When did you realize coronavirus was fake news?

When did you realize the coronavirus was fake news?

I started off taking it very seriously. I prepared, got masks, got food, got all the necessary supplies. I followed /cvg/ daily. I saw the numbers going up and thought it was the happening.

Then I started to look closer. The numbers of infected versus the numbers for various other illnesses. Coronavirus just didn't hold up. The numbers were too low. It was just a flu. China started the narrative, but we haven’t seen any of the things that were supposedly happening there and we are months into it now.

The virus is indeed just the flu. All coronaviruses are 'just the flu'. They literally are all counted among the various viruses commonly called the flu. There is a new strand of coronavirus every five years or so. We have no way of assessing the number of people infected at this time and for some years.
Reminder that the swine flu is estimated to have infected 500 million people worldwide. This could only be known years after for various technical reasons.
Besides, the number of death is indeed bogus at this point. The Italian authorities have said they count all death from people testing positive for instance, and other countries have the same method to various degrees.
The Black Plague comparison is comical. It had already killed multitudes more people (in a much less populated time, plus much lower population concentration) in its first three months that the present virus did.

The media tries to hype us into a state of fear over this "pandemic". Yet the virus seems fairly well controlled There are no large, spike/hot zones Hospitals are normal. People not dying on the streets. Mostly old people and younger people with pre-conditions are being affected. (Same with flu)

What are we supposed to be looking for here? The media keeps telling us to be afraid, but afraid of what?

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Other urls found in this thread:


The diamond princess data showed the virus is pretty low mortality when you take into account the ages of the dead. 10 dead out of 700, all above 70.

The rest of the data is not reliable. If you only test those with severe symptoms, the mortality rate looks higher. They call that "case fatality rate" and is more or less useless, will give you fatality rates 5 times higher than they actually are.

Look here is a reminder that if this virus was as serious as they said and they really didn't want people going out they would have used the trillions of dollars in bailouts to give ALL Americans 15,000 dollars minimum so no one would have to go outside and risk their health and the health of the community.

Oh wait you mean they didn't do that? Oh they gave that money to the big banks and corporations instead? So what you're saying is that they don't actually care if we go out or not and this isn't about the virus or health of the community but instead is about an economic collapse that was bound to happen like in 2008-2009 and they are pushing the virus as a cover up for that.

Here's an idea: instead of bailing out big corporations, why don't their CEOs put in their own money to keep them afloat? You know how regular small business owners HAVE to do. Instead we're keeping rich people rich and giving them a handout.

Fuck the bailout. Fuck the banks. Fuck Dr. Fauci, Fuck Mods, Fuck Jannies. Side note: Eliminating the fed and going back to the gold standard with a central bank. A currency that is in effect a mini bond much like the German Reichsmark would be a dream come true. Anyways to continue.

What really drove the point home was when I started to see normies talk about "flattening the curve". The truth is Yas Forums you were all duped by the MSM and Dr. Fauci (a guy who literally wrote love letters to HRC). Your constant interaction with sensational news and the constant threads duped you all into believing something that was not true. Most people are just following along with a herd mentality. If you guys stop taking it seriously the herd will follow.

Most people are hyping this to be a happening because it would be an event which has the power of pulling them out of the mundane and meaningless lives that they lead. Why do you think America invented zombie apocalypse movies? When a nation stops having real problems to overcome it starts inventing ones and hoping something would happen. This isn't about corona, this is peak secularist consumerism, in the same way if it weren't for obesity the west would just find another way through another sin to self destruct in its continuous search of pleasure

So lets stop with the nonsense already. It's literally just a flu.


tl;dr faggot, it is real

When 100% of the mass media started with the narrative of staying home and flattening the curve (and i really mean 100%, all of them)
That's when i knew something was off.


When did you realize Evangelion is overrated trash?

Covid is no longer the happing, nigger. The response to it from the government, public, and markets that is the new happening.

You can tell so easily when talking heads and normies start using language that you've never even heard about a week ago.
>Social Distancing
>Flatten The Curve
>Stay Home
These are all basically Madison Avenue ad campaigns that have poisoned the minds of millions (or even billions) of people.

It is fake news, now China and their lobbyists will take your country down. Your economy will sink lol
Seriously, go back to work and life, working hard, party hard, don’t buy this BS... don’t let China beat you so easily.

Fuck you, its based and redpilled.

you forgot “in these times of uncertainty”

I was all in on /CVG/. I work in a hospital and I have yet to see anything happening except fearmongering from management and the govt

Fuck off Chang

It's more contagious and lethal than the flu but most people are unlikely to progress to severe cases. Part of the uncertainty is not knowing the full extent of the virus, no immunity, and no guaranteed treatment yet. The US has a lot of obese people that are at risk as well.

>Here's an idea: instead of bailing out big corporations, why don't their CEOs put in their own money to keep them afloat? You know how regular small business owners HAVE to do. Instead we're keeping rich people rich and giving them a handout.
Agree with this. Fuck bailing out the big corps.

>it would be an event which has the power of pulling them out of the mundane and meaningless lives that they lead.
Theres that phrase again. Interesting.

We pretty much know that if the msm is pushing it then it’s fake. But I trust the Q plan and I expect a lot of behind the scenes clean up is going on. I’m just annoyed the elite get their one last loosh harvest. It makes me wonder if a bargain was struck but it’s being sold to us plebs as a war

>The virus is indeed just the flu. All coronaviruses are 'just the flu'. They literally are all counted among the various viruses commonly called the flu.

This is just plain wrong.

You are too based for this site user.

>>>Your country will sink

Fool you're connected to our country, wtf is Canada gonna do if America falls?

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>end the fed
you realize that can never happen with totally destroying this government and ejecting/killing all the jews right?
you realize that's what we have to do if we don't want to die right?

I wanna k ow why it allegedly hit china so hard, china was releasing videos of people just dropping dead and vomitting horrendous amounts of blood, literally none of that is happening here

yeah I would recommend setting the bar a little higher
these 'people' do not have free will and deserve zero respect
they deserve zero freedom, they don't even deserve to live
best case they should have zero money, zero mobility, and be paid for their labor with food

they are at least twice as degenerate (de-evolved) as the worst serf of the middle ages

That's because China didn't take the necessary measures yet, unlike what's happening in America right now.

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Time to update your image, friend

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^ wise

Why would it be off? Even from January, you could see the situation was bad

it's not fake news
is a flu + a lot of social induced hysteria
hysteria is real
its effects are pretty real and scary

Influenze kills less than 8000 a year, this fucking thing has killed 6000 plus in a single month. You morons are stupid.

Go to the CDC website. Flu deaths are added to general pnuemonia deaths. But pneumonia can be caused by viruses, bacteria, or fungus. It's all bullshit that 50,000 a year are dying from just influenze, but you're all retards and lick the CDC's hairy nutsack.

Oh well, I hope most of you die because you're too dumb to be allowed to breed.

it is technically wrong, but in a time of memes it is far closer to reality than "this is a new plague we are all doomes"

time to learn how to read, fucktard
its for the US only

Well. Even if it is a coverup and the economy is bound to go to the gutter you have still taken the right precautions, faggot.

It was invented to cuck us. Looked like bullshit from the start, with death rates going up and then back down the next day. So obvious.

Help me out Singabro; given that the virus is fake news I have no intention of letting my social life grind to a halt, but when the enhanced measures come into place from Tuesday, does anything actually become police-will-haul-you-away illegal?

COVID may be fake and gay but LHL is quite capable of jailing people on fake and gay premises and I'd rather not be one of them.

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My Mom is an RN and sister is a doctor. Both say their hospitals are empty. My Mom was put on thermometer duty yesterday. She screened two patients who showed up for normal shit.

2009 pandemic: 12-18k deaths in one year in the USA.
2020: 7500 in 6 weeks.
And its still spreading geographically.
You think all 650k who died from the Spanish Flu dropped dead in the first week? That took 2 years.
We are now at 1300+ deaths per day (that's more than in WW2) with no signs of stopping.
In fact, the deaths are doubling every 3 days or so. We just entered that stage where the numbers are getting high enough that the multipliers make them go off like a bomb.

Thats the world world, not the US, friendo

>We are now at 1300+ deaths per day (that's more than in WW2) with no signs of stopping.
A kilodeath a day does not an UnPrEcEdEnTeD CrIsIs make.
Those are rookie numbers, you gotta get those numbers higher!

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This is the exact same post as before? wtf

200,000 people die each day in the world of natural causes. What percent of covid positive “victims” would have died anyway?

>but afraid of what?

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You sure virus is fake news? You go to hospital you got long waiting times just because of this shit. I don't know much about what's gonna happen Tuesday onwards, maybe God Emperor Lee will haul us away to Pulau Ubin to summarily execute us one by one or we just go through the standard procedure in Europe and America.

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>based and redpilled
>narrative told from virgin cringe boys view
>dood you didn’t read all the fan theory and forums too find out what really happened???
Yeah okay buddy

Bro all news is fake news, is you ever for a single second belive what the mexia has to say about anything/anyone you've been done kid.



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Nicely manipulated.

Of course, coronahoax tries to dupe people into believing that 5G and chemtrails don't have anything in common with those deaths.


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>leaves out the part of deaths per day doubling every 3 days.
Either a retard or a Chicom propagandist.

>You go to hospital you got long waiting times just because of this shit.
And no-one would ever accused Singaporeans of hypochondria and/or excessive credulity to government directives... would they?
> haul us away to Pulau Ubin
No worries, I go cycling there, it's nice

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idkw aht to make of it. for one ive felt sick for nearly a month and have a sore throat and cough that wont go away. ive been following cvg too but go over the thing months ago. I remember the media downplaying it and now using it 24/7.
I think its either a viruses and germs don't exist and weve been duped for years.
its serious and it mostly affects old ppl to kill them and for the rest they hardly if ever recover and are stuck in a phase of constant reinfection.
or 3 its abosultely terrible and kills all old until it mutate and kill young and was a released bio weapon in which bill gates will come out with vaccine that will save you.

When youtube started putting the "PSA's" under every video on the topic, like they use to do with the holocaust.

I think Singaporeans, in general, have been too accepting of the PAP. We must start a revolution to overthrow LHL after this whole COVID-19 thing is over.

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When in Japan back in December.

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>We are now at 1300+ deaths per day (that's more than in WW2

I see every dumb roastie on faceberg parroting back this bullshit line. More people died in one week of fighting in the battle of stalingrad than 6+ months of covid-19 deaths. Kill yourself you misleading little twerp.

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the reason you fell off the bandwagon has nothing to do with real or not real, it's because it stopped being counterculture to say it was something.
That's the heart of the issue for all the nothingburger faggots now, and there are a lot of them here because this place has always been contrarian, the difference is some people can balance it, while others just immediately go off the track when the public consciousness shifts to an idea that was previously outside the norm.
you're not more intelligent, it just stopped being special. so now you're convinced that it can't be true, because other people believe it's true. You're a faggot, as all OPs perpetually are.

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Basically in the last two weeks since i've been working at home. I think what happened is maybe unprecedented, it was actually all psychological and it was perpetrated by the mastermind Xi.
Trump has been fucking up China with his trade war, so Xi decided to hit back. Being a sneaky chink he of course decided to go the sneaky bioweapon route. I think it's gone something like this:

>Trump trade war hurts China
>China releases highly contagious yet fairly non lethal NEW virus they found from some bats in a remote cave somewhere.
>Virus is released on unsuspecting healthcare workers in Wuhan who try to get news out only to be silenced by CCP. This is all part of the plan, makes west think China is covering something up.
>Panic inducing content is distrubuted online of people being welded in their homes, or locked in boxes in the back of trucks. Western intel agencies see this as well as places like Yas Forums, but MSM doesn't pick up on it yet. /cvg/ followers like myself panic and stock up on supplies to beat the normies.
>China goes into an unprecedented lockdown to try and contain this scary new virus, but all they actually do is extend their holiday period for a couple extra weeks, very minimal economic impact.
>At the same time, they seeded Iran and Italy to lag a few weeks behind China's outbreak. This was timed perfectly to quash any doubt the west mght have had about China's truthfullness.
>Virus begins to spread in the west, MSM taking notice now and panic starts to grip everyone.
>Global stock market crashes, USA especially hard hit.
>Politicians are forced to enact massive lockdowns to 'flattern the curve' at the beheast of a panicking public which has fallen for the virus meme.
>China in unique and fortunate positon to supply the world with PPE/drugs/supplies and experiences and can set the price.

So that's about where we are up to. I'm not 100% on the endgame here, but since this was all a sneaky Chink trick I'm not looking forward to it.

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>In April 1988, nine of the released detainees issued a joint statement accusing the government of ill treatment and torture while under detention. They also denied involvement in any conspiracy and alleged that they were pressured to make the confessions.17 Eight of the nine were re-arrested and detained for a second time. The ninth member, Tang, escaped re-arrest as she was in the United Kingdom.
Gonna make you admit to false charges till you conform to our narratives.
Jews define hate speech as much as fake news on this shithole island.

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This is a perfect summary of the average corona truster post. They leave out any talk of actual data , numbers and go straight for the social shaming like some boxed wine swilling roastie on nextdoor or facebook.

I'm talking about America. I don't care how many commie and nazi rodents died in at Shitholegrad.
400k AMERICANS died in 4 years of war. That's about 300/day.
Deaths per day are doubling every 3 days.
If you think this is still nothing, please answer the following:
-how and when will the death toll slow down?
Be specific.

>gay prostitute demon spider
>daesh, Israel's top singers and video-maker mobbing

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Unlike America, the media isn't run by Jews but God Emperor Lee Hsien Loong who only got into power because of his daddy and is planning to keep the family tradition going. POFMA is just another move PAP made to turn Singapore more totalitarian.

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This is why your communities are dying.
Your goats are in danger too! Goats can get corona,

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Just a photo of typical Bri’ish bruv chaps.