Political journey

Please share journeys here.

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I'm a lib lefty. Went through a period where I slid to the right. First the libertarian right, then went up towards authoritarianism. Whole process was weird. The phase lasted a couple of years. At a few different points I was pretty much a nazi.

It was mostly motivated by the left focusing on identity politics, and opposing free speech, and not really making any good economic arguments in the pre-Trump years. The whole process, frankly, was painful to me. Eventually I said "fuck this" and went right back to the lib left where I always was. That's where the "good people" are, IMO. Not the far far far far left, but IDK around where the hippie is on that compass.

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Come back home, friend. Come back to your freedom loving roots. Don't spoil like old produce

>I was pretty much a Nazi
I doubt you can even describe National Socialism.

Although my long goal is for true fascism to arise, I do feel that being liberal left is more comfortable because you can be a virgin, a drug addict, a pimp or whatever and you're never criticized for it. While if you hang out with Nazis they'll watch everything you do and keep you in line.

This compass is retarded and gay, just like you OP. STOP POSTING THIS SHIT OVER AND OVER AGAIN.

Why would you WANT fascism to arise? Like at some point I remember really giving up hope and thinking "it's either going to be the USSR or Nazi Germany one day" and thinking that nazi germany was the lesser of the two evils. But I didn't really WANT fascism, even then. I guess I just don't understand what makes someone WANT that kind of existence, and pine for it

Fuck freedom.
Freedom is a cancer. Freedom to mutilate myself? Freedom to betray my people? Freedom to destroy the future for my own children? Fuck that.
I have a duty to my family and to my children to sacrifice and struggle so that they will be better and stronger than I ever was.

Because we're heading into rough territory, you have to consider that what is best for you isn't going to be the best for society, by society I mean the people at large.

OK so you basically just want all of humanity enslaved to do whatever you think is right at any given time. OK. Good to know well I really think you should reconsider, but as long as you have this attitude I guess there is no logic, reason or articulate wording that can reach you

Starting at highschool then university than early Yas Forums then late Yas Forums.

I was very indoctrinated when i was younger, but after thinking things through I've finally come to a position that seems to be very robust and answers a lot of problems in society

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Where are the Jews in this pic?

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So you think people should just be slaves then, because of YOUR personal idea of "what is best for society". Honestly, what's the point of even having a society or even of living if everyone's purpose on this Earth is to just do whatever you and other people like you deem monetarily necessary for whatever reasons, based on your own personal whims? Seems like a shit life of slavery and hopelessness

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Okay, honestly you sound like a 14 year old right now, not wanting to start a fight but seriously c'mon. I'm stuck like this forever mate.

>It was mostly motivated by the left focusing on identity politics
Yeah, because the left is always talking about how white men are persecuted and how the war on Christmas is another front in the secular war against religion.

Totes identity politics.

Based Pawel

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big leaps

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I'm not that user, but why should either of us respect the country that mutilated our penises immediately after birth?

You'll come around, eventually. Logically it makes the most sense.

Here is mine it took 7 years.

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Sucks to be you.

Nobody, absolutely nobody, mines identity politics like the left. Their entire schtick is centered on it. Your entire schtick right now, right here, is basically centered on it. Like you're basically scoffing at the idea that white men might have societal problems in our world. I mean Jesus Christ, total lack of self-awareness. I don't know much about you, but I'm willing to bet you're exactly the sort of person that pushed me from the lib left to the authoritarian right at some brief point in history. And I'm sure you do the same for many other people. That's probably your entire all along. I've noticed people like you are usually rich. Usually have a vested interested in protecting the worst aspects of capitalism. So it's no surprise that everything you do in the name of "leftism" or "progressivism" actually serves to push people to the capitalist right.
Nah bro I'm pretty old. I'm in my 30s now
Well cutting someones dick off over religious values is pretty fucking authoritarian and theocratic. One more reason NOT to go with the authoritarian right.

I didn't get to flip flopper until my third year in college. Better late than never I guess.

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>no gerrymandering alloweD!

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What exactly is a tankie?

1 - How I was raised by my parents/high school
(Late highschool when I was the most into Yas Forums I hated women because I was an angry sad vergin but there wasn't a space for incel)
2 - early college when I got into extreme atheism and Aristotelian golden mean philosophy
3 - late college when I lost my virginity and did drugs and was cool
4 - present day, after college living with my parents stuck paying student loans with no end in sight

I think it's ironic to see myself becoming more authoritarian from this graph because I feel like I've become more libertarian because of how much I hate the government. But I guess I do want the government to take over the free market, but I don't think that's authoritarian because it's controlling the corporations and not the people. I think anyone equating corporations to people is fucking retarded. The actual political compass test puts me in The Progressive square and I guess that's actually closer to my beliefs. But these places are where I felt in my SOUL which is all that really maters. I do hate the right implicitly but I can't help but have mad respect for the cowboy, the alt-right troll,... and the ephebophile.

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Monarchy looking pretty nice if this pandemic wipes out 80-90% of the population tbqhwy.

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am i the only one weirdly attracted to "The Progressive"?

One of the biggest mistakes for political journeys is attributing celibacy and virginity into the equation.

She's way more attractive than she should be.

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Where do legs/thighs fall on this scale?

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> am I the only one


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Please say hi to your black tranny boyfriend.

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is your instgram zestfulmemes?

Libertarians and An Caps are always a trustworthy ally.

more accurate edit

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Huh. I've taken a similar journey from becoming an idealist Environmentalist at a young age to becoming more materialistic and shifting more into the Anarchist area.
This. If being a virgin makes you politically dumber then this is problematic because there are virgins losers on all ends of the spectrum, usually in the extremes

pretty much my journey

I mean I hate it too but that's legit what happened. I know that virginity is a social construct that should be eliminated but me having sex for the first time legit made me happier. The big thing is that I'm disabled so I thought that it would be impossible for me to have sex, but then I went to some sex parties and it turns out I actually had a big penis and just never knew it. Then I had a bunch of sex and these parties and it legit gave me the confidence boost I needed to not go down the incel/MGTOW route. Sex is not even that good at all, but just now knowing that I can do it and that a woman can find me attractive turned my life around. Pretty cringe to equate so much of your life to having sex but pretty based to actually come out of it a better person. Still not perfect though. I still need to get an actual girlfriend, but now I have the confidence to actually be able to achieve that.

Most of the MGTOW movement is just an introduction to An Cap and it's not a good, there are better gatekeepers to Libertarianism.

>why yes I do love to gargle statist, authoritarian cock how could you tell?

Between ass and feet

I’m still a pot smoking hippie but I’m becoming more of a boomer as I approach 30. I’m just trying to work, build up my personal assets and let loose on the weekends. I don’t want any government gibs. I just want to be left alone. I don’t fuck with other people.

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this one is funny

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I suspect a great many people here are like you without the pot and hippieness. Shitposting on Yas Forums is their way of letting loose.

True natsoc has never been tried!

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You're already enslaved dumbass. Grow up. Would you rather serve parasitic capitalists who hack your mind and coerce your concent, or your family who needs you more than anything else. You aren't free you stupid faggot. You're little idea of freedom doesn't exist.

Seriously, I remember when comedy was a place to explore dark ideas. Jokes were assumed to be jokes and not political statements of ones actual beliefs. I work and pay my bills. I just like to smoke a little weed, drink a few beers and play some video games on my days off. I just miss the comfiness of the late 90s / early 2000s.


>Like you're basically scoffing at the idea that white men might have societal problems in our world.
Even if I was, that's not "identity politics".

>I don't know much about you, but let me construct an imaginary strawman to denounce
Cool. You should really stop trying to pigeonhole people, especially when you have no idea what the fuck they're even about. Everyone has their own unique motivators and desires; we're not all clones.

He won't listen he was brought up in the bubble, he doesn't know what's outside it.