Uh oh
Uh oh
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It's a good thing.
>let me tell you what is good and bad
too obvious. can't be a real headline
Just nuke America
>and that's a good thing
>Bad, awful, sinful, absolutely detestable and horrendous thing.
Here's why that's a good thing.
Yeah killing the surely not infected bats and pangolins in front of you and chopping them up as they're coughing their final breaths all over you is a good thing. Chinks surely can't obtain produce anywhere but at the same stall as a place that does this.
Is this sourced or are we just making random fake captions now?
Fuck news.
>that's good
Thanks for giving me an opinion in little toddler speak, fucking faggots. Stick with the facts.
Now, hold on. I know what you're thinking.
>Common sense
And guess what? That's wrong. Why?
Unfortunately, it is real. I found it on Yahoo! Finance, with a byline that says Bloomberg Opinion.
Of course it's fucking Bloomberg.
and that's a good thing
Yes, it’s so clean it fucking generated a pandemic disease.
Feeling jealous? Here's why you shouldn't be.
*intro plays*
ok, so give us the link
Source for niggers:
>And that's a good thing
If this is real, it's bought. You don't need many brain cells to see all the Chinese shilling all over the interwebz. Not exactly shocking to hear some retard got paid to try and curb public opinion by saying stupid shit.
it's always incredible comparing the articles to the comments. the detachment between the media and the normie public cannot be any wider right now
>News headline: let me tell you what to think
You got a source fit for the whyte man?
I am glad all the thirsty people can finally buy some water.
>Really bad thing
Here’s why it’s a good thing
>Actually, it's an irrelevant thing! Why? Because the virus actually came from the Wuhan Institute of Virology!
once it was said that the lawyers would be the first to be hung in a revolution, now I hope it's the journalists
Yeah, never mind.
Okay guys, I can already hear you shouting at the screen.
>Understanding that this is a bad thing.
But I want you to hear me out for a sec.
If the produce is good, then it should be a dry market. Wet market literally means they'll go right back to having skinned rabbits out in the open.
>David (((Fickling)))
Thats what i call OPs moms cootch when she gets a look at my throbbing thundercock. The wet market and shes always opening.
Bloomberg is a CCP mouthpiece at this point. They should be shut down for treason.
Even normies are calling this idiot journie out.
The byline is Bloomberg, which explains a lot. Back a few years ago, reporters at Bloomberg revealed that they were told not to pursue negative stories about China and its leadership. And Mini Mike himself is notorious for sucking Chink cock.
We’re all in this together
yeah, if the very concept of wet markets is dangerous, all attempts at making them hygenic is futile
the sellers do not have the time, money, or understanding to change procedures, they will do whatever they need to skimp out on costs
they have to go, who gives a fuck about some chinks getting slightly fresher produce everyday, they created a fucking nuclear bomb in broad daylight
Where's that pic of case 0 it was a lady that WENT to NYC or Canada I think it was a green background
The problem is too many chinks in the first place. If they kept the number down to 300 million like we do, they would be able to have proper supermarkets like ours.
Chinese reproduce like gerbils on crack, though.
all our media is taking chinese money. fucking joke. i was wondering how cnn stayed afloat after years of crashing rating and the ceo just sitting pretty not doing jack shit
Hope they fill out the rest.
at least save this shit until after we've burned through the pandemic.
>literally not even at the peak
>guys, come on. there is nothing wrong with wet markets. dont be racist.
Plus, the author ignores the fact that it's possible, and desirable, to sell fresh produce at an outdoor market where live animals aren't stacked on top of each other in cramped cages where they're pissing, shitting, and bleeding all over themselves and other animals.
And, really, you don't have to burn cows alive or boil dogs alive or skin cats alive to sell fresh produce.
>all our media is taking chinese money. fucking joke. i was wondering how cnn stayed afloat after years of crashing rating and the ceo just sitting pretty not doing jack shit
CNN is owned 25% by the Saudis, 25% by the Chinese, 25% by the Scientologists, and 25% by god knows who else. Thats why CNN is well....CNN.
Yes I am verry jearrous
How come no dog meat and bat meat here in US?
another name added to the list.
China has a lower fertility rate than most Western countries, or one comparable to most of theirs, and is well below replacement level.
There are just already an insane number of them and have been for a while.
>The prevalence of food-borne microbial illness in developing East Asia suggests that far from being cesspits of disease, wet markets do a good job of providing households with clean, fresh produce. And while the origins of coronavirus remain obscure, they may have at least as much to do with more worldwide activities such as intensive farming as practices specific to Asia
Lying through your teeths about lefty ideology craziness is one thing. Lying about a deadly pandemy that is currently killing thousands to save China reputation is another league of lying. Western people shouldn't ever give a fuck anymore about what asian culture think is better for them, western people should be asking for nuclear cleansing and nothing more
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we need to put jews in internment camps until this blows over
I thought those chink motherfuckers said they were going to ban them. So much for that. We need to cut them off immediately.
Viruses don't have nationalities, user.
The next virus will be a mutated version of rabies
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I screencapped this, we will see if you are right
>no link
Probably fake and gay, like nigger OP
bats can live longer with rabies than other animals (roughly 10 days for dogs for example) and rabies doesn't show symptoms initially. since we know chinese won't stop eating bats... just my bet. rabies is also a whole lot more deadly to healthy people than coronavirus is
Israel first faggot
I just hope for Left 4 Dead in real life