Back in 2009, did AH1N1 (Swine Flu) cause a shitshow as big as Corona-chan?

Back in 2009, did AH1N1 (Swine Flu) cause a shitshow as big as Corona-chan?

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I was like 12 back then and literally can't even remember it.

Nope. Schools didn't close. Everything was normal.

The US was in a recession around that time, I remember MJ's death did tone-down the H1N1 news.

Was h1n1 a bioweapon?

People were more worried about 2012 than H1N1 in 2009

It wasn’t a big deal, Obama really had the might on the whole”soldiers will return home”, I miss pat tillman.

It was bad but nobody freaked out about it. Schools did close and a lot of people died, a lot of young people, but it didn’t get even close the amount of media freak out as this. I’m pretty sure the govs know this is biological warfare, and that’s why they’re responding like they are. This is new and they don’t know so they’re playing it real safe. Swine flu was a shit show, but nothing compared to this. Only knew one person who got the swine flu, dude almost died, but overall was fine. Also media wasn’t as rapid and available back then as it is now. Plus Obama was in the whitehouse so I’m sure that played a factor. Was never mentioned on the news till nearly 1000 were dead.

Nope. One guy where I worked was paranoid about it though and got the vaccine. Dude was sick for a week and totally lost the use of the arm he was injected in. A month later he still hadn't recovered full use of his arm.

This one seems way worse. Longer lasting, crazy high infection rates. Long hospitalization.

No one knew about it. 12,500 Americans died.,

Wasn’t it like 80k?

My college was shutdown for a week, but workplaces kept going

not at all

It was in the news but it didnt shit down the world

Obviously fucking not what a retarded question. Do you remember the literal whole world shutting down in 2009?

leaf, we have zoomers here who were 3 years old back then

absolutely not.
I was in college and used it as an excuse for why I missed so many classes because they literally told professors not to require doctors notes but that's it. I don't recall anyone white dying. There was no panic. There wasn't even a mild concern.

Not even close

i had h1n1 and just played xbox all week until i felt better. swine flu more like little pussy flu

h1n1 didn't need to take the blame for a global economic collapse, so no.

I was a complete shut-in who didnt give a fuck cause I was too busy cooming and playing WoW 24/7. Keep in mind that virus' country of origin was Mootxico.

I was in 6th grade, teachers said it was a nothingburger. Pretty sure I had it or a nasty flu that year, same difference

No, because the China virus is much worse.

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H1n1 mainly affected young people and kids so nobody gave a shit. Corona mainly affects boomers who are in power, that's the difference. One affects "important" people and one doesn't

lol no it was a fucking non-entity it was like the news media reporting about a shooting in the congo

I remember every late night show made a bunch of jokes about it.

Everyone treated it like a silly problem to have to think about.
anytime someone came down with it it was just like LOL SHRUG.

But that’s probably because Coronavirus already has a confirmed body count 3 times higher than the entire body count for the entire h1n1 outbreak.

Pregnant women! Dont get the swine flu vaccine it could harm your baby!
>Literally 1 week later.
Pregnant women! Get the vaccine to protect your baby!

People didnt forget what they said first, and didn't get the vaccine. It turned out to be a nothing burger.
What do you think Corona is?
1.Release deadly virus.
2. Make vaccine.
3. Make claim virus can make you infertile.
4. Government makes law FORCING you to take it, if you don't let them inject you, they haul you off to jail and inject you by force.
5. You get chemically castrated via the same method as Israel did the Ethiopian Jews. One of the vaccines isn't a vaccine, it's a drug that causes sterility. (Not a conspiracy theory, they confessed to doing it.)
6. Whites can't make babies anymore, no existence of race or future for white children.
7. Jews get their mutt slave world.

If you do get the vaccine, demand the kosher one. Kvetch a lot.

I had it, AMA

No, it doesn't even fucking come close to Corona-chan. I remember hearing about it on the news every now and then, hearing that there were a few cases in my area. I remember seeing some hand sanitizers saying that they killed "H1N1" pop up. That's it though, nothing was closed, nothing changed. It was business as usual.

Yup. Killed over 12k in one year.
Were just over 1 month into Chink Flu and have 7k dead.
See the problem yet?

No. 60 million people were infected in America and there was mostly only jokes.

I just remember I was in middle school and everyone in my class made jokes about it oh and one kid drowned in a lake that year good times

I don't remember getting quarantined along the entire fucking world so I guess not.

No, and I had it too. I was around 13 and I was quarantined to my bedroom. Wasn't as big a deal

Under Obama the media would do anything to protect his image, so it was definitely downplayed. As it worsened the media coverage died down more and more. With Trump the rules are inverse, naturally, as anything that can be used for smear is amplified to 11.

WHO confirmed deaths worldwide are close to that, CDC estimates are 20-50 times greater though. In the US alone: "from April 12, 2009 to April 10, 2010, there were 60.8 million cases, 274,000 hospitalizations, and 12,469 deaths".

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I was 24 and in college at the time and barely even noticed it.

Well in Canada H1N1 infected 3.5 million people resulting in 450ish deaths.
Chinese flu so far infected 12000 with 220 deaths.

I got infected by the H1N1 in 2009 and it knocked me on my ass for a full week.

About a month ago I got a 101.5 fever and body aches and coofed felt like shit and lost sense of taste for about 3 days. Can't know if it was COVID or something else, but if it was COVID, H1N1 kicked its ass.

I remember both the swine flu and the bird flu and it was not even 1/100 of this. Nothing closed life was normal. This is a big media fabricated scare. Think: tradicional media was dying and this is perfect for them.

Didn't h1n1 kill a fuckload of people in shithole countries but pose a relatively low risk to developed countries? Cause coronavirus is kind of the opposite due to my globohomo and muh old people

Yes, but it was less lethal. A billion infected worldwide still happened. It originated in Mexico, was first reported in Texas, and the usual suspects rejected pleas to close the southern border to prevent the spread. 18k Americans confirmed died from it, I’ve seen estimates go considerably higher. Key difference was we dealt with a h1n1 strain before in 1918 and studied it extensively so vaccines were put out quicker

Nope, nothing closed.

I really think this is a big exagération. The economic aftermath will be worse than the flu.

I went to Mexico and the pyramids in teotihuacan were closed because h1n1

I blame chink middle class, which probably grew significantly in the last decade, for spreading the virus around the world

Not even close. Nothing changed at all.

Shows the grip the media has on the worlds balls...DC snipers created more panic than H1N1..young kids died, Obama went golfing

We must avenge ourselves on the swine for doing this to Amuhricah!


this shit serves the elite as a topping to an econimic crisis

>Key difference was we dealt with a h1n1 strain before in 1918
ok lol
what about the outbreak of SARS-Cov-03? Shit happened in hong kong, I know hk aint china but shouldnt the chinks be more aware of it

the difference was they were trying to rip your liberties away. China has recieved more UN awards than anyone else. your countries will be china soon.

There is no cov 3, it is sars cov 2

My whole family caught it and you just kinda sweated and had auditory hallucinations.

Apparently it had a shit k/d ratio. It killed 4k out of 22,000,000 Americans.
COVID already has better stats. It's killed 5.4k out of 239k. The hospitalization rate is 20%.

By being China, you mean in hospitals and welded in our homes from the plague?

yes and youre going to need a phone app to leave the house. and people are going to be dragged out of their homes and shot for having a fever. its coming to us.

in the US: H1N1 killed 12,500 people total over the course of a year. Chink AIDS has killed 7100 people in about 40 days

What is your source on 4k for 22 million? Last I checked they arent counting random (covid19) deaths as covid19, so you cant simply add case resolutions where they dont exist. Currently about 1 in 3 are dying in Italy. Many more in less advanced nations. It isnt about letting anyone take our rights away it is about stopping a plague dumb ass

It is already here. The virus causes seizures and multiple organ failure leading to death

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youre full of it. hapooner.