New Zealand Lockdown Comfy Thread

Get in here, Kiwifags. What are you doing this Saturday night? (apart from shitposting on Yas Forums)

>Total cases: 950 (+82)
>Total recovered: 127
>Total in ICU: 1 (-1)
>Total deaths: 1

News topic of the night: NZ's Health Minister caught breaking his own lockdown rules

Attached: nzflag2.png (822x537, 760.14K)

Don't want to line up for food so l just hit the dairy now, fuck line chumps.

>1 case in ICU
>shut down whole country
Chinkflu is just an excuse to control the population and crash the population and entire country into massive amounts of debt they will never escape from.

>lined up for about half hour to access food at market
>masked up
>did shopping for house
>decontaminate shopping
>change clothes
>wash hands
>3 hours
>mood in public not very jovial

Was under my house today seeing if there was a dead cat or something. Found a blockage to my septic tank. Gotta get that shit drained asap next week. Will be holding my pewp in til then.

>tfw essential service worker
>security guard at the door of my local New World lets me walk straight past the peasants standing inline
I feel a little bad, but at the same time fuck standing in that line for 20 mins just to get my groceries

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Put a few posts in bros

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It is rather bizarre. I get the idea that they don't want massive community spread of the virus and the hospitals to get overcrowded. But holy fuck, is tanking our whole economy and throwing us into massive debt and unemployment really a better response?
Did you know due to this virus panic, and the lockdown, hardly anyone is going out to visit their doctor at the moment. There are actually doctors getting laid off due to lack of work. FUCKING DOCTORS.

Beautiful land. Where are you?

anyone find the media jumping the gun a bit celebrating how self iso is working and the government has done everything right when there may have just been a limited amount of tests for a few days which is giving a distorted outlook

King country. Got out of Hamilton just in time. Farm work bros, you get a pussy pass too aka essential services primary industries road pass

I'm sure Jacinda saw it as a great opportunity to appear 'strong' and 'decisive' and have the media licking her flaps all the way to a sure win in November.
Now the economy is tanked everyone's reliant on government hand outs which gives them even more control.
More people will be dieing because they can't get medical care for treatable conditions than will die from this fake chinkflu

Mike Hosking has the same views as you. I started listening to him lately and he seems pretty based regarding the government and how they're handling this. I know a lot of people call him a dickhead, but I like how he puts pressure on politicians and other officials and calls them out on their bullshit.

>nugget stuck in a hole
kiwi gold

deep south here. despicable me 3 is on TV. have you got TV too?

Watching DM3 with my boy. 4 weeks of babysitting, fucking kill me now

Finally found some flour on the shelf today, finally the missus can bake me some choccy muffins. Shit was getting grim

Nice. Where abouts are you? Looks lovely.


Where the fuck is everyone, I know nobody has anything better to do.

Drinking mac's green berets tonight, they're the business

There was a test done by bill gates and others only about 1 month prior to this.

It's a power grab including in New Zealand.
They used it to rush through abortion laws and about 4 other laws within 2-3 days of the country wide house arrest.

>decent drop
i love all those super hoppy beers pernicious weed is one of my faves, but cant drink all the time or the phytoestrogen in the hops will give you a sweet rack and a homosexual lifestyle

How much was your land?

I'm on the couch drinking Jameson whiskey. Gonna give the missus my laptop so she can fuck off to bed then I can get drunk, chuck some music on and phonepost in this thread

has everybody got enough dunny paper that's what I want to know. I have to shop next week. Plan on looking like darth vader

NZ better build more prisons for the coming recession

I'm not blackpilled. But I'm so fucking sick of politics and all our shitty governments.

CS servers have been dead since the lockdown. Like where the fuck else is everyone and what else would you be doing?

>phytoestrogens in hops

Wait what

is there any update on Tarrant? are the rumors real that he isn't allowed to send/receive mails anymore?

I stocked up hard on the cheap stuff before the panic buying started here (thanks Yas Forums). I still grab a pack of quality roll with my shopping every week, so if shit does hit the fan, I've got my stockpile waiting to go.

Not sure about the mails part. But a week or so ago he pleaded guilty in court.

David Clark drove the van with his damn face plastered all over it to go biking. such a good look.

only other thing worse this week was the IRD mailing 240k people saying their benefits would stop. during the virus. on april fools.


straight up mate, hops have some pretty interesting characteristics including helping with sleep imparting their complex flavours in beer and also as a preservation agent - which i believe was the basis for the original ipa, sent from england to the outposts at about 9% it was supposed to be watered down by half but they drank it full strength and hence the ipa was born. but yeah will give you bitchtits and feminize the shit out of you - drink rum

bacardi oakheart spiced rum is amazing atm.

Labour is Communism.

I just did a little bit of research and got more of an impression that there was a theoretical link but no studies have actually proven it conclusively

Or as one study put it - you're more likely to be growing tits because all that beer is making you fat

Anyway I'll have another, for now. If I'm feeling fancier than mac's I'm also partial to liberty oh brothers and parrotdog falcon IPAs. Got a batch of homebrew ready to go in a week

Man last night this thread was cranking

Hearing a lot less motorbikes in the middle of the night, local dealers must be starting to run out

nice what sort of brew you got on?

Mangrove Jack's Juicy IPA.. I'm a homebrew script kiddy lol. Half in PET bottles this time around, had been using flip tops because they're so satisfying to pop open but had a bad run of shit going flat. Had a sneaky taste last week but it was still strong as shit, hopefully mellows out a bit

gotta start somewhere, i use their cider kits and and chuck out the atrificial sweetner and use a non ferm sweetner and about 3-4kg dextrose to get cider around 7-8%

I love the New Zealand people whom I have met, but stop voting for women.


don't tell this glowman, they'll use it to look up historical sales in your area

As if there is any real difference between labour and national. National have a chink spy in Parliament. We are doomed.

My grandfather killed 14 of you mother fuckers.

You're already in prisons, and you're paying to be there

I went with brewshops suggestion of using a dextrose brew enhancer instead of sugar, the enhancer kit came with extra hops so I shrugged and threw that in too. Now I've got some kind of liquid hop death brew.

Are the ciders any good? I like less sickly ones... old mout is nice, shit like orchard thieves might as well be apple juice

>tfw bud dealer has jacked prices 300%

Fuck the free market

back to politics and media, did jacinda pretty much declare a media monopoly when she deemed the nz herald essential but other pubs not and did she do the same thing re supermarkets over grocers..etc?

ciders are great just need to let em sit for 1 month+ but if you brew at a reasonably low temp (18 constant) it comes out nice like somewhere between sommersby and monteiths

I heard the other day that an oz is going for 800 bucks. Crazy. On the other hand the weed referendum will be rigged to win, the govt will want the tax $.

I thought the herald and stuff wrte still two separate entities... one wasn't allowed to buy the other not so long ago IIRC

> Been a good citizen observing the lockdown with a missus and two small kids.
> Not fun but we doing this for the good of everyone, it'll be character building for us all.
> Kids going spastic about being caged up.
> See our health minister goes hooning around and mountain biking for the lulz
> Not following his own instructions
> Kids, get in the car, we are going to the beach
> Drive 27 kms to Sumner Beach

They loved it. Put them in the best mood. Thank you for putting the idea in my head Mr Clark.

And also as an aside. Why is our health minister, arguably the most important politician in the country atm, not even in Wellington?
> He has a young family and needs to be in Dunedin with them
Fuck off. Half the country have lost their money, jobs, homes. He needs to get off his bicycle and get his ass up to the beehive pronto. Entitled fucking cunt. And there's Cindy pretending he's doing a good job. Stupid bitch.

>My grandfather killed 14 of you mother fuckers.
Whoa, baby, you got it wrong. Why do you guys keep doing this?

Our supermarket system is a duopoly anyway. It's a complete rip off and the whole system needs reconfiguring. We are robbed for food in this country. I'm always amazed how much cheaper things are when I travel.

stuff is in a diferent catagory cause online publication. The herald was deemed a neccesary service but the listner, north and south, metro etc where not. mostly shitty rag mags but it does limit the amount of information/views your average stuck at home old person without internet can access.

>Crazy. On the other hand the weed referendum will be rigged to win, the govt will want the tax $
It's just academic. Canada and the US decriminalized it. It's only natural that Australia now follow.

Jacinda has consistently failed to discipline any of her shitty ministers. Like ian Lees Galloway and that kickboxer fiasco, theres a bunch of other shit too if I can think about it

If David Clark can go biking with his faggot mate and people coming into the country aren't even being quarantined, Its hard to give a shit, I agree

Your grandfather killed 14 english teachers? That doesn't seem very productive

He is a prized prat of potsey like proportions. Nobody down here likes him. It's probably best that he stays away, his judgment is obviously unsound.

You sir, are not a team player. If our health Minister wants to chill with his kids and ride his bike while earning $300k and ignoring corona that's fine by me

But yeah I'm a truckie, been on the road everyday. On Friday after that news broke was blown away by the increase in traffic. I think everyone decided fuck it, if he can ignore the rules and go out, I will too.