average white penis 4.5-5 inches
average black cock 8-9 inches
average vaginal depth 10 inches
Average white penis 4.5-5 inches
>white penis
>black cock
Ok coomer
Wow! All 3 false. Incredible!
This is your brain on coom,
Holy shit you’ve measured every penis in existence? Only you could do it OP.
OP measures them with his throat
Remember you can hide threads
This, lmao
Do Average IQ now
I thought the average dick was 3 inches? This is very concerning
White girls love my Congo BBC
Oh boy I finnally get to post this.
I prefer BCC (big czech cock)
Q predicted this.
10inch VA JJ
Bitch got an echo cootch
You're Turkish.
Asian tranny spam saged, I pity faggots who spend hours of their day spamming scat porn on a japanese anime forum lmao, you are the lowest of faggots on this website
I have something for you
>average black cock 8-9 inches
>average vaginal depth 10 inches
Keep your masturbatory fantasies to /trash/ please.
Oh look, it's little negro boy for his daily 30 threads he creates with his nigger propaganda about bbc because he knows he is inferior in every way.
>literally starting a thread using the fake propaganda term, "BBC"
>being this black, pathetic (redundant though, no?), and pushing so hard with your lil black fantasy about being with a white girl
Here are some facts, dipshit (hint: ignore your jew masters):
The belief that penis size varies according to race is not supported by scientific evidence.[6][17] A 2007 study reported that "there is no scientific background to support the alleged 'oversized' penis in black people".[18] In fact, a study of 253 men from Tanzania, the 6th most populous nation in Africa, found that the average stretched flaccid penis length of Tanzanian males is 11 cm (4.53 inches) long, smaller than the worldwide average, stretched flaccid penis length of 13.24 cm (5.21 inches), and average erect penis length of 13.12 cm (5.17 inches).[19]
A study of 115 men from Nigeria, the most populous nation in Africa, found that the average flaccid stretched penis length of Nigerian males is 13.37 cm (5.26 inches) long, which is near identical to the worldwide average, stretched flaccid penis length of 13.24 cm (5.21 inches) and average erect penis length of 13.12 cm (5.17 inches).[20] A 2015 systematic review of all the published research papers in refereed scientific journals globally concluded that all such compiled data clearly demonstrated that black males actually have on average a smaller penis than do white males.[1]
1. BJU International. 115 (6): 978–986.
6. BJU International. 99 (6): 1449–55
17. Penis Myths Debunked". Live Science. Retrieved 9 Jul 2018.
18.BJU International. 95 (1): 8–9.
19.The Journal of Urology. 190 (2): 544–50
20.Orakwe, J. C; Ogbuagu, B. O; Ebuh, G. U (2006).
How does it make you feel knowing our big, creamy, white dicks are what your women crave, niggers? Women simply don't want shit-coloured penises; that's a fact. Who'd want to suck on a piece of shit unless they had some sort of scat fetish? Face it, niggers, your futile attempts at cucking us is making you look desperate and in dire need of pussy. But you won't get any. Not a single woman, white or black, wants black dick unless they have a mental disorder. Everyone wants our creamy white dick. No, not want, they NEED our creamy white dick. Even if your birth defected penises are an inch or two longer, most women will still prefer ours. Why? Because we know how to use it, and it doesn't look like something she just shat out 10 minutes prior.
You niggers have attempted to reverse the roles given to you by society, but your rusty chains remain because you simply don't have enough intelligent thought to understand what kind of hornets nest you're prodding your shit-dicks into. That's the stuff you niggers have wet dreams over; imagining fucking your master's wives, sisters and mothers because it's what we've done to you for so long. It's understandable really, you just want a little piece of the cake, but like a dog, you will remain on the floor and receive only tidbits we throw your way. And that's only if you're lucky.
All two ounces of your nigger brain is fighting against what we're doing, but you can't stop us. We already won hundreds of years ago, and your women are thankful for us. We provide them with homes, infrastructure, water, electricity, and of course, our creamy, white cocks, which they love to suck on. Take a look at Africa; when we freed you niggers and let you be, your wasteland became worse; plagued with disease and drout; poorly built shanty houses made from shit and twigs. You can't even get a clean source of water. This is irrefutable evidence as to why you need us. But we don't need you.
Bow down, niggers. White master race.
Hello rabbi. Have you been coofing lately?
>Most of the South American countries besides Argentina (the whitest one) have larger dicks
So I guess Mognoloids do have big cocks. Yas Forums BTFO!
Why come only Whites bother posting their big dick everywhere on the internet but blacks are always afraid?
insecure, racist incels who have been SEVERELY triggered by OP's comments because they know full well that it applies to them.
Hungary living up to its name, am I right?
Everyone has a bigger dick on the internet
White and 7"+ here
How would they even know the average dick size in NK lmao??
Ah I see you are using the product
How do you like the product?
>Italy 6.2
>Usa 5.1
Dicklets btfo
Where's your foreskin?
Women hate that shit bro
Stolen at birth.
Wait is that an extender for dicklets? Do they actual fuck women (shemale prostitutes) with their dicks tucked in there? Lmao
I’ve literally never heard a complaint
>no source
fake pic
show me a proof for congo's average penis size
I don't actually think they care. Cut just looks better IMO no homo.
Sucks for them. I have a nice cut.
as an army guy ad been in various africa missions all i can say thats a myth made by porn nigfers have small dicks its even embarassing
very based
I'm Italian and confirm that I'm bigger than 6.2"
Feels good anons.
How do they accurately know the stats for North Korea? Not saying the 3.8" isn't impossible, they're malnourished gooks after all, but I can't imagine some statistical organization just waltzed into Pyongyang and were like "hey Kim, mind if we measure your dicklets around here lol" to get these precise numbers.
This is an extremely secluded nation, we know almost nothing about that place except that it is all pretty fucked up.
Pornography is evil
Agreed. I find that data to be hard to believe for North Korea. I am curious how old this survey is too.
African women are circumcised with sharp stones to remove their pleasure centres clit/labia and thus make them [faithful].
Niggers got a dick like a root because he cuts on his bitch for thousands of years and cant satisfy the puckered senseless pits he leaves behind.
And that was BEFORE all the blood supply for his brain evolved to all go into his dick.
There is no hope for niggers now, the penis has become the primary organ instead of the brain.
Shut it down
Used to think it didn't matter. Now cut just looks weird and unnatural to me.
>Carlos you piece of shit, I'm going to serve my foot up your assà
Is this Yas Forums? Is this gonna last forever?
average white guy: "hello"
average black guy: "cock"
whos gay now?
Mental health & neuro-psychological assessment of the typical Yas Forums poster.
Pepe Frog, MD, MPH, PhD, Wojack Feels Guy,MD, PhD
Every five or so threads created on the board witnesses one discussing Negroes, and even threads with nothing pertaining to them will usually have an user who feels it necessary to drag them into the discourse.Behind all the hate; the monkey and KANGZ memes,Tyrone"sheeit" comics,gifs,demotivational pics,and webms -Yas Forumsusers secretly have a grudging respect,bordering on admiration,for the Negro.Although if one were to ask them directly,they would vehemently deny the claim with all the passion of a demure,besotted teenager.
The nature of their fixation?The raw brass confident masculinity they possess which is quickly compared to feral animals,and yet at the same time acknowledged is what women truly desire at their core and what is lacking in many white heterosexual unions.The intrinsic ruggedness that enables them to stamp their mark on any field of physical endeavor.The amazing sense of rhythm they naturally seem to possess,derisively likened to ape gesticulations,and yet is oh so majestic to witness and enthusiastically imitated.
Then there is the stereotype of the black man's sexuality,particularly his phallus.It has become a prodigious protuberance of myth and legend.There is a reason that r/AsianMasculinity trolls are laughed off while BBC and BLACKED generates anger and solemn disdain.For,to the Yas Forumsyp,where the Asian man's masculinity is considered a joke the black man's is a threat to be taken with utmost seriousness;for there may be a kernel of truth to it.Is it a coincidence that, of all the races of men,it is the Negro whose virile masculinity has become a meme that literally cannot be completed with?
Based on our assessment Dr. Wojack and I have concluded that Yas Forums is a board populated with manic depressive autistic schizoid individuals afflicted with a Jungian-Pavlovian psycho-pathological Negro-complex.
Yes. It's the silver lining to the pandemic.
It's part of operation M4GA
7.6 inches, feels good man!
Yum. omg
I think it's more like
AVG White Penis: 5.5 - 6.5 inches
AVG Black Penis: 5.7 - 6.7 inches
AVG Vaginal Depth: 6 - 8 inches
With that last one being one that I've read unironic studies about. So if you're above 6 inches, there are girls out there you are legit too big for and there are women with vaginas so deep your average cock can't completely fill her up.
fun fact
you can make a woman pass out from pleasure by literally not even going inside with your tongue
>Implying having a small penis a problem
You can stretch a pussy with a 3 inch nub. All you have to do is hit it sideways so that the shaft is on one wall and the head's on the other. Bitches call me the cheese wheel cause that's what it feels like I just fucked them with. Big dick niggers can't even compete.
Have a nigger, nigger
You sure do a lot of thinking about penis size, you fuckin homo.
Truth. I have a boringly average 6 incher. Had a gf I was slightly too big for (despite her being built nice n thick) and I had a girl who was petite to look at, but my dick in her felt like a sausage in a hallway.
>worrying about dick size
this is what i used to do before i started having sex too
white MANLETS vs black superior seed
Thanks mate
Are you telling me straight guys don't feel the urge to smell and taste a cock like that?
I want to feel the weight of it on my face baby