Your a retard if you think trump can win 2020

The economy is in a full blown depression, and he will be blamed. The media’s propaganda is successfully pinning all of this shit on him. People will go with the “safe bet “ Biden, Over the turbulent trump. Despite the fact that Biden is senile. Keep in mind I don’t want Dems to win. There is no way most people approve of his handling of this shit. Every time the economy is bad during the last part of a term the incumbent loses.

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Go to sleep kiddo

He has a chance if he pushes for National Socialist policies. Infrastructure, public works, UBI, universal healthcare.

can't wait

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Will never happen. The cuckservatives will freak out

Trump is a kike, his opponents are kikes, the candidates are all kikes, your senators are kikes, your congressman are kikes, your mayors are kikes, your councilmen are kikes, your police commissioner are kikes, everyone in a position of power is either a kike or controlled by a kike.

You cannot beat the kikes at their own game, the only way to win is to tear down the whole board.

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Trump has spent his life stepping on chumplets like Biden. And if what the media said mattered Hillary would be president.

>Your a retard
You tried, retard.

Who the fuck cares??

said well user

Big talk. I'm gonna continue to vote for the slightly-less-pozzed candidate while you draw up concrete plans for us.

I’m voting for Biden myself just because Trump is such a Jew stooge that it’s worth taking a bet on Biden for the comedy that could ensue

We can hope. Start with Voter ID, $5,000 reward for tipoffs leading to deportations, and literally zero further immigration.

ah yes, i remember what it was like being 12.

There IS no less pozzed candidate. Everything will continue to move along as planned, and the Jews will continue to reign supreme, because all change moves through them.
You know that nothing will ever change as long as you participate in this system, the only way to win is to resist it without their approval.

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As I say, come up with a concrete movement and I'll jump aboard but until that time I'll vote for trump because he doesn't overtly hate my kind, unlike most of the democrats. He's not perfect, but he's better than they are. The ultimate goal is to flip popular opinion on immigration, etc.

*you're a retard if you expect refunds from you failed candidate Bernie. Imagine supporting a man that’s losing to an Alzheimer’s geriatric

People don't believe in MSM anymore faggot

Trump has already convinced everyone that can be convinced that illegal immigration is bad. He has served that purpose already and does nothing to convince people that legal immigration is bad despite that being the bigger problem

We stand with our eternal God Emperor NO MATTER WHAT

4 more years mother fucker.

Then who's the better candidate for 2020? I don't see literally hitler (tm) running. I'm sure as shit not voting for biden or sanders. Just because I vote for trump doesn't mean I don't think we can and should go further right.

Yes they do. That whole no one believes the media anymore thing is a lie and a meme.

I hate that commie kike. Fuck off

Idk my mother is a democrat and I heard her shit-talking CNN today saying it was biased.

Fuck that.

No refunds

Exactly people like him should just go and join atomwaffen and larp in the woods....

It's true
Polls say Biden has a 99% chance of defeating trump

Don't get me wrong, I think we should make a more right-wing platform more popular, but I think a lot of people who come on here to criticize trump are either 1)despairing and offering no real solutions or 2)trying to divide us.

So some old boomer got mad at the tv man so what?

i got my biden odds at something ridiculous like 40-1. placed a nice 1000 wager so i'll be sitting really comfy when I win $400,000. I give Trump less than 10% chance so I'm not even gonna bother hedging

Vote for Biden or stay home

Not many. With the internet the media gets called out on its lies daily and those callouts pop up everywhere. The media has responded to this by lying even more and more outlandishly. If you believe anything the media says in 2020 you are a idiot or a liberal ideologue which is 100% of the people still consuming MSM. It won't be enough.

She's always loved the news and now she's telling me that they're biased.

Yeah good one faggot. Sadly Biden is gonna get his shit pushed in.

This. Before the virus trump had a 70-65% chance of winning. Now I’d say it’s at 25% or lower.

$40k is not $400k leaf.

Doesn’t mean that that opinion will stick.... boomers brain are now mush from all that weed they smoked and the mk ultra kicking in....

This is Trump supporter actually believe

>“Folks, this coronavirus thing, I want to try to put this in perspective for you. It looks like the coronavirus is being weaponized as yet another element to bring down Donald Trump. Now, I want to tell you the truth about the coronavirus. You think I’m wrong about this? You think I’m missing it by saying that’s — Yeah, I’m dead right on this. The coronavirus is the common cold, folks.”

>Trump can't win 2016
>Trump can't win 2020
>You are here
>Trump can't win 2024

>“This coronavirus, they’re just — all of this panic is just not warranted. This, I’m telling you, when I tell you — when I’ve told you that this virus is the common cold. When I said that, it was based on the number of cases. It’s also based on the kind of virus this is. Why do you think this is “COVID-19”? This is the 19th coronavirus. They’re not uncommon. Coronaviruses are respiratory cold and flu viruses. There is nothing about this, except where it came from, and the itinerant media panic…”

its over

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Only the extreme trump die hards believe that shit.

You've not convinced me.

No refunds when Trump wins leaf.


Yes it is.

Trump will die in a car accident and John Miller will run in 2024

“We’re shutting down our country because of the — the cold virus, which is what coronaviruses are. This is COVID-19, the 19th version of the coronavirus. We’re shutting it — can you imagine our enemies watching this? You think the Chinese are not laughing themselves silly over how easy this has been?”

>“We didn’t elect a president to defer to a bunch of health experts that we don’t know. And how do we know they’re even health experts? Well, they wear white lab coats, and they’ve been in the job for a while, and they’re at the CDC and they’re at the NIH, and they’re up, well — yeah, they’ve been there, and they are there. But has there been any job assessment for them? They’re just assumed to be the best because they’re in government. But, these are all kinds of things that I’ve been questioning.”

How can he pull off a win when his one major talking point is now gone forever? No way any moderate independents vote for him. Thus time around it will only be his base and maybe some pissed of Bernie fags.

Those are the ones who voted for him in 2016

President Trump has already won 2020 Election.

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He can’t win with his base alone. Plus many of those swing states he barely won look like they are going dem. It looks like the dems have rebuilt the blue wall he broke through. No way penn, Michigan stay red. And no way Minnesota goes red. I live there and it’s now little Somalia here...

Trump is better than the alternative and you're a fool if you think the economy going full depression is any of trumps fault.

Estimates are 20% of Bernie voters will vote for him this time around, whereas the estimate stood at 16% last time. It's really not looking too bad for him desu.

Somalis are not numerous enough to affect the state. It's been trending redder and redder.

The election is going to be postponed two years and Democrats are going to agree to it.

Screencap this.

After Biden yelling at the factory worker he can kiss Michigan goodbye
And in Pennsylvania he will have to outperform Hillary Clinton and she got more votes than Obama did

I was called a retard for thinking he could win at all. I don't really give a fuck. At least he produces some lulz and the systems going down no matter what anyway. I might as well get a laugh on my last swirl around the bowl.

>same pic
>same demoralization post
Wonder how much they're paying for this low energy shit.

Ya the thing is NO ONE likes creepy Biden. A few Dems will drag themselves to the polls bc orangemanbad but it won't be enough. Meanwhile I'm seeing tons of rightwing pushback even on pozzed sites like Reddit where they can no longer contain it. There's only somany times you can push lies before people stop trusting you and seriously look at other options but the liberals still go full steam ahead on that train and only them and their sycophants care everyone else mentally wrote them off. From Kavanaugh to Russiagate its been a nonstop liefest and everyone knows that the left just makes up ridiculous stuff at this point which makes the right look sane and not morally bankrupt by comparison.

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I wonder if people with real brains think anything Democrat is "safe".

I don’t think it’s his fault, but dems and normies will.

I don’t think Biden is safe, but dems and average normies will cuz muh Obama...

Even if I was a democrat, I'd be terrified of a Biden presidency.