Why is Finland dealing so well with corona?

A country of 4 million + people but just 50-100 infected per day and it looks they already peaked.

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they have hardly dense areas. Isolation is standard there

social distancing is regular everyday behavior there

At your nee infections you should be able to trace every new corona case to test potential others... eradicating the virus once and for all.

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Yea, I thought finns attitudes on personal space is
>”If I can see you, you’re too close”

Same here. We are peaking before we reach 1000 cases. Can't wait to enjoy the country again without fucking tourists shitting the place up

they avoided each other like plague even before there was this shit

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They are much smarter than Americans

Because this is Finnish people before they were told to social distance
Telling Finnish people to social distance is no problem

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Weren't Fins proud practitioners of social distancing before all of this went down?

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Don't finns wait for the next if there's more than 4 people in it?


Dead cat. Bounce

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No niggers in Finland

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For the longest time they just did not do tests, i think they still don't.

5,5+ million
Northern Master Race
Closed everything early
Closed off county borders to capital area
Selling Helsinki to Putin

It is not
Nor is Germany
That’s not why figures are low
And in Germany they are lying harder than China. Joint nuttiest country with China and norks.

Because chinks aren't intentionally spreading it there

We didnt test that day almost at all.

Finland got corona late compared to other countries.
The news channels have been blasting about corona 24/7 Everyone knows about, the elderly, young people etc.
It's cold outside, the rare public gatherings got cancelled early.
Shops take extra steps to disinfects surfaces daily.
The healthcare system don't take it lightly, everyone got inconvenienced to reduce infections. If you go to a hospital a masked guard will ask you about having an appointment. You must to call first to see a nurse.
Politicians aren't as retarded as some other places, they aren't banning healthy activities like going outside for a walk.
Possibly similar reasons as germany that people are generally healthy. Elderly usually do physical activities and aren't as obese as americans.

Ugly ass bug woman

>New York City alone has 4 times the population
of this so called "Country".
18,804,000 in one city verse some shit hole no one would dream of going to. Nice critical thinking Kraut.

Our figures have a two day delay so you can't compare them. Look at the trends, not daily cases and it is still going up.

Stop doing math

>be Finn
>drive to supermarket
>there are already 5 cars at the parking lot
>ohh well I'll come later when there is more space

>be american
>run out of water

The only good point was that it is fucking cold outside and no one even wants to break quarantine.

Also we abandon our elderly in nursery homes with almost no nurses so that helps so that elderly aren't getting infected. Whereas in Italy and Spain they treat elderly with love and live among them.

They are not testing enough

The Mannerheim Line stopped the virus

If you can't live your daily life without help you're just waiting to die.
Who cares.

>Why is Finland dealing so well with corona?
there was once a finn
by the stream near his cottage
a broken leaf floated by
he cursed; someone is in the forest again

What are you saying. Finland is a lovely place.

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It's all about quality. What is a 18m city worth when it is 80% shitskins?

It aint that simple though.

They haven't rolled out 5G yet.

>Why is Finland dealing so well with corona?

The Finns hate being close to strangers. They keep 6 feet between them when they're waiting on the bus even without a pandemic.

In contrast the Italians can't walk down the street without kissing a stranger.

It is. Finland, Austria, Switzerland... all neutral countries conquering the virus.

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So 3 times larger, 70 times more cases.

Also American cities are fucking soulless. No history or anything, just fucking corporate high rises, niggers, way too many fucking cars and consumerism.

Like fucking hell. In the most ignisifcant cities here we have more attractions that are not shopping malls, high buildings or other soulless shit than any city in America.

The Swiss are reporting the cases with delay and lots of daily errors because of the cantons. Look at the trends.

Your opinion has no basis. Die.

Finland is one of the highest IQ country in Europe. They culturally have instilled in the very fabric of this country 'etäisyyttä' (distance). All towns are built openly, because we have the space and also we hate each other. People are not very physical here, and don't kiss on the fucking cheek like in Italy. Finland has had a culture of preparedness ever since the war. Every part of society here is ready for some serious shit. Finns are also clean FREAKS. I'm serious, There's no better activity in the eyes of the older Finnish generation than cleaning the house up and down like a psycho until it looks like a hospital.

Then there's one of the best health care systems in the world. That combined with physical fitness being taught and supported in every aspect of Finnish society. Of course, there's also our amazing politicians who even during a crisis were able to quickly drop their ideologies for a second and make some logical decisions in fast timing for the greater good. Even though I don't like the current bunch of bitches in office, I applaud how they handled this.

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stupid wimmen
they fuck up everything and their popularity just goes up

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It’s still a peak there. They’ll be below 500 a day on average and going to 100 a day next week.

No niggers going from house to house cucking whitey and spreading their big black coronavirus.

Next you tell me you have cute, conservative women who want to marry.

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Finns practice social distancing as part of their culture

Please look at the daily cases. It is jumping so much you cant really make that assumption.

Also you should note that the way how they test, who they test and how many people actually go get tested or how many risk groups are getting infected change the numbers.

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The jumps are due to reporting. The curve is smoothly down since March 19. Swiss/Austrians have been in lockdown since March 16.

And it takes two weeks before you can expect any decreases.

Nah just because they aren’t fat inbreds like Americans if I had to guess

because a test would require being within arms reach of another human being?

Also daily deaths are a much bigger indicator right now and oh would you look at that? The trend is CLEARLY up

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because it's a nothingburger

Finland invented and perfected social distancing decades before any virus outbreak. Most Fins may not even know whats happening, because finding out would require talking to people.

I’ve learned that from this thread that I want to move to Finland

I do hope no one actually believes we are this memeland of introverts. We arent any special from any others.

This is what its like to live in a white country.

Look at Austria, Finbro. If this isn’t a containment, what is? I believe next week they might see days below 100 infected per day like you guys.

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Ah I was too late I guess.

Well, if you are not ready to go to a hot room full of naked men (sometimes women) and slap each other with birch wisks soaked in cold water then you aren't gonna enjoy your time here.

Theres no vaccine or drug
Are they going to keep the lockdown until those are created?

At this rate we're not getting herd immunity going

Now you changed the country.

Austria has been on a lockdown for 3 weeks. The effect is showing but it is no where over. It is most likely just stagnating like it is in Italy.

Shut up Mahmoud, Finland doesnt exist.

Dont look at us, dont even talk about us, and definetly dont try to travel here

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Finns are so powerful. I hope I find a Finnish wife.

Got one. Cannot recommend.

What does that even mean?

And pls dont. No mutts in our beautiful uralic genepool.

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Baazed :-DDDDD

Well if the memes are anything to go by, they already practiced stringent social distancing.

We would have only a fraction of these current numbers if our "health experts" weren't complete retards going "this isn't going to affect us, just continue as normal" until suddenly "we can't stop the epidemic anymore" when it became obvious that simply having a stack of corona info leaflets at the corner of some terminal wasn't going to stop the virus.
Our government also listened to these retards for way too long.

because finns have a 1 mile personal bubble. im a mutt finn and my personal bubble is huge. go away. dont even go down the same aisle as me. in fact, dont even be within eyesight. fuck off.

>Why is Finland dealing so well with corona?

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How many times more international travelers? How many times more social interactions?
Exponential growth doesn't scale linearly.