Death to america. May coronachan kill you

Death to america. May coronachan kill you

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Who will pay your welfare?

Who will make your porn?


100% with you. I hate this place, it's hell on Earth and Satan's playground

im a white American living in a real country

Stay there

Move to Mexico.

Don't be sore fren...

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imagine being proud of:
>the international capital of pornography
>the international capital banking
>the enforcer of Israel's will
>a dying empire of debt slavery fueled by tax cattle
>the main force of global white genocide
prouWd t0 bEe an aMeRIcan where at atleast I kn0w im free

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Unironically recommending an eastern GCC country like Qatar or UAE

His post didn't even mention Dorito Retard. Stop projecting your degenerate fantasies onto others.

Wow! I can't believe you're not proud of being the nation of the goodest goyim on the whole planet! Don't you know that's unpatriotic!?

Very based.

Imagine believing Yas Forums memefographs made by shartblue.

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Won't have to move to Mexico if Mexico is coming to me dumbass

>stunning and brave
stunning and brave

For you too

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I hate america and would rather see either Russia or China, (but preferably Russia) lead the way and for america to just stop existing all together. Preferably absorbed into larger Empires and for what remains to re-organize into pro-white mini states that reject all types of liberalism.

we lured him here to finish him off, lucky thing he was attracted to your faggot anus

except I left retard

Lol there will never be "pro-white states"

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They don't leave because we give them gibs at the expense of white people. Imagine bragging about this like it's a good thing!
>Ho do! We're so great that even the third-world invaders that hate us don't want to leave because of how great we are!
Yeah. That's called being invaded. And most people are too stupid to see it.

sounds gay

>Real country
China might hear you bro

Ugh. China. No thank you. I'd rather the earth become a lifeless ball rather than see those insectoids inheret it. Russia is all right though. Putin is one of the few based leaders alive right now.

Ungrateful dog eater is ready for Best Korea to invade when America leaves.

>based faggot

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Wasn't directed at you you fucking retard. Glad you left btw. ;^)

Nope, he is here and America is under his control as we speak

yet another reason to leave americunt and renounce your citizenship. unironically advocating moving to Qatar or the UAE

Trump already got rid of most of the welfare fraud. they still won't leave because the rest of the world is a fucking shithole. This is for you too

Who do you think enables them? Without us Japan become chinapan

If third worlders wanted gibs they would go to Europe dumb nigger

bullshit, satan just flew over my house and he looked confused af

If only you guys put the effeminate K-puesies in jail for their shitty music I woukd reject the fuck out of you

But as of now, based Korea, cheers


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I can't move to another nation, unfortunately. I'm a poorfag. But I'll probably be living in Mexico by 2040 even if I don't move.

Respect *

If you don't think immigration from Mexico is a problem, you are either retarded or an illegal spic yourself


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It's not about welfare fraud. It's about welfare in general. Niggers still get subsidized at white expense.

They're called Mexicans retard. They're not going to swim across the Atlantic when they can just hop the border. Or just let us give them citizenship legally, like the chumps we are.

When did I imply it wasn't? Its a fucking problem, but niggers itt just want something to quell their gaping anuses over. Get over yourselves.

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I didn't like living in your stupid country either oma shiba kagogi eater

Oy Vey. Easy on the antisemitism goyem.

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not all of us are fags so naturally dicks aren't on our minds 24/7
ching chong land cant do anything to the white race america hasn't
did you miss the part where I said im a white american?
found you in the pic
enjoy living in a dystopian blend of Harlem, Mexico, and Afghanistan ruled by kikes. Pr0wd tUh be 'MERICAN Wh3r3 @t L3@st I kn0w I IZ fRiii

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>ching chong land cant do anything to the white race america hasn't
This reminds me of that episode of Murdoch Murdoch where China takes over the US and the lives of whites end up improving. Turns out being a 2nd-class citizen is better than a 5th or 6th-class.

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> (You)
>His post didn't even mention Dorito Retard. Stop projecting your degenerate fantasies onto others.

You know you want some salty cock to go with those salty tears.

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Americans are slaves. The country is a ruse. Don't come "save" us again jew.

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Chickenshit gigacope.

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Fuck you Chink. Quit using Japan VPN and show flag, pussy! Micropenis

Coronachan just comes to give the last push to the fatties onto the abyss... viva nueva aztlan! hahaha

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That's literally everywhere dipshit. But at least my country won't suffer much in a world economic depression.

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Migatard can't help but project his degeneracy. Guess Milo really rubbed off on you fags.

Then why would you quote that guy? Are you a nigger?

The jews are going to negrofy your yellow fucking race to extinction.

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Your just jealous of America because it invented EVERYTHING and all chinks do is make fake junk imitations. Not even creative enough to come up with your own inventions and research instead you copy everything and steal research from our universities

Like most people I don't watch that slop. China would make us 2nd class citizens, which would be an improvement over 5th or 6th class citizens are we currently are. BTW this is about saving the white race not improving the JEW-S-A

Sorry user I forgot about those "people". Thought you meant third worlders from any country

didn't you already see it in all my posts, retard?

>everywhere is a nigger infested shithole
>America isn't part of the world
burger education everyone

you should be nicer with your ancestors, tyrone haha

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aloha snackbar

>this is about saving the white race not improving the JEW-S-A
I can agree with that. The US is done. I can't fathom why any white person who's awake to the great replacement would want to preserve a nation that's actively participating in perpetuating the replacement. Maybe they naively think it can be saved. I know I thought that back in 2016, but 3 years of 'winning' really opened my eyes.

>said multiple times im a white American in SK
>proud of how the jew destroyed your own race and wants it repeated
wew lad

Because immigrants and faggots who hate this country are different groups that bleed a little into each other. Starting to think both are illiterate, consider you and OP can't read for shit.

It won't though. You know that, right?