Has any other 'thinker' done as much damage to the soul of the West than this bitch?

Has any other 'thinker' done as much damage to the soul of the West than this bitch?

Attached: Gessen-AynRand.jpg (2302x1727, 941.86K)

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Marx maybe

Can you give more details please? How did she damage the soul of the West? What was the soul of the West to begin with?
All I know is that she was the inspiration for the character Andrew Ryan from the Bioshock series.
I am genuinely curious of your opinion.

Coral Morax

rand hasn't even had near the influence marx has on the world today

Ayn Rand is a great philosopher. Make an argument before disparaging her name.

"The question isn't who is going to let me. It's who is going to stop me."
-Ayn Rand

She isn't all that influential so it's hard to say she's damaged all that much.
What do you even mean by 'soul'?
If you wanna act or speak in that way than maybe David Hume, Bertrand Russell, lots of Anglophile/Anglo empiricist-types.

She helped popularize being a greedy, unempathic asshole who doesn't understand economics and what makes a society function

Looks like we have a parasitical statist here.

She basically wrote capitalism fan fiction equal in its retardation to the Communist Manifesto. Atlas Shrugged was the most painful reading I ever did in my life, that 85 page or so John Galt speech was just unbearable.

She said being a selfish prick that would rather destroy society than contribute to a collective was good. This led to many people actually believing that and allowing things like Wall Street raping the economy, outsourcing industry, open borders, etc. It also led to the rise of more libertarian types that want no restrictions on destructive personal behavior.

Yeah, not getting what you’re saying, OP.
Why Rand?
Explain your thinking, pls.

Also: Marx, of course.

Don't you have publicly funded roads you need to be driving on?

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> great philosopher
Literally shit tier.

The fuck did Marx do?

Could you explain to me how being under the heel of big business is any better than being under the heel of big government?

She was basically just a sociopath

>We hold these Truths to be self evident: That all men are created equal...
Ayn Rand tore this dumb shit down.

How to argue against objectivism:
1. Objectivism is basically just empiricism
2. Objectivists argue that the free market with government(s) gotten out of the way lead to the best economic outcomes and economic-scientitic-industrial-etc. growth
3. Government-funded research is repeatedly found to be the source of nearly all of the greatest improvements in technologies that increase wealth and productivity increases
4. Objectivism's philosophical tenets/presuppositions, or at the least the one it puts forward in 2 are in direct contradiction with observed empirical reality
5. Objectivism is inconsistent and incorrect and its creator/genesis thinker was wrong


Unless your an anarchist, your a statist. And stop using that corny word.

We get it, Michael, Jesus fucking Christ.

all she did was give a beacon to the people with the unique intersection of sociopathy and autism , making it easy to identify them when we open the concentration camps.

The best point Marx made was that Capitalism does destroy the family by taking men out of the house because they're working to much and promoting women working to fulfill a degenerate consumerist lifestyle.

Oh totally, except next to no one on the left has actually read her work and everyone who hates her is almost always a NPC parroting something he read or heard from his know-betters.

She is the favorite "thinker" of the banksters. She "inspired" Alan Greenspan and countless other bloodsuckers. Is she as pernicious as Marx? No. But she's still a cunt and a bad influence. Never listen to kikes.

Men weren't working outside the home prior to the industrial revolution? The average family wasn't slaving away farming, or mining or doing domestic labor? How do communists think people earn food, shelter and necessities throughout human history, it's all donated by a government with a Star Trek replicator?

thats a man

How is advocating for a state parasitical exactly?
In many ways state actions can minimize the effects of parasitism, and collective actions/efforts can in many ways or at least some instances produce outcomes better than similar private efforts.
How would free enterprise that Rand suggests even work without some universalizing and universally applied property rights enforcement scheme and force like the police and courts, which if not publicly funded and accountable to all would be rather pointless?
How would private organizations fund risky R&D without guaranteed prospects?
Why does the US have worse health outcomes than many countries with much more publicly-oriented and funded healthcare systems?

Roll to live.

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We know the CIA has replicators. Give us the tech, greedy jews!

>Hurr just destroy your entire culture, religion and society and replace it with my cult belief masquerading as science

God I want to fuck her so bad

I read the fountainhead and atlas Shrugged, both were infantile at best and sociopathic at worst. Rand is normie tier, the kind of "philosopher" that people who dont know what philosophers are actually relevant cite to impress their normie friends. Most normies cite Randand Dostoevsky, at least Dostoevsky was fucking based and hated commies because he knew they were inherently just neurotic genetic dead ends who wanted to flip the societal table because they dont fit in.

Besides Greenspan and maybe some other handful of meme-tier eccentrics name a bunch of influential Objectivists, and then compare them to the amount of people with any power in finance or banking who just subscribe to more normal Keynesian-style economic beliefs. The latter dwarf the former.

>unempathic asshole
>doesn't understand economics and what makes a society function

That sounds like a pretty subjective opinion.
I know she was against empathy in general. That, among other things, means being against government handouts, welfare and beggars.
She saw the american capitalism as socialism, but I might be wrong here.
Andrew Ryan was against the "parasite" which, translated into today's world, is (almost) everything Yas Forums seems to hate.

I found it very controversial the thing about love being a selfish feeling; you love someone because YOU need them, YOU want to be with them.

They were working on farms where their kids worked with them and bonded with them.

I watched one of her interviews on YouTube and she was going on about how no one deserves love. She was scowling and sneering the entire time. Absolutely disgusting human being. Maybe I should write a book where I'm a huge cunt who won't do what my employers paid me for than become boneless but still claim the mortal high ground.

lemme tellyou summpen 'rubs head'

Give me the quote where Marx said we must destroy culture. What the fuck does that even mean?

The frankfurt school.

Surprised no one’s mentioned this subversive like.

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Bending impressionable college minds into believing that the basic moral values they were brought up to believe in by mom was wrong, pic related

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Empathy is a core part of human nature and the glue of communities. She and other Jews like Milton Friedman and Alan Greenspan helped erode decent traditional values in favour of psychotic, corrosive greed.

Also, these assholes.

In the communist manifesto it does say the existing social orders must be violently overthrown, very close to the end.

>literally wrote shlick-tier fanfiction and called it a philosophy

>that sounds like an opinion!

...no shit frenchman

I hope she died alone and cried every night.

Kys memeflag kike

Fuck, he's a good shout too. I don't know how Jew-loving normie conservatives don't put the pieces together that every single intellectual with a hugely outsized, destructive influence has one common ethnic factor...

It's a core tenet of Marxism all traditional culture must be destroyed and replaced with a new Marxist system based on pure equality. It inherently means destroying your culture and replacing it.

>3. Government-funded research is repeatedly found to be the source of nearly all of the greatest improvements in technologies that increase wealth and productivity increases

I am not sure about that. The biggest advancements in technology were during the wars. And if not during the war, it was for the military, so war related.
I might be wrong but compare NASA's rockets to SpaceX' rockets.

Because conservatives dont fucking read on average that's the problem. Boomers are some of the most poorly read people on Earth, especially conservative boomers.


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From what I understand she had to pay her medical bills with social security near the end of her life. She should of had her wishes granted and been left to die on the streets.

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unironically larping as a communist

> I am not sure about that. The biggest advancements in technology were during the wars. And if not during the war, it was for the military, so war related.
Even beyond just that:
Satellite technologies
C, C++
Solar Panels
The Laser
All those and more are the product of government-funded research.
SpaceX is, like most private companies, benefitting off of the research and development initially done by non-private institutions who were able to do what they did because they weren't at risk from financially failing without having to pay for any of what they did.
It's what most private tech companies do.
It's what virtually all pharmaceutical companies do, they just get the patents for substances close to being able to go to market or close to having desireable properties and then sell or tweak and then sell them.

See that's why even though technically Marx had a worse effect than Rand, there was this brutal honesty about the communists, the fact that they just outright said "we want to fucking destroy traditionalism and we'll execute you if you disagree", in a weird way I find that less loathsome than the sheer kikery of Rand and co. There was no grand, romantic worker's paradise, no society where everyone had been leveled out to be 'equal'. They were just 100% weasels. This is also why I hate ISIS less than I hate the fucking mealy mouthed 'moderate' Muslims.

notice that they are both jews.

really makes one ponder

Yeah, capitalism.
This. Also, the phrase that Marx popularised, “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs!” implies neither equality of opportunity, nor equality of outcome, as people obviously have both unequal abilities and unequal needs.

>someone explain my beliefs to me!

Get fucked

I've never understood why commies never move to China or Venezuela to practice what they preach.

Sorry if the flag triggers you, I suggest stormfront if you’re looking for a safe space.

besides spawning the most evil retarded ideology in the history of human civilization?
he helped create the most backward tool for philosophical analysis ever.

everything Marx touched was shit

Belgium you are never allowed to complain about American education again

Literally who
>inb4 burger education

Neither of those places is communist.
China is closer to a Right-Wing Nationalist-Fascist Authoritarian state than pretty much any other imaginable place on earth than North Korea right now.

I just dont think you understand that while you are free to larp as a commie on this Mongolian windchime forum, you are without question the kind of person who the commies would use and execute. It's one of the redeeming qualities of communism that at the end, it kills every faggot who thinks it's a good idea.