Whats up with all the atheists claiming to be christian?
>i’m christian, but i know its all just made-up stories
Ill tell you what it is, its infiltration and subversion.
Whats up with all the atheists claiming to be christian?
>i’m christian, but i know its all just made-up stories
Ill tell you what it is, its infiltration and subversion.
Other urls found in this thread:
>its infiltration and subversion.
Make up your mind. Are you talking about atheists or jews?
These people are dying out. The chaff from the wheat and all. The first sign of a LARPer is if they believe in evolution. If they do, then you know they think the rest of the Bible isn't true as well.
God will tend to his flock.
Or maybe its part of a sacred human struggle to maintain a connection with the transcendent despite the burden of ever increasing knowledge?
I'm a fan of the bible and christian culture, but there's no way you can look at that document for truthful history or cosmology. Those days have passed.
To keep the flame going, you have to compromise on pure literalism.
This has been true sine the oldest days of the church anyway. Many great Christians haven't even been literate, or had access to the whole book. Its never been neccecary to pretend every word is true, or even relevant.
>there's no way
No difference. Kikes are anti-Christian and fedora LARPers are their knowing or unknowing slaves.
It’s almost like religion is man made and has been evolving since the beginning, but God is eternal and hidden to give us free will, but also discoverable.
>Be Christian
>Call transgenders and LGBT people mentally ill
>Still believes in an obvious book of fantasies of shit that's not even possible
>Doesn't think they're mentally ill
This is very cute. Who made this?
You mutilate your genitals and cut off your breasts to be something you can not be.
You're all wrong you fucking imbecile
Self-refuting senseless sentence
You're talking about the people who choose to live according christian traditions and their ethics while knowing that the dogma of Christianity it's pure allegorical
Maybe Christianity isn't just a story but a riddle to be solved.
What do you mean?
Perhaps the truth about God is not exactly as it appears in the bible. And the story of Christ is a riddle about the nature of Man.
Do you think Men are sinners?
It's true, but you answer off-topic. He is right, religious are also all mentally ill. You are the same, gays, religious... you are all mentally ill. Someone who believes in a religion is a mentally ill. A normal and intelligent person cannot believe in a religion.
Exactly, according to Wittgenstein the dogma of all religions must be put in the form of an allegory, not giving you the exact form to do things and restraining you to certain manners but to give you a history with ambiguous meanings that can serve you in certain moments of difficulty according to what meaning you give them
Most Christians don't believe in the Bible. It's not like Muslims that genuinely believe in their religion. The Eurobarometer from 2005 showed that here in Norway only 25% of Christians believed in God (49% believed in a "higher power", like angels and so on) unlike 100% of those who identified as muslim who believed in God.
Being a Christian does not necessarily mean that you have to be a theist.
Wittgenstein never said that.
>Being a Christian does not necessarily mean that you have to be a theist.
To be a christian you *have* to be a theist. Otherwise it's a meaningless term. Like saying you're "pro-ecology" but you don't do anything to protect the planet and you're not even informed about the issues at hand. It's possible to sin and and be a christian. But you cannot be a christian and not believe in God.
Man, the west is a joke.
>>People will live under an absolute, palpable tyranny, yet without being able to say they are not free. I think the Catholic Church does something like this. For dogma is expressed in the form of an assertion & is unshakable, & at the same time any practical opinion can be made to accord with it; admittedly this is easier in some cases, more difficult in others. It is not a wall setting limits to belief, but like a brake which in practice however serves the same purpose almost as though someone attached a weight to your foot to limit your freedom of movement.This is how dogma becomes irrefutable & beyond the reach of attack. MS 118 86v: 11.9.1937
From Wittgestein's culture and Value
I hate it when these “””Christians””” around me don’t believe the Bible. What do you even stand for? You’re an impostor
I believe the KJV Bible is the word of God I’m English and I believe every single word in there is true.
The Earth is around 6000 years old.
Gods judgments are true and just at ALL times.
There is objective morality, it is Gods statutes.
These groups should be put to death:
-Men who rape wives or fiancés
-Persistently disobedient children who have been chastened
-Children who hit their parents
-Children who curse their parents
If it’s in the Bible, I believe it.
I wish I knew all of the Lords statutes and judgments. I would unironically take that over 5 billion dollars.
What's up with people believing in god or christ taking orders from a book written by a self appointed council hundreds of years after his death?
All he books were written by God.
Catholics like to LIE and tell people they decided what would be in the Bible, but believers in dwelled with the Holy Spirit know the voice of the shepherd.
Is this acceptable as a Christian? I don’t have to lie to participate in white people stuff
Its not off topic you fucking kike.
Just leave us alone for fuck sake you fucking demon.
Based Ludwig.
imagine having this child-like view of history
oh heck, it's you again
These are called "Crypto-Jews".
I really wish those internet atheists would try to go after Judaism or Islam, or even Hinduism. Just a bunch of neckbearded cowards to can go “hur dur Christianity sux lel” while if you ask them about any other religion they immediately try to change the topic
You’re a retard, a mutt, and probably a bitter virgin.
Oh, it’s you.
The place in scripture you referenced referred to being filled with the Holy Spirit, not being indwelled with the Holy Spirit (the latter which is what happens once you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ)
Ephesians 1:13
> In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise
but part of me is nihlist, atheist, controlled by magnets. Brainwashed by school and "science" that in certain moments views my Christian belief from an outside perspective.
I want to be a perfect Christian. And follow god and venerate the virgin mother and uphold the holy trinity but I still have moments of doubt.
Am I a subversive??? I don't want to be. I want to believe in God. I want to believe that there is something more powerful then man.
A world where I am the most powerful thing... That is the most terrifying thought of all.
I would have so much responsibility. I can't handle it.
Being filled with the Holy Spirit or the Holy Spirit falling upon you*
God does not ask for religion, he asks for faith.
I don't. Believe in evolution. But I don't fully disbelieve it either. I act in many situations as though it were true, and yet in others as though it were absurd.
This post is subversive. I can feel it subverting my belief in the Bible and doubt creeping ever further into my mind.
Fuck these kikes.
"Most Christians don't believe in the Bible"
We need another crusade.... Now. BURN THEM, BURN THEM ALL! BURN THE NON BELIEVERS!! !
How are you defining mentally ill?
I hate the term in general because of how ill-defined and abusable it is, because, if most people in the world and/or historically WERE religious, it obviously didn't impede the survival, functioning, and reproduction of the species that much, and it would make the non-religious people the deviants and by comparison mentally ill or less mentally normal.
This is coming from a person who is an atheist.
I hate christcucks and their piece of shit god. Cursed be the name of the Lard!
The only people I've heard calling themselves "Cultural Christians" that don't believe in Christianity but cling to the culture/tradition have been cringe tier white nationalists.
Most atheists end up being leftists and most leftists end up being anti-Christian, so the non believers attracted to the "Culture" of Christianity are often WN Larpers.
They're as good as atheist Jews, in my opinion, they're just LARPers that try and wield the faith like a tool and think themselves above God, often with underlying revolutionary thoughts trying to modernize and subvert two millenia of tradition and history to fit a post-industrialized mindset. Then they have the nerve to call themselves "Traditionalist" or "Reactionary" when they're just gene worshiping leftists that think the right's aesthetics are superior.
fuck off kike
oh fuck off jewcock sucking niggerlover.
I fail to see how you get that sort of reaction to me calling a subversive atheist trying to undermine culture, tradition, and history a "Cringe tier" white nationalist.
I didn't call white nationalism "Cringe tier" but rather, the sort of person who is a leftist lite that wants to cling to their leftist ideals but are for whatever reason, attracted to the right for the "culture".
We have enough idiot marxists that try and sell themselves as "Right wing" because they can point out the obvious of niggers being stupid, we don't need them breaking in our churches as well.
I think the Bible is a work of fiction, but a GOOD work of fiction. I think it has good morals, morals that have in turn built Western Civilization. I think the Bible should be required reading in high school.
You can call me whatever you want, fundamentalist. But if you think I'm your enemy in the battle against the Marxists, you're a strategic ignoramus.
weird, I was just thinking about this last night.
I was thinking it's almost proof satan exists. why the fuck would they call themselves christians if they dont believe in it or follow a single thing said in the bible. these types of people also lie about the smallest things, they always say what they think people want to hear. I think that is how satan creeps in. It starts with saying a girls makeup looks good when it clearly doesnt... then one lie leads to another and all of a sudden your buttfucking a trans in a library.
Im atheist (or agnostic i guess) but if satan clearly exists in the lies, then god must be the truth. So I guess I should check out christianity again but I dont know where to start.
>but i know its all just made-up stories
Lol, this is literally jewish rabbis. Kikes are just level 100 normies.
No, just someone who isn’t stupid enough to believe that the earth is 6000 years old because his rabbi priest told him so
Evolution is a luciferian inversion of the truth of entropy. The genetic quality of a group naturally decays over time. That's why there are so many biological mechanisms to prevent mutation and miscegenation is naturally repulsive to healthy humans.
They realized the cultural importance of christianism for western society
dont gaslight, you already admitted you would let your daughter fuck a nigger
According to your own logic, go fuck your mother.
>hurr durr muh entropy
I wonder if you mutt can even enunciate the laws of thermodynamics
Local entropy might lower, there's nothing that prohibits it
Don't be a weak faggot
If you know God and have seen his wonders you have no reason to doubt
Continue to go to Church, pray mattens and evensong and go to your pastor or priest for help when you need guidance
Good luck friend
Inbreeding decreases genetic quality thus causing genetic entropy, you fucknugget.
>Local entropy might lower, there's nothing that prohibits it
Strawman. I never said it couldn't, faggot.
>The genetic quality of a group naturally decays over time. That's why there are so many biological mechanisms to prevent mutation and miscegenation is naturally repulsive to healthy humans.
Question for you: according to the theory of evolution, would natural selection effect both sexes, male and female, of mammals equally?
everything is luciferian with you people