Why Do Modern Women Despise Having Families?

Subject says it all
Personally, I understand (((who))) poisoned the cultural well, and that this is a cultural problem that demands a cultural solution. Individual action will be ineffectual in large-scale change.
This is continuing a maxed thread, (I'm not the holo-poster from before, but hopefully pic will draw back some of our previous posters)

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>Why Do Modern Women Despise Having Families?
No money. Good men interested in fucking women till their 30s rather than settling down.

In my opinion based on real life experiences, this is simply not true. Most of the women I know (college aged) constantly talk about babies and kids. They’re all fucking baby crazy. My girlfriend always goes on about how she wants so badly to start a family with me, and this is very normal for her friends as well as I’ve noticed from my time hanging out with them. Perhaps the conditioning has worked on millennials , but this younger generation is very eager to start families.

to do your part to continue improving civilization and simultaneously achieve the ultimate happiness of creating worthwhile humans


wasn't hard

So what you are saying is that women belong in the kitchen or the bedroom, should be barefoot and pregnant, that we should lower the age of consent, and engage in a little domestic discipline when required?

That we should vote for far right christian fringe groups that have no chance of winning, so that the mainstream parties (conservative / republicans) politicians will start to represent the above values and people like you? (moving the needle)

stop bitching and do something about it, and vote

Bride price now

“I, (Bride), take thee, (Groom), to be my wedded Husband; to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health; to love, cherish, and to OBEY, till death us do part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I give thee my troth.”

Napoleon Bonaparte Quote
Women are nothing but machines for producing children.

So where do they come from if not from millennials?

>to do your part to continue improving civilization
user, we have enough resources to feed everyone in the world. Of the 7.2 billion people in the world, only 1 billion are engaged in producing and packaging food. So more than 85% of the world's population does useless shit.

What the fuck are you on about?
>simultaneously achieve the ultimate happiness of creating worthwhile humans
You sound like your entire self-worth is built on having kids. That's sad user.

>WOAH everyone is doing it! I gotta do it too!!

Basedboys arent good providers

I've always wanted a family, but I was in a relationship with an abusive narcissist from my teen years until early 30's so it never happened. It's technically not too late but hard to do that while single.

Be fruitful and multiply.

Procreation is conquest for God, Country, and Family.

Can't wait to have twelve kids who will all be hardcore Christians.

I told you to never fucking tell anyone about me

Oh shut up whore. You got your five minutes of attention in the last exact thread and now like a slut you are seeking it again.

Sage. Hopegully guys don't simp for you again. You advocate for women to have many sexual partners instead of looking for a good man to begin with. You are a whore, and want us to forgive your mistakes, a whore and worthless.

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Oh the want families OP, but on THEIR terms only. They want a nice chubby non threatening mr nice guy who earns 100k a year sitting at a desk to be there husband/yes man.
And then they want this yes man to also agree to an open relationship where the most physically alpha males she meets at the bar to knock her up and her yes man takes care of her and the kids.
user your naive to think they don’t want family. Family takes care of you and loves you unconditionally no matter how shitty you are as a person. They love this sort of safety net with all their heart. They just don’t ever want to be decent enough in return to deserve or earn it. Their the nigger gender.

Jews and jew propaganda

Because you owe your parents for civilization and the only way of paying them back is to have kids and hand off a civilization. Otherwise you, quite frankly, haven't earned life.


Israeli Nukes, Pilpul, "Six Million Jews" in newspapers before Hitler, USS Liberty, Protocols of Zion, Kroll Inc, Larry Silverstein, פרוטוקולי ציון, קרול אינק, לארי סילברסטיין, Dancing Israelis, metzitzah b'peh, Herpes from circumcision, Eric Clopper Harvard, Bible: circumcision is for "Jews and slaves of Jews", 20,000 nerves in foreskin, Circumcision related brain damage, תנ"ך: ברית מילה מיועדת ל"יהודים ועבדי יהודים ", 20,000 עצבים בעורלה, נזק מוחי הקשור בברית המילהGoyim, Kapparot, Tikkun Olam, Tay-Sachs, Jews in pornography, Greg Lansky, Shiksa, Loxism,Shabbos Goy, New Haven Jewish slave markets, 70% of Jews vs 1% of whites owned slaves, 109 countries, Bolshevik Revolution, שוקי העבדים היהודים בניו הייבן, ישראל שחור עברי, 70% מהיהודים לעומת 1% מהלבנים היו עבדים, 109 מדינות, המהפכה הבולשביקית Samson Option, Wooden Doors, Martin H. Glynn, Dean Irebodd, Kevin MacDonald, David Cole, Anne Frank died of Typhus, Nazi Masturbation Machines, Magnus Hirschfeld, Frankfurt School, Barbara L. Spectre, אפשטיין לא הרג את עצמו, משפחת סאקלר, משפחת ששון, יוליוס ואתל רוזנברג, ברני מיידוף, סיר ההמסה: מאת ישראל זנגוויל, שיר על פסל החירות מאת אמה לזרוס, אני לא לבן אני יהודי, תוכנית קלרגי & פרס, בית הספר לפרנקפורט, ברברה ל. ספקטר Hart-Celler Act, Jacob Frank, Lavon Affair, Bilderberg Group, Henry Ford on Jews, Sabbatai Zevi, Star of Remphan, Anton LaVay, Black Cube, Rothschilds founded Israel, Sergeants Affair, King David Hotel, Irgun, Lehi, Nakam, Psy-Group, ADL, Mossad, APAIC, JIDF, White Phosphorous, Das Judenthum in der Musik

Leaf if you haven’t figured out by now that women give nothing to us but a womb to fill and a family to continue our legacy your either naive, a simp, or both. Talk to a woman. There’s really nothing turning upstairs other than what she hears from mainstream electric Jew programmed garbage from tv and social media. On top of this, as a man no one will really love you. Your disposable. All you can do is assert your dominance and will while you exist and hope that you can earn the respect you deserve. No woman will ever truly “love” you unconditionally. She only loves what you can do for her. She only loves that you got power and virility. The moment you lose power and virility you lose her love and her approval, admiration, and respect and she will dump you within the next second. Women are extremely shallow like this. Because they are so empty headed and vapid we have had to dominate them and control them thru all human history.
I know it’s a tough black pill to swallow what with all the disney princess movies we grow up with portraying women as innocent and benevolent creatures. But open your eyes and see real women for what they are.. it’s a sad state. You have a choice. Dominate them, or they will dominate you. And those are the only options.

Idk user I thought the entire point of being with someone was to be there for them too, if it isn't mutual give and take then it isn't a relationship. A person you can connect with is never disposable regardless of what happens to them in the future, especially if promises are made. Real love is unconditional and not just that initial excitement or lust or anything like that.

when did you stop wanting to be a princess/mommy or a hero/daddy?

Who told you what?

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You also sound naive and haven’t yet been black pilled on love and relationships.
You speak of this “unconditional love” as this grand noble benovolent thing. Let me tell you what this line means to women and children though. It means: “you’ll love me no matter what happens”. No this isn’t her saying “ you’ll love me still if I get fat” or “you’ll love me when I’m old and ugly and crippled”.
It means to HER This:
>you will love me no matter what no matter how much I bitch, criticize you for not doing enough, no matter how much I tell you your shit compared to ‘x’ man on tv who is rich and successful, no matter how lazy I am, no matter how much I take and don’t give, no matter how much I disrespect you. You’ll love me even if I get drunk and fucked by some random dude. You’ll love me no matter how many bosses I suck the cock off for a promotion, you’ll love me even though I talk to 10000 other guys on social media instead of cool, you’ll love me no matter how much I cuck you, and you’ll love me if we break up and I need you back because shit didn’t work out” THIS is what it means to the female. Enjoy this black pill.

Two reasons off the top of my head:
1. You impart your morals and values to the next generation and help them to experience the good things you did throughout your life. Modern shite women are empty, plastic, liberal, disposable used sex toys of other people with no morals and values so all they can teach is spreading your legs and spreading the disease of liberalism and feminism.
2. Women, much like God, don't share glory with anyone. It's them in the spotlight, or nobody in the spotlight. You can't be selfless being a narcissistic solipistic used fleshlight from a back alley behind an East Indian restaurant in Mumbai that hasn't been cleaned in 35 years.

Because they want the same kind of lifestyle they grew up with but income inequality has become so extreme that there is no way they can have that unless they have a career as well as their husband. They don't want to bust their asses working all week AND do the full time job of mothering/home making as well.

The only way women would "return to the home" so to speak is if income was distributed in the same way it was 50 years ago or if their husband made such an absurd amount of money that they could enjoy the same kind of lifestyle of their mothers/grandmothers. You see "home makers" all the time still it's just something only the wealthier middle class can afford now -- the women with husbands who are high powered executives or dentists and what have you that make, say, 200k or more a year. All of those "Real Housewives of X" illustrate this, none of those bitches work.

because theyre financial suicide in a society where the average man cant earn enough to support a family

Oh Jew.....
It’s always about the shekels for your kind.
I have a wife and children and I support them all with my job. It’s not life of luxury but we all have each other and that’s all that matters.

You're missing the point. The vast majority of women aren't happy with that kind of life. They want the bells and whistles. So they work because where the average man could reasonably afford SOME bells and whistles back in the day, the average man today can afford exactly none.

>No woman will ever truly “love” you unconditionally. She only loves what you can do for her.
Women can’t support children by themselves. During the last couple of months of pregnancy and while the child is breastfeeding it’s pretty damn hard to even leave the house and women need help to survive. No woman can afford to pick a broke, weak, childish man as some kind of hobby when her kids and her will be dependent on him

user, I am a woman I don't think I'm naive about how I view unconditional love. When I say it I mean it in a sense where it works both ways. Where it means that life has its ups and downs and people can be flawed or go through things like losing their job or getting sick or feeling depressed and that love is still there. It's always being there for the other person, keeping promises, not turning them away because they aren't perfect. Love is a million things, but it's never a free pass to treat another person poorly or to expect the world from them just because they love you.

Cheating isn't ok under any circumstances, disrespecting someone isn't either because love is about valuing them. It's doing little things for them like leaving them notes in the lunch you pack for them when they're going to work and waking them up with breakfast in bed every morning, giving them a massage when they come home tired from work because you take care of each other. What you're describing is how narcissists see love, and I know that well because I was with one. And I remember one day being told "I can do whatever I want to you" because me caring, me trying, all that meant was "free pass"

I have empathy though for people, and I care and really when I think about a relationship and love I don't mean any of what you said. I mean the stuff I did, because that's how I express love and that's how I give and show love.

I'm sorry that you've been through shit like that too, if you have, because I know how painful that is. I really do, but I really hope you don't just swallow that pill and never open up because of it. I get it though, because there have definitely been points where I've felt like I've been through so much that I can't imagine opening myself up to and being vulnerable with another person. At the same time though I can't imagine going the rest of my life without trying and all I can do is hope I meet a guy who I can trust to give that to.

Actually anyone can have a wife stay at home if your willing to wear the pants. You just forfeit all the giga Jew’s luxuries that he says you CANNOT live without. That’s it. You don’t need a big castle to live in. You don’t need top of the line cars, video games computer systems, latest iPhones, internet access, Multiple credit cards/credit lines,!cable tv, etc.
You just need food, water, air, shelter, clothes.

Assuming life is a net positive and something worth paying for. You know most people are miserable right? And the ones that aren't are mostly stupid.

Most women don't want that kind of ascetic life retard. You're looking at the problem through the lens of your own wants/needs instead of through the lens of the hordes of vapid materialistic women out there.

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Unironically this. Having a wife and kids now is financially and mentally the stupidest fucking thing you can do. It's so much easier and requires less stress to just look after just yourself.

Almost a century now of the Long March through Institutions and Cultural Marxism has been about destroying the family unit so that people become dependent on government.


Modern feminism told women they’re in competition with men instead of pushing them to seek a partnership. Nothing was quite as bizarre as buying a beautiful new home and having my girlfriend tell me “I didn’t need this” and “it was excessive.” Then tell me she’s not my fuck toy for no apparent reason at all except that she thought living well was an insult to everyone else who can’t afford to live well and that anyone woman associated with such a person would naturally be seen as their fuck toy. I wish this story was made up.

My ex is opposed having kids period. She had two abortions and blames me for it completely. Mainly its because her sister had a lid and it has drawn thier mums attention to the child I believe. My ex adores her mum but the fact that the mums attention has shifted, i think thats why she hates kids. She is 29 and soon 30 so who knows if that changes.

Only you have the power to raise people the right way. and improve civilization.

If you don't then you just let idiots do it and they ruin shit by being fucking idiots.

Pretty much this. Marriage from a woman's point of view is almost always an economic decision. If you cant take care of your family where your spouse doesn't have to work, 90% of the time you will not be respected and she will cheat, leave, or just stay and nag and make life hell. You can talk all sorts of bullshit about how you can hold your woman down with your dick, but that's mostly bullshit too. Women can fuck at will. Your cock isn't going to be that special to her after she has been railed by young men throughout her teens and 20s. Be rich enough to support your family alone, stay single, or marry a miserable shrew. That is pretty much the situation in today's world.

Depends on the woman desu. I don't feel like I need material things ultimately, how much can a person need? There's no need to spend a lot of money on pretty much anything. People who need a lot of material shit are just trying to fill a void that they can really only fill internally usually.

actually the "average" income for men isnt enough to house, and provide for a family. Even assuming living an extremely basic existence there just isnt enough. God forbid there was ever a financial emergency requiring some sort of cash on hand, because there is not going to be any kind of savings to dip into in that situation.

Kids are a financial disaster. That's why only the stupid, or the above average income willingly sign up to have them.

So when you die you have someone to leave your stuff too. Otherwise the government will just give it to niggers or something.

Where does what come from?

>vast majority of women aren’t happy with that kind of life

I’m not happy I’m not 6’5”, 9% body fat and 280 lbs, and a multi millionare but am I gonna wake up and have that? Fuck no. In other words tough shit. Be realistic about what you CAN have in life first THEN think of the bells and whistle bullshit.

None of this is a valid point at all. So long as the man a woman gets pregnant by can and does feed and shelter and support her and the kids she’s good.
She doesn’t need a fucking Neanderthal ape to run his 20 inch cock thru her every night. Especially if she isn’t much to offer herself.
Ah. A femanon giving a wall of text of how decent and benevolent, sincere and honest she actually is.
Go practice what you preach and make a man happy someday then. At the end of the day I’m never going to hear any of these words from a women. She must DO what is right not speak it. Don’t go to the bar past midnight. Can you give a man this kind of comfort without feeling like he’s taking every ounce of freedom away?

user life happens people go through hard times sometimes one person can't manage everything on their own. Anyone with sense wouldn't want to put all that pressure on another person without being willing to make sacrifices too. If a woman would cheat or leave a guy over some dumb shit like that instead of getting a job to help she's not worth it but I really hope you don't think there's no women out there who would be happy to be with someone even in that situation.

Work isn't even bad provided it's fulfilling. I like being there for dying people for example, I find it to be very fulfilling work. It sounds like you just meet a lot of vapid women. Or maybe most women are vapid idk, I've mostly had guy friends and I've been pretty sheltered anyway in a sense. Between abuse and isolation as a kid and then the same thing with the narc I dated.

I wonder if they’ll ever be some kind of public list to add narcissists to. They are destructive and dangerous and repeat the abuse from partner to partner. Both men and women would be safer if they knew to avoid them and there would be less needless suffering

>Be realistic about what you CAN have in life first THEN think of the bells and whistle bullshit.
You are still missing the point and fucking stupid. Women do not think like this. Absolute fucking spoon spewing the same shit in every post.

You shouldnt be doing anal anyway

Ascetic is based son

Fuck civilization and fuck society
>implying making kids is ultimate happiness
Religion is a lie
Fuck my parents they owe me for being shitty parents on a number of level

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Leaf's Law

Women hate families because having no family allows a career. Women love money

I was just sharing my views, it's not meant to build myself up or something like that. Sorry if it came off that way.

It's easier said than done to find someone right now given the current state of the world and the fact that I've been in hermit mode for close to a year now after a major break up and then some other stuff... I'm by no means perfect and I don't think that at all, I was just hoping you'd see the difference between narcissism and actual love because I learned it the hard way and it seemed like you might have too.

I don't like bars personally, never been to a club, and I don't see it as unreasonable for someone to want to know where the person they're with is or for them to be uncomfortable with certain situations. I think mutual respect is necessary.

In my case I tried really hard to make things work with a narcissist who was never happy no matter how much I did or tried. So I don't know really what's good enough for other people ultimately.

I figure it's probably best to work on myself so when someone does come along I can be a better version of myself for them. I'd hate to drag someone new into my issues.

Women are toxic so far. Still need to find one that has actually helped me.

My experiences have brought me to the exact same conclusion.

Yeah, this is what we all want, but we eventually realize that it's Disney-tier in these times. I've dated several women, and I've never met one who has even a shred of loyalty.

This is one of those things I've heard so often: "Listen user, most women aren't like that, plenty of women are like this." It's like Loch Ness Monster: everyone has heard of it, but nobody has seen it.

This gives me hope. The only thing I want in this world is a family. I'm going to focus on growing my business and getting more money for the next couple of years, then I'll look for a destitute third-worlder who will be happy to eat three meals/day. Maybe then I can finally have some kids to take to the park and shit.

>have enough money to buy her a house
>shes not impressed

Dude should seen past her shit from 1000 miles away. She liked your kindness and how resourceful you were. But she did NOT want your genes inside her womb. To her you could be nothing more than a wallet. And she was a bit vague about it because she felt shame. So she tried to bounce it all back on you by saying you were, “trying to make hers sex toy” by buying g her shit

Women were always wild whores - evolution made them. Under patriarchy they were just a resource to be divided/acquired by expendable men.

Men moulded women into something men needed to create civilisation with slaps and fists. Women were forced to be "good mothers" for thousands of years. But take away the conditioning... take away the iron fist and women revert to their natural state - Wild whores.

inb4 jews
fuck off idiots...

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Its hormones they are ruled by it. When theyre on period or having a fresh egg its a world of difference. I hate cyclic existance

Only burnt out roasties despise having families. No women regrets having children unless they turn out retarded.

Getting laid from lots of different women >>>>>>>>>> settling down, ESPECIALLY if you missed out growing up

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A large portion still do but you have to poke around for them.

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Destroy creation through supreme light and logic just like daddy lucifer wants. You dont even need to be mad. Just cessation. youtu.be/G8D7Q04hauY

The same answer for everything, Jews.

In my case I think childhood abuse and us having met when I was really young made a lot go unnoticed. To a certain extent so many things were normal and then over the years as they escalated it just became a nightmare and I couldn't get out of it.

It really would be nice if people like that came with some kind of clear warning, or if they were just everything they become immediately though. It gets so bad the more you try, and for a long time I just spent my life thinking I must be defective because nothing I did was good enough. I worry sometimes that I'm maybe too fucked up somehow from it to get close to someone, like maybe there's stuff I don't realize. I've dealt with flashbacks and nightmares and anxiety and all kinds of shit, it's why I've taken a break to just exist on my own because I would hate to be a burden on another person you know?

It's terrifying though because they're so good at winning people over at first and putting on a facade that it's hard to catch until it's too late unless you're really good at it. I'd like to think I'm more aware now, but hard to really know.

i really do want a family, but i think im too mentally fucked up to even go on a date to begin with
its really the only thing i hope for if i can get my shit figured out. i dont feel like it would be fair of me to be a nutjob towards someone else

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They nagged the government into gibs.
They don't need no man, the government is their man.

The narcissists are the absolute worst for relationships.

Women, of all races, of all cultures, of all time follow trends. They do what they think the others think is cool.

Whoever run the TV said having a family is lame, women think having a family is lame. Don't overthink it.

If only it were so easy.

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It is not that women don't want families, it is the fact that western men have wised up to their shit and have also they make terrible mothers. Theri inability to cook is a major factor, because if they can't cook for themselves they cannot cook for any children they may. This often leads to malnourished children all the while their mother grossly obese.

They say "My kids come first!" really means "I COME FIRST!! ME!!! THOSE KIDS ARE MY PROPERTY AND I WILL DO WHAT I WANT WITH THEM."

Any woman who is past 30 with no partner or children... IT IS HER FAULT!! There is no reason a woman can't have a kid by that age except she is emotionally celibate and has no real emotions. She only has those when she orgasms and its a fleeting feeling. So if your female, over 30 and have not started a family, STOP saying you want one. Western guys have noticed that Asians have the goods now, and western women are throwaways.

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>Why Do Modern Women Despise Having Families?

They don't, they are just extremely resentful of being unable to match men, some are so resentful of this it consumes them, they live for nothing but to undermine men and self-victimize and then they turn old and miserable with only a sad surrogate to take care of instead of a baby, a family and a legacy.

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Idk user I stayed with my for almost half my life because I made promises when I was a teenager.

I had more in my head, but I just saw a baby bear in my garden so I lost that thought.

Anyway I hope that's not just some romantic ideal, I mean I'm not looking for a woman so maybe my chances are better? Not sure though.

I can't speak for most women, I can only share my own views on love and relationships and what that means. I happen to be XX so you know there's that... The most I can say though is I hope you find what you're looking for.

tits or gtfo
kill yourselves

Have you ever been immersed in a good game. Youre in a bro raid and boom a cunt comes to ruin your fun. Wether mom or a gf. Its never your bro ruining your fun right? Or dad for that matter

I haven’t checked the comments below and I’m sure it’s full of the usual wine aunt bullshit but the real answer is the same reason guys hate that shit.

If you aren’t wealthy and powerful, it sucks, you have to wageslave all the time and the government will tell you how you should rear the child anyway and punish you if you don’t, and if you try to escape the system they will make life as difficult as possible for you.

Kids are the easiest way to lose all your money including money you haven’t earnt yet, it makes you more reliant on a cynical and exploitative government (if Neet) or society including employers (if you are wagie).

People used to do it anyway out of tribal and clan solidarity or religious convictions. We disposed of that so it’s just more comfy not to,

Guess who started the feminist movement?

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Have you actually met girls irl who told you they despise the idea of having families? I've only met a few girls like this, and I live in a fucked up, urbanized part of the country.
Most girls want to have families, but on THEIR terms. They put off settling down because they can't find the kind of perfect man they want, not because they "hate families."
No jk, all women under 30 hate families, the kikes use subliminal messages to control the goy females like cattle. That's why you can't find a girlfriend, it's because kikes brainwashed all modern women to hate families. Everyone knows its true.

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Just clean, cook, raise babies, be loyal, stay at home, don’t fawn over a whole 10 k or more men via facebook, don’t drink in excess unless staying home, don’t be adventurous, don’t be outgoing and social, don’t be pierced and tattooed. Outside this femanon there’s really nothing else we care about as men. Your personality or careers don’t mean shit to us. Hopefully this black pill serves you well.

I'm aware, I've lived with a woman. We were engaged until we finished paying off her debts. Then she said she suddenly doesn't want children anymore and was fucking someone else before I even moved out. Solid lesson right there.

I'm done looking for parternship, I'm just aiming to find family love in children.

Do you feel no obligation to your parents and family or to the thousands of ancestors before you? Do you not dream of your blood living long enough to become immortal and to become beyond suffering? Thousands of ancestors fought and died only for it to end with you because you would rather be free to do live your life of supposed significance. Would you rather just wants enjoy a shallow existence of appearances and unfulfilledness. Travel without aim just to experience, you want no responsibility yourself but others should be very responsible.

Yeah I learned that the hard way, almost 15 years of my life from end of hs- just last year. It got so bad too, but I got lucky in a way because I got discarded so it could've been worse for longer. I'm no contact now, there was a while where I was getting the "I miss you and I love you" stuff one minute followed by the "No regrets things are better without you" stuff the next day. Suicide threats and so on. I couldn't do it anymore.

It's sort of weird to think that if I just had been with someone who wasn't like that I'd probably have a family right now and still be in a relationship. I didn't get that though.

You’re exactly wrong. Her family was working class and legit pissed that I wasn’t poor. I would have conversations with her dad about hard work and he would tell me that it was best to do as little work as possible. He was a union auto worker. I flew out and stayed with her family in Detroit for Christmas. She was definitely into me but didn’t like the fact that I had money. I’m not even slightly kidding.

He as right, what's the point in wasting your life in sense hard work? I'd never let my daughter marry your kind.