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lol he got played that isn't his kid
I would love to see the process.
This user is correct. It is basically the niggerified version of the white husband whose wife has a black child. Absolutely bleached
That poor abomination
Recessive genes
Somebody got cheated on.
This is how Polish people were created.
She was bleached
Cucked by big Bavarian cock
>drake takes 2 paternity tests to make sure he's the dad
>Yas Forums still denies he's the father
Looks German to me
Drake's mother is jewish.
giles i will go over there and slap the shit out of you
Drake is half white and his baby mama is French. My grandmother is fully black with blue eyes and my sister is fully black but drake’s skin tone with blonde body hair: if you mixed her with 3/4 white, I’m sure there’s a nonzero chance of having a light skinned blonde kid (that kid will probably lose their blonde hair to a dirty/brown as they age)
That baby is more Aryan than 70% of Yas Forums
Is that the one whos been posting "whiter thsn you achmed"?
I thought he was gay.
he looks german to me
>Yas Forums blown the fuck off
God. Damn. That is ugly.
how are people denying that its his kid?
How many white people have you seen with nasal bridges like that?
If you've seen any, i guarantee they had recent african ancestors.
either bleached or recessive genes hit that goblin hard af from both sides
This, hes only half black.
Mud washes off pretty quick.
jewish people on average are 40% european and jews are naturally swarthy people
>My grandmother is fully black
This. Ive seen it happen. A mexican and light black make an aryan kid with niggerish dreadable hair
We need to study the human reproductive process.
We need a wide sample of 20,000 men, 20,000 women, 20,000 cages, 20,000 scientists and 20 Billion dollars.
Over a period of 72 months we will observe how the male and female reproduce and how genetic traits are determined for the children, as the woman is forced to breed.
>user takes two cocks in his ass
>claims he is straight
Last i heard he was grooming some under age pop star.
Designer baby
I swear to god I know a woman that has a kid that looks just like that and she's white and so is her man. The lil boy has a lightbulb shaped head and nigger hair XD
his dad was black american so his black father probably had 20-30% white genes. have to remember most black americans aren't pure blooded africans
racists don't science
This as well, “fully black” as I described it means recognized as black, not pure blooded coast Africans. Two of my grandparents were ~30-40% white.
so youre not really white is what youre telling the group?
yep. that's why black americans can end up with odd traits sometimes, such as blue eyes or blonde hair. if you've got white ancestry on both sides it technically is possible. yet these traits are almost never seen in africa except in genetic oddities like albinos.
drake got cucked
Hey look nigger I found some of your old family photos. Care to continue the family tradition of hanging from a tree?
However could you tell?
God damn mutts look gross, there's something just... off about em.
>Recessive genes
Result of generations of bleaching the non whites. This is how we win the race war.
half white, you mean half jewish, his mother is jewish
you belong to some of the most mixed people in the world. average jew has white, black, arab, persian all in him.
Sorry canuck my ancestors were free blacks, free whites, and some slaves whose kids became sharecroppers, whose kids became business owners. I accept that facet of my ancestry and am proud that those before me chose not to wallow in the circumstances of their being. The only thing whose natural state is to hang from trees is the Leaf, as God intended.
>Drake is half white
jews aren't white you waste of flesh
do you want to say the holocaust was white genocide and that antisemitism doesn't exist?
R2 Cain
>Curse of Ham
>Repatriated Kikes
>Sickle Cell (Matt. 15:22)
>Inbred Mosquitoes (Gen. 1:24, Matt. 15:26-7)
XX Cunt
>Submissive Sex (1 Cor. 14:34-5, 1 Tim. 2:11-4)
>Daddy Issues (Gen. 19:8)
>Stupid Bitch (Num. 30:3-16)
>Lustful Whores (Lev. 21:14-5, Tob. 4:12-3, Gal. 5:16-9, Eph. 5:3, 1 Thess. 4:3-5, Heb. 12:16; 13:4)
degenerate, demonic, demoralizing, deplorable, depressing, detestable, diabolical, disgusting, disparaging, dumb public suicide cuck faggot nigger
niggered fuckee traitor trash burns petrified sage in hell
discriminate the nappy niggers
>Ex. 23:29, Matt. 7:6
boycott the destitute niggers
>Lev. 26:22
enforce the anti-nigger laws
>Lev. 19:19, Deut. 7:1-4; 22:9-11, 2 Chr. 22, Ezek. 44:22, Matt. 5:17-9, Rom. 13:12-4
niggers, jail them all
>Ex. 21:20-1, Luke 12:42-8, 2 Cor. 6:14-7
deport the diseased niggers back to rapebolaidsfrika
>1 Kgs. 8:53, Neh. 13:3, Matt. 25:32, Rev. 5:9; 7:9; 11:9; 13:7; 14:6; 17:15; 21:24; 22:2
reinstitute apartheid for the hideous nigger sub-sahara
>Gen. 16; 24:3-8; 26:34-5; 27:46; 28:1-2; 28:6-9, Ex. 11:7; 33:16; 34:10-6, Lev. 20:22-6, Josh. 23:5-16, Judg. 3:5-8, Ezra 9; 10:2-19, Neh. 9:2; 10:28-31, Mal. 2:10-2, Matt. 10:34, 1 Cor. 5:9-13
re-enslave the lazy niggers
>Gen. 9:22-7; 10:6-20; 28:1-2; 34, Ex. 21:2-8, Lev. 25:44-6, Eph. 6:5-8, Col. 3:22
penectomize and neuter the retarded niggers
>Deut. 15:17
bomb and shoot up blacked niggers
>Ex. 22:19, Num. 25, Deut. 22:20-1; 23:17-8, Ps. 106:26-43, Prov. 6:24-35, Rom. 1:21-32, 1 Cor. 6:9-20
Lollicost 2: Satanic Niggaboo, X Y DNA edition
>Gen. 7:21-3; 19:24-9, Num. 12, Deut. 23:2-8, 1 Kgs. 11:1-13, 31-9; 16:30-3; 21:17-29, Neh. 13:23-31, Jer. 2:5-37; 13:15-27, Ezek. 16, Dan. 2:43-4, Hos. 5:3-7; 6:7-10; 7; 10:2-12, Jonah 3:7-9, 1 Cor. 10:5-12, 2 Pet. 2:4-19, Jude 1:4-18, Rev. 2:14, 20-3
>Universal Soldier: Day of Reckoning, Adulterers (film), The President's Keepers, District 9, The Route, Stories of Our Lives
BMWF is the future.
Lightskin men once against proven superior
> I accept that facet of my ancestry and am
The absolute state of amerimutts. From now on whenever I see a mutt flag I'll just assume it's a monkey living on a tree.
Drake is 50% Ashkenazi and that woman looks like a med, so 3/4 of the child's grandparents came from populations in which blue eyes are common and in which blonde hair for children is the rule. There's a good chance that the kid's hair will darken as he ages, but it's not out of the realm of possibility that he will remain blonde.
With that said, you can still clearly see the presence of negroid features in the child's nose.
Granted, it's kind of hard to see how Drake could fail to be homozygous dominant on the eye color gene given that he has black eyes. If they were brown, like the mother's, this would make more sense.
1/4 black the other 3/4 is white and jewish
No one likes you anyway, who cares what you think.
I hate when ugly race anons try to humble brag/plug their race or the race of their boyfriend or their step daughter or grandma or whatever.
Ashkenazi jews are just whites LARPing as semites
a lot of money and laboratories
Mom is a former porn star and has taken more white dick than Drake has seen pussy.
Telegony frens. Its real
Vade retro, schizo
>The only thing whose natural state is to hang from trees is the Leaf, as God intended.