*Tink Tink*

Ahem, I have an announcement to make.

Attached: Unknown.png (225x225, 13.62K)

Please hold off for a second while I get a pen and paper

I’m listening OP

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go on

Attached: SPRAY.png (249x249, 78.97K)

Fuck you user

This board is a husk of its former self, and no one can deny it. Say whatever predictable cope you want, “Yas Forums was always shit”, you cannot deny that things have changed for the worse

When I mean it’s former self, I mean when this board regularly had threads dedicated to investigating and digging up information at an abnormal efficiency. Look back at the NXIVM, HWNDU. Shit like this doesn’t happen anymore

Just imagine how crazy the old board would’ve been if it did everything it could to make sure the average citizen knew what Epstein did, who enabled him, who Ghislaine Maxwell is, and why she’s hiding.

But alas, it seems this board was pathetically distracted with the flood of slide-threads

*sips tea*
>furries are cool
>here's why onions is good for you
>thinks his guns will protect him from drone strikes
*sips tea*
>not all niggers
>look at this crazy tweet guys
>How can Yas Forums even compete?
>You mad white boy?
>take this jewish DNA test goys
>Yas Forums BTFO
>not all jews
>hello fellow white peoole
*sips tea*
>am I white
>Look at this qt jew
>gays are people
>defend this poor shitskin
>Can I get a quick rundown guys?
>random nigger porn
>what did he mean by this
>Would you marry a X?
>Whats your excuse for not finding a X waifu?
>X will defend this

.....sorry for taking the mic. Here, you may continue

Let's hear it, good sir!

Attached: 019963F7-27D5-4FF0-A301-0F68E5B94C73.jpg (686x526, 90.14K)

If you don’t say fuck Jannies I’m leaving

I'm all ears.
Don't keep this young man waiting.

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Proceed, you sexy beast.

Attached: ah hemmm, anouncement soon.jpg (700x806, 566.07K)


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*cough cough*

You have my attention, go ahead.

Attached: news.jpg (720x539, 45.71K)

>it's literally the same announcement from before

Boys. The devils in my nose and he’s yelling let it snow.

Oh boo.
Get on with it. Stop with the tease.

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Make it quick sappo-nigger I got places to go and people to coof

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Im twitching w anticipation

Is that what you brought us in here for, to infect us? Fuck you Chang

Boys. The devils in my nose and he’s yelling let us snow. Help me be a sheep (plz)


Let me guess... you suck cocks!?

*Tink tink*
And now for my final announcement.

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Ignore him, he had a lot to drink before we arrived.

Attached: 1576011013574m.jpg (667x1024, 53.9K)

Thank you for your interruption.
It was spot on.


Attached: 1584751683263.png (500x375, 233.61K)

Lol. You're a fag. Let me explain why. You worship this ideal (Plato's ideal) version of Yas Forums while you can't realize it's just a shitpost board. Even when people were doing great things on here like solving how to get on mars and accidently got a man on Pluto, they were doing it to get a laugh out of it. Pull your head out of your ass and suck my dick, you raging homo.

Hurry up nigger

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Go on user, let’s hear it

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Shut up bitch. It’s the same thing every summer when new fags have nothing better to do.

Go on, friend. I'm listening.

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I've lost the ability to stand up for whites
I used to do it all the time but I feel like the cost of doing so is getting really high and I find myself isolating from conversations more instead of engaging. I'm usually someone with a big mouth who speaks before thinking but even I am self censoring.
I really don't think things are going to end well for us, at least not in the states.

How do I say this, we were sort of hired for our skills.I do what I do because I enjoy it. Now I get paid to sit and do what I love. Signed all sorts of NDAs and idk I love my wife and kids. Wouldn't let some kike loving or nigger loving faggot put them in harms way. The end of evil is coming. Those who should be afraid, are those of ill repute. The homosexuals, immoral, drunkards, drug addicts, hiv infected, violent scabs on society's ass, who only seek to cause harm and the fall of humanity. In a word, get fucked.

Heh, he's going to say it isn't he? I can't wait. Do it, user!

You have the floor

Attached: 615dac153b82ec92846cc114d11071a06fd073d9d2f14cd54cc6e151934235bc.jpg (255x255, 14.1K)

Enemy, show me what you wanna be
I can handle anything
Even if I can't handle you!

Attached: Unknown.png (626x469, 464.11K)

We don't need you to enemy. The culling is coming. We are done with those who seek to end beauty.

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Attached: deeds.jpg (384x236, 17.83K)

Readily, either way it better be
Don't you fuckin' pity me
Get up, get off

Attached: virus.jpg (299x168, 8.47K)

Are all of you enjoying the complimentary refreshments?

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did miss it?

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Ugh it's always the same with you op.
> What would I give for your shitpost to not see.
> What would I pay, to stay in POL without retards
> What would I do to see you, killing yourself.
> Up where they walk
> Up where they
> Up there that hacker named user
> Watch and you'll see
> Someday i'll be
> Part of that world

Attached: Pepe mermaid.jpg (867x540, 64.55K)

what a waste of a great thread
0/10 user

What the hell am I sayin'?
I don't know about malevolent
Sure as hell decadent
I want somebody to step up, step off
Walls! Let me fall! Fuck you all!
Get a grip, don't let me slip 'til I drop the ball!

Attached: Mick_2019.jpg (360x450, 15.32K)

I dont like this one!

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btw anyone knows howto hack this game so I can get gems?

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Fuck jannies
Fuck niggers
Fuck chinks
Fuck kikes
And OP is a faggot

I’m excited usually these are deleted by the time I see them on the catalogue

What is it that they usually post to get deleted so quick?

Those with skill do, those who always looked on with envy enjoying, taking credit, are the ones bitching in these boards about "how great it used to be", while never offering anything. And they wonder why we left.

Fuck this shit, I'm sick of it
You're goin' down, this is a war!

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 313.7K)

Hello there gentlemen
I hope I arrived on time

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You're scaring Apu! He's just a child!

Attached: Dmhx1khW0AEpbze.jpg (500x576, 35.12K)

No this is plague, war comes next. Then famine.

Well, thank you my good man, don't mind if I do.

So you just made this to post a shitty rap

I do more for this board any of you losers ever will in your entire lives.

Attached: Little Mermaid is Nazi (8040).jpg (1920x1080, 158.09K)

Umm, I think I'm gonna leave.

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Attached: THE BEST EVER.png (1200x786, 1.29M)

Has he spoken yet? I just came in from the rain!

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So Yas Forums is your god? must be a sad existence.

I am highly dissatisfied, sir. Ahem. Would any one else like to take the floor?

oh shit here we go again

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ok boomer

You're projecting

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