what navy?
A simple blockade is enough to kill China
china will want to win the war, attacking america up front is a direct lost, they will rather attack their neighbor india, while at the same time use political forced diplomatic talk with muslim country and russia to join force or perish( presenting india devastation as an example of what could happen)
russia could finally annex europe and muslim gain back the holy lands
now while all thats taking place joe bob watching baseball eating dog not giving a fuck cause he know eventually those retards gonna backstab themself to see who got the bigger cock and become a clusterfuck of a war where people have forgotten why they started fighting
if they ever turn into a real menace you use your white man devil tongue to take the south monkey and send them into a suicide mission with rocket on their back across the sea in a fishing boat, with the mexican that make a couple millions of meat shields; after that you just have to walk around with your seal clubbing stick and finish what still moving
checkmate bitch
Putting it like that just makes me want to watch Threads
If you guys don't start off by unleashing your entire nuclear arsenal then you have already lost. Thos is not another proxy-war.
>If China is on the offensive they'll want to take over Hawaii.
naw man those bugs will just make an island base of thier own in 4 days
I’d kill you with my bare hands if I could you sniveling faggot
Iran, pakistan might be the only two "muslim" countries to ally with china.
The rest are in the western sphere of influence.
Same goes for indonesia and malaysia, they stand to lose if china chimps out, so they will natrually ally with america.
Wild cards are australia and germany.
If a hot war happens, America just needs to strike chinks' food and oil source.
stop it our military is a fucking joke
our boat dont float
our plane dont fly
we only have single shot firearm
we are such a fucking joke as a country even zimbabwe wouldnt take us in thiere team to go to war
You already know the only winning move is not to play.
The alternative is destroy earth. And we have yet to colonize elsewhere so...
How M.A.D are you feeling?
yeak but tricky chinky gonna go sneaky and be
hey bro look america bad man,its down got the flu
common bro let humiliate those fucker rambo style
yeah yeah rambo good, your rambo my brother!
that how we kicked out the shit of that bully in second grade, still could work in 2020
We should just nuke Toronto
yep the rest of the country woulnt even realise their gone
>Aircraft carriers and shit are more obsolete than battleships, they've never been tested in a real war.
>Include Australia to that list too.
What navy is China taking over the world with again?
He's correct you're a fucken moron. Your only excuse is you're kid.
None of you idiots know how the world works.
>they've never been tested in a real war
Think you're forgetting about when it was tested in a real war between the years 1942-1945
China reads these boards too.
And I don't want to give them ideas
>China destroys the US FOB's surrounding their territory
>China destroys the US navy with missiles
>China destroys the US air force and army with missiles and planes and boats
>China nukes the US
China wins. Easy.
>The chink navy is greenwater
Fucking lmao. Your brain is yoghurt.
The one they'll have in about 10-15 years.
Imagine having a double-digit IQ and believing in a hot war. Kinetic wars are over boys. Intelligence, tech, demograpic, propaganda, and economic are the new fronts in war... Kinetic can only happen on the margins like Crimea.
Yeas, they are slowly conditioning the population like they were pushing for war with Iran. They need population to WANT war, so that the elected politicians wouldn't lose ratings when they start the war. So right now every self-isolated CIA asset is posting NUKE CHINA on Yas Forums, twitter, reddit and many other social platforms, trying to manufacture the consent.
Chink navy can hardly defeat combined Korean and Japanese navy. It might be different if the Russian pacific fleet is involved but still can't overcome US fleet.
Chinese economy is not self sustainable and will suffer once blockade begins. This only has long term effect like the German Empire suffering during WW1.
There won't be much ground battles. Naval invasion is suicidal for both sides and I doubt Nork will participate in the war.
Japan and Korea will get nuked fast because of missile defense systems as they are detrimental to cross pacific nuclear attacks.
China can't hope to compete even with nukes. That's why they've been hoarding soft power and fuck tons of dollars.
this guy gets it
>china forges into the Pacific
I'd imagine first they take Taiwan, then they will work on countering the U.S Navy with the help of land based aircraft, they will not be attempting to capture any U.S territory like Japan did.
>the us cuts the oil and gas lines from Russia via air strike
Fucking how? With their invisible aircraft? Unless the U.S is willing too launch a massive airborne strike into China, where they will suffer many casualties from China's fairly sophisticated air defence, not to mention likely provoking Russia into allying with China.
>the us cuts the oil lanes from the indian ocean
China's allies in the Region like Iran will already be moving to close the straight of Hormuz with Chinese support, the battle will be long and costly but the U.S will come out the poorer side as China switches to land based transport of it's fuel.
>game over
No, the war will stalemate and China will end up with what it wants, Taiwan. The U.S will sign a treaty and continue it's slow decline. That is, unless a domino effect occurs, where Russia uses the chaos to pursue its plans in Europe and the Middle East, North Korea might also take the opportunity to invade the South, likely overwhelming them unless America diverts forces there. In the end, this will only further cripple the already taxed U.S bureaucracy.
>perhaps a nice game of chess
Only for the kikes setting up the pieces.
Yes yes the war that never happens with Iran will surely happen soon just wait two weeks goy. Krokodil niggers need to be banned from ever speaking.
dude, your country is not far from Dalian, so how can you be so ignorant of Chinese navy strength? They are already could fuck our Pacific and Northern fleet by their sheer power. Pacific fleet of Russia is a joke, we have old as fuck ships and the only thing valuable about it is nuclear subs in Kamchatka.
China meanwhile has 2 carriers and builds 2 more, mass producing type 055 juggernauts and much smaller vessels in big numbers.
why would china need to go to war with us when we will destroy ourselves so willingly?
Japan didn't want to fight against US in 1941.
Because Manchuria had worked as a wall to block communism from the Soviet Union.
After the WW2, Manchuria lost, then Communists took China.
Korean War happened. Vietnam War happened.
Therefore Japan didn't want lost Manchuria.
But US and Britain criticized Japan's strategy for Manchuria.
So Japan decided to attack US and Britain in 1941.
It would be an air war firstly and the USA would dominate the Chinese in two weeks tops, without air superiority China is never going to be a real threat to the USA and the USA is decades ahead. In an all out war this is, not pussy footing about with the silly UN.
>Aircraft carriers and shit are more obsolete than battleships