Why are you racist? Real question...

Why are you racist? Real question, I would like to understand your reasoning behind being hating other races (mostly black people since they are the ones who are the most hated in this board).

*behind hating other races

this is either bate or you havent spent much time around blacks. Look at the census data and you'll see why the south hates blacks, It's because they're around them the most.

>dishonest presupposition
>data mining
>zero effort writing prompt
Why are you a shill, OP?



How the fuck am I being dishonest

Repent user

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I don't hate all of them. Just the ones who are shitting up the west.

because majority of nigs are trash /thread

The smell

Because they make up a rather small percentage of each population they inhabit and make up for a majority of all the violent crimes.


>Average IQ: 80
>Venereal disease vectors

That's a consequence of slavery

That's the result of shit from 150 years ago? Please. Niggers act like primitive animals because that's what they are.

explain Africa

>let's do that thing where we post pictures of black models and then we trick pol into say "hey...I'm not racist. Black models in bikinis exist."
>just doing our part to save the world one poorly orchestrated manipulation at a time.

name a black skyscraper or bridge, I'll stand on the other side of the ocean, ah yea, remember computers, you didn't have a part in that

Do you think that really happened 150 years ago, just because slavery was ended in that period of time doesn't mean that things got instantly better, how the fuck you expect that a bunch uneducated and mistreated people just get out of their situation instantly, also what kind of education these people are going to give to their childs, they know nothing, not even talking about that they were actually systematically abused and oppressed

its the formula of having the lowest IQ and highest T

Ok, pay attention.

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Because whites have to be killed off

>ruined my early education by acting like niggers in school
>made my family unsafe by acting like niggers in the neighborhood
>ruined basic civility and social decency by acting like niggers
Pick one.

Explain what?

While not everything about the negro is contemptible, a vast majority of it is.

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>My great-great-great-grandmother had it rough so I be robbin' houses n' shiiiiieeeet

They are mostly stupid mostly violent mostly dead weight.

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>how the fuck you expect that a bunch uneducated and mistreated people just get out of their situation instantly, also what kind of education these people
white people pop out of vaginas all the time, unedumacatated, maybe you should read books and not pussy hunt all day, hurrrrrrrrrr

explain why blacks in africa are dumb shit eating degenerates. Cant blame whitey for that one.

then why do blacks act the same everywhere they are imported from their 3rd world shitholes? Canada, Europe, Australia, NZ, etc.. everywhere in the world they go to, they act the same. none of these places had slavery.

Explain to me how they are "dumb shit eating degenerates"

They commit the most crime, the most murder, the most rape, the most theft.
They are objectively garbage people.
And have been NOTHING but an absolute burden to every white country.
Or any country that has the misfortune of having them.

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What is data mining?

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That's an poor immigrant assimilation problem, Europeans also brought crime when they came into this country, doesn't say anything about Europeans

you're either a troll or a blue pilled liberal moron.

why are white people so racist?

They eventually assimilated. Irish gangs are no longer a thing. Niggers have had over a century to get their act together and they're the same drooling apes we found in the jungle. Simply put, they aren't human, they're bipedal beasts. Did you know that the average African canary has a higher IQ than the average African "person"? How do you explain that? Literally a fucking bird.

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The wars in Africa and the Middle East were caused by colonization, the borders they draw put too many different people under the same country and that created most of the ongoing wars

I unironically believe blacks are the missing link between man and monkey.

That is exactly why we need seperation. Globohomo can't work!
And now kys you faggot

Colonization has been over for eighty years now, many African lifetimes. Moreover, Europeans left Africa much better off than they found it. Every major road in the Congo, every school, every hospital, the electrical grid, every village water pump, all of that shit was built by Belgians. The same is true all over the continent.

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Not if the people willingly unites to the same country

Are you retarded, underage, a nigger or what? Serious question. You sound like a child.


There will always be differences and ingroup preference you mongo. Even if your Utopia became true the evolution will not stop still in it's tracks and some poeple will evolve further and in a few thousand years there will be a seperate species again which is superior to the rest.
In addition to that once the gene-editing becomes normal world wide there will exist a superior race of humans this is unavoidable.

China has existed for thousands of years, of course they have no problem working together

Quite so. We nuked Japan twice and burned down everything else. They're doing great. Niggers are more destructive than atomic bombs.

>China has existed for thousands of years
>Africa is brand new

>since they are the ones who are the most hated in this board

This is obviously a shlomo.

He's too dumb to be Jewish.

>There will always be differences and ingroup preference you mongo.
Yes but that happens even among people that we consider similar, unless everyone is basically the same, and that's not a realistic scenario
>Even if your Utopia became true the evolution will not stop still in it's tracks and some poeple will evolve further and in a few thousand years there will be a seperate species again which is superior to the rest.
In addition to that once the gene-editing becomes normal world wide there will exist a superior race of humans this is unavoidable.
That's an entire different discussion, we're talking about humans as we are right now

What we really should do is to leave Africa alone. I mean literally - take all our toys from it and leave, forget it even exists. In 20 years they are back in the stone age, it's population reduced to 10%.

Do you really think Africa and China are comparable?

pic related made me realize niggers are subhuman

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Whatever methods you think is used to quell the bigotry only ever applied to the old master. Your mind, like so many others out there, forget that victims are not incapable of repeating the same sins brought onto them. You taught whites to love, but assumed blacks already love. You never solved the resentment, because you never wanted to resolve racism in the first place.
The things you were taught only facilitates brewing hatred. I'm very sorry I cannot resolve my resent, but you only locked it up in a lead box.

Christ, you're so stupid it hurts.
user says this: You respond with this: The comparison was already there and you indulged in it, now you're acting confused. But you probably are confused. Try loosening the straps on your helmet.

Yes and right now there are humans and subhumans and it is not in our interest to mix them up. It only will create less intelligent and degenerate offspring.
We need to stop feeding the third world and let Nature take it's course.
Every Folk deserves their own Ethnostate but if they are not able to maintain it the strong have the obligation and the right to conquer.

>dodging the point this hard

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This. Japan went from being on her knees starving, homeless, nearly annihilated to having an economy rivaling that of America in less than 50 years. Also see Germany 30 years after WW2. No majority nigger nation could ever replicate such remarkable levels of progress.