Found out about RFID Chips

I need someone to explain to me the whole conspiracy about the chips, after researching into it alot of people think that it may be the actual mark of the beast, and anyone who doesnt get it will basically be excluded from society, you wont be able to get a job, earn money, buy food, enter any commercial building, enter your apartment, access the internet, etc. all of it genuinely seems really fucking scary and I just wanna know if these people saying this are severely schizophrenic, or actually smart

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>I need someone to explain to me the whole conspiracy about the chips,
ID2020. Not happening this year. More like 30 years from now.

its the oldest shit on the internet, you could read website after webiste in 90s all about it
and yah its real.

I mean if that is true, I guess most people are fine then, at the moment of course, I just wanna know what the fuck is so dangerous about them

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rfid will never have mass adoption, all you gotta do is hit the spot and the thing will be fucked

how old? like I'm pretty sure the chips that go under your skin were made like last year or some shit, I think theres multiple variations of the chip though

Rfid chips largely do not have the capacity to store much data because all the energy required to access and process it must come from electrical induction.

It's also not all that secure.

Are systems similar to this, conceptually, on the horizon? Yes. Are RFIDs the thing you should fear? No. Its A limited technology. A pretty neat one though.

new zealand passed a law in 2006 that required pets to have them.
so they were already quite common.
like i said people talked about it all the time in the 1900s, they are not that high tech

Nothing is dangerous about RFID perse. It's just a placeholder for the conceptual idea behind the mark of the beast. The technology doesnt meet the real technical criteria at all.

The same shitty tech that you might use to open a corporate garage, or swipe your badge to get into a secured facility, is the same thing in these rfid implants. It's a small ammount of flash memory hooked up to a copper coil that uses induction to pull data out of the physical storage. It's super limited and hard to encrypt. Its main form of security is through lack of physical access.

You cant scan them from more than a few feet away in most cases.

ah, my mistake then, this year I've actually started to branch out on the internet so that's how I found out about them


it only takes 64 bits to represent 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 values man.

>what is a bank account

>babey's first epiphany

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>I just wanna know what the fuck is so dangerous about them
The live virus inside the chip. If your social credit score goes too low and the Cabal decides it's time for you to go a SWR signal will go out at the wave to pay station, the chip will break under your skin and now you've got corona chan 2030 with no way to see a doctor and no money. Social distancing is practice conditioning for this. Bitcoin and all other digital currencies are part of this plan as well.
One more thing, the space in the chip where the hashed encryption goes is only 96 bytes. That was considered good encryption in 1994, breakable in about 8 seconds today.

In that case then they're actually pretty neat, I'll probably look more into them

Look up lucent and 666 5th ave

what the fuck dude

this guy is in charge of it. that's all you need to fucking know

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when bar codes came out people thought it was the mark, to be fair these are made to implant into your actual skin.

i love convenience and tech, these chips could be the end of keys, cards, and passwords, which in turn would greatly reduce theft. but no way in hell im getting one of these put in.

NEW FLASH KIKE, these fucking microchips that has everyone so terrified already happened decades ago. You ever hear of the targeted individual program?

Wat? I'm not sure where that number comes from. Most rfid chips can barely hold a small text file or a simple string value. Sure you can go bigger but these things arent smart enough to run an OS or have real security. Read/write security is usually physically built into the chipset.

These things are glorified digital postit notes. Which is pretty useful but not going to revolutionize surveillance.

Most phones have NFC enabled by default. Because it's a short range system its largely secure. You can buy and play with rfid tags and stickers for a few bucks a pack.

Handy if someone comes over and wants to use your wifi. Just tap and go.

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why the fuck out of all people it has to be this cunt

They were saying the same mark of the beast shit about barcodes in the 80s. And dungeons and dragons. The pattern is the pattern. If you're looking for something, you'll find it

Interesting concept but a virus requires certain stabilizing conditions to survive more than a few days at body temperatures. The delivery system for biological agents is really tough.

Now maybe if we were talking about botulism neurotoxin we might be on to something. But I dont know how long that can be preserved in sealed environment with fluctuating temperatures so. You do the science.

Literally 10 years from now. The eyes of darkness book tell you and was spot on with its 2020 prediction of this being the beginning

You deserve everything coming to you, simp

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dude I love tech too but you gotta admit, the idea of putting something into your fucking body is extremely off putting

>anyone who doesnt get it will basically be excluded from society, you wont be able to get a job, earn money, buy food, enter any commercial building, enter your apartment, access the internet, etc.

are you to stupid to see the irony in your own statement?

why would you exclude anyone in the first place?
why force someone to get something?


They're basically worried about a WORST CASE SCENARIO - yes it could happen and be exactly like that. Will it happen? God I hope not.

It is bullshit.
All the functionalities of an RFID can be emulated with a keychain, it would be piss easy to fool the system.
RFID was never designed to be secure.
Biometrics completely BTFOs it.


retard I'm not saying that's exactly what's going to happen, that's what people have been saying when I look into some parts of the conspiracy, I'm just asking for people to explain to me what the fuck the chip is, not to push a conspiracy

body temperature is pretty stable, bro. Just sayin.

why would you want your ID on something that can be easily cloned with parabolic antenna

sorry, bro. My bad. 96 bit encryption, not bytes.

I dont know anything about cyanide. What's the ld50, what's the dosing. Etc.
I'm not saying its impossible I'm just reminding people that youd probably need much larger chips than what is being proposed by such a conspiracy, or much more potent deadly chemicals.

Not that either are off the table. But given the lack of security involved in headless NFC I dont think people are going to be using them for their banking systems anytime soon.

my dog has one, guess that means he's a cyborg technically

My cat has a chip. It's fine. If she ever gets lost, any vet or shelter can find my contact information and call me.

oh, alright

- Baruch Levy

In this new organization of humanity the sons of Israel, spread over the surface of the globe, will become everywhere without opposition the directing element, especially if they succeed in imposing upon the working classes the firm control of some of those amongst them. The Goverments of the Nations forming this universal republic will all pass without effort into Jewish hands under cover of the Victory of the proletariat. Private property will then be supressed by the Rulers of the Jewish Race, who will everywhere control the public funds. Thus will be realized the promise of the Talmud --- that when the time of the Messiah will arrive the Jews will possess the goods of all the people of the earth.

Source: an intimate friend of Karl Marx, Cremieux and Rothschild, in a letter to Karl Marx.

Cyanide is what is used for suicide pills in military and intelligence.
Doesnt take much, usually in a tooth

>buy the RFID chip
>don't put it in your hand
What now, Lucy?

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I wish I was crazy bro, but it's our future

This is very strange, isn't it?

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People who carry around open mics and GPS transponders datamined by Google and the CIA called "smart phones" are paranoid about RFID chips spying on them.

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>The System has been tested at Disney
>It works
>People think it can't work
Why do people think this?

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um what the fuck, what is this

>always wanted a waifu robot more than an actual female partner
>saving money my whole life because I don't know how much they'll cost when they become real, but it'll be a lot
>doomsayers tell me my waifu will be full of data collection stuff that's constantly reporting video and audio of my life to my waifu's manufacturer, the government, and anyone who wants to buy that data
>as long as I'm happy then that might not be so bad, I'm willing to give up a lot for my personal dream
>it turns out they'll achieve the same results by using a man-made virus as an excuse to implant us with chips that report from inside our body instead of near it
>the money i saved to buy her will become useless with the coming hyperinflation
>tfw I'll die a slave of the kikes without ever even hugging my robot wife because she'll never exist because my happiness is less profitable than my misery
>people I'd fight alongside to overthrow the jews think I'm a degenerate for not wanting a real woman and real kids

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You mainly know all there is to know. A lot of Christcucks think it's the mark of the beast and they should refuse it on religious grounds. Non-religious concerns should be that some oppressive government can use it to track you, kikes would love to put your social credit score on it and deny you services like on that one Black Mirror episode where everyone acts fake as fuck hoping their score doesn't plunge. Good things would be that it would be easy to pay for shit and have a lot of your important documents readily at *hand*, but we all know the system will turn into some monstrosity for people lile us

It's real.
You will be offered the ticket, and it will seem like it is worth it (for reasons you have described).
It's the faustian deal hence the devils mark.
You CAN turn it down, there will always be free will (even if that means a choice between a chip and death).
You must consent to evil for it to take you over.
Salvation awaits those who truly fear God only, those who are not afraid of worldly things.
Fear not refusing the mark if you have jesus in your heart.

It's okay bro, just become a Shadowrunner. Probably easiest to just roll as a street samurai, or channel your autism and become an adept. You're probably shit out of luck when it comes to mage and shaman archetypes though.

Not in the extremities.

nah im not opposed to tech implants. would gladly have my broken eyes swapped out with some ultra zoom, xray vision, tells me about the person im looking at like in watchdog eyes. but im not risking my soul on what does legitimately look like the mark

ever since this corona bullshit started I've started believing in jesus and god in general alot more, before I didnt give a shit or even really thought about it but I've started to believe, dont know if I have a connection to jesus or whatever but I believe, even if that sounds dumb to other people


>it’s fine. Everything is fine. My cat doesn’t mind being tracked so you guys shouldn’t either. Why don’t you believe in science? Y-you’re not an antisemite a-are you user?

I think you CAN do this. But it's not super secure, hence why it's used in a theme park and not your bank.

yeah, I get you lmao

>cat is effectively your property
>if the cat ever RUNS AWAY (they don't get "lost," they know exactly where they are) then you can track it down and bring it back home
>except you can't actually TRACK the cat like on GPS, the system relies on another human finding the cat and bringing it to a vet, where the vet holds it until you arrive to claim it
>if the cat is stolen then the chip won't help you find it unless the thieves are dumb enough to take it to a vet who will read the chip, so there's not really a situation where the chip objectively benefits the cat's will

Now change this scenario to the jews being the owner, YOU being the cat, and other people finding the "lost" cat being fucking narcs because telling on you will increase their social credit score.

Bro, this shit is ancient technology. Wake up. There was a company called Verichip around 2006 that was promoting this shit on TV.

If course there are flaws with it, that's why everyone is afraid of it and has been warning people about it for years
That doesn't mean they won't claim it's safeguarded by finger prints and codes which is exactly what they do at the park.
That doesn't mean it's good, that doesn't mean it won't be abused.
There is reason to fear it.
It may even be the mark of the beast
I'm saying that anyone who thinks it is unrealistic or in the far off distant future or not possible is only kidding themselves

>All the functionalities of an RFID can be emulated with a keychain
>Speedpass is a keychain radio-frequency identification (RFID) device introduced in 1997 by Mobil (which later merged with Exxon to become ExxonMobil in 1999) for electronic payment.

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You already have something much more powerful and Intrusive, your cellphone. If anything is a mark of the beast it would be mobile access to infinite knowledge aka cellphone.

They already did it secretly. Corona deaths are really just people who's immune system rejected the presence of the chip. Aka the rapture

the fuck are you on about

Then why are we constantly being told to wash our hands because corona chan?