I think tonight is the night I end it all, Yas Forums. Anyone want my Yas Forums folder before I head out?

I think tonight is the night I end it all, Yas Forums. Anyone want my Yas Forums folder before I head out?

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dont do it user, but do post the stuff

Here you go

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Your work is not done. People need you, don't be selfish. Just wait it out.

Don't kys, at least kill some politicians or do something of note, suicide by cops is the warrior out and it's less bad than killing oneself. If there's an afterlife that's it.


Don't do it, wait for the ayys in a few years. Might even advance our tech tree far enough to fix your brain.

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I've found gratitude the best cure from my depressions. Often I find my head of full of the negative things happening or potentially happening in the world. My focus always on how much this thing sucks or how much I dont want to do that.

I find I feel much better about myself and the world I inhabit when I remember to have a little gratitude. To be thankful for a moments comfort, a happy memory, the world that allowed such moments and memories to transpire. There is a lot to be grateful for in this life no matter your circumstances.

if you immediately move to attack my statement (I probably would when I'm depressed) maybe you dont want what I say to be true because you dont want something to trivialize your feelings. You're feelings are very real I'm sure and it's no easy thing to do, but take a second every once in a while and express a bit of gratitude. See if it helps you like it did me.

Good luck fren! I know how tough depression has been on me, and a little part of me loves you for going through something I resonate with.

I almost ended it all 7 years back. Alot of great shit has happened since. Obviously I wouldnt have cared if I didn't experience it, but I care now very deeply that I got the chance to. I hope you recover out of this mindset bruv.

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don't be a nigger, livestream it

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Don't kill yourself, OP. Unless you're un-ironically a Nazi, in which case make haste shit-bag!

The argie squad is here to tel you not to do it user.

Shit is going to get wild just a couple of short years down the road, stay.

Pic related is Argentina right now, once the rest of the world catches up to us, you'll be doing great.

Seriously, DON'T do it, kid.

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My handy dandy pocket Geiger counter just started screeching from across the room. I leave it on for just such an emergency. Although I'm not sure what it means because normally it only goes off during clandestine data-mining, not someone acting suicidal to draw out those who might groom them.

Imagine ending it all. If only you knew.

>offing yourself during the actual happening
but y tho?

are you white?

there's tears in my eyes. I know you are right. it just hurts, man. I just don't want to live in this world anymore.

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Take it easy OP. This too shall pass.

You can do it man

Feet off the chans for a while dude. This place is shit for the soul.

Exercise if you can.

Good luck dude I really mean it. I've been where you are, and I'm better off now having lived through it.

Make it reference that SpongeBob meme if possible

Don't do it, or at the very least wait until April 10. If Qultists are right, we're in for some interesting stuff . No, but seriously, don't do it.

Just be here. Tears are good.
It means you get it.
We need you to stay awhile.

Dude stick around! There was 7 earthquakes in Cali, 1 in Hawaii and 1 in Japan and some dude on YouTube said its our military battling it out with the greys who hold children hostage under tunnels and it’s really habbening! You gotta stick around for this!!!!

The planet is not billions of years old. The Bible is true. God is real. Jesus/Iesus/Christ/The Messiah is real. If you follow Him and love God, all things work together for good. No matter what you're dealing with, if you love God, all things work together for good.

The Good News is that Salvation is by FAITH ALONE. All you need to do is believe that Christ rose from the dead and paid the price for your sins.

Don't do it bro

There are a million other things you can do that will have more meaning than just offing yourself, try and find even one for now

Hey gonna type out another response. Might take a second, if you let the thread prune I'll make a new one looking for you bruv. I Dont have much reason to care as much as I do I guess, but that doesnt change the fact that I do care about you. Inexplicably maybe.

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ok if you must, do it...
but first ask for a big loan and treat yourself with some top hookers, fine coke and booze.

kys in front of the hookers to cause trauma.

Hang in there buddy. We are here for you.

Quiting doesnt solve your problems user. Try fasting for 3 days on salt water. Go hop in an ice cold shower right now for ATLEAST 30 seconds. Do 10 jumping jacks and 10 push ups. Like do these right now, no hypothetically. You will feel instantly better.

user as someone else who’s made a suicide attempt and been through depression, a lot of it is the things you choose to say to yourself and the responses you make to the things you say. Life may not have meaning but if you choose to give it meaning by understanding experiences as the basis for life, it makes it so much better. Be careful what you say and as the other user said, be grateful and understand yourself and your thoughts. 3 years for me and they’ve been a great three years. You can overcome this. We’re here, and people like you and me can change this world. Hang on, our moment is coming, I hope you’ll be here to see it.

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do a flip faggot

Quitting won't do shit. I don't know you, but do things that make you happy. There's more of THEM everyday. If you do this, we lose yet another king.

So look up. Or that crown will slip off, brother.

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Fuck dude. I’m an old fag (genX) and have been surrounded by suicide. Immediate family, friends, a roommate. My sister tried but was retarded and just ended up in the hospital but now she makes six figures. Ended up a wine aunt but better than being dead. This is such a temporary emotion. Kind of like a tatoo but more permanent. Just do something else. One dude I know learned to sail and lives on some pirate island in the pacific with a bunch of missing people. Do that.

Please look up Wim Hof and use his breathing techniques. It will flood your brain with positive neurotransmitters. You can change your body’s chemistry! No fear! No fear of inadequacy! No fear or expectations of future. Help other people, in what little way you can. Call your grandmother if she is still alive

pls rember that wen u feel scare or frigten
never forget ttimes wen u feeled happy

wen day is dark alway rember happy day

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user I'm begging you plz dont do it. We need you here man.

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>All you need to do is believe that Christ rose from the dead and paid the price for your sins.
what if you want to believe in some greater power but physically can't due to atheist reinforcement growing up? as much as I would like to "pledge" to a cause so to speak, the hokey pokey bits like dead people coming back to life make it completely unbelievable to me
I want to believe but can't in earnest, wat do?

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Not OP (clearly) but do cold showers really do that?

Remember cut down the arm for effect and across for attention.

Christfags being useless as always. They literally say shit like this when they should be focusing on their constituents .

Releases endorphins and adrenaline, it’s an introduction to discipline that actually feels good while hurting. Highly recommended.

Such wise wisdom argibro

What? And miss all the fun? You don't wanna at least hang out til we get to rape and pillage Mad Max style? I'll let you do the neat, chrome spraypaint in the mouth thing if you're in my raiding party.

Cold showers are proven to enhance circulation and reportedly improving sleep aswell. Don't stay in too long though.

yes, shocks your body into producing serotonin

get outside tomorrow
let the sun hit you in the face
it helps

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Hitting the artery there is unlikely, it’s too deep and obscured by bone. Ineffective technique tbqh


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Head outside, you mean? Go outside and you'll change.

don't do it. stay alive. repent. vote against Trump.

Also read the New Testament.

don't do it

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Can you do a creative suicide video? Like put a petrol-filled tyre around your neck and light it on fire?

Pol is unironically the best board to get whitepilled archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/246267892/ (op in that thread btw)



(((The New Testament)))
Forget that Jewish shit. Read Ride the Tiger by Ebola.

This world is pretty horrific user, got to agree.

My current thinking on this:
>Vast majority of people will always be normies
>If you can even get along with 1% of the population
>You have to ignore the concept of countries, as all are pretty much shit these days. Instead, focus on obtaining freedom by acquiring as much money as possible. Does Soros care about laws? Politics? Retards like Bernie taking his money? Fuck no.
>Women: You only need one. Don't care about how horrible most of them are. Most men are awful also, but you don't notice because you don't want to fuck them.

No generation had it this tough IMO.

Would appreciate feedback.

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repeatables say you must obey

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neither did I when I gave up my acting career to join the war effort after 9/11 so you could live in a safer world.

embrace the suck. make sacrifices for the next generation. don't give up.

As much as I like the New Testament ride the tiger is also a good read

Don't do it but give me your folder.

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reported to the royal canadian sharia police for encouraging quarantine breaking

What are you talking about...if there is afterlife.... There IS afterlife!... Big bang happened by accident out of nothing? Nostradamus and Baba Vanga (and Grigori Rasputin) predicted things out of thin air? Get real.
Evolution just randomly design nature?
Even science proves that everything is energy.
It's all real...The thing is that we have not been ready yet to see and hear/feel spiritual dimension.
If you ignore it,it's almost good as ignoring secret societies and the devil worshippers among them.

Do a flip faggot.

>join the war effort after 9/11 so you could live in a safer world
Soldiers I have met have been the most enlightened and never fall for the brainwashing like you did. Wake up idiot.

>No generation had it this tough IMO.

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This user sounds schizo but is right. Spirituality is very real. It’s another thing that flows through and connects this world, just like electricity. Reach out and feel it user

why kill urself when ur probably gonna die soon anyway cant u indulge and enjoy yourself instead of pissing God off one more time before u go?

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Dont do it, it aint worth it. Whatever youre feeling, will pass. Tomorrow will be a better day and the day after even better. user, killing yourself wont solve anything, you have to pull through and once you do, youll be thanking your current conception of a higher being for not having called quits.

>. If Qultists are right,
They're not, brainlet.

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hell no you fucking depressed idiot - why would anyone want some shit a self mutilator has as his "glory hole" ?

>so you could live in a safer world

don't kid yourself

Hey dog I feel that. But really you dont have to live the life you're living anymore. It's not simple like I make it I know. I'm sure there's plenty of shit that you're quagmired in, so much shit can go wrong in our lives. But you can dig your way out. Great men throughout history have used their willpower to do insurmountable tasks. In comparison fixing up your life and feeling happiness again should be pretty achievable, if put to a similar great effort.

What I have to say next comes only from my experience in getting out of being depressed and suicidal. If it doesnt seem right or doesnt resonate, no worries everybody is different but still I'm pulling for you!

You live in the first period in history that we have access to mental health resources. A fucking game changer bro! The reason nothing feels satisfying, every effort feels garguation and unwanted, that life feels unlivable- might be literally in your head. A simple lack of dopamine signaling or serotonin. Try to seek counseling. It might make the coming lifestyle changes much easier

At first it doesnt even have to be too radical of a change. The first thing to change is your mindset. Take what you are, the situation you're in, and find something that makes you feel something (preferably happy but it's up to senpai). Once you have that it's a fall back. Next is to figure out how to be happy in the toil that is necessary to fix whatever systemic issues you face. And that's a slow battle, but it's made much easier by not pushing yourself too hard or getting mad at yourself, or feeling guilty for coming short. If you can avoid those feelings then every step forward will be gentle and positive. You'll start to notice big changes in how you think. The point at this faze is just to make things bearable. Once you're in a healthier mindset, itll actually be easy (or at least natural) to do more and become better.

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If you were a man, and that is under question, you'd spill your guts on what is the big fat fucking issue - no one wants to hear some crybaby bitch without the juicy gossip - at least give some you god damned loser, and it had better be the truth

My dad pointed out once that no matter how long you live, you’re going to be dead a whole lot longer.
Why not stick around here a while longer? The other side is permanent, whether there’s an afterlife or not.

Everybody healthy always looks at the problem and just says "fix it, what are you retarded, just do it" and in listening to this advice it reaffirms that guilt that comes with every shortcoming. It's okay to be weak, to have fucked up, to not be the person you're gonna be, because it's all important for building up the foundation for who you're gonna be. Someone happy, content with what he has, exalted in his confidence.

Last thing is to have faith. Faith being belief without proof, resolute and foolish faith that you're gonna make it through and be a fucking great-happy man. With this faith, all that doubt and conniving self hatred has an answer. It helps alot man

Love you bruv. I'm really pulling for you!

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Do a flip faggot

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The jew wants you to kill yourself.

At your lowest point, you have nothing to lose.

Take 3 synagogues with you

Yeah, all you sacks of shit can fuck off till give up the goods

Donut do it. You're a better person than I and there are people that care about you. Find Jesus and reinvent your life mate.
Life can be brutal but it can be great. Persevere my guy.

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You're a total bro. Thanks for posting this it helped.

why not just wait?

for god to visit you

instead of forcing you to him