What would africa be like if europe never touched it?

what would africa be like if europe never touched it?

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My arms on day 14 of quarantine and chill

North Sentinel Island

the same fucking shit, nothing

The same poverty and crime, but less infrastructure and tech.

Who won?

Iz tbat the ruskie who injected petroleum jelly

Basically this

Who won?

Worse. Europe tried to level them up.

Why would that retard use synthol?


Africans would have discovered space travel and colonized the moon.

The old guy made him tap out

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Even less


On par with the rest of the world without europeans wiping out their culture and enslaving them.

Yes. Famous ruki-bazuki. The fucking medics got him so his arms are so synthol was removed. What a shame.

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i just did a reverse image search and yeah. interesting for sure, never heard of this shit. apparently his arm muscles started necrosis

Is synthahol a banned substance.

No slave trade, no negros working Cotton in Southern US. Therefore no amerimutts.


here you go lads

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>what would africa be like if europe never touched it?

nah, that's a fictional substance from star trek nigga

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They probably wouldn't be overpopulated and starving as much as they do now

Would be the greatest civilization on earth and would have conquered Europe by now. Every Black King would have 2-3 little girl slaves to rim his ass at his command.

It would be 100% Arabic

would you rather have the arms on the left or the face on the right?

Honestly? It would probably have a few hot spots where trade with British-India flourished or where the arabian trade continued to grow, and the rest would be colonized by those places.

God, and I just watched Deep Space as well.

>what would africa be like if europe never touched it?

well you'll be glad to hear it's very legal, and drastically preferred over ethanol

*Deep Space Nine.

A bit worse than it is now

keep that up and before long christopher columbus b black and the slaveowners were black and the south was black and the white north attacked the southern blacks who lived together in harmony.

Someone else would've colonised Africa and most likely wiped out. If no European nation decided to colonise Africa then perhaps Russia and China will have taken it and that would not have pretty for the natives.

Synthol is just oil you can inject under your skin to make it swell. Lazy cunts and genelets do it to have big arms or whatever. Your body can absorb and dispose of it, maybe form a cyst around it, maybe start rotting. Rich Piano was basically 10% synthol at all times.
It in no way helps performance of any kind.

am I god?

was talking about this while at the Ooga Booga Bar in Nicobar North Sentinel Island. you know due to it being unspoiled, anyway I think it would be a lot like Sentinel Island but with crazy God Pharaohs using the Congolese as labour.

google Ooga Booga Bar in Nicobar if you haven't been there.


Gruesome, Body dysphoria.

Do whores use it too? I always hear about colagen injections and shit like that, but never women using this.

>North Sentinel Island
Lol which one of you did this?

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Not kewl.

one of the reviews are mine. yeah!

They would be kands n sheit nigga, it be like wankanda, da wippo held us down

It would be exactly the same as it was before we touched it. It would remain that way forever.

Damn, bro. I was just gonna say like all the other untouched parts, but...

Top Kek

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We do have the answer to this question, it's not one of the "what if" we usually have in history discussion.
The answer is called precolonial Africa. Genocides every week, people starving all the time, having no shoes and only simple clothes, life expectancy of 40, mud huts as the only kind of house, local king kill everyone he don't like in horrible manners.

There is a reason the humanist left wanted colonisation so bad when it was Germinal in Europe and we needed the money we invested in Africa.

Ethiopians would've subjugated the rest of Africa after semi-industrializing in the late Victorian era

The north of Africa would also remain Ottoman

Fucking Christ I'm dying.

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I know you think you are BTFO'ing Yas Forums with your gay little attacks, but have you noticed yet that you are starting to visit more and more? contributing a little too much now? maybe a little comment here and there where you arent so assblasted? Welcome, we all started somewhere, glad to have you onboard.

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Pretty much the same. except less niggers

The slave trade would still exist and they would be either enslaved by Muslims or Asians. Someone was gonna colonize that bitch, just so happens that europeans where the dominant force at the time.

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This is so fucking slav.