/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #2910 - WEBM EDITIONS

► Detected: 2,199,920 (+2,288) ► Died: 118,394 (+72) ► Day: 86 (-20:38:23)

— 4.2 billion people put under lockdown —
— 208 countries and territories infected —
— 6.4x more confirmed deaths than swine flu pandemic —
— 3,220 different strains have been sequenced —

Biggest slums in Brazil see first coronavirus deaths

Ecuador is dumping, burning bodies in the streets

Swedish government took 3 months to figure out asymptomatic transmission

WHO says disease no longer affects only old people

Spanish government fails to secure supplies, businessman outdoes them

nCoV manifests as lung abnormalities

Up to 20% of younger adults end up hospitalized, says CDC

12% of deaths in Italy had no previous conditions

Heart attack main cause of death, not respiratory issues

Infection could reach 60% of world population

"Flu deaths" include all pneumonia deaths, virus rarely confirmed

China didn't add 43,000 new cases since hitting 80,000

Coronavirus spike already visible in mortality rates from Italy


04:35: Bob Glanzer, a member of the South Dakota House of Representatives, has died after testing positive for coronavirus
04:00: 94 new cases and 3 new deaths in South Korea
04:00: 80 new cases, including 64 asymptomatic cases, and 4 new deaths in mainland China
04:00: Friday’s coronavirus summary:
– USA: +32,850 cases, +1,320 deaths
– Spain: +7,134 cases, +850 deaths


► Previous: ► List 1: ► List 2:

Attached: CVG.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

Other urls found in this thread:


>Dead: 59,159
lol, still only 59,159.
How many days has it been stuck at 59,159? Four days? Five days?

Attached: Still.png (727x1601, 125.5K)

So if I breath in deeply and hold the breath for about 10 seconds, I get a similar feeling to that phenomenon that happens sometimes where you stand up and the blood pressure drop gives you tunnel vision/makes you lightheaded. This is unusual for me and only started happening two days ago but nothing else appears to be wrong.

Anyway, rejoice!

Attached: Crowned Dragon.png (3456x4608, 115.29K)

shit is this a bot?

france +17.8k just now we're fucked

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I should've listened to this user when he posted. He had dozens of cans of lysol/hand sanitizer/wipes/alcohol. I thought he was crazy. but now as I lay here coofing in washington, I know he was right.

thread reminder, dont argue with nothingburger fags, they made there bed so they should sleep in it.
tell them to live there convictions, to go to work again, hug a chink, fuck a chink hooker, all the things to prove themselfes that corona truely is nothing.,
with luck that might make a better world for the survivors.


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better numbers thread

How is it that you almost always have first post, Gary? Are you a bot? Are we all Gary?

it's the argiebot not the argiefag baking me thinks, go the other thread

Why aren't you innawoods yet user?

Attached: foto_no_exif (14).jpg (3228x3354, 2.71M)

What the fuck Yas Forums. We were ahead of the game. We were warning people about the virus long before normies had ever heard of it. When the media was downplaying it. When the tech companies were censoring information about it. When politicians were saying to go hug an asian to BTFO racists.

Now there's a huge flood of posts saying increasingly deranged things. The CCP was working with the jews to fake it! The media downplaying it was just reverse psychology! Apparently it's now a right wing position to disregard threats to your society for the sake of muh GDP.

Apparently we have to be like 18th century liberals (just as bad as modern liberals in their time btw.) Who themselves did way more serious things to stop threats. E.g banishing lepers or implementing drafts.

Attached: ramzpaul.jpg (550x309, 37.44K)

the greatest clip, thx user

Remembee to port and Age for This is a slider thread with fake numbers. OP is a massive Fear mongering faggot and must be Mooted

I saw an india report of 10mil infected lol

World 1,099,960 (59,197) United States 277,475 (7,402) Italy 119,827 (14,681) Spain 119,199 (11,198) Germany 91,159 (1,275) China 81,639 (3,326) France 64,338 (6,507) Iran 53,183 (3,294) United Kingdom 38,168 (3,605) Turkey 20,921 (425) Switzerland 19,606 (591) Belgium 16,770 (1,143) Netherlands 15,723 (1,487) Canada 12,549 (208) Austria 11,524 (168) South Korea 10,156 (177) Portugal 9,886 (246) Brazil 9,216 (365) Israel 7,428 (40) Sweden 6,131 (358) Australia 5,454 (30) Norway 5,370 (59) Ireland 4,273 (120) Czech Republic 4,190 (53) Russia 4,149 (34) Denmark 3,757 (139) Chile 3,737 (22) Poland 3,383 (71) Ecuador 3,368 (145) Malaysia 3,333 (53) Romania 3,183 (133) India 3,082 (86) Philippines 3,018 (136) Japan 2,935 (69) Pakistan 2,686 (40) Luxembourg 2,612 (31) Thailand 2,067 (20) Saudi Arabia 2,039 (25) Indonesia 1,986 (181) Mexico 1,688 (60) Panama 1,673 (41) Finland 1,615 (20) Greece 1,613 (63) Peru 1,595 (61) South Africa 1,505 (9)…

World +1,144 (+36) United States +314 (+10) China +19 (+4) South Korea +94 (+3) Brazil +22 (+2) Australia (+2) Thailand +89 (+1) Mexico +178 (+10) Singapore (+1) Kuwait (+1) Sri Lanka (+1) Bolivia +7 (+1) Canada +174 India +23 New Zealand +82 Lithuania +75 Honduras +42 Kyrgyzstan +14 Trinidad & Tobago +2 Paraguay +4 Fiji +5…


Attached: CVG.png (2000x1027, 362.45K)

Why are you inawoods? You would be better off in a secluded home

If you have changed your diet due to prepping or quarantine, start there.
The lightheaded feeling (syncope) when standing is called "postural hypotension". Blood vessels contract to maintain blood pressure when changing positions, like sitting or standing, all the time. If all those blood vessels relaxed, blood would all be in feet and calves.
Diet changes can affect the ability the blood vessels to contract to maintain pressure to the brain. Then one faints, falls down, and wakes up because the heart is now on the same level asthe head.

What's the word on food shortages? The supply chain must be fucked beyond description.

give me more coronachan imgs
looking for the 3d ones

Attached: screen4.jpg (1920x1080, 302.3K)

You assume trumpbux are actually coming



Yas Forums has an average IQ of more than 130, so of course us anonymous mongoloids are ahead of the curve.

fuck being a normalnigger.

United States (-1.62%) Germany (-0.95%) France (-1.80%) United Kingdom (-1.38%) Italy (-3.41%) Switzerland (-0.72%) Spain (+0.11%) Austria (+0.00%) Poland (+1.62%) Netherlands (-1.88%) Hungary (-0.34%) Russia (+3.04%) Greece (+1.29%) Brazil (-3.90%) Japan (-1.04%) Hong Kong (-0.90%) China (-0.39%) Australia (-3.34%) Singapore (-3.42%) India (-4.25%) South Korea (-0.13%) Taiwan (-0.87%) South Africa (-1.13%)

Sydney (-58%) Tokyo (-46%) Beijing (-96%) Wuhan (-100%) New Delhi (-100%) Dubai (-100%) Moscow (-100%) Rome (-100%) Milan (-85%) Berlin (-75%) Munich (-100%) Brussels (-100%) Paris (-100%) Madrid (-100%) Barcelona (-87%) London (-100%) Johannesburg (+42%) Sao Paulo (-81%) Buenos Aires (-100%) New York (-100%) Washington (-100%) Miami (-100%) Toronto (-82%) Chicago (-85%) Houston (-100%) Mexico City (-76%) Los Angeles (-100%) Seattle (-75%)

India (1.3b) China (760m) United States (270m) Pakistan (211m) Russia (144m) Mexico (129m) Egypt (97m) Germany (82m) Philippines (71m) Brazil (66m) France (66m) United Kingdom (66m) Italy (60m) South Africa (56m) Colombia (49m) Spain (46m) Argentina (44m) Ukraine (42m) Iraq (38m) Poland (37m) Nigeria (36m) Morocco (35m) Peru (32m) Venezuela (32m) Malaysia (31m) Nepal (29m) Australia (24m)…


Attached: CVG.jpg (1020x574, 56.09K)

Attached: Cremation Corona-chan.webm (1920x1080, 1.24M)

Looking for any evidence at all that it kills white people the same way it killed chinks.
>10,000 dead in the last day!
Show proofs. Did they die of being 200 years old WITH corona, or directly OF corona?
Because it sure looks like it really does only affect a few unlucky whites (talking about otherwise healthy people).

3d? There are a few 3d models out there and some screenshots of corona in I think vrchat. Don't have links though.

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>blonde hair

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Attached: WTFWTFWTFOHJESUS.png (1882x822, 102.24K)


I dont know if I want to live in a world without Bob Glanzer

Attached: Mia Collins.jpg (960x1242, 169.96K)

Heat kills Coronavirus.

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BBC's final form- fuck off JIDF

Attached: n3cr0ph3l14.png (556x64, 25.32K)

someone fucked up and doubled the counting, and argiebot was probably using that website to update the numbers

CCP revealed some of their true numbers for some particular reason.

Attached: Corona-chan catwalk.webm (1920x1080, 1.59M)

Death number is only 63 in Japan.
Abe is working well.
I support him.

Attached: abe.jpg (300x273, 13.78K)

Waiting on a couple more things but I'm heading out soon. Need the solar charger

Checked, but why did he not go to a sauna instead?

bump for the argiebaker
argiebaker is good guy
he bake good bread from start
fuck all anti-bakers

i used the other gif in previous vid tho
actually i could use this instead

>All sampling procedures were performed by veterinarians with approval from Animal Ethics Committee of the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIVH05210201). The study was conducted in accordance with the Guide for the Care and Use of Wild Mammals in Research of the People’s Republic of China.
>Care of Wild Mammals
>in china


Attached: 1577334850004.jpg (125x123, 2.11K)

He certainly bakadabread

Nothing. Literally nothing, would make me happier than this bloated orange cunt dying of coronavirus.

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doesnt seem like you would need to push nearly that hard. he doesnt have leather cow skin. that shit is going to be really fucked up. he went way too deep

they made the research so they will have monopoly after collapse of the cat market

Excellent choice.

Attached: Pump it Corona-chan.webm (1920x1080, 1.25M)

what a fucking FAGGOT you are
disgusting post

back from the dead ehh faggot?

Where did you get that number from Argiebro?

>He coughed?

Attached: 500full-igor-bogdanoff.jpg (360x450, 38.65K)

Yeah, that's what usually happens when you eradicate a disease

Attached: China curve flattened.jpg (1200x1200, 428.5K)

Why an Argentinian one?
Argie bro was so reliable

on it boss

Attached: anti smeitizer.jpg (888x649, 197.36K)


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argie needs to sleep too hans

threadly reminder that death rate is between .2% and .4% for anyone under 60 and if your under 30 it’s basically .1% or less. reminder that everyone in cvg are loser queer’s and faggot doom shills. they are hopeless r9k losers and not polacks. they have miserable live with no meaning so they hope that the virus will destroy everyone else’s life. they also feel special for posting on Yas Forums (any monkey can do that) and think they are “hip and ahead of the curve”.

in reality they are a bunch of brainless useless losers that should kill themselves because nobody loves them.

also reminder that the cvg narrative now matches the msm narrative. so no need to really go on cvg just watch msm faggots.

cvg is cancer death rate is .2% kys

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So what you're telling me is that your fantasy of fantasies involves Donald John Trump.

Fuck off with the Chang graph

need 43 Hazmat edits more to reach 3000 in my collection, I will put them into a Mega and share it once we hit /cvg/ no. 3000.

>imagine not wanting to catch a virus that scars the lungs from the inside and in the process slams the immune system to the ground which opens the body up for other viruses
>thinking this is a bad thing
ok prove cvg wrong, go get coofed on and livestream it to us

>retarded cvg outlier unproven garbage points

yeah retard. when you get pneumonia your lungs take some damage but you recover from it and move. pneumonia is extremely common. people get it and move on with their lives. it’s not different. that’s not unique to “muh spooky cvg chink virus” larp

i’m not saying you should get the virus. but the deathrate after factoring all unconfirmed cases is probably .05% or less for anyone under fifty. so you are all screeching autistic cunts that should shut the fuck up. it still sucks to get it but that doesn’t make you guys any less annoying with your exaggerations and autistic screeching.

If this burger user, asking how's Mexico and why is never plotted in the graphs here's why

Attached: usa vs mexico coronavirus.png (1917x964, 426.59K)

I know a lab tech that got it.

go on....

Better? LMAO

Attached: Coronavirus Flat curve.jpg (1198x1144, 242.55K)

Wait, What the hell happened? Why have the numbers doubled in just a few hours?

A new mutated strain has just emerged in Guatemala.