Mike Enoch

This man is one of the best and brightest minds in our movement today. He is intelligent and thoughtful enough to not come off as a brutish moron, but also not condescending and stuffy like Richard Spencer. He really does appeal to a broad range of people and his work should be supported. He’s also not a stupid Paleocon. He is very friendly as well and easy to talk to. The people calling him a Fed, or even worse, a Jew are subversives trying to undermine the agenda. I have nothing but praise for Mike Enoch. His criticisms of the Jews are spot on.

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Other urls found in this thread:


he and sven will be "former white nationalists" in 6 months

hey mike

Ok fed. I think you’re talking about Nick Fuentes

He’s a fucking larping kike.

It’s distasteful to accuse people of things they haven’t done yet. If you’re right then they’ll deserve to be dropped.

No, that’s you

you can't deny he's one of sharpest people in politics

Mike is a narcissistic midwit. I had the displeasure to meet him once. He is so far up his own ass it's insane. His takes are mostly stolen from smarter people and the points he brings up on his shows are read off a 3x5 card. His middling IQ really shows whenever he has to talk to someone about his points in real time, like that one time they had the "alt-right" kike on years ago, or when he was talking to Destiny. Incredibly arrogant and insecure.
He's a good gateway into actual dissident thought, but he is ultimately a horse and pony show for low-IQ ethnonationalist who nod along and never dig deeper. Nothing novel or ground-breaking will ever come from him.

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>Better put on a vest today. It's nice outside.

You sound like you’re very far up your own ass

Name three things that he's done that makes you think he's "one of the best and brightest minds" please.


If it weren't for his forum I never would have found my natsoc jewish bf.

Muh white people

1. He eloquently speaks up for whites on a daily basis

2. He eloquently dismantles Jews for their role in this disgusting system on a daily basis.

3. He holds the most popular podcast and has the best Twitter account in the entire movement.

I just wish Andrew angling and the trs crew could get along. I’m tired of their bitchfights. Also Sven should stick to making music.

sounds hebrew to me

It's bad form to praise yourself, Mikey.

How is he different from Matt Heimbach? This clown is 6 months away from joining a "deradicalization" NGO. He lost to Destiny on purpose.

Why are these edgy right-wingers always fat whales? I can't take fat people seriously
Tucker Carlson
This one
Something Spencer

svens music blows

I promise, him and Striker will become "reformed" and become Communists. 6 month to 1 year tops.

Some of his song parodies are funny.

Strike and Mike are like the last ideological consistent right wingers in America.

>ecelebs grifters
They are fucking useless
The only once who did something of value are people who were into BTFOing kraut back in the day and Striker for pushing anti-capitalist part of wn in front. Nick the spic was good on his first goyper stunt but he lost it since.

He didn't lose to Destiny.

How does any of that speak to his intelligence? How is any of that furthering dissident thought? How does any of that build institutions that can fight the liberal order?
Again, he is at best a gateway to help filter dissidents into deeper thought. People who think he is actually an important figure towards a solution are no different than boomers who say shit like "from my cold dead hands."

whats up mike fuck off

>I had the displeasure to meet him once. He is so far up his own ass it's insane
elaborate on this

He literally conceded every point and admitted Destiny was right.

Who is the Schrödinger in your relationship?
Who is the schro-beau?


Destiny is never right about anything because he's a standard garden variety liberal.

>interpreting Spencie's overt homosexuality as condescension
Awful thread. Don't post again.


>Enoch on the nigger who killed that 7yo girl
Proud TRS paychad.

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He is smarter than the retards he associates with, but listening to him is boring as fuck. The man is a one trick pony, everything is about Jews and Jews are behind everything, it's just Jews Jews Jews for hours. Marrying a Jewish woman has clearly traumatized him and I kinda feel bad for the dude.

He btfo'd the living shit out of desTiny on every single point and made our cuban tard say things like "corporate lobbying doesn't affect anything". You don't have to have high iq or depth of knowledge to btfo fucking destiny of all people, even Metokur whos political beliefs can be described by "funny shit I saw on the internet" wiped the floor with him in a "political" debate

Got'em lol
>no u

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Destiny destroyed him in a debate

Yes. I posted it here:

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>our movement
Hi, Jew.

America biggest problem is jews, not even chinks.

Jews allow chinks to buy your shit.

Capitalizing jew, could be it...moarpheus?

Has he said anything about Heimbach's recent bullshit?

Fuentes is too successful in his current role, and still has the benefit of youthful naivety and enthusiasm. No chance he flips anytime soon.

pretty big brained hot take

baste and autism pilled

TRS is too successful for Mike to become a turncoat even if he wanted to, which he doesn’t. Stop being a FED

I was invited to an event by a new acquaintance who was basically in charge of the logistics of the event. I could tell my acquaintance was somewhat star-struck, not quite simping but almost. Mike was completely blowing him off. A bit later we were sitting at tables and my acquaintance called out to Mike who shouted him down and said some very condescending things. I could tell my acquaintance was put out by it.
I'm being ambiguous about this because specifics would make it incredibly easy to identify all parties involved.

America's biggest problem is Americans. We should improve ourselves and become a better people before seeking outside enemies. "Jews"/finance capitalists are only causing problems because we allow them to.

You literally better yourself by getting rid of the financial elites tho.

No amount of body building and nofap are gonna solve that shit.

I miss Lauritz

Destiny was running circles on Mike. I kinda felt bad for him

Why are these shills always so obvious? I can't take lazy shills seriously.

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Ok fed. Mike pulverized that cuck

>being ambiguous
Yeah, that's fine, I don't care about the details/people involved. At the end of the day they're New York Yankee cocksuckers and McNabb is some retard hillbilly that wants to legit genocide the boomers

Proof dog?

Stop projecting fed.

I met Sven and Mike at a pool party once. I should have never gone. You known the saying never meet your heroes? Well this was the case. The pool party was fun we were shooting the shit drinking and yelling out Low Energy Jim. I'm from the desert so I'm not around water a lot. I saw that Sven had a pool and asked if I could go in. He agreed and I spent an hour in the pool. During that time i was wondering why everyone avoided the pool. Dreadfully I know the reason why. I passed out on a giant floating duck with a beer in hand. I was woken up with the feeling that someone was on me. I opened my eye to see Sven on top. We locked eyes and I saw Sven what the fuck I said.

I threw Sven off of me and yelled for help. The guys from the pool party made a crowd and just looked at me as I yelled for help. I told everyone what Sven did and out came Mike stumbling around while munching on a quarter pounder from McDonalds.

I yelled to Mike Sven tried to sexually assault me! Mike said hmmm here's the thing. He then proceeded to lick his fingers. Sven then pulled my trunks off and pinned me down on the cold concert floor next to the pool. Sven then pulled his too. To my shark I saw that he was circumcised. Sven put me on my stomach and proceeded to open my ass checks. He yelled at Ghoul to hand him TRS labeled Water which in actuality was just pool water. Be began to stick his finger into my sphincter. I tried to scream but before I could Jim from the FatherLand poured Zink into my mouth. Mike then stuffed my mouth with a TRS oven mitt that he stole from Jim.

I screamed on the inside due to my mouth being stuffed with Jim's TRS oven mitt. Ghoul was beginning to get aroused by this. He then proceeded to ask the group of guys from the pool party for pictures of their cocks to prove that they weren't Jewish. As he took a Polaroid photo of Mikes circumsized penis Ghoul then went on a rant about how he was no longer a degenerate like in his youth.

Sven began to get rougher yelling at Mike to make sure that they were using his Gorilla Microphone to capture the best audio possible for the paywall cucks. Sven complimented me on my slim and delicate body noting that I was more feminine than his manish Puerto Rican wife.

Sven then took the TRS oven mitt out of my mouth and jammed his tongue into mine. Jazzhands held me down while Sven stood up and proceeded to play with my penis with his foot telling me that I was low energy like Jim and that he'd fix me by turning me into a real girl.

Sven then proceeded to preform the ungodly act of defiling my rectum. He said I was tight like the 17 year old that Ghoul fucked. He pounded faster and harder. He punched me in the back of the head and told me to yell Nick Nico ni. I initially refused but another strike from him changed my toon.

All that could be heard were the yells of Nico Nico nii. Alex McNabb fearing that the neighbors would discovery their secret then played an Ad for Mike and the Mad WOP on loop on Sven's $700 speakers that he got from his Jewish financiers.

McNabb as usual loves interrupting everything. This time I was grateful because he started shrieking that Traps aren't gay. In that very instant Sven finished and I felt my stomach filling up with his seamen. Sven then walked over to Alex and agreed. Mike then said nah nah we're not having this argument again. Sven then said yea because you know we're right. It then turned into a heated 20 minute debate about whether or not traps are gay.

That horrible day ended with Spencer giving me a ride back to the motel I was staying at. It was a very long & awkward silent ride. Before arriving I started crying Richard didn't know how to react so he used the seamen in my hair to give me a fashy hairdo. I stepped out when we arrive at my motel. Before I could get too far away from the car Spencer yelled out you know you're still a virgin right Hahahaha? He then played this song youtu.be/ErfbD7_DwXA[Embed]
and hightailed it out of there.

His christmas album last year was dope.

I think he seems too sincere for anyone to be able to buy that kind of action. Also, he's too outspoken and accurate in his assessment of jewry for any jewed organization anywhere to ever embrace him.

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He is a kike, hia wife is a kike and unironically has a black son

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Have sex.

>sucking fat eceleb cock thats been inside his jewish wife

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While Destiny did dance around Striker like a yipping dog, Mike devastated Destiny during their debate, absolutely wrecked him. It was beautiful.

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The reason Aglin isn't taken seriously by TRS is because they think he's too chaotic. They prefer someone more watered down. Anglin is UNSTOPPABLE, and what people hate about him, is he doesn't lie. The guy is as straight as an arrow. Yes he has his flaws like all humans, but he's far better than Mike Enoch. Azzmador doesn't trust Enoch, that's why he sticks with Daily Stormer. If you want a general news of the day without simpy whining, go to DS. That's where the party is.


Mike "Shark eyes" Enoch

Anglin doesn't even have a coherent message and now he's a yellow fever lusting race mixer.

>mike enoch fan
>having sex

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What are you talking about striker got destiny so heated all he could do is shout "No your lying" and how much he sucked dick. Destiny literally had to start reading wiki articles and his discord to get an argument

His message? Ot's quite simple:

Lets watch the world burn to the ground, laugh at all the retards crying about it, and start rebuilding back on Square One.

t. six year DS reader

>what people hate about him, is he doesn't lie.
Anglin shilled for Yang for a long time last year. He's about as fake and retarded as you can be.

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Yeah, that's not a productive message.

He sounds like an antifa.

self promotion tends to be responded to with hostility here

whatever happened to Pat Little?

Yes I'll admit, he has strange choices for arguments, but he only wanted the guy in because of his free money proposal. The choices of candidates was undecided back then. It was either jew loving trump or jew loving asian who gives you free money. If Trump gets his shit kicked too far down the curb due this corona virus shit...enjoy five years of senile-kiddy-fiddler Grandpa Joe.

I also agree with this but I am suspicious that maybe anglin has been coopted.
I have no way to prove this but when he went into calling people neo-nazis things got weird.
I remember things going like this.

>dailystormer stops associating with TRS
>TRS stops hosting heimbach
>nobody says why
>heimbach breaks the box three days later
>we all laugh
>anglin writes long articles on TRS months later
>anglin supports gay cat boy
>gay cat boy movement loses steam very quickly (span of weeks at most)
>the feud goes full steam

Maybe they all glow and we are just in hell, its really hard to say, but when I compare "trust the plan lite" to "this system is fucked" it's pretty easy to choose sides, because look around you, I see it.

>productive message

Hey, I didn't say the guy is the messiah. I'm just saying he's not full of shit. He's a decent guy, the middleman of far right media. Mike Enoch is SHADY AF, if you ask me.

>caring about girl gossip drama bs about people you don’t even know irl
Literal faggot who gives a shit


I used to like TRS, but they've been pushing same the coof hysteria that the (((msm))) is pushing, and they literally ban you from their forum if you say you're skeptical of this govt crackdown bullshit. Lost all respect.

The fact he doesn't advocate for meaningful solution and just fucks around all days while lusting over spics and yellow makes him NOT decent.

Anglin is also very uneducated.

Faggot gossip queen you’re a fucking teenager Fred Durst fan of your generation kys

You are such a loser go suck off Vox Day more holy shit wtf