Somalian immigrant kills 7 year old girl riding scooter in park.
Makes my blood boil
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It won't change until these "immigrant communities" are set ablaze and butchered in retaliation
You need to import more Arabs to keep them in check
I guarantee you the somalian got a slap on the wrist and the family of the murdered little girl was forced to pay them money for being racist.
Are there any other pics of this girl? Is there an interview with the family anywhere?
> anglo
> human
It's women that vote for this.
Make sure you don’t bring this up ever again and make sure you never take action. You’d glow if you do that. Only glowniggers want whites to stand up for themselves and take action in Minecraft. BASED individuals should only be vote cucks.
It’s weak men that stand idly by and LET women do what they want. You don’t blame an infant for burning their hand on a stove. You blame the parents for being retards that aren’t fit to be parents.
This is what I don't get about bongs. Anyone comes near my daughter, there wouldn't be anything left to take to the police station. Not joking. Some nigger tried to trip my daughter at an ice skating rink and I laid his ass out in front of 200 people. I didn't give a shit if the police showed up and arrested me (they didn't), my daughter needed to know she was worth protecting. How you assholes have not formed KKK-style gangs and lynched these fuckers is beyond me.
It's Jews who wanted women to vote, then secured their position of power with the vote of women and imported tens and tens of millions of strangers who hate us and want to destroy us.
Don't hate your kind. Would you hate your dog if Jews gave him the right to vote?
>It's women that vote for this.
While I certainly hate the state of modern women, this girl's dad stood by and let some nigger bitch stab his daughter to death. This is his fault for being a blood-belching pussy. This is the absolute state of British "men."
oh man fucking stabbed.
Usually when a child is killed its because of a problem in the family and usually its because one of the parents are suffering from mental illness. But the fact that this little girl was stabbed by a complete stranger in a public park.
Send all those fuckers back. They don't belong in the west.
Why can't they kill BOYS?
If half of white boys died, it will be mpre white pussy for me.
The Aryan race won't be dying as long as I get erections.
>someone from group X did thing therefore everyone in group X is to blame and must be held accountable
Low IQ
Burn the bitch that did it and that’s it
>Send all those fuckers back. They don't belong in the west.
There is a metaphor and answer here. First of all, the nigger bitch should be in Africa where she belongs. Secondly, why in the fuck did the bong just stand by and let this happen. Shitskins are running roughshod over the West because men are letting this happen. Yeah, the U.S. has it's fair share of fucktard niggers, but when they get out of line we beat them the fuck down.
I just read the article. The perpetrator was already arrested and placed in a high-security prison. Justice has already been served.
This first and probably only time I will agree with a beaner.
I know, there is a limit to how domesticated and gilded you can possibly be. As soon as the well-being, never-lone the survival, of yourself or your loved ones is at risk, its time to throw "rules" out the windows, never mind if it isn't just at risk, but actually fucking happens.
How was this bitch not killed by the girls parents or by onlookers at the scene of the crime? Its the same when someone is trying to fight back against a group of niggers attacking him and lib cucks just walk by the victim getting kicked and king hit around saying shit like "just go home" "just walk away" like as if it is unfathomable why you'd stand up to a group of niggers that come up and hit you from the side.
These subhumans need to be gassed. Oh yeah and the punk niggers too.
Yes, surviving on your tax dollars and free from the justice of the ones he wronged. You cucks have a misguided sense of justice
>I guarantee you the somalian got a slap on the wrist
Read the fucking article you dipshit. The killer was arrested and imprisoned. Some guarantee...
>the family of the murdered little girl was forced to pay them money for being racist.
>I just read the article. The perpetrator was already arrested and placed in a high-security prison. Justice has already been served.
Always the fucking leafs. Sure. And the nigger bitch will be released after 6 months and go on to breed a litter of 16 niglets to replace the beautiful white girl she killed. This isn't justice by any stretch of the imagination you fucking retard.
>Getting protected and fed courtesy of the white taxpayer is justice
The cunt will be released in a few weeks. Justice has NOT been served
Agreed with both. Women and beta males should be genocided.
The killer was already arrested and imprisoned. That manly thing to do has already been done.
Id turn that nigger into a blood eagle.
Kill yourself you faggy edgelord
>manly thing to do has already been done
The reprisal attack against the somalis two-eyes-for-an-eye to teach a lesson has already been done? Wheres the article proving it?
British police literally run child abduction + prostitution rings globally. They aren't naive or incompetent, they are outright complicit and profiting. If you haven't taken the heads of your officials now then you never well, so expect thousands of more news articles like those every month.
didn't make it into NZ press but a canadian hijab grabber did
>Ebba Akerlund
These people's time will come
>As soon as the well-being, never-lone the survival, of yourself or your loved ones is at risk, its time to throw "rules" out the windows, never mind if it isn't just at risk, but actually fucking happens.
This. Exactly this. When someone threatens your own, you act and you don't think of the consequences. I'd rather sit in jail for a few years and have a daughter that is alive than be walking around, free, with the guilt of watching my daughter murdered in front of me and I didn't act.
>this girl's dad stood by and let some nigger bitch stab his daughter to death. This is his fault for being a blood-belching pussy. This is the absolute state of British "men."
Dude. Don't blame this poor man for his daughter's death. That's sick.
The woman who stabbed his daughter was wielding a knife. He could have been killed.
>Justice has already been served.
I'm sorry, I couldn't find the part where the perp was nailed to tree and disemboweled alive for local wildlife to scavenge
>Usually when a child is killed its because of a problem in the family and usually its because one of the parents are suffering from mental illness. But the fact that this little girl was stabbed by a complete stranger in a public park.
I, personally, find it MORE disturbing when a child is killed by its parent, compared to a stranger.
Non whites should be expelled from Western lands
Thats why I dont have children while evil beta males think its their best chance to have them.
Of course I don’t hate my own women. I am merely saying many women, who like you said were given the right to vote because of jews, vote irresponsibly and only do so because white men collectively choose not to put their foot down. I do not hate women but I do not think they should be given free reign to do as they please. If my dog shit in my living room, I would not beat or boil my dog alive like a chink. I would solve the problem first by cleaning up the mess and then I would try to train my dog to shit outside. I would not clean it up and then continue to let my dog shit in my living room.
>The woman who stabbed his daughter was wielding a knife. He could have been killed.
I seriously hope you are just a shitlord and don't actually believe that. In the unlikely event you truly believe this, you sacrifice a limb, let her embed the knife in your forearm, and beat her to death with your good limb.
>Burn the bitch that did it and that’s it
She was already imprisoned, so this outrage is over nothing.
No we don't, but we should. The entire west is in the same boat
Every time I hear about some terrorist attack or a crime, I always hope it's white BOYS/MEN
White women are more valuable, unless you're a cute trap
That doesnt bring back the little girl. Or prevent the next little girl from getting victimized by a somali.
Imprisonment is not enough. She should not have been in our lands in the first place.
This. Niggers don’t normally do thinks like this or anything wrong at all. They’re usually amazing individuals. Thank you, homosexual jew that sits in Brussels and makes policy changes for all of Europe without their say in the matter.
kek. All I see are a doctor, and engineer, and a physicist.
>Secondly, why in the fuck did the bong just stand by and let this happen.
... because the perpetrator had a knife.
>Shitskins are running roughshod over the West because men are letting this happen.
I dunno man. Seems to me like they typically get arrested when they misbehave, which is good.
If the mother was armed legally with a gun, the somali woman would be an ex-somali woman.
you are the faggot, incel
No. Send back ALL the foreigners to prevent the next black murder.
>I would solve the problem first by cleaning up the mess and then I would try to train my dog to shit outside. I would not clean it up and then continue to let my dog shit in my living room.
You oversimplify the problem. You aren't dealing with a singular woman, you are dealing with the female hive mind. Part of the problem is that there honestly are way too many beta males in the world and the hive has lost respect of men in general. Hard to put your foot down when your woman has her friend who is married to a cuck bitch and tells your wife you don't have to deal with being "trained." Divorce and alimony are way too easy an option for them. This problem starts with men and will be solved by men. We must ridicule and call out any and all weakness we see in our fellow men. We need to bring bullying back and we need to toughen our gender up considerably.
Then why don't you do something about it?
>He could have been killed.
I'm pretty sure most white dads would give their life for their kids without hesitation, but yeah... he probably wasn't in any position to stop the woman and helping his injured daughter would take priority over taking down the fleeing attacker. That being said, never relax around blacks.
>... because the perpetrator had a knife.
Come at my daughter with a knife and see what happens to you leaf. The only thing recognizable from your corpse would be the knife you were holding. Knife or not, you aren't gonna walk away. That Somali bitch could have had ten knives and a pistol, and she'd probably put some bullet holes in me, but I guarantee I'd break her neck before I bled out and my daughter would still be alive.
>not incorporating "eh sunshoine"
>Come at my daughter with a knife and see what happens to you leaf. The only thing recognizable from your corpse would be the knife you were holding. Knife or not, you aren't gonna walk away. That Somali bitch could have had ten knives and a pistol, and she'd probably put some bullet holes in me, but I guarantee I'd break her neck before I bled out and my daughter would still be alive.
are u a navy seal ufc fighter too? fucking bad ass as HECK
setthing incels. you aren't gonna do shit, fags.
get of our dicks whiteboys, all blonde bitches love our big black monster cocks fmu
We are not allowed to carry self defence weapons at all. Pepper Spray is classed as a firearm. That or a Tazer would be enough. Or Bear Spray.
yeah exactly. nigger has a gun? 21 foot rule.
Nigger has a knife? arm lock him if he thrusts, shoulder shove if he swipes. If you ran at him with momentum, he will go down, law of conservation of momentum.
Why do you think he’s an incel?
Which is why I said that women are only allowed to do what they do because white men collectively choose to do nothing. White men as a collective must decide that enough is enough and women need to be reminded that this is not okay.
niggers gonna nigg
This is literally chimpanzee level
>Yes, surviving on your tax dollars
It doesn't take much money to keep these prisoners. It's not like they're being given caviar.
>and free from the justice of the ones he wronged.
First of all, the article clearly states that the perpetrator was a WOMAN. Take your misandry and shove it. Second, she was already brought to justice. Y'all are getting outraged over a killer who already got punished anyway.
>You cucks have a misguided sense of justice
Really? This killer is being treated the same as any other killer. She isn't being killed just because there is no capital punishment in Great Britain. She's already been detained, which means that the situation is already under control. The British legal system is working as intended.
>are u a navy seal ufc fighter too? fucking bad ass as HECK
I'm sure there is an nice MMA studio near your house than can teach you the basics of martial arts. I practice my craft three times a week. As do my daughter and son. You don't need to be a Navy SEAL to know how to defend yourself. Just get off your ass every now and then.
Based black woman
>Yeah, the U.S. has it's fair share of fucktard niggers, but when they get out of line we beat them the fuck down.
No, no you don't. Every eight and a half years in America more whites are killed by niggers than all niggers lynched in 80 years. In 2006 alone more than 30 thousand white women were raped by nigs, and it's an ongoing problem. America has more black on white violence than South Africa, than anywhere in Europe. Your people have a serious fucking problem, you might want to stop shittalking the bongs and deal with the nightmare your people are facing, a problem that has been met with next to no reprisals or reactions.
>White men as a collective must decide that enough is enough and women need to be reminded that this is not okay.
Damn there's a lot of jews in this thread. One larping as a nigger, another telling us this is part and parcel of modern life. Seems the jews have taken a keen interest in this issue.
This issue being the one involving the vicious slaughter of a 7 year old white girl in an english park. Hmmm. I wonder why jews are interested in this issue. Exactly what connection and familiarity might these jews have to this topic now I wonder?
>Sure. And the nigger bitch will be released after 6 months and go on to breed a litter of 16 niglets to replace the beautiful white girl she killed.
How often do murderers get released after only six months? This seems to exist purely in your imagination.
>This isn't justice by any stretch of the imagination you fucking retard.
I've already established that YOU are the one here stretching your imagination.
Why does it make your blood boil? Every Somalian should be allowed to kill a little white girl. You aren't a racist, are you?
damn dude you got it all figured out. truly a beacon of hope in these dark times.
>It doesn't take much money to keep these prisoners.
I could give two fucks about the amount of money in total. Are you a shekel worshipping jew?
> First of all, the article clearly states that the perpetrator was a WOMAN.
Calling a nigger a woman is an insult to women. Those creatures don’t even have human hair.
>Second, she was already brought to justice.
The nigger is still alive and well and now being protected from the public, housed, and fed all on the British taxpayer’s dime. What justice was served exactly? Moving a murderer from their home to a new home is not justice.
>Y'all are getting outraged over a killer who already got punished anyway.
“Y’all” is not a word. LARPing as a nigger is not unusual for your kind but it’s laughable nonetheless.
Just imagine her great grandfather looking up from the pit he's roasting in seeing the consequences of his actions, before she - as all Anglospawn do - joins him in hell.
>nigger has a gun? 21 foot rule
Honestly, you don't even need that. Adrenaline fucks up the gross motor functions and most people who are untrained in firearms don't know that if you are being attacked with a gun, the person attacking you probably can't hit the broad side of a barn for about 4 seconds until they recover from the initial adrenaline surge. If you act and act fast, you might get hit, but odds are it won't be a critical hit. Your best chance of surviving an attack would be to attack and attack fast. Now, if the nigger has a shotgun, that doesn't apply, but most niggers like to use pistols for some reason.
>Getting protected and fed courtesy of the white taxpayer is justice
So ... you're implying that all crimes should have the death penalty?
>The cunt will be released in a few weeks.
... you say without any evidence.
>That pic.
Lynchings were often done because of false rape accusations. I'm reminded of Paul Elam when he said "All men are Tom Robinson now."
You’re not wrong.
and if someone has a knife just flee the scene. you are going to get stabbed.
You're really fucking dense. None of the posts you are replying to are literal you autistic moron.
blond white women love dog cock too
chew on that
That would be unconstitutional.
>which means that the situation is already under control
Really? What's being done to prevent more attacks on native British? The situation hasn't been under control for decades, shut the fuck you insufferable faggot. This isn't an isolated incident
>Makes my blood boil
obviously boiling isn't enough because you won't do anything about it, cowardly white male. Once could even posit that it isn't the Somalian's fault that young roastie is dead, it's yours because you've sat around for 150 years straight and let this happen. I'd even go so far as to say:
this is the future you chose
>America has more black on white violence than South Africa, than anywhere in Europe. Your people have a serious fucking problem, you might want to stop shittalking the bongs and deal with the nightmare your people are facing, a problem that has been met with next to no reprisals or reactions.
True. I would however point out a few things. First of all, FBI UCR stats classify spics as white. So these numbers aren't exactly correct. MS13 on Crip violence is not white on black crime. That said, there is a legit white on black crime problem in some areas of the U.S., which is why you really can't look at the U.S. as a whole. Try this shit in Alabama, it ain't happening. Minneapolis ... maybe. Northerners are too nice. And if you are white and in NYC or San Fran, I mean, you are going to get what is coming to you. My neck if the woods. This shit doesn't happen. We no shit have the KKK here.
>Read the fucking article you dipshit. The killer was arrested and imprisoned. Some guarantee...
Yeah they put her in prison so she can be with a bunch of other psychotic muslims. She'll get out in a year or two and then the family of the kid she murdered will be paying taxes so she can live in a nice house and give birth to 20 more violent savages.
>The reprisal attack against the somalis two-eyes-for-an-eye to teach a lesson has already been done? Wheres the article proving it?
So ... you are suggesting that people who had nothing to do with the crime should be punished for it? Reminds me of the Torah.