350 million Americans URGED to wear masks in public

73yr old grandpa with health issues says on live TV he’s not wearing a mask ever.

What kind of shitty signal is that? Public mask wearing only has a benefit if 90%+ do it.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Public mask wearing only has a benefit if 90%+ do it
Every bit helps. Make your own from vacuum cleaner bags, you can find instructions online. Also wear protective googles.

My face is too good looking to be covered by a mask.

theres no point to wearing them, herd and weaklings die the end move on

This is delightful; by being macho and giving off mixed messages, he is guaranteeing that his followers will be more likely to die.

>strap fabric on face
>corona gets all over fabric
>corona now trapped against your nose and mouth
>constantly breathing in corona
>remove fabric, getting corona all over your hands

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If Trump wears a mask, his followers will, saving millions of boomers.

they have only been saying for the last few weeks only sick people should wear masks.. now anyone wearing a mask is putting themselves at risk from terrified violent normies.

There is no point in protecting one self and others for Darwin award nominees.

We Sharia Muslim’s now.
All thots must cover their faces in public

>>corona now trapped against your nose and mouth
On the outside. You are supposed to nkt touch your mask (so no smearing in eyes, nose or mouth) and dispose of your mask or sterialize it (in oven or cook out) after each time you wear it.

Wearing a mask out in public is actually illegal in Australia m8. You are not allowed to mask your identity in anyway. I got done for wearing a fucking Doona cover out in the street and was cited that particular law.

I don't know where to buy masks. I can't find them at walmart.

gotta keep the economy running
die for the dollar, die for the dow

Thats not how that works. The main factor of how sick you get is the viral load at the point of infection.

You don't understand the power of this kind of leadership.

This nigga dahnald reassuring as a mahfukka not wearing a faggy mask. Strong prez. Not scared of chink aids. Powerful.

Meanwhile y'all fuckin wit ugly Hitler clone used to hex ya people. Smh. Bitch look better wit tha mask anyway.

>Haven't been doing it
>Not doing it at the moment

I'm not going to do it.

I'm talking about the government suggesting cutting random fabric and strapping it to your face. Most fabrics will not filter out coronavirus. It will just pass right through and nestle in the fibers.

You won't find any now. You're too late.

Make your own mask.

A. get your self an old shirt from cotton.
B. cut out two mouth-nose covering shapes
C. put kitchen roll piece in between
D. use needle and thread to saw together or use sawing machine
E. attach string of fabric on both sides to bind behind head

Done. Make 7 of them, 1 for each day, after each use out in oven for 25min at 120 C (250 F) to kill corona (tried and tested in labs).

Thanks China for taking all the PPE

Use vacuum cleaner bags. You can get some that filter particles down to 1 micron.

make your own in under 10 mins for no cost at all.



Untrue. Your chance of contracting a virus is higher the more droplets you take in. Cotton shirts are so thinly sawed, they protect you from large droplets. Also, if you sneeze or speak and have the virus, the chance of infecting others is reduced 98%.

>its Voluntary
Not like when we destroyed your piece of shit country and took it over in WWII. Then you had no choice.

take onboard the information on this site, it'll put you straight on every question people keep raising,



How can corona get trapped between face and mouth when you have a mask on? Retard
Amerimutts are the dumbest posters, many such cases. Sad

Viral load is a fucking meme just like exponential mortality rate that never happened.
>Remember H1N1 killed 500k in 2009 and no one blinked. 1 billion infected ...not a single quarantine.
Go fuck yourself with a viral load faggot

The funny thing is that corona will likely kill more Americans than Hitler...

>73yr old grandpa with health issues
>health issues

Trump had a golf arm.

Because it can pass right through most fabrics, and then it lingers in the condensation created between your face and the mask, which you then continually breathe in. This has been confirmed multiple times.

>viral load

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>This has been confirmed multiple times
Post those studies then.

confirmed by who?

try some sensible and informed opinion on the subject,



No, please stfu with your bullshit. Masks do nothing. Only FFP3 grade do. And even they need to be used in correct manner. You dumb shit

>(tried and tested in labs).
It's also been tried and tested in labs that if you suck dick you ain't gay.
Will you suck a dick? It ain't gay.
Don't trust labs and test if you can't verify it yourself.

I will, but in the meanwhile, ask yourself why medical masks are a thing if you can just hold a walmart t-shirt over your mouth and nose

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I think you've been somewhat misled,

invest 10 minutes in exploring these webpages,



Only asians wear masks, fuck off. If you're sick, don't go outside, don't wear a mask, stay the fuck home, this is why I hate masks. They don't work and they make stupid people think they can go out while sick because muh mask. Masks do nothing for the non-infected.

>Masks do nothing.
Can you please read some official positions on it? Yes, nose-mouth covering do something, it’s just not an iron clad protection, so it makes zero sense for doctors and nurses who are around infected all day.

But yes, let’s say an infected speaks to you and a few droplets of spit hit your face, they very likely won’t be swallowed by you. Even if it’s just a 30-50% better shot, from an epidemic perspective, it is significant. PLUS, if the infected also wears a mask, his spit won’t reach you at all.

>If you're sick, don't go outside,
70% have no symptoms or very light symptoms (like a running nose or a mild soar throat).

You understand that most people get infected from people with mild or no symptoms who don’t wear masks?

>Masks do nothing for the non-infected
Retard. Masks reduce the amount of fucking vapours each and every fucking person exhales which can contain virus.
Do you think you're breathing out just carbon dioxide? No, it's full of droplets of your bodily secretions. Wear a fucking mask you cunt.

erm, China actually makes the majority of PPE for the whole world these days and is flying cargo planes full of it to virtually every country in the world,

maybe you should thank the US govt. for not replenishing the national strategic stockpiles after they were eaten into by SARS & H1N1?

Medical masks suffer from the same problem once moisture starts to build up, in about 3 hours. And the point isn't that homemade masks protect you from 95% of all particles its that they protect everyone else from you if you are an asymptomatic spreader. Besides regular fabric can protect you fro 50%+ of all particles depending on the material, how it is layered etc.


>confirmed by who?
So why were they touting N95?
Regardless you need a good seal and be able to cover your eyes.
Doesn't include wounds and open wounds because these fucks leave variables out like it's no ones business.
>It stays alive on the air for up to 3hr
>It stays alive on hard surfaces for up to 9 days
Yeah that mask ain't gonna do shit with how touching, smearing, sitting, etc works with the average person. Since they can't even remove their equipment properly without magically smearing it all over themselves.
If you can't practice proper decontamination then these other steps is just your dumbass playing russian roulette.

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>If you're sick, don't go outside, don't wear a mask, stay the fuck home
How would you know if you were an asymptomatic spreader?

Yeah, they're flying out cargo planes full of junk that doesn't even work for profit. Thanks for all the KN95 shit after infecting the world, China.

Of course they fucking work, an idiot Americans don't know how to stay the fuck home or not go out / to work sick.

Wear a cute mask girls love it

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Based, once again Trump and I agree

Trump's immune system has been fortified by Big Macs over decades. He is invincible


you're wrong but that's ok. obviously an n95 or better would be ideal but to say they do nothing is plain moronic.

t. MD

Who gives a fuck. Wear a mask if you feel the need. Don't need some politician to tell you to do it.

Most cases are in heavily populated, mostly nonwhite coastal cities. Sorry shitboy.

all the answers to your questions are covered on those web pages,

Americans are dirty niggers. Imagine how fast this shit would have gone away if people just wore masks from he beginning, and the US government wasn't lead by fucking retards.

Finally flips and takes it seriously.

Day late and a dollar fucking short I would say.

Dude, if 95% of Americans wore masks in public, this crisis would be over after Easter.

Without public mask wearing this will continue until next year and get your country to the brink of bankruptcy.

>don't wear mask
>corona enters unimpeded into your respiratory tract

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chad donald trump
post them

>Don't need some politician to tell you to do it.
The Majority of them do though.

>Dude, if 95% of Americans wore masks in public, this crisis would be over after Easter.
Where is the virus?

actually, quite the opposite

We all know Crona-Chan just wets herself at the thought of just being near him. Literally incapacitating her ability to infect him. She gets mad furious when his wife holds his hand though.

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>Everybody wears a fucking mask
>Homemade or not
>Droplet distribution drops by 75%+ everywhere

If you they can't make decisions for themselves, I don't really know what to say. I'm not concinced most people could have survived hundreds of years ago, with all the government teat-sucking going on these days.

Don't even waste time on this german government shill. Only germans who are obedient to the marxist partys are anti us anti trump and for escalating the situation

>Where is the virus?
everywhere. since people arent wearing masks to contain it.

Then why are the hospitals empty?

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Not only that, but if it's not a fitted N95 mask when you breath in air rushes in from the sides. Regular masks partially protect OTHERS from coronavirus if YOU'RE coughing and sneezing it out. They basically don't do shit to protect you from it.

And when is everyone going to wake up and realize that this nightmare doesn't end until we have HERD IMMUNITY? That means most people have to get it and get over it.

The virus is in the infected. Masks keep the virus from spreading around everywhere.

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Are there any world leaders wearing masks in public?
Are you too stupid to understand how much this would panic the average citizen?

Who's infected? When do they show signs?

>Wear a fucking mask you cunt.

Why? My health is fine. Even if I do get it.

>Droplet distribution drops by 75%+ everywhere
Bruh you are over 5,000 miles away not 6 feet stop exaggerating.

Attached: Carlos.png (350x350, 137.64K)

Do you actually think people look up to the president as some sort of idol to follow suit? No you tard, and this is coming from a Trump voter.

Trump has done a lot to keep calm and collective while idiots run around in panic. It wouldn't help if the prez comes rolling out in full hazmat gear. That would send a more fearful signal to the public than him maintaining a strong position and encouraging America that we will get thru this.

Fucking germans.

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simple fact: smart people wear a mask,

dumbasses don't,

Not just there, but all over every fucking surface they've touched, breathed on or coughed all over.

I have family member who work in hospitals. They are not empty here even when their is no virus.
I have taken my aging parents to hospitals, in the past, only to have to wait 10 hours+ for a room and that was before the virus.

You just look like paranoid gooks

>They are not empty here even when their is no virus
They are now dumbass, they are telling everyone to stay away. Guess what's happening?

Hospitals aren’t empty. Look at Austria which is 40 times smaller than the US by population but has way more hospital and ICU beds per capita than the US. Despite all their measures, over 1k hospitalizations and over 200 in ICUs. That translates to 50k hospitalizations and 10k in ICUs from corona in the US next week.

So show me

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intelligence has always looked like insanity to drooling imbeciles.

>Are there any world leaders wearing masks in public?
A clear yes. Austria here.

Attached: 3B271546-BB3F-4B35-B6FD-B9916F694F5C.jpg (1280x720, 80.96K)

wrap ya scon xtra tight in cling wrap for safety and a little shine

So show me like a video or a picture. Since it's 2020 and everyone has a phone and social media

Because if it cuts transmission by 50%, it's maybe enough to push the R0 below 1 and gradually end this thing.

Austria is trying to get 90% of the population to wear mask to defeat the virus within a week to 10 days. It’s already working there.


>simple fact: sheep wear a mask,
You do realize someone can pull on your mask making your entire effort to protect yourself pointless right?
Seriously you call it smart but I'm seeing someone ready to pounce at this opportunity because you stop being vigilant thinking that some dumbass mask just gave your safety and security.

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I can personally tell you hospitals are not empty.

>simple fact: smart people wear a mask,
>dumbasses don't,

Now think about this:
>smart people drive on the left side of the road
>dumbasses don’t

How would that work out? You need close to 100% mask compliance in public for masks to stop the epidemic fast.

the Czech Republic managed to get everyone wearing home made masks in public in a matter of days,



That's great. But pictures speak louder than words

Why don't they ask why Fauci, Birx or any of the others won't wear it? And are the press people who badger about this going to start wearing them?

Dumbest fucking argument. Who the fuck is pulling on masks. This isn't madmax world yet.

Maybe in a town where the cows out number the number of people living there.

Well, yeah, I'm pro-mask

So where was this taken dumbfuck?

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>Then why are the hospitals empty?
are the ICU's empty? You don't put people who aren't sick in with the sick people when dealing with an airborne disease.

You think I take photographs at work? That would violate HIPAA big time.

Here you go


>are the ICU's empty?

Uhhhh see

>Because if it cuts transmission by 50%, it's maybe enough to push the R0 below 1 and gradually end this thing

Even if it just cuts transmission by 10%-20% it is worth it.

>everyone isolated
>nation shutdown
>"hurr durr we stopped corona-chan"
>lockdown lifted
>everyone goes outside
We're delaying the inevitable. Absent a miracle vaccine appearing out of no where tomorrow, most people have to get this for society to get passed it. We can either face it with something resembling a functional economy, or we can face it when the economy is a smouldering crater.

It fucking sucks but it is what it is. This is what we get for having trade and travel with literal fucking animals who torture their food and eat nearly raw vermin in lukewarm water.

That's not of patients you fucking retard. They can post that just fine. That doesn't prove hospitals are or aren't empty.

Okay can I have something from say an actual person in the real world? Not a fucking 30 minute video made by the fucking kikes? Maybe?

>wear hanes t-shirt mask
>corona enters unimpeded into your respiratory tract
I know you brainlets don't understand this, but the fabric needs to be extremely fine in order to trap microscopic droplets. Most fabrics will do literally nothing. You'll still be breathing in the same amount of droplets, and creating a moist environment for the virus to concentrate, which may put you at greater risk.

you do need high compliance for it to be effective,

but hey, why not try, what's the harm in giving it a go?

Taking photos of patients or patient info does. Just taking pics at work doesnt

What patients? Where are all the patients posting? Their families? Anything?

>intelligence has always looked like insanity to drooling imbeciles
That cause you think 1 variable solves all your problems.
Your mask doesn't protect your eyes.
>muh increase in protecting
That mentality already speaks for itself that you aren't taking it serious.
You can't account for all the lacking variables presented to you in a daily basis but you want to wave that word, "intelligence", like it somehow makes your magic fairytale mask some form of magical protection.

The Czechs are late in the cycle. But they also have low daily numbers for a 10 million people country.

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where can we even get our hands on one without killing someone

I'm pro mask too, it's a no brainer,

So all you have are graphs and the news. Where are all the social media posts? This is the most self obsessed generation of all time, where are the death selfies?

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Does anyone have a link directly from the CDC saying to wear masks? I can’t find it on their website.

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Yeah I know that. How are you supposed to prove hospitals aren't empty without photographing people?

Do you genuinely think no one is in the hospitals?

3D printed mask on ebay

>You need close to 100% mask compliance in public for masks to stop the epidemic fast.
You're not stopping this. Period. The moment you lift isolation/quarantine/people staying home/people wearing masks is the moment Corona-chan bends you over a desk and fucks you til you bleed.

Herd immunity is the only thing that will stop this IF we're lucky. And by that I'm not entertaining conspiracy theories of immediate reinfection, but thinking about the reality that this family of viruses mutates very rapidly. Having a coronavirus season each year just like the flu season may be the new normal. A quarter million deaths (US) each flu/corona season instead of 50-60k deaths may be the new normal.

You're not stopping this with a fucking dime store mask.

You should be pro medical-grade mask, not pro holding a shirt against your face. That is the debate here. People should be making masks that will actually be effective, which you can create from furnace filters.

>Do you genuinely think no one is in the hospitals?
I might as well, considering no one can post a fucking picture of proof in 2020.