USA what a joke

America is the laughing stock of the world right now

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>America is the laughing stock of the world right now
Really user? You really want to open this can or worms now?

That's fine, just keep trading for oil on the dollar please.

Go die of the American flu

In what way how did the world respond so much better?

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you chinese?

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echo chamber it’s a shame 4 chan is 90% full of American retards

No, everyone is still too busy laughing at Canada.

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Post in-store food prices or GTFO

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You realize that literally everyone outside of America hates America right? Why do you think that is?

You are legally retarded.

explain leaf for fucks sake why america is worse then everyone else on the worlds stage.

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Private American citizens are out bidding WORLD GOVERNMENTS for medical supplies. So tell me again, leaf, how the rest of the world is doing great.

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so...... some also love america and no everyone doesn't hate america obviously in fact many admire america even with all its negatives

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cope harder leaf, the day of the rake is coming

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Imagine sending your Canadian daughter to prom where she gets gang raped by Syrian refugees then the school and systems tell you to shut your fucking mouth and think of the refugees and their culture.


>right now
>implying ever wasn't

ok chang

You realize you responded twice to the same post. You're not supposed to seethe in your own
bait thread.

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well, the boomers have truly ass fucked you again, only this time it's a red hot titanium fused radioactive 24" probe
>you won't be laughing for long frozen fuck

Because you are Chinese and dont belong in this hemisphere? Thats what Im getting as far as what your problem is since America will be a beloved superpower long after your insectoid life has expired

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I swear I said ‘canada’ before opening this thread.
Canada never ceases to let me down. It’s amazing!

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>You realize that literally everyone outside of America hates America right? Why do you think that is?
I know why

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You dumb fucking ape.


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I don't really have a problem with what they do or don't do, matter of fact them sending their troops to our border is actually in our benefits and aside from that they haven't done shit to us so I don't care. I'm also not a globalist so to me whatever they do to some shit country is none of concern and it shouldn't be yours either.

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But if we die we win. How can that gove you victory? Also what's it like having Fidel Castro's ballsack in your cucked mouth.

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This. You could bring an end to the carnage.

Fuck off you Chinese cuck colony of frigid wastelands. You were never relevant and you never will be.

Nice vpn chang. You really don't want war tho

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Shut the fuck up and give us ALL your medical supplies. Well take any pelts you got as well.

What's that leaf? I can't fucking hear you over the sound of your lungs failing, let me put on a mask to see if that helps. Do you have masks leaf?

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Balls 2-Dick, Too


Dude its true. USA China Israel are the worlds joke. The US is the nigger under the whip. You can only laugh at this point.


Chang is upset his hive left him exposed. Know that your family , you, and what ever insectoid offspring you have will always be looked down upon. You'll never be a Westerner. My children will bully your children and this cycle will continue. You shouldn't have tried to force you way into a culture you'll never belong to, go back.

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Canada is and always will be a joke compared to the United States.

America, in its weakest moment, remains the most relevant and noteworthy country on earth. Eat shit, leaf. America's role is the joke, eh? What is Canada's role? The Whiner.

>literally everyone outside of America hates America
I know exactly one person IRL who thinks this. I know his opinion on subjects about a week before he does, just by glancing at the BBC's headlines.

>Identifying with a sociopath jew on a fictional show created by a jew
Amerimutts never fail to deliver. Except toilet paper to their stores of course.

As an American who has lived in Europe for over three years, my experience is the exact opposite.

Yeah you have haters but most people love the idea of America and imitate us to a certain degree. Especially the youth

Everyone in the world is laughing right now!

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JewSA is HQ for ZOG, Anti-white globohomo faggotry. You must be so proud.

What hardly anyone in Europe speaks Spanish what are you talking about


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JewSA using jew money to buy masks for a jew created virus so they can send the masks to Mexicans, Niggers, Chinks, and Jews.

Only to faggots. Are you a faggot op?

Do something?
You sure?
Last time we lost this many new yorkers we killed what 6gorillion Iraqi babies?

Heartbroken to hear that Europe would import obese mexicans and worship homos and niggers while popping out mulatto mutts.

Reminder that Amerimutts have a national holiday for a communist nigger who had orgies with white women.

Last time the jews orchestrated a false flag you sent the last remaining young white men to die for ZOG while continuing to import Muslims. Oh say can you see.

Coronavirus only affects trangenders...

what’s your excuse?

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Explains why USA has the highest cases

Hello Chink. While you shill here I shill the weak to hate you. Let's see who wins.

Where OP goes gay in skipping over the fact that the U.S., EU, Canada, and Britain is full of citizens who respects the other, we just all hate our own and each other's governments.

We respect each other and everyone else. We just respect America the least.

take your meds, little mental midget child.

>wishes he was American

>dont wear masks goys
>masks bad
>China masks bad, someone bought the wrong masks China masks bad, just getting that out know because we know in a few days it would sound retarded
>turns laws upside down and allows import of Chinese standard masks which are effectively no different than the US standard masks
>fly 50 planes to China to collect Chinese masks
>fly 50 more planes to collect Chinese masks on their way to countries in Europe and Canada and South America
>actually you can wear masks now :^)
>Amerimutts clap

Amerimutt shills are seething because nobody outside the 3rd world shithole they live is retarded enough to buy their damage control. You can see them rolling out their proxy farms for a fucking. Same Philipino, same German, same Saudi, same French, same Austrian, same Swiss, same Canadian flag Amerimutt shills in every thread with the same brightly glowing scripted ORANGE FATASS GOOD AMERICA NUMBA ONE I MUST CONCEDE MY COUNTRY INFERIOR TO GLORIOUS AMERICA NUMBA ONE WHICH HAS DEALT BEST WITH THE CRISIS UNDER GUIDANCE OF GLORIOUS LEADER TRUMPSAMA /ptg/ nigger posts.

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He's right though. Since Trump fucked up the corona virus the USA is now the laughing stock of the planet. Even India has this virus under control now