DNA Thread

Post your results Amerimutts, I dare you

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your results Amerimutts, I dare you

Whiter than you, xhang.

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Don't have shit to prove but oh well if you're that bored faggot

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This is actually my brothers. What Is the most accurate test these days? I want to know I'm 0% br*tshit

Then why did you took the test?

Based, german american gang


Attached: 23andme.png (1060x800, 208.88K)

Imagine paying to give your dna to peoe you don't even know. Pol has been infested with npcs for a while now

Murcian here

Attached: Screenshot_20200322-203556_AncestryDNA.jpg (1080x834, 129.96K)

Who gifts something this specific, kek, bullshit

I'm actually 25% Swedish through ancestors, but close enough.

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how's fishing newfie

100% Ashkenazi master race

IQ tested at 145, 2400 SAT and 170/170 GRE

Sucks to be a goy

hey bongs does this mean I get automatic citizenship to the UK?

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Oh really, you got a 2400 on a 1600 point test? Nice!


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Whatever you llama fucking beaner

Thats the heeb privilege, theyre graded on a completely different scale

>DNA results
Oh I am laffin

Boomer located

Stay mad and insecure, mutt

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I pass as white and white english women find me hot af

imagine giving your dna to the government and insurance companies

80% European here but could also be up to 88% according to AncestryDNA estimates

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OK chink.

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Oh wow... 0.5% Jewish

How do you feel about that?

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Sure thing bud.

Whatever you say Jamie King

I am European but my ancestors were African.

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Imagine having to do one of these DNA tests, rather than knowing your family history 12 generations back. Just imagine that Yas Forums

>all these shitskins ITT

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Still white enough to get into the ethnostate. I am laffin.

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Holy shit king mutt himself

I was adopted.

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You people are such disgusting mutts. How does it feel having to piece together your identity out of the scattered fragments of three continents?

Even a pureblooded pygmy is superior to you.

you just blow in from stupid town?

Feels right being huwhite

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6'1 chad reporting in with a big dick and big brain.

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Post hairless chin Squanto


Most people who are not neanderthals are like me. Real humans come from Africa.

A spic up north?

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I still need to take a DNA test. Both of my parents were born in Poland

Get these fucking Newfs off my board

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>4,4 % unassigned
4,4 % Macdonald's grease

You fucking retards gave jews your DNA on a silver platter and then you wonder why there's a deadly plague going around killing specific people? Fucking idiots.

Get these stupid fucking cod niggers away from making threads

My father was born and raised in far northern Yukon, mother side of family from England

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Like you how? A homogenized slop of a thousand different peoples, with no lineage or ancestry that you can truly call your own?

fuck you

68% Ashkenazi is nice but you're still a fucking mutt LOL

A fucking kike

Wie geht's?

Attached: ancestry.png (804x1422, 158.46K)

Where is your neanderthal dna?

All these mutts ITT lol
My Aryan brother

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The percentages are a bit off due to too much mixing. Pieces that are identical to my relatives have different classifications in 23andme. Feel free to guess if I'm an Amerimutt or a Euromutt.

French/German+French/German, French&British/Irish+British/Irish, Iberian+Iberian, Sicilian+Venetian

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>Still the only purebred in this thread


>discord kike is jewing around
Stfu kike

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People give their DNA to a database to show off their ancestral dick
