Why does she make Yas Forums seethe so hard ?

Why does she make Yas Forums seethe so hard ?

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Other urls found in this thread:


because she hasn't been BLACKED yet.

>10 replies within in minutes by her discord simps
sage and ignore

They secretly desire to her.


1. A mutt is hot
2. She likes Bernie
3. Foreign invader Latina
4. Yas Forums can't have her
5. Hates boomers, Yas Forums is boomertown

Balls drain so what

Who is this?

Attached: okgroomer.webm (608x1080, 2.51M)

because she rides black dick

My family was murdered by Mexican-American E-Thots. I have vowed not to rest until they are all brought to justice.

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jesus christ
she is another le random xd thot girl that capitalizes on memes and simps...
her little dance and "ok boomer" is annoying as shit..

The most beautiful woman I ever seen

Why do you ask?

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She has such a punchable face.

because your samefags just like the other thread

Because she's old enough to know better

Who the fuck is she? I keep seeing her everywhere

Luv you, Neeko.

Believe it or not, I know her. She's a lot darker than she seems on camera. Oh and her hedroom smells like crotch fungus.
She wears thick blush to emulate a white woman's cheeks.

Some cunt who's attention is fading.

Is coffee good for you?!?!?!?!?
This board is a husk of its former self, and no one can deny it. Say whatever predictable cope you want, “Yas Forums was always shit”, you cannot deny that things have changed for the worse

When I mean it’s former self, I mean when this board regularly had threads dedicated to investigating and digging up information at an abnormal efficiency. Look back at the NXIVM, HWNDU. Shit like this doesn’t happen anymore

Just imagine how crazy the old board would’ve been if it did everything it could to make sure the average citizen knew what Epstein did, who enabled him, who Ghislaine Maxwell is, and why she’s hiding.

But alas, it seems this board was pathetically distracted with the flood of slide-threads

*sips tea*
>furries are cool
>here's why onions is good for you
>thinks his guns will protect him from drone strikes
*sips tea*
>not all niggers
>look at this crazy tweet guys
>How can Yas Forums even compete?
>You mad white boy?
>take this jewish DNA test goys
>Yas Forums BTFO
>not all jews
>hello fellow white peoole
*sips tea*
>am I white
>Look at this qt jew
>gays are people
>defend this poor shitskin
>Can I get a quick rundown guys?
>random nigger porn
>what did he mean by this
>Would you marry a X?
>Whats your excuse for not finding a X waifu?
>X will defend this

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I-it’s not like I think she’s attractive or anything I’m just curious


Did liberals create the virus because they hate boomers?


Why does she make Yas Forums so erect?

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Literal conjob, shes ugly as shit, shes all plastic and filters and only lefty losers simp over her india ass

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Because she makes roastiecoins for a living from her simp-asteroid belt

Be nice if I got money for having the opposite gentalia

Neekolul on twitter

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>phone posters

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Cogdis boners for a non-white

This, why is she racist


she looks decent for 40 but its a huge red flag to still be that much of an attention whore at that age.

same reasons as all the other ecelebs spammed here for 15 years

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>That face
She is ugly inside and out

That was taken like a decade ago, plus she still looks kinda cute there

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Chinese released the virus when oil prices tanked. The plan is to destroy the US economy. China wants to end the pandemic while we are still peaking. They then can supply the whole world leading to them having more power and trade options. At the same time they want to bankrupt all our national oil production since it's expensive to extract.
It's a Chinese takeover of the world.

it got infiltrated user, mods comped now, allow shitposting, prune good threads. good posters were driven away.

it's a LE MEME board now.

checked by the way, and all the appropriate fields have been filled in.

i hope ICE (who is based btw) deports her and her family and friends

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Because she's not smothering me with her fat titties

You haven't seen bonbibonkers yet

Tits or gtfo.


lmao, thanks leaf i needed a laugh
keep fapping fucking looser.

never seen her in my life, before.
cute, but seems forgettable.

unrelated, but i wonder why china tortured their whistleblowers before making them disappear?

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pretty accurate. Yas Forums is just a viral marketing/mossad psyop at this point. Maybe a few dedicated anitfa trannies beyond that.

Because she uses filters to look hot. Without them her eyes look 40

Thanks Paco I think I will

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I don't even know or care who this whore is.


>her eyes look 40
Are her knees too sharp for you as well, nerd

ok coomer.

Not me but she is very hot

Just spam that video on all neeko threads

>that tweet
lol she's such fucking trash

awww I just wanna pinch her cheeks and tell her how adorable she is

Epstein was the single greatest lever in our lifetimes to wake people up. It proved everything - pedogate, mossad infiltration of US government, occultism in high places of power. It was a golden opportunity, squandered.

Nothing could be done, though. Like I said. This board, and more or less the entire modern internet now, has been thoroughly comped, infiltrated, or otherwise shut down. Look what they did to 8. Look what every single discussion forum does with regards to open, blatant censorship. Even this one.

Remember when Gamergate discussion got you banned here? I remember.

It's very depressing to see the free exchange of ideas destroyed in just a matter of years, to see this leash be put on the internet and not really even know who is doing it - only the "why."

But the truth, ultimately, will prevail.

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Compare that to this


she definitely makes my something hard

The stupid fucking trendy faces she makes. Otherwise I wouldn't mind fucking her.

She cute

Call me when she starts posting vids like attached. Until then, she's just some lame roastie attention whore that should have gone 3 sizes bigger on her fake tits.

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Any good feet pics?

She looks much better here. Natural.

She is brilliant, beautiful, young, and successful while most of the losers here are hopeless NEET incels who will never get laid or hold a real job. That’s why.

So that's why my gummy worms tasted funny yesterday

women get uglier as they age user

Because women dont deserve to be empowered by their sexuality. We gave women rights and freedoms because they wanted to prove they were equal to us and could do anything a Man can. Yet they still choose to whore their bodies out for an easy ride because normal jobs is 'too hard'. E-whores are the embodiment of why women should have never gotten rights.

Post abagail webm user. Thread got nuked. Ahhhhhhh

My wife is so beautiful!

Nobody gives two shits about your Bong E Thor Bong fuck off

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theres always /pnd/

two very big words OP:
man ass

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what a weak minded individual.

How many linkies do I need for a girl like this?

Ok ice boomer

You’re in no fucking position to criticize Americans for fapping to her. She’s Latina and her bandwagoning the Bernie bro train as a vehicle for attention reflects on Latinos as a whole you fuck

Why is this annoying shit even in Yas Forums???

she makes my peen seethe hard


Most Trump supporting women are overweight boomers in their 50s living in rural America. And the ones who don’t are fucking weird looking.

too many bots spamming threads designed to keep shitposting alive. once in a while you get a thread outside the usual, but it doesn't get the replies that a bot thread does.

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She wouldn't be so shitty if she just layed off the blush. Bitch looks like she has rosacea.

>some dumb whore did something
fuck I'm soooo madddd...